7/ieNYSSA VOLUME X X X X II NO. 43 ,'V >~r-r-r-r-i-r- r rl . », ITY JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, NOVEMBER 6, 1947 MARY ROAT OF Frost Appointed TEACHERS TO NATION OBSERVES Bulldogs Take MRS. Carnival Held ACHIEVEMENT Mrs. C. Wyckoff 100 GATHER NYSSA SUCCUMBS; IN NYSSA WEEK S . Nyssa Hospital Second Spot In Under Auspices OF 4-H CLUBBERS Dies at Baker Drive Chairman Football League Of FT A Success body ent to k a n Members of the Nysse Education association will be hosts to more Mrs. Mary Ethlyn Roat died at National 4-H Achievement week, Mrs. C. C. W yckoff of McEwen, the home of her daughter at the which is being ob se«^ d through former Nyssa resident, died Friday than 100 teachers of Malheur coun Franklin auto court November 3 ty at a dinner meeting to be held Chairman Morgan W ill School Building Crowded out the nation November 1 to 9 in St.Elizabeth's hospital in Baker, Wednesday, November 19, accord Nyssa Defeats Weiser 13 about 6 a. m. will be devoted to giving recogni according to information received ing to Miss Clarice Notheis, pres Mrs Roat was bom September Head Advance Gifts to 7 For Third Con To Capacity For First 5, 1866 in Illinois and spent the ident of the local group. tion to the achievements of 4-H here. Committee ference Win Funeral services were held In the greater part of her life at Chan- Party o f Kind The dinner w ill be served at 7 club members. However, the part Nyssa Bulldogs slipped Into a tie ute, Kansas. She came to Nyssa in Beatty chapel In Baker with Rev. p. m. in the high school building. played by local leaders in bringing Frank T. Morgan, general chair T h e Hallowe'en carnival held F r i about these accomplishments should Lawrence Robinson of Baker and Following a business meeting the for second place in the football January, 1947 to live with her dau man of the memorial hospital fin day evening under tile auspices oi not be overlooked, states E. M. Rev. Floyd W hite of LaGrande o f remainder of the evening will be standings of the Snake River V al ghter, Mrs. Ruby Franklin. ficiating. Interment was in Mt. spent in games, cards and dancing. ley conference by defeating Weiser Tlie body was sent by the Nyssa ancial campaign, announced this the Parent-Teacher association pro Hauser, country club agent. Hope cemetery at Baker. last Friday night on thee Nyssa Funeral home to Chanute, K a n week that Bernard Frost has been “ Malheur county has eben ex vided an evening o i fun and enter Frances Naomi Bratton was born sas for services and Interment. No appointed chairman of the general field by a score of 13 to 7. tainment for both the children and tremely fortunate in having some at Luray, Kansas January 19, 1897, Emmett is leading the league with services were held in Nyssa. organization. of the highest type men and wo the adults o f Nyssa. The large the daughter o f Benjamin F. and a percentage o f 1.000 with three According to Frost, the general men as leaders of the local 4-H crowd tn attendance began to gath Ruey A. Bratton. She received her victories and no defeats. Nyssa organization will be composed of er at «Tie grade school building early clubs” , Mr. Hauser said. "Much oi education in Kansas grade schools and Vale are tied for second spot three divisions o f workers, each dl- the success o f the club members in the evening, before the schedul and graduated from the Lucas with four wins and one defeat /ision to have three groups of eight has been due to the help and guid ed 7:30 opening. high school. On July 14, 1918 she each. Payette has three wins and Thomas Jones of Council, Idaho members each. This organization ance of these adults who are volun T h e rooms providing entertain was united in marriage to Chris has been assigned as Union Pacific one defeat, Weiser 2 and 3 Ontario will conduct a general solicitation tarily giving their time and energy ment “played" to capacity crowds tian C. W yckoff o f Luray. T hey railroad agent at Nyssa, succeeding 0 and 3, Adrain 0 and 3, and campaign after the completion of to this youth program. at every showing. Some of these resided on a farm near Luray until E. C. Crandall, who has reached Fruitland 0 and 4. the advance gifts solicitation. B. B. Lienkaemper is construct “ Many of these leaders have been were the M other Goose skits by Armistice day games will be ing Nyssa's first funeral chapel in In accepting the chairmanship, serving for a number o f years and 1933, when they moved to Gove retirement age. the first grade pupils, the spook Mr. and Mrs. Jones bought a Fruitland at Payette, Emmett at his mortuary on Emison avenue Frost stated, “no longer can we ex are thoroughly fam iliar with the City, Kansas. In 1937 the fam ily show by the