THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON tend. ker and children of Ontario, Mr Skinner home. MAJOR TO SPEAK Mrs. Keith Kygar returned home Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and Mrs. Roy Brewer and son of from au Ontario hospital Thursday. shopped in Boise Tuesday. v Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bre OWYHEE, Oct. 30— Mr. and Mrs. Her infant daughter, who has been Most of the cattlemen are still wer and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Calhoun of Payette, former n»n»ed Florine Winifred, will re bringing the.r cattle in from the Dviiaid Brewer and son, Mrs. Ho ward Evans and daughter of P ar residents of Owyhee, were callers 11111111 at the hospital in an incd lunge for the winter. in the S. D. Bigelow and the E. E. bator for a time . Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz had ma, Mr. and Mrs Stanley Penn and Crocker homes Thursday. I Lon us McDowell and son, Tom- ! “ house guests for several days son of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Dar Mrs. M artha Klingback en ter-'m y , of Madras, and Cecil McDowell J**1 week J - T- Burtchacll. Lee Irv- rell Williams and daughter, and tallied at dinner for Rev. and M rs.1 of Homedale were guests in the nud Barber, ail of Port- their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Williams and family of Port land ' Bob Krlner, Bobby, Ronnie, and Kenneth McDonald home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rightmeier land. Sandra Kriner, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. ] Roy Brewer and son of Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Bigelow, and Mr. and Mrs. George called in the T. H. Brewer home left Wednesday for their home In a had as dinner guests Friday, Mr. Gregg and daughter. t Sunday, . Montrose, Kansas, after spending . Dr. John O. Breman, a missionary Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow and :ew wee*ts here visiting their daugh- and Mrs. Chet Thomas and Mr. and since 1926, will-speak a t the Owyhee Mrs. M artha Klingback were busl- j, ' ****' '^**son Winter, and fami- Mrs. Nick Patterson of Portland. Mrs. Margaret Marshall and Mrs. schoolhouse Tuesday evening, Nov- j ness visitors in Vale Friday. I y ember 4. Dr. Breman was a chap- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skinner and „ v T 1* Crocker of Madras. Ervle Ruth McConnell of Nyssa were call lain major during the war and a Mr. and Mrs. Walt Weltmer return- Kuhlman, and Seth Skinner of ers In .the Lee Householder home prisoner of the Japanese for three led to their home in California after Cortland visited in the Earl Crocker Monday. years. Everyone is invited to at- a week's visit here in the Lewis and Lewl5 Skinner homes last week. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Jack Waiters and Johnny Law- NU-ACRES PARTY --------- ---------- rence are elk hunting this week. DECIDED SUCCESS Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clar- ey of Roswell were dinner guests NTT-ACrares. O C X . 30—The hobo- in the Gerald Slippy home Sunday. party held Friday was a decided Mr. and Mrs. Pete Douglas a r - ; success. A good-sired crowd came rived Wednesday from Seattle for j for a hilarious time. Very few miss- a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hite. e* beim» nrrestpd by “S h e riff Having no business location, I have moved On Friday Mr. Douglas and M r., Frank Nedbalek and fined by “Judge" F. A. Johnson. Hite went to Haines elk hunting. A cake walk and games were Mr. and Mrs. Glen McGinnis played. Mr. Chesney was awarded were shoppers In Boise Monday. my repair shop into my home. Please bring ! Mr. and Mrs. Jay Williams and the prize for the best man hobo ¡children of Portland visited in the make-up and Mrs. F. C. Fry, the your watch and clock repairs to Apartment 19 home of his brother, Darrell Wil- best woman hobo. Beans, sand wiches, cookies and coffee were , Hams, the past week. | Jesse Ditty, Jr., spent from Tues served. Rev. Duncan and daughters of day until Friday with his parents VETERANS HOUSING PROJECT Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests here. Claus Stam and Mr. and Mrs. Neil of the Harley Sager family. Former neighbors of this com Dimmick were Sunday evening guests in the Russell Patton home. munity. Mrs. Eli Ratcliff and fami I John Ramsey of Reno, Nevada ly, visited at the F. C. Fry home visited his aunt, Mrs. Lee House Sunday. They have now purchased a ranch in Indian valley near Mid holder, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. G rant Patterson vale. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vandewall ■ were hosts a t a birthday dinner' Sunday evening in honor of their of Longmout, Colorado, were din son. Dale, and Vivian Berrett, ner guests Wednesday at the F. A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durrlngton Berrett of Sunset Valley. Mrs. P at 1 wiv & w ì h v i p m « w m c * IS CORRECT, u - 00«, -iERtHER. in school -rooav W it« terson and Mr. Berrett are brother and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ellitoee re PfcE WEfOUft. tEOOVER O u R l O n ( j SOCAGER, j —- RfA IN S b R f O R 'O U R turned Thursday from a hunting and sister. A * ft SIGHT/ VSC R TiO N Ì E R c w ì R IS iN Slcm V? Rev. Krlner held services in the trip. I U AST Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sm ith of sou ftN tiyss Owyhee schoothouse Sunday morn 7F ONE WE WT> Nyssa spent Sunday afternoon a ing and evening. 1 .Cv Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman en the Curtis Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tish of Cald tertained at a family dinner Sun Ï. day. Thosa present were Mr. and well were guests of their daughter, Mrs. John Westfall and children Mrs. Cecil Evans. of Seneca, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bar- f o r m e r c h a p l a in Kenny’s Watch Shop Kenneth Thompson M/CKÊYqftd WS MA flr o k . rubber welders , M3«OU m If T E A C H E R You'll find the quality (Ire recapping and re pairing service at O.K. RUBBER WELD ERS no economic hardship. You will save many dollars on new tires—and thousands of miles of safe driving. O.K. RUBBER WELDER NEW CAR, T R U C K - TRACTOR w PHONE 5 M Social News SEZl- TIRES RECAPPING & REPAIRING E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56-W ■ 1 ■■■--= . NYSSA. OREGON [ End W inter Chills Cut Cleaning Bills with PAYNE GAS HEATING Here’s a housewife’s dream come true! A touch of your fingertip, and fresh, pure warm air automatically circulates th ro u g h o u t y o u r cheerful PAYNE- HEATED home. No smoke, no streaked, damp walls or sooty drapes! A PAYNE furnace (scientifically designed, fully ventecf) converts clean gas into quick, responsive heat, with no work and at modest operating cost. Ask us for full particulars and free estimate. RECEPTION HELD At an Informal reception last Thursday evening, the Ontario branch of the American Association of University Women honored pros pective members residing in Mal heur and Payette counties. Miss Edna Venberg of national head quarters of the American Red Cross addressed the group, telling of her personal experiences with the em ergency unit during the time of the Texas City disaster. Marvin Trigero, new choral director at the Ontario high school, was also fea tured during the evening's pro gram. His selections included “The Hills of Gruzia", "Where'er You Walk" and two negro spirituals. “No More" and “I Am a Poor Way fairing Stranger”. Sixty guests and members were present at the affair. Those a tt ending from Nyssa and vicinity were Miss Nathelle Holton, Mrs. Warren Farmer, Mrs. Ed Boydell, Miss Lucille Sallee, Mrs. Gene Stunz, Mrs. Houston Wilson and Mrs. S. E. Flanagan. BIRTHDAY CLUB GATHERS The Nyssa Women's Birthday alub met at the home of Mrs. Di rt O. Bybee Friday afternoon In cel ebration of the birthdays of Mrs. Bybee aand Mrs. Ruth Bunn. Guest speaker was Mrs. Harman King of the ¡Ritzie Dress and Floral •¡hop. who demonstrated facials and the art of beauty make-up. Re freshments were served to 12 lad les. Mrs. Bunn and Mrs. Bybee re ceived a lovely gift from the club. —5— CLUB DINES AT CALDWELL The members of the "Mr. and Mrs." Dinner club were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell last Wednesday evening. The group had dinner in Caldwell, returning to the Mitchell home for bridge. High scores for the evening went to Ron Campbell and Mrs. Ray Larson. A REQUEST FREE BOOKLET on PAYNE ZONE CON 1 / OVER 3 0 t I A U S O f LEADERSHIP y cm A fait f, ( — 1 iv iiv T N in c YOUTHS INVITED TO BE PARATROOPERS A campaign to enUst young men into the ranks of the famous 82nd airborne division, a part of Am erica's peacetime army, is