THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NY SS A, OREGON PAGE TWO The Gate City Journal Miter ana Publisher K LASS V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION RATHS ADVERTISING RATES One Teer .............................. »0.00 «X Monttu " .....................»IOS 8 (atrioÜy In Advance» 0|>en rate, per Inch... National, per Inch.............,40c Classifieds, per word....... Ho Minimum..........30c lngie Coplee..........- ...................M Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon Entered at the postofflceb at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act oi March 3, 1879. C h u rch N o te s Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Worship and sermon, 11 am . Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Young adult fellowship, 7 pm . Bible study, hymn sing, 8 pm . Prayer meeting, Wednesday 8 p.m. CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL JHURCIi PARISH HALL FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. P. J. Galre. Pastor Roland G. Wuest, Pastor Mass at 9:30 every Sunday except 10 a.m., Sunday school. Classes on the second 9unday of the month, for all age groups. When It will be at 8 am . 11 a.m.. Worship service. Sermon theme; “ Who Are The True Fol THE METHODIST COMMUNITY lowers of Jesus?", based on St. CHURCH Luke 9:57-62. Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor The church council will meet Farm Sale Located l '/4 mile* south of Nyssa-Parma junc tion or 4 % miles north of Parma on highway 95. Friday, Nov. 14 SALE STARTS AT 1 O’CLOCK CATTLE 1 Guernsey cow, 2 years old, 4 gallons now. 1 Holstein cow, 6 years old, 4 gallons now. 1 Guernsey cow, 2 years, 3 gallons now. 1 Guernsey cow, 4 years, 4 gallons now. 1 Guernsey cow, 3 years, heavy springer, 5 gallons when fresh. 1 Holstein heifer, coming 2 years, bred. 2 Holstein heifers, 8 months old. 2 Guernsey heifer calves, 2 months old. 1 Holstein bull calf, 8 months old. 1 Holstein bull calf, 2% months old. 1 Holstein cow, 4 years old, fresh in December. 1 Holstein cow, 3 years, fresh in February. 1 Guernsey cow, 4 years old, springer. MACHINERY 1 Ford tractor, 1946 model. 1 Bean cutter for tractor. 1 Two-bottom gang plow for tractor. 1 Corrugator for tractor. 1 Seven-foot tandem disc for Ford tractor. 1 Overland Ford scraper. 1 Land float, 8X20 ft. 1 Spring-tooth harrow. 1 Spike-tooth harrow, 2 section. 1 Mower, Big 4. 3 Hay slips. 1 Ten-foot hay rake. 1 Twelve-foot hay rake. 2 Five-shovel 1-horse cultivators. 1 Rubber-tired hay wagon. 2-Unit Conda milker. MISCELLANEOUS 1 Oil heater. 1 Set harness. 1 Swing rocker. HAY AND STRAW Approximately 175 bales of baled straw. 10 Tons of chopped hay. LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS Eddie Fincher, TERMS: CASH Owner Aucts., Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church Clerk, L. H. Fritts THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 Monday evening, November 10 at 8 Memorial hospital in Caldwell. His parents brought him home this o'clock In the parsonage, j The adult membership class will ! Monday. meet Wednesday evening, Novem Marie Black returned from Big ber 12 at 8 o’clock In the parson Piney, Wyoming Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Brawn of age. The Faith Mission society will Ainsworth. Nebraska were overnight sponsor a food and fancywork sale guests at the Kenneth Lorensons Saturday, November 15, at Eder's ' home Sunday. stoie. Beth Chapin was home for the On Sunday, November 16, Faith j week-end, returning Monday to Lutheran church will observe its college. annual mission festival at the 11 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fields and ¡o ’clock set vice. The guest speaker family were supper guests Sunday I will 'be the Rev. Herold L. Daugs, evening at the Nelson Field home. pastor of Emanuel Lutheran church Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dlmmick of Walla Walla. A special offering were supper guests at Vic Marshall's will be taken for the church’s for home Sunday. eign mission work. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence (Lowe and Bert Sandy of Nyssa were Sunday CHRISTIAN CHURCH visitors at the William Gregg home. 5th and Kr,ms ats. