PAGE SIX J J IE J J Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , .NYSSA, O R E G O N Social Notes ■ <-- * M A R R IE D IN N Y SKA O eiu ro Vargas and Laurtta Denning were united In marriage In the Methodist church Tuesday October 28 at 7 p. m. by the Rev. H. J. Qemhardt. H ie ceremony was witnessed by Mrs. Oernhardt end Janice Frost. — 8— SE W IN G M A C H IN E D E M O N S TR A TIO N SETT Miriam Black, home demonstra tion agent, will hold a demonstra I tion on the cleaning and adjusting of sewing machines at the Sunset hall Wednesday, November 19. Members of the following clubs ere Invited: Sunset Auxiliary and Worthwhile. O.K.K., Wahtne, M it chell Butta and Pleasant Hour chibe. The meeting w ill be an all-day affair, beginning at 10:30 a m. Each lady Is asked to take a sack lunch to the meeting so that time will not be lost during the noon hour. Each person taking her machine to the hatl Is asked also to take the following articles: An old tooth brush or paint brush, some wing feathers from chicken or turkeys, large and small screwdriver, stll- letto, orangewood stick, wire hair pin or toothpicks, pint or quart size Mr. and Mrs. Calvin J. F*ace, who were recently married, are making oil can, pie tin, old cloths, several their home In Albion, Idaho. Mrs. Pace Is the former Miss Verla old newspapers, two small dishes Jensen of Nyssa. In which to soak machine parts, apron or smock, spool o f thread, No. 60 preferred; scraps o f goods, Mrs. Henry Oernhardt. The devo home October 24. Fifteen members instruction book that came with tions were led by Mrs. L. R. Rob answered roll call with their fa v machine If K can possibly be found. bins. "Children o f One W orld’ was orite recipe. Mrs. Ernest Gurss of W ray was a guest of the club. B y the .topic for the program, led by laws were read and adopted. R e TU E SD A Y CLUB M EETS Mrs. Burnall Brown entertained Mrs. Dennis Patch. Mrs. Walter freshments of sandwiches, salad, the members of her bridge club McPartland assisted Mrs. Wilson pie ala mode and coffee were serv ed. The next meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Brown us In serving refreshments. at the Astrld Stephen home N ov ed Hallowe'en theme for the party. ember 14. High score was held by Mrs. E)d CLUB E N TE R TAIN E D - 8 - Frost, and second high by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E)d Boydell enter V. CLUB TO M EET Joe Sutherland. Mrs. Frost was a tained the members their bridge The V. club o f Nyssa heights guest player. club at their home last Thursday evening. High scores were held by will meet November 6 at 2:30 p. m. Warren Parmer and Mrs. Eldon at the home o f Mrs. I. B. Allen. W OM EN'S SO C IE TY The Women’s Society of Chris Ulmer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc tian Service of the Methodist church Curdy are new members o f the CHURCH G R O U P E N T E R T A IN E D Mrs. Ellmer Hill and Mrs. Roy held Its monthly meeting last club. Bibbey, sponsors of the Joy Youth Thursday at the home of Mrs. ____ group, entertained the members at Barney Wilson. Reports on the C H A T T E R B O X M EETS regional meeting held at Baker were The Chatter Box club was en a party at the Elmer H ill home given by Mrs. Hugh Tobler and tertained at the Dorothy Runcorn Sunday afternoon. Horseback riding was the main diversion o f the a f ternoon. Make Your Truck Last S T U D Y CLUB MEETS The members o f the St. Thomas study club met Monday evening. Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Vander Winkle and Mrs. Van Zelf. —V r GUESTS A T D IN N E R Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T o p liff and son, Ekiward, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dale T o p liff were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. - Longer * W IT H Specialized Truck Service Herriman Motor Co. « Your Ford Motor Company PROGRAM Phone IOÔ THEATRE S U N D A Y & M O N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 2-3 The thrilling story o f the Fabulous Flying McDonalds . . and the girl that all four loved, Ann Baxter, William Holden, Sterling Hayden, Howard DaSilva, Sonny Tufts, William Bendix “B L A Z E O F N O O N ” Color Cartoon Mat., Sun.. t:SS; Adm. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax A dm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax TUESDAY & W E D N E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 4-5 ,y’ _____________ Here from Wyoming— Mr. and M r W alter M itchell of Lander, Wyoming are visiting at | G AR D E N OLUB E N TE R TAIN E D Tire members of the A .N X . G ar Che home o f their daughter, M rs ., den club were guests Friday after K. K. Lienkaemper. noon at the home of Mrs. R. H. Young of Parma. The guests viewed Go to Illinois— Mrs. D. H. Sherwood and small the numerous chrysanthemums and other fall flowers in Mrs. Young's son, Who have been staying at the garden, and during the tea hour, H. R. Sherwood home, ¿ f t recently I enjoyed Mrs. Young’s paintmgs, and by plane for Illinois, where they unusual glass and miniature pitcher will visit relatives and friends for < 'oilectlons. Mrs. Ray Wilson and a few weeks. Mrs. Oeptrude Gaugh assisted Mr». Here from California— Young