now un derway In Oregon, T Sgt Jesse D. Holland, officer In charge of the Ontario main station, army and air force recruiting service, ann ounced. This drive is aimed prim arily at high school graduates In terested In working and serving in a seasoned para troop outfit. This regiment is presently carry ing out detailed training In winter operations at Pine Camp. New York, and it is felt th a t many qualified young men with ambition will wel come the opportunity to sei ve with this regiment In aU its activities. Sgt. Holland reiterated Chat any young American seeking adventure and the chance to better himself physically and mentally should not overlook this offer to enlist directly into the 82nd airborne division. More complete information on a T DO Late To Classify FOR SALE— Klcst beet lifter-load er and Sishc beet loader. See or phone D. H. Christensen. 30O2xc. FOR SALE— One-fourth block with three-room house facing city park on south side. Close to school. See R. J. Carroll, box 623. Nyssa. 30O2p. hWMM MM,Hill III «1 IIHMill II IlK III h lu HUI WN III III m u WWHW WN W M l FOR SALE —TWO BEET TRUCKS— 1934 Dodge l 1/* Ton--------- 1936 Chev. I 1/ , Ton Both Have Good Tires and New Batteies New Ford Tractor and Equipment W atts Motor Co. Nyssa—Phone 144-J WHEN YOU NEED MONEY. YOU CAN'T PULL IT OUT OF A N A T... BUT VOW CAN HAVt REVERSIBLE-MOTOR MONEY AHEAD WHEN YOU SAVE REGULARLY IN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT A T FIRST NATIONAL B A N K . //e a /to V e fiu v te v H m I may ka di rected from the front of tho heater to w a rd driver's feet; or may ha diffused through out cab. Daf ratting it by a 25-blade blower wheel. '« (M ill riM tA l j « r o s i r iN juB A N C t OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. corro cation K S R V CO N TEST f $ 150.00 T in i Æ Prizes Be Your Own PROGRAM DIRECTOR KSRV IS PAYING CASH MONEY FOR YOUR PROGRAM IDEAS! HERE’S THE STORY! THIS HAPPENS IN S U R E ! SEND YOUR ENTRY TO /o r Ideal Gas C r Appliance ENTERTAINS CLUB NEWS OF RECORD Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner en tertained the members of the S un M A R R IA G E L IC E N S E S day evening Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Lloyd Leroy Ferguson of Nampa club at unelr home this week. Hon ors for the evening -went to Mrs. and Mary Ann Mace of Ontario. Harold Samuel Keever and Peggy Oeorge Sallee and Mrs. Bernard Keever, both of Nyssa. Eastman. COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Barbara Slama vs. James Slamu. Divorce. Mutch OU Co. vs. Lloyd Diahlon. Recovery on account. 8385.04. Fay L. Cole vs. Homer L. Cole. Divorce. PETITIONS. PROBATE COURT Estate of Then Unison Oregg. de ceased. Estate of Chan Weagant. deceas ed. SUBJECT: By what type of radio programs may KSRV better serve Snake EUver Valley Listeners? PRIZES: 1100.00 first prise; 8ZS.00 second prise; 815.00 3rd prise; 810.00 4th prise. WHO CAN ENTER: Any KSRV listener who bt not a family relative of a staff member. RULES: (1) Entries must be legibly written on white paper. (2) Entries must not eseeed 250 words. (3) Name and address of contestant must be on separate sheet of paper, to Insure fairness In lodging. (4) Only one entry per contestant. 15) Deadline for all entries will be Midnight of November 15th. ENTRIES WILL BE JUDGED ON THE FOLLOWING BASIS: (1) Constructive content. 12) PraetiesMIity of putting suggestions to work. Winners will be announced on the day of the anniversary program. November 23rd, between 5 and 5:38 p.m. ah £ - PRVnEHERT Mrs. John Beckham was a guest direct enlistment to this outfit may be secured from 8gt. Holland or iVir the occasion. S- Sgt. Click at the army and air ENTERTAIN GROUP force recruiting offices. Room 20. Mr. and Mrs. Bartel Ostrom en Wilson building in Ontario. tertained Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner, Mr. and BUILDING PERMITS Mrs. John Ostrom, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Charles Wade, construction, gar Ostrom and Mr. and Mrs. .Roy bounds. The evening was spent age, lot 8. block 148, Ward's ad .nfurmally. dition, 8300, 12 by 20. frame. THAT’S RIGHT! DITIONING, successor to old-fashioned central heating PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1947 ™ KEN RENSTROM • IA I ESTATI PHONE 4 7 J ANO IN S U R A N C E NYSSA OREGON STATION KSRV “SERVING THE SNAKE RIVER VALLEY”