third graders and the many details o f the 4-H club pro moved to a homestead on the O wy new residence while here this week Weiser and Ontario at Vale. between Second and Third streets. pect the citizens in distant cities movie Shown by the seventh and Nyssa high school is attempting The new chapel, which will seat to maintain hospitals to serve the gram. These leaders will be honored hee project near Nyssa. In 1943 and will move to Nyssa November eighth grades. T h e food booths at the achievement programs being the fam ily moved to Babbitt, N -v - 12 or 13. Mr. Jones, who has been to secure a non-conference game approximately 120 persons, is prac people in our area, as well as their were sold out long before the car planned for National Achievement ida and the following summer to agent at Council for six years, was away from home for Armistice tically completed with the excep own. These hospitals are overcrowd nival closed. T h e carnival spirit ed and frequently the loss o f time week, and many o f them will be McEwen, Oregon, where Mrs. W y- agent at Robinette for several years. |day, but so far has been unsuccess- tion of a few minor additions. was in evidence by the many cos eligible for leadership pins for five koff resided at the time of her He has been engaged in railroad ful. The last Nyssa game will be By enclosing the front porch, in reaching a hospital in a distant tumed children in the halls and the leath. played against Payette on the Pay Lienkaemper has provided a family city has, in the past, cost many work for 41 years. more years of service. usual noise-makers and confetti. Mrs. W yckoff joined the Evangel Mr. Crandall, railroad agent and ette field November 18. Among the leaders who have been room that will also be used as an lives o f those who resided in our A dance in the gaily decorated leading clubs for five years are ical church at an early age. She express agent at Nyssa for nine In the Weiser game the Bull office and reception room except area. W e can stop this needless sac gymnasium concluded the evening's Mrs. Bonita W itty o f Big Bend, transferred her membership to the years, came here from Richfield, dogs waded through the Wolverines during funerals. He now has two rifice of human lives. Your hos activities. Mr. Harvey Holton of Lincoln, Mrs. Methodist church a t Nyssa in 1937 Idaho. He has been In the employ> for two touchdowns in the first slumber rooms, a music room ad pital campaign should be placed R on Campbell, chairman o f the M. L. Judd o f Kingm an Kolony, and then to Baker in 1944. In her of the Union Pacific for 38 years. half, but failed to score in the joining the chapel and three cas on 'the “ must" list o f every citizen budget and finance committee, as and Mrs. Rosalie Roehr o f Annex. church work, she was especially in Mr. and Mrs. Crandall said they last two quarters. ket display rooms. Much of the who resides in the Nyssa area and director o f the carnival, reports Kayono scored the first Nyssa additional space was gained by surrounding communities. Mrs. Joe K ing o f Big Bend has terested in music and young people. have made no definite plans for that financially the carnival was had six years of leadership and She taught the young people's class the future. touchdown late in the first quar removing partitions aand building H “ W e are now starting to organize successful. The proceeds amounted Mrs. Axtel Reed, Brogan, Mrs. W a l at Nyssa for several years and ter after his team had marched a 14 by 40 foot addition to the a strong committee of workers to to $532.32, with net profit of $457.82. ter Marshall, Ontario, and Austin chaperoned the young people at ahead on a sustained drive of 60 rear of the building. Lienkaemper conduct a financial campaign. A Th e P. T. A. expressed apprecia Robbins of Lincoln have served their institute a t Wallowa lake for yards. The 'try for extra point fa il has also installed an oil heating few volunteer workers cannot solve tion to the room mothers, the teach seven years. two years. She was lecturer o f the the problem of a new hospital. ed. system. ers and parents for their co-oper Whether or not a hospital is ob Charles W itty of Big Bend, Mrs. McEwen Grange. Kayono also scored the second The rooms are finished in celo- ation in making the carnival a wor Mabel Lan g o f Grove, and Mrs. Survivors are her husband, C. touchdown, going through tackle tex planking in three shades of tained, depends upon every citizen thwhile community project. Fur Beatrice Marchek of Harper have C. W yckoff of McEwen; four sons, of this area. This is a problem for six yards. Ray made the ex color. ther appreciation was extended to been leading 4-H clubs fo r eight Dwight O. W yckoff o