In serving refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D effen- — 8— baugh o f San Francisco have re H AS D IN N E R G UESTS Mrs. Ira Ure was hostess at a turned to their home after visiting dinner given at her home last for a week with his parents, Mr. Thursday evening. Covers were laid and Mrs. W. W. Deffenbaugh, and friends In Nyssa. for 12 guests. —I — Returns to California— Pledged to Sorority— Ralph Pfeiler, son o f Mr. and Greta Stunz and Beth Mitchell oi Nyssa have been pledged to Zeta Mrs. Albert P feiler returned to his Tau Alpha at the University of home In Long Beach 9unday after Oregon, according to Information helpliig his father harvest his beans. Soft Water Service C A L L MRS. L L O Y D L E W IS “C A R N E G IE H A L L ” Marsha Hunt, William Prince, Frank McHugh, Martha O ’Driscoll and Many Artists o f the Musical W orld Cartoon Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Inc. Tax. operated the N Y S S A C O F F E E SH O P Mr. C r Mrs. M. A. Rodda n in m um in in hi in in.luniri'i mNiMuti w m m m m m hi hi mu iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiMi N IG H T Football Jloorfaini muót/riand hard wear J Fullerwear Floor Enamel is made to “stand the gaff’— to really last where wear is hardest. s&tat I Nyssa High vs. For all floors of lino leum, wood and cement. Popular floor colors. FULL«RW «flR Q U IC K -D R Y IN G FLOOR €NflM€L , Nyssa Furniture Co. Weiser High S N A K E R IV E R C O N F E R E N C E G A M E NYSSA FIELD A 1 • Admission 75c and 35c, Including Tax 1 Block W est Railroad Depot Cold Weather Clothes Men’s Unions - 5 - E N T E R T A IN S B R ID G E CLUB Mrs. Ron Whitaker entertained members of her Tuesday evening bridge club at her home this week. Prizes went to Mrs. Bernard East man and Mrs. Harry Miner. Guests Invited were Mrs. C. A. Mally, Mrs. Harry Miner and Mrs. George Hen- neman. — S— T U E S D A Y CLUB M EETS The members of the Tuesday ev ening bridge club were guests this week of Mrs. Artie Robertson. Hon ors went to Miss lSva Boydell and Mrs. John Beckham. Guests for the evening were Mrs. EM Boydell and Mrs. John Beckham. — 5— B R ID G E P A R T IE S G IV E N Mrs. W. R. Campbell and Mrs. Ed Frost entertained at three des sert bridge parties given last week at the Campbell home. On Friday evening the prizes went to Mrs. Artie Robertson. Mrs. J. L. Herri- PORTLAND Child’s Coats Just received a shipment o f new styles and colors. Sizes from 4 to 16 years 100% W ool $ I2 ;9 5 up Heavyweight Long sleeve, ankle i length • $ 5 .9 5 50% W ool $4.95 Child’s Sleepers $1.49 Heavyweight, fleece- lined Sleepers Sizes 1 to 6 25% W ool W om en’s Denim $3.95 Sizes 36 to 50 Slacks Cotton Unions $ 2 .9 8 $2.79 Eight-Ounce Sanforized,* Blue Denim Slacks Sizes 17 to 20 Hanes quality— Sizes 36 to 48 A tender love story told against the back ground o f the world’s most stirring music played and sung by the world’s greatest living artists. during the time that we Note Change o f Time “T H E Y W O N ’T B E LIE V E M E ” F R ID A Y , N O V E M B E R 6-7 Nyssa Residents 7:30 P. M. Extra heavy long sleeve, ankle unions. & W e appreciate the patronage of Friday, Oct. 31 Phone 011-R2, Nyssa Robert Young, Susan Hayward, Jane Greer and Rita Johnson in TH URSDAY THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Stunz and fam ily of Boise spent Sunday with M r Stunz’ brother, Ekm;. and fam l- 8 - Men’s & Boys’ 4-buckle • Overshoes, 2-buckle rub bers, Also slip-on rubbers. W om en’s & Children’s Galoshes Other grades from $1.98 up Boys’ Unions Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. *> Visit Relatives— E N T E R T A IN S OLUB Mrs. Ed Boydell entertained members of her bridge club last Tuesday evening. Prizes for the evening went to Mrs. Warren Far mer for high score and Mrs. R ob ert Wilson for low. Mrs. John Beckham was a guest player. The startling confessions o f a man whose ruth less loves rise to condemn him . . . in his des perate jury plea for his life ! Cartoon Y received here. -S — S T U D Y CLUB M EETS Mr. and Mrs Herman Towne entertained members o f the St. Francis Study club at their home Monday evening. A special study period was held, followed by a social hour. • - NYSSA 8 - E N T E R T A IN E M PLO YE S Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herriman of the Herriman M otor company entertained employes at a dinner at Carl’s Doll House Friday ev ening. A service meeting was held after the dinner for 12 employes. man, Mrs. Arden Newsom and Mrs. James Spofford. For the Saturday afternoon party, high scores were held by Mrs. Bernard Eastman, Mrs. Joe Sutherland. Mrs. Ron Whitaker and Mrs Kenneth Cottle. Cn Saturday evening. Mrs Walter McPartland, Mrs. Luray Trabert, Mrs. De.rnond Jones and Mrs. Tom Turner held t)he high scores. T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R 30, 1947 SALT LAKE Sizes 2 to 16 Pacific Trail ways Westbound (Regular Schedules) 5:20 A M 10 20 AM •2:20 PM 3:45 PM *6:35 PM 11:45 PM Eastbound (Regular Schedules) 3:05 AM 8:15 AM •1:20 P M 3:45 PM •6 15 P M I I PM Phone 196-W In long sleeve and ankle, also some sizes in short sleeve and knee length. Men’s Levi’s Saturday Morning— 9 o’clock NYSSA, OREGON