Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1947)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON FLYERS COME HERE FOR SEASON OPENER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1947 there. the U. E. Parker home. of Mrs. McOee. has visited here corn Mrs. F. P. Rurltom accom panl-'call by naming flowers. Work books Thlel- _________ were checked and naming birds was Mrs. Clonlnger of Sunset Valley The complete hot lunch program i Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berrett and ^ ^ ^ work assigned for next time. Many that was begun last year, Is re- | children and Mrs. Grant Patterson and Mrs. Jackson of North Bend, games were piayed ln the gym and celvlng a most enthusiastic backing j spent Sunday at Welser. Mr. Ber- Oregon were Boise shoppers Mon ret attended an L.DJ9. meeting day. then Che Goodnight Song" was by the Adrian community. P ? nova51,, Mal^ r1"® “ * navy gunner, is a student pilot. hcme ln Ontario Monday. d .^L E n o e ra o ri of Oreiion Citv They were on 8 < rofi6-country prac- Clifford Nielsen, Enunerson Bln- sung for dismissal. First aid work was studied and BUENA VISTA MEN r n f f!»rCthe tlce ni^ 1 with Mr. Epperson at the iam an and Ed Pruyn spent Friday demonstrated oy Mrs. Charles Har w n u S of Z ^ m “ ^ s i n d - co,ltrols Wh“ « Here Mr Whitney and Saturday deer hunting RIDE FOR CATTLE ^ ^ C l l took Mr and Mrs. McOee a n d 1 B. F. Brunk and Mr. Rice of ris’ group of girls toward second badge work. Mrs. Charles m ?Q m f^ iU ? Mr L r o i u ^ b r o t o George up for a «-m in u te flight Portland visited a few days with class McOee family. Mr. Lyons, Dromer __ . v,.. Mr nnH Mr« Rnhert Runcorn. NewCill checked a great deal of BUENA VISTA, Oct. 30—Howard from the Ontario airport over the Mr. and Mrs. Rchert Runcorn. We are equipped to pump your septic tank Mr. and Ms. Ralph Curry and badge work for the intermediate project and as far as the Owyhee Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Curry were Girl 8couts, and presented a pro Day and Loyd and Lester Cleaver or repair it. For your plumbing needs call dam and reservoir. were all fortunate ln bringing home Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack gram consisting of twp songs by a deer. family were dinner guests at the Sweaney. hosts at a dinner given Mrs. Harris and girls, and a flute Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver Dewey Palace hotel ln Nampa In ln honor of Mrs. Sweaney’s father, solo. Optometriat Several ladles from Adrian at have a son bom October 9 and celebration of the 75th birthday Ralph Curry, Sunday. Mrs. Robert Runcorn entertained tended the Home Eonomlcs club weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces. The of Mr. Brandt’s mother Thursday Free Estimates Furnished the Chatterbox club Friday after meeting held at the Kreager home oaby has been named Gary Dale. evening. Several o f the men from this Eyes Examined Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweaney were noon Nineteen members attended tn Kingman Kolony Tuesday after community- rode for cattle ln the Phone Nyssa— 196-J Vale— 3282 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph the meeting. Mrs. Runcorn carried noon. out the Hallowe'en motif in the Mrs. Elvin Bonde and children of nills the past week. Curry in celebration of the birth Phone 720 Mr. and Mrs. E. Gurss left for Emmett were Saturday dinner guests day of Mr. Sweeney’s brother, Ger decorations and refreshments. ln the home of her parents, Mr Meridian Tuesday to visit their ald Curry, Tuesday evening. daughter, Mrs. Henry Estriek, after 718 Arthur St. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy left TISTOL AND RIFLE spending the past two weeks at the James Coon and children and Mrs Friday for their home ln Salem CLUB ORGANIZED H. W. Henderson of Caldwell were Alva Goodell home. Caldwell, Idaho after visiting for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day, Mr. Saturday callers. Mrs. Coon Is their daughter, Mrs. Robert Run- ADRIAN, Oct. 30— The newly or daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hender and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and Mr. ganized Adrian Antelope Rifle and son and Mrs. H. W. Henderson is and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver were tn On Figure out about how much your house tario Sunday evening. Pistol association held a monthly a slster-ln-law. Willis Bertram went with mem meeting Thursday evening in the The ladies auxiliary of the Adrian and contents’ VALUES HAVE GONE Legion hall. Twelve members were American Legion held a meeting bers of the Owyhee Riding club UP since you bought Fire Insurance. present. and luncheon in the Legion hall after poles Sunday. Mrs. Henry Day was hostess to Donald Elliot and Wilbur Jackson Friday. The district president, Mrs. were home over the week-end from Ernest Sieloff, and the Sergeant- the Out Our Way club at her Check the DATE and AMOUNT of SEEDS at-arms. Mrs. Ballard of Bums, and home near Adrian Thursday, with La Grande. your Fire Insurance. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson were the district chairman of child wel six members attending. Refresh- j If you have seeds to sell send us a sample. Drop ln Ontario on business Saturday a f fare, Mrs. Long of Vale, were pres mements of sandwiches, pie and CALL US NOW BEFORE disaster ternoon. ent. A delegation of ladies from coffee were served. The next meet a card stating how much you have. We will Mr. and Mrs. John Holly of Bend, the Nyssa auxiliary were also pres ing will be held at the Jim Ritchie finds you under-insured. home November 13. then contact you. Oregon are visiting relatives in ent. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Adrian and vicinity. Glendla were in Ontario Tuesday. Mrs. Bill Looney entertained at ---------- 1948 PRICE LISTS ---------- E. Gurss and Alva Goodell were a dinner Wednesday honoring her PHEASANT HUNTERS son, Cliffy, on his fifth birthday. VISIT AT ARCADIA ln Vale and Ontario Thursday. Would you be Interested in receiving our 1948 Price Lists and Those present were Mrs. Anna Circulars? Write us a card giving your name and address and Sparks and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs ARCADIA, Oct. 30— Mr. and Mrs. VISITORS HUNT IN you wHI be placed on our list to receive our circulars regularly. A. C. Henderson, Catherine Auker Bob Femley of Madras, Oregon, UPPER SUNSET LAND and Paul Parker. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroedtr and several more friends attended a son of Myrtle Point, Oregon and W A T T S S E E D C O M P A N Y j party ln C liffy’s Jiome. Cliffy re- Mr. and Mrs. Fralzer of Hawaii UPPER SUNSET, Oct. 30— Mr. and were guests at the Ellis Warner Mrs. E3mer Clonlnger entertained Nyssa, Oregon, Box ‘A ’— Parma, Idaho, Box 54 : ceived many nice gifts. the following guests during hunting [ Dorothy Toamb left Thursday home for pheasant hunting. morning for her home in Reuben. Miss Wilma Bullard of Portland season: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts, Idaho after being here when her spent the week-end with her par Mr. and Mrs. Carl Unger, Mrs. Mil mother, Mrs. William Toomb, sub ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard ler, Harry Unger, Mr. and Mrs. C. I Enkley, Sam Enkley, and Roy and mitted to a major operation. ' and family. Mrs. Conrad Martin arrived W ed Miss Qrace Tarr of Wilder spent Eadon De Lashmutt of Portland, nesday evening from Olarkston, Friday night with Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Lem Lure, Sue Alt man of Bums, Mr. Cole of Ten- Washington to be with her daugh Moeller and family. ter. Mrs. William Toomb. and visit Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mrs. Anna neaee, Allen Dunn of Dallas, F. other relatives and friends Dali were business visitors in Boise Beeman of Yamhill and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of North Plains. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Dennon and last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker and son of Cannon Beach, Oregon vis Mrs. Gribble of Boise visited last son spent a few days last week at ited the past week with Mr. and week ln the Ted Bates home. NYSSA GYMNASIUM Mrs. Bill Looney and family. Mrs Bob McKinney, who has been I Dennon is a sister o f Bill and Cliff visiting his sister, Mrs. George Looney. Moeller, and family the past two Proceeds For Benefit Of Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown weeks, left Monday for his home spent Thursday ln Boise. ln Berryville, Arkansas. Brownie and Girl Scout troops Mrs. Ellis Warner and two girls Fire Department met ln the high school building returned last week from a visit on Saturday afternoon. the coast. VETERINARIAN Fifteen Brownies answered roll Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mrs. Anna Tickets on sale at Graham’s Insurance Agency Dali were dinner guests Sunday in the Lee Dali home ln Nyssa. Box D Phone 135.J Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks of Bums and Renstrom’s Insurance Agency were guests ln the John Zittercob home last week and hunted pheas Nyssa. Oregon ants here. Admission $1, Including Tax George Moeller and Billy Stradley each killed ad eer the last week of Dwellings And the hunting season. Th Arcadia club met October 23 Other Structures with Mrs. John Zittercob, with eight Clean, all-heat returns every Brush or Spray members and two guests present. heating penny you put ou t! That's because all im Fred Shilling 1s hauling beets for Latest DeVilbiss equip Harry Burkhart near Vale. purities have been removed. It burns w ithout waste, ment for fine laquer Mr and Mrs. McPadden and Dr. and Mrs. Peacock of Eugene gives more heat per gallon. and enamel work. were pheasant hunters here last its twin for giving you clean heat without waste. Experienced Workmen week. Com e in today or phone us for fu ll inform ation. »•«•«£ ‘s. b azjsjsisssi, sss™ Septic Tank Trouble? i Brower’s Plumbing Shop OR. C.W. GRAVES It’s As Simple As A-B-C THE Farmer’s Guide B C F R A N K T. M O R G A N K E E P IN M IN D Nyssa Firemen's Ball Friday, November 14 Dr.J.H Berger PAINTING DECORATING Standard Furnace Oil Standard Stove Oil it Satisfaction Guaranteed W. E. SCHIREMAN PHONE 61 A STANDARD Of CALIFORNIA 10 Years in Nyssa R. C. KELLER PRODUCT Phone 68-M We Have Been Appointed Dealer In Nyssa And Vicinity FOR THE FAMOUS LINE OF Westinghouse Electric Appliances Ranges and many Smaller Articles now on display. OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. Display Room— Nyssa Lumber Company ECONOMICS CLUB TO HOLD MEETING KINGMAN KOLONY, Oct. 30—Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stockham of the Owyhee dam spent Wednesday at the home of his slater, Mrs. Art Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton, Mrs Nellie Newblll, Mrs Minnie Mackay, Mrs. Lula Cummins and Mae and Cliff Beaumont were dinner guests ln the Frank Cummins home Sun day. The Home Economics club will meet with Joe Thomas ln Adrian Tuesday. Roll call Is to be answered by teUlng "How I Met My Hus band". Election of officers will bo held. Earnest Weeks of Myrtle Creek visited at the Hurst home over the week-end. He returned home Mon day, accompanied by Delora Hurst. They will be married Tuesday ev ening. Dr. Charles Lemery of Medford and Dr. L. C Admans of Klamath Falls have spent the past few days visiting, and hunting pheasants at the Ouy Moore home. Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. Dick Ashcraft and daughter shopped ln Caldwell Monday. Mrs. Henry Reuter has been Ul. She was at the Nursing home for a few days with an ulcerated tooth. ADRIAN HOT LUNCH PROGRAM SUCCESS The board of managers of the Adrian P T A held a meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs Stanley Hill, president of the or ganisation Among the committee reports. Mrs. Jim Lane reported on the success of the hot lunch program. Beginning «nth the first day of school, a complete meal, con sisting of meat, fruit, vegetables, milk and bread and butter, has been served to over 90 youngsters, at a coat of 15 cents per ohlld. This has been made possible through the efforts of members of the P.T-A.. who during the sum mer canned over 1000 quarts of fruit and vegetables. Mrs. Lane said that tomatoes are still being can ned. but more can yet be used Another aid to the hot lunch program was the purchase of a locker. In which soup bones and other meat contribution» are put. The committee la also buying beef to be placed ln the locker Mrs Lane la amiated ln the hot lunch preparation by Mrs John F YOU'RE the kind of person who is uncomfortably cold without a pile of I extra bedcovers, and who is still uncom fortable from all that extra weight, here's a warm tip on sleeping comfort. An automatic electric blanket or comforter is the perfect cover to bring you sleep luxuries you've never had before. Just ONE light electric bedcovtfr keeps you warm ail night, every night . . . instead of a mountain of covers. Just imagine getting into a bed that can be pre-warmed, and restfully sleeping under a single blanket that keeps you comfortable no matter how the room temperature changes during the night. You'll have the wonderful experience of waking up completely refreshed. You'll find automatic blankets or comforters on the market now, and your choice of attractive colors to match your reg ular bedding. Enjoy this added comfort of modern electrical living. See your dealer. IDAHO VPOWER O * Dows Sa MUCH-Costs So UT T it I