f Corvallis, tra point on a line plunge. Thee nw chapel, 20 by 45 feet, for the entire community. I am In the possible absence of any the children for refraining from years, and Mrs. Fred Hyde of Grove Charles p ean W yckoff of Tupman, Sumner scored for Weiser early will be large enough for «0 per cent certain we are united in this com the customary “ trick or treat" and has been an active club leader lur California, Burl B. W yckoff of Cor form al program, only a limited ob in the fourth period from the five- mon cause". of the funerals held in Nyssa, Mr. servance of Armistice day will be usual Hallowe’en pranks. Practi nine years. vallis and Jean B. W yckoff of M c T h e hospital campaign advisory yard line after a 96-yard Weiser Lienkaemper said. noted in Nyssa Tuesday. cally no damage was caused by committee selected Frank T. M or Mrs. Threlm a Elliot of Kingman Ewen; tw o daughters, Betty and drive. Smith converted on a kick. N o program o f obsevvance was pranksters Hallowe'en night in N y Kolony has the most years of lead Barbara W yck off o f McEwen; two gan as chairman of the advance The Wolverines threatened to announced toy the veterans organ- ssa. gifts committee, which will be com ership of any club leader in the brothers, A. A. Sratton o f Ontario iations of the city. score again in the last five minutes posed of about 25 members. Tills county, as she has been acting in and E. E. Bratton o f Luray, K an - No football game has been ar of play, but were held for downs committee will solicit prospects, (or ;as; five sisters, Mrs. C. A. Bodmer this capacity for 16 years. FORMER PRINTER ranged. and if one is scheduled it on the five-yard stripe. of Natom a, Kansas. Mrs. R. M. memorials, prior to the start of the The Nyssa starting lineup was will toe played by the Bulldogs in AT PARMA PASSES general solicitation of the public. of Nyssa, Mrs. E. E. Schaf as follows: Endow, center; Suth R. E. TALBOT BUYS . Cochrun some city other than Nyssa. Chairman Morgan again appeals fer o f Lucas, Kansas, Mrs. J. R. e city librarian has announced erland and Itamuro, guards; Chris An art exhibit that will feature Fred M. Johnston o f Nampa, CLEANING PLANT Schaffer of Luray, Kansas, and Th tensen and Pecka, tackles; Wilson 150 o f the world’s masterpieces to all men who are in a position practically all business houses will form er Parma resident died at his to 9pend a little time, in the hos Mrs. Ellena Sherley of Osborne, be closed in observance of the day. and Holcomb, ends; Ray, quarter will toe featured at the re w la i pital movement, 'to volunteer for work late Tuesday afternoon in Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Talbot, Jr., Kansas and six grandchildren. back; Gam er, fullback; and Iseri meeting of the Nyssa Parent- The city librarian has annaunced service by telephoning headquarters, the Gem State Printing company o f W ilder have purchased the Keep- that the library w ill not be open and Kayono, halfbacks. Other play Teacher association in the high Nyssa, 92-J. He states, “ this is a plant Tn Nampa. U -N eat cleaners plant f-om "Buck” ers getting into action were Ander Tuesday, November 11. school building November 13. great community event, vital to Mr. Johnston, a resident o f N am Kroeger and will take charge of son, Chadwick, Wilder and F lan These pictures have been secur all. A few cannot solicit 100 men pa for 16 months was employed the business Monday. ary. Special Services Planned— ed from the Colonial A rt company to serve on the campaign organiza as a printer in the Parma Review Mr. Talbot worked in a large A special medical missionary ser of Oklahoma City, one ofthe larg tion. We are very busily engaged office for nearly 22 years. He was cleaning establishment In Balti Returns T o Nyssa— vice will toe held Sunday morning est picture companies in the world. in organizing a foundation for the iborn in Iowa September 22 1890. more, M aryland and attended the Mrs. John D. Miller, formerly Miss at the Nazarene church. Rev. Wood- It includes tw o by four foot re campaign and ask that all who He is survived by his widow, Ada; National Institute of Cleaners and Th e Nyssa high school B squad two sons, M arvin E. o f Longview, Dyers of Silver Springs, Maryland, defeated the Vale B's Monday of row Sm ith o f the Northwest Naz- ] Velma Fox o f Nyssa, has returned productions from the French, Ital can possibly do so, to join us". to Nyssa and has taken a temporary ian, Flemish, English, Dutch, Span Mr. Morgan reports that the fol Washington and Kenneth of Poc the only institution o f its kind in this week on the Nyssa field 7 to 0 rene college o f Nampa will preach poistion in the office of Henry H. ish, German and American