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorenson George Whipple, Pastor and Herman Lorenson were Sunday evening guests at Dan Parker’; Bible school, 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. on home, celebrating Kenneth Loren- the subject, “Though Man Die Yet ion's birthday. Charlie Bradley of Nampa w a Shall He Live". Evening warship at 8 o ’clock. visitor at the Lyman Pomeroy home Sermon topic. “ Faith o l a Godly Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Buffington Father” . Choir practice, Wednesday at 8 visited in Nyssa last week. Mr. and Mrs. Buffington have purchased a p. m. Mid-week prayer service and Bible house at Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parks have study, Thursday, 8 p. m. moved to Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson were ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH in Boise Friday on business. Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kuehn of Nyssa Holy communion at 9 a.m. on the second Sunday o f each month were Sunday visitors at the Sid At 4 p.m. on the first, third and Flanagan home. G uy Douglas of Parma was a fourth Sundays. Sunday guest of Ora Newgen. Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell has been in bed with influenza the last RICHLAND COMMUNITY week. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Chet Newell of Ta Rev. A. L. Brim, Pastor Speakers will be Rev. and Mrs. coma spent a week with Mrs. New J. H. Davis of Ontario Sunday, ell’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ditty. November 9. J. J. Kollen has sold his 80 acr Mrs. Davis will give a special reading at the young people’s meet farm to Hiroto Okano. Mr. Kollen and his family will make their ing at 7 o'clock. home at Madras. They will bold a Church at 8 o ’clock. farm sale November 10. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe of Nam FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST pa were Sunday visitors in the CHURCH valley. M. J. Duncan, pastor Fred Howitt and Fred Powell of Sunday school. 10 a.m., each Sun fOresham, Oregon, who have been day. hunting in the valley, were dinner Morning worship, 11 a.m. guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Cash Tur- Young people’s meeting, 7 p.m. ler Tuesday. Preaching. 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cochrane and Prayer meeting, 8 pm ., Thurs Marian Oulter of Ontario. Mr. and day. Elder Harvey oi Boise will preach Mrs. Casmier Rataegyk and Miss the next two Sundays as Pastor Sophia Rataegyk of Portland were M. J. Duncan will hold a revival Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rataezyk. meeting at Madras, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen were ,upper guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. OREGON TRAIL CLUB C. Maxfield at ESnmett last Thurs- HOLDS GATHERING iay evening. Mrs. Ed Corfield is at her home OREGON TRAIL, Nov. 6—Mr. and and doing nicely after an operation. Mrs. F. C. Fry were dinner guests Marie Black was an over night last Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George guest at the Lew McCoy home Hurtles o f Parma. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and Monday. Harry Turner of Bum s was a daughters of Parma were dinner Sunday visitor at the Cash Turner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland home. Holmes last Sunday. The Merry Matrons club m et’ Bill Norris, who has been em Wednesday, October 29 at the home ployed and living on the Ira Price of Marie Holmes. Five members farm, spent a week visiting his sister. Mrs. Clyde Bowers of Ar were present. The afternoon was .spent visiting and playing coo-coo. cadia. Mr. and Mrs. John Kcilen and Refreshments were served by the services hostess. The next meeting will be held November 12 with Opal Holmes as hostess. Roll call will be answered with "Your Favorite Actor” ' In observance oi Stanley Byers’ 10th birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers were hosts at dinner Sunday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and family and Billie Bowen. Betty Alice Byers spent the week end with La Dona Mae Schoen in Nyssa. L. D. S. PRIMARY FESTIVAL HELD and were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Olaf