masters. lowing additional men have volun at the evening service. atello; his father, P. J. Johnston the United States. and nosed out the Weiser B team Hrtley, city school superintendent. These educational fine art exhibits teered to serve as members o f the of Payette, and three brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot and son will on the Weiser gridiron last week Mr. and Mrs, Miller have been re have been held in "schools through founder’s initial campaign commit Seed Man Here— move to Nyssa the first of next 7 to 6. Jacob Vis of the Vis Bros. Seed siding at Hoopa, California, where Here For Funeral— week. In the Weiser game -Hale scored company o f Enkhuizen, Holland he is employed. Mr. Miller, formerly out the country, and the local tee: Dr. J. R. Cundall, J. E. Denenk, P.T.A. feels privileged in being able C. B. Hill, Dan Holly, Arden New Guests at the R. M. Cochran the Nyssa touchdown on a reverse called Tuesday at the Dessert Seed 1 of Vale, will return to Malheur to present these paintings to the som, W. O. Peterson. Dr. C. M. T y home are Mrs. E. E. Schaffer of Infant Dies— around end and Flanary made the company office. Mr. Vis is viewing j county when his work on a con- ler, Ira Ure, Jim Watanatoe, A. O. people of Nyssa. , Lucas, Kansas, Mrs. C. A. Bodmer Burial services were conducted by extra point on an end run. Weiser the seed crops in this territory. struction job ts completed. T h e pictures will be on display Wells, Calvin Wilson, Luther Pile, o f Natama, Kansas; Elena Sherley, Rev. Henry Gernhardt Tuesday a f scored on a long pass Into the end at the Episcopal parish hall on E. C. Wilson, Bernard Eastman. Osborn. Kansas, and Mrs. J. R. ternoon for the infant bom Sun zone. Wednesday and Thursday, Novem Henry Hartley and Dean Fife. Schaffer of Luray, Kansas. The day evening to Mr. and Mrs. Roy M aw scored for Nyssa in the Vale ber 12 and 13 from 9 to 12 and women were called to Oregon be Ducket of Nyssa. M r. and Mrs. game on a line buck and Flanary from 12 to 4, so that those who To Attend Convention— cause o the death of their sister, Ducket are formerly for Oklahoma. passed to Hale In the end zone for are not members of the P .TA . may Henry Hartley will leave Friday Mrs. C. C. W yckoff o f Baker. the extra points be able to see this exhibit. There for Portland to attend a conven Here From Portland— Before the end o f the game Nys will be a charge of 25 cents for tion o f school superintendents of Charles E. Fletcher and son, Ed sa went to the two-yard line, but Visit Cousin— adults and 10 cents for children first class districts in the state. Dianne and Joanne Schweizer die, of Portland were week-end was held for downs. at the parish hall. This money will spent the week-end at the home guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sara- T h e starting lineup In both gam T h e Malheur Memorial hospital D UST-PRO O FED be used to help buy pictures for Visit In Nampa of their cousin Mrs. Vic Marshall. z i n . es was Campbell, center; Diven A IR -C O N D IT IO N E D the local schools. will be a "living memorial", erected Mrs. Wtlford Bybee, Mrs. Sher Additional guests at the Marshall and Keck, guards; Nicholson and The windows o f Jhe hospital will in honor of those who served in man Bybee and Mrs. Jay Bybee home were Mrs. Marshall's mother, Pledges Fraternity— Gorrell, tackles; Hale and Brown, world war II, and Idedicated to the be weather-stripped and can be To Portland visited in Nampa Monday, with Mrs. Ruth McConnell, and Mrs. Jerry Crandall o f Nyssa, who Is ends; Takam i, quarterback; Long, protection o f the life and health kept closed to avoid contaminating ■ M r and Mrs. Ed Jamison drove Mrs. Carlos Loveland and infant Gertrude Jackson. enrolled as a freshman at the Uni fullback, and Holcomb and Pounds, dust from outside reaching the to Portland last week. Mrs. Jami daughter. of the community. versity o f North Dakota, at Grand halfbacks. patients. This will be made possible son, who consulted a heart special S IT E Forks has been pledged to Sigma Go T o Boise by modern air-conditioning: a ven T h e building will be located on tilating, cooling, humidifying and ist at the Portland Sanitarium, is Attend Board Meeting Mrs. Nora R ay and daughter. Chi fraternity. Course is O ffered— recuperating satisfactorily from a Mrs. Beth Archibauld, Mrs. spacious grounds on the north side Mrs. Agnes Horn, and Eddie and T h e general extension division of air-filtering. stroke suffered in July. She will re Charles Taylor, Lloyd Lewis and Barbara Horn, were Sunday guests Visits in Nyssa— the Oregon state system o f higher of the Adrian highway adjacent to T H E COST main for a time at the sanitarium Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee of Nyssa of Mrs. Cassie Ooshert of Bouse. Dick Tensenjstudent at Oregon education is offering a course called the city o f Nyssa. There will be The memorial hospital movement, State college, visited over the week 'Natural History of Oregon” , be ample space to permit the building started in 1939, was discontinued for medical observation and treat attended a Weiser stake mutual board meeting a t Ontario Tuesday end with his mother, Mrs. Hilda ginning November 12, at 7 p m . in of additions to meet future de during the war. It was revived early ment. Ex-Nyssa Residents Visit— evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson of Tensen. He was accompanied by the Nyssa high school building. Dr. mands. in 1946. During the past year the Irrigation District Electing— Newton, Oregon Ruth Hopson will teach the course Baker, formerly o f Nyssa, were Mr. and Mrs. T H E B U IL D IN G United States government gave gen The annual election of the Owy- Here From BlackfoSt overnight guests Saturday a t the State students. Wednesday and-Thursday evenings T h e building will be one story eral specifications for hospitals and heer Irrigation district will be held Mr. and Mrs. M aroni Tucker of home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boy- until at least 10 class meetings have in height, brick, and insulated. A recommended them to various at the home of Frank Oahlll, three Blackfoot, Idaho, are visiting their been held. T h e course w ill ' carry most-modern air conditioning and states. Bids Low On Project— dell. These specifications are miles west of Nyssa on Alberta two sons, Carol and Kenneth, and C. E. Leseberg of Nyssa offered three hours credit and the regis ventilating system will deliver fil planned to safeguard the lives of avenue Tuesday, Novembeer 11. The their families. the low bid o f $21,619 Friday far tration fee will be $10.50 per per tered air that has been humidified the patients and have been adopt Guests From Idaho— polls w ill be open from 8 a. m. to Mrs. M. S. Ayres and Mrs. Pat construction o f th* Lockett gulch son, whether registering for audit and cooled or heated to the pro ed toy the health departments and Daly of Tw in Falls were Monday wasteway on the Owyhee pro or for credit. T h e class is open per temperature. In cold weather fire marshals o f most states, in 5 p. m. T h e candidates for the Accident Injure* Hand office o f director for three years Jesse Stocker, 16 year old son of guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. ject in Oregon. The bids were op to all interested adults. Those in the building will be heated by cluding Oregon. are Edward W. K er and Jess Rich. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker o f Big J. L. Herriman. Mrs. K ate Daly, ened by the regional bureau of terested in taking the course should an automatic hot water system. The board of directors o f the Bend, suffered a wound in his left who has been visiting her daughter, reclamation in Boise. contact Henry Hartley, superinten In addition to 32 beds and the Malheur Memorial Hospital associa hand last week when his shotgun Guests In Nyssa Mrs. Ayres, returned to the H erri dent o f the Nyssa schools. bassinette in the nursery, there tion are complying with the build Guests at the home o f Mr. and discharged as he was putting it man home with the visitors. Visit On Coast— will be the latest improvements in ing requirements of the state board Mrs. Frank Sheen were Lew R away. Mr. and Mrs. A. R Roberts, Sr., Nursing Home News— the m aternity department and in of health code In order to obtain B om to Mr. and Mrs. Rayond major and minor operating rooms. a license to operate the hospital Jenkins of Plain City, Utah, and Here From Idaho— recently returned to their home in Mr. and Mrs. Maroni Tucker of Sunset valley after visiting for two Williams, Nyssa, son, October 28, M odem laboratories with the latest When completed. These building re his two daughters, Mrs. Donna Here From Dietrich— Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Prandson Blackfoot, Idaho returned to their weeks In Washington. W hile there 8 pounds; Mr. and Mrs. Fred M or and most approved scientific equip quirements, together with the cost MaeClapler of Marstng and Mrs home Monday after spending Uie they visited their daughter, Mrs. ton, Sunset Valley, daughter, 5 ment, together with diagnostic and of building material and labor, La Rue M ae Briggs of Nampa last and four children o f Dietrich, Ida week. A t the home o f Mr. and Mrs. ho, spent the week-end at the home past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Orcutt. and fam ily and two pounds, 8 ounces. therapeutic appartus are incorpor which