E'yllinguess. Mr -A . Peterson has bought the Damon Savage farm and will remain to have some land leveling done Mrs Peterson returned to Idaho Fai^ Monday. Mrs. LaVarr Hawkins and Bobby Kressly were Sunday visitors at the Don Strickland home. A Hallowe’en party was held at (Continued On Page 5) I Calling All Couples To Attend The gs Third Annual Firemen's Bali Friday, November 14 Nyssa Gymnasium Shane’s 12-Piece Dance Band Our fire department is strictly volunteer sc let’s support it. Admission $1, Inc. Tai: 4 j TRAILWAYS SAVES 6 i to 12 HOURS D a lla s? San A n to n io 4 Schedule* D aily Salt Lake A P ortla n d SUNSET VALLEY, Nov. 6— The L. D. S. Primary Festival was held last Thursday night at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse far the purpose of raising money for primary books and supplies. Handcraft articles made by the children during the summer, and and also pie, ice cream, and noise-makers were sold Nellie Tanner was In charge o f the festival. Sid Flanagan left Friday for Y ak ima after receiving word that his father. Ekl Flanagan was injured In an auto accident. Eld Flanagan Is In the Yakima hospital with broken ribs and compound fractures of the leg. Mr. and Mrs. John R. White of Ontario were dinner guests at the Don Strickland home last Sunday Earl Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson underwent an ap pendix operation last week at. the THE NYSSA LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. Is C h a n g in g Its S a le D a y Pacific Trailways Westbound (Regular Schedules) 5:20 AM 10:20 AM •2:20 PM 3:45 PM •6:35 PM 11:45 PM Eastbound (Regjlar Schedules) 3:05 AM 8:15 AM •1:20 PM 3:45 PM •6:15 PM 11 PM Phone 196-W A rfK C\OOf\OUT TOP this bird To W e d n esd ay PLEASE NOTE OUR FIRST WEDNESDAY SALE WILL BE W e d n e sd a y , D e cem be r 3 Bill Lane, Auctioneer-Manager ALL THE CARROTS IN THE WORLD CAN T DISPEL THE DARK!! A certain amount of carrots in your diet is sup posed to make you see better at night. But— carrots are no help in a poorly lighted home. O n ly well placed fixtures, floor and table lamps, in sufficient number, with the right size bulbs, can dispel the gloom of dimly lighted rooms. Business firms know thot employes* health is better and their work more efficient with good lighting. The same thing holds true In the home. In a well-lighted house the chores ore less tiring and done faster . . . normal eyesight used for sewing, reading, studying is relieved of eyestrain . . . attractively furnished and decorated rooms are given the beauty intended for them. G o od lighting costs so little, ot Idaho Power’s low rates. By all means eot carrots, but for just a few cents more a month you con have the added protection of good lighting. Your electrical dealer will gladly recommend the floor and table lamps most suited to your needs. We will continue through November on Saturday and then change December 3. We are doing this in order to get more buy ers here, as our sales are growing fast. We must have more pack er buyers. Please tell your friends and try the big little auction the next time you have anything to sell. Phone 116-J child of Madras have been visiting In Ontario Sunday. The Callahan boys are doing at the J. J. Kollen home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fuller are 1 Norman Dowty’s chores while Mr. the parents of a boy. Eddie Alvin, and Mrs. Dowty are In Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott and bom October 23 at the Council, Idaho hospital, Mrs. Fuller was a children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Orr. former resident o f the valley. Paula, Darvis and Marlene Ber- Mr. ands Mrs. Leo Chard and family were Sunday dinner guests gam were guests at Reva Rook- stool’s 11th birthday party Sunday. at the J. J. Kollen home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson were guests at the Faye Corn home o f Idaho E'alls arrived Saturday Plenty of electric cir cuits and outlets will keep KEN RENSTROM AMO IN SUR AN C E NYSSA OREGON from •'blowing" and lights from dimming. Insist on Adequate Wiring. BETTE* LIGHT— BETTER SIGHT » I At ESTATI PHONF 4 7 J fuses IDAHO V P O W E R Does Se MOCffCoets So LITTLE! * r ■