have Increased over 45 per Mrs. Basil Rodgers of Yakima ated in the plans. cent during the past year, have O. R. Anderson were Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker. Carroll Tucker and family. sons In Seattle; a brother, Owen greatly Increased the coat of the Levi Anderson of Burley, who were Roberts, and fam ily In Redmond, and Barbara Wagner of Parma are F IR E SAFE construction and equipment o f the on their way to Portland, accom Goes T o Utah and two sisters living in Kelso, recovering satisfactorily from recent Here From Portland— The type of construction and de hospital. The estimated cost of the panied by Mr. Blacker. At the Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Be us and operations. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson Washington. sign follow the new code for con building is $212,060. It is believed home of Mr. and Mrs John Schenk William J. Be us spent the week- ind Mr. ¡fnd Mrs. W. Eldridge of struction of hospitals. This code was that contractors in this area will were Mr and Mrs Czerny Shepard and in SaR Lake City, William Portland visited last week at the Here From Colorado— Displays Cotton— Frank Morgan, who attended a adapted recently by the health de be able to reduce the cost of con of Boise and Mr. Schenk's brother, visited his son, Spenser, and also tcane of the women's mother, Mrs Mrs. Cora Snodgrass o f Love Miss Adrianne Petterson, who are t je tty Forbes. The men hunted while land, Colorado is visiting at the meeting o f the National Reclama partment of the state of Oregon struction. The cost of modem equip Charles. attending Brigham Young Univer iere. C. A. Forbes and O. W. Forbes home o f her son, Lynn Snodgrass. tion association in Phoenix, Arizona and specified by the department ment is estimated at $40,000, mak sity at Provo. Utah. displayed a t the weekly chamber of health of the United States ing the total cost o f the project Returns From Utah >f Portland left Sunday for their Mrs. Mary Bybee returned Mon of commerce luncheon Wednesday government. The purpose of this $252,060. lomes after visiting at the home Attends M eeting— il their mother, Mrs. Betty Forbes, j Rev. Oeorge Whipple of the »-qu antity o f cotton that he picked code is to safe-guard the patients The detailed plans for the hos day after a two months stay with OBSERVING E D UCATIO N WEEK The Adrian Parent-Teacher or The while in hospitals from unsanitary pital are the result of more than her daughter. Mrs. Leonard Howe, Christian church went to Portland from a field near Phoenix. National Tuesday to attend a committee cotton showed three stages o f de conditions and fire risk. Th e build a year of study and research by and fam ily at American Fork, Utah. ganization will observe Hoes T o California— education week from November 9 ing will be one story in height and Che board o f directors, together Mrs. C. E. Patterson has gone meeting on stewardship for the velopment. to 16 by holding "open house" at Its type of construction will make it with the local doctors and state Goes T o Salt Lake o LosAngeles to visit her daugh- national crusade for a Christian Lois Shafer, nurse, left Monday the Kingman Kolony grade school. fire afe The doors to all rooms health officials acting in an advis er and son for a month. world. Return From Hunt— Jack Galloway, Dr K E Kerby, and halls will be wide enough that ory capacity They also had the to serve at a Salt la k e City hos Parents are especially Invited to Home From Hospital Bernard Front and Dick Stockham in the event of any danger, the specialized aid of the hospital ar pital after spending several weeks visit school during this week. On Returns T o W ork— E. W Irvin g has returned to his of Nyssa and Glenn Kinntson of j patients' beds can be wheeled out chitect. rim er O. Harrington, of visiting at the home of her daugh Friday afternoon Mrs M. L. Judd H. C. Dwight, manager o f the Nampa creamery plant in Nyssa, home a fter receiving treatment at San Bernardino, California returned j of the hospital in many directions, the architectural firm of Roald, ter, Mrs Oscar Pike While here will present the reading circle cer Anthony lakes : leaving the hallways by ramps to Schmeer and Harrington of Port Mrs. Shafer assisted at the Holy tificates awarded for the summer has returned to work after a the Holy Rosary hospital the past last week from reading program. Rosary hospital at Ontario. land. ! n n n r it S t B/n S t illi e lk the ground surface. 12 days. month s vacation. Railroad Agent Assigned Here Funeral Chapel Is Established No Program Set For Armistice Art Exhibit to Be Shown by PTA Nyssa B Outfit Wins Two Games Malheur Hospital Will Be “A Living Memorial To War Dead #