BSVC THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TWO he was wise in starting his trip from California, where other crack-pot ideas have been develop­ ed. The people of Idaho already have enough to explain in the election of such a man to the national congress. The G a t e C ity J o u r n a l KLASS V. P O W E L L .....................................■ E d ito r SU B SC R IP T IO N RATES One Year_______________•2.0U Six Mon U m ... ........... 9U6 Single Copie«............ .06 (StrlcUy In Advance) and PubU nhrr A D V E R T IS IN G R A T uS Open rate, per Inch....... ..Jtc National, per inch............40c Classified«, per word..... .... 2c Minimum.........30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the po6tofflcee at Nyosa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act 01 March 3, 1078. WASTING TIME ON HORSEBACK The senior senator from Idaho, Glen Taylor, apparently believes there is some connection between his horseback ride across the country and his ideas on world peace. Maybe there is. In the days when horses were the only means of transportation and even since then people have held the foolish notion that a nation can forever avoid war with its neighbors if it consistently follows a program of appease­ ment. In many respects the horse and buggy days were much better than our present era, but we hope the senator from Idaho is not reverting to the horse and buggy days of world diplo­ macy. At his present rate of speed, the senator from Idaho will not be in Washington for the opening of the next session of congress, but perhaps the country will fare just as well. He might just as well be wasting his time on a silly horseback ride across the nation as wasting his time in the halls of congress. The sad feature of the cheap publicity stunt is that the taxpayers are paying the bill. The senator from Idaho is forever blowing bubbles of publicity, designed to gain the at­ tention of the people. From the publicity angle, Eagles Masquerade DANCE Saturday Night, Nov. 1 ■ k I - ■ with us In an all-day session. n U r C h N O lG S Fellowship meeting Rev. liste r ___ __ | Carlsen, preebyter for this section, ’ will be in charge of the services. C A T H O LIC C H U R C H SE R V IC E S Services at 10:30. 2:30 and 7:30, AT E PISC O PA L JH U R C H . with pot luck lunch served to all at noon and evening. Everyone PA R ISH IIALL welcome. Rev. P. J. Gaire, P a sto r Mass at 8:30 every Sunday except RICHLAND COMMUNITY on the second Sunday of the month, CHURCH when It will be at 8 am. Rev. A. L. B rim . P a sto r Sunday school at 10 a.m. Morning worship at 11 a.m. The T H E CHU RCH O F T H E Evening worship at 8 phi. NAZAKENE E. i . W ilson. P a sto r 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., Good sing and sermon by a visiting minister. 7:15 pjn., Young people, teen-age and junior services. 8 p.m.. Evangelistic sen ice. 8 p.m. Wednesday, November 5, missionary and crusader meeting. 12 noon, Friday, prayer and fast­ ing service. 8 p j n , Friday, Rev. O F. AUee, who is touring the district on behalf of the Sunday school, will be with us for a service. We extend to you a cordial in­ vitation to all our services. TH E M E T H O D IS T CO M M U N ITY CH U RCH Rev. H. J. G rrn h a rilL P a sto r Sunday school, 8:45 a.m. Worship and sermon, "Do What You Can", 11 a.m. Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. Young adult fellowship, 7 p.m. Evening worship, 8 p.m. Official board meeting, Monday 8 pm. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm. F A IT H L U TH ERA N C H U R C H R oland G. H u rs t, P a sto r 10 am., Sunday school. Classes for all age groups. 11 am., Worship service. Sermon theme: "What Place Do Little Chil­ dren Have In The Kingdom of God?”, based on St. Mark 10: 13-16. There will be a short business meeting of the congregation im­ mediately after the worship service. It will be short but very important. The Faith Mission society will | meet Wednesday afternoon, Novem- J ber 5 at the home of Mrs. Edward I Ostrom on Fifth street, between Good and Reece avenues. The I meeting will begin at 2:30. All wo-I men of Che church and friends are cordially Invited. The adult membership class will not meet next week due to the pas­ tor's absence. The Faith Mission society will conduct a food sale and fancywork sale Saturday, November 15 at Ed- | er's store. PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES (C ontinued From Page 1) power to the load center at the whole-ale rate and stop right there. It shou'd not go into the retail business.” Through a discussion of Che Mar­ shall plan for the rehabilitation of Europe, S’# kman said "I think Eu­ rope Is In acute distress. I think we should help them up to a point. We should give them our surplus food. It is not going to be a loan;- It will be a gift. First and fore­ most. we should investigate our own economic and financial situation. Frankly this country is broke. We are pulling that proposed 24 billion dollars for European rehabilitation out of thin air. The Europeans have strikes and sit-downs and are using their grain for liquor. Before we send those 24 billion dollars over there that situation should be straightened out”. R. G. Larson of Nyssa introduced the congressman and Robert D. Ly­ tle of Vale presided in the absence of Che president, Larry Brainard of Payette. Barbara Olson of Payette played two piano selections, "Polanalse in A Flat” by Chopin and "Chinese ELECTRIC SANDERS ■ OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. ELECTRIC . . . 5th and Earns Sts. George Whipple. Pastor Bible school. 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Special music and sermon on the subject. T he Exalted Place ol Teaching". At Che close of the sen-ice there will be special service of dedication for B.ble school teachers. Clmstain Endeavor, 7:30 pm . Evening worship at 8 p.m., on subject. "Power of Witnessing". Choir practice at 8 pun Wednes­ day. Prayer service and Bible study, 8 p.m. on Thursday. Holy communion at 8 am . on the second Sunday of each month. At 4 pm. on the first, third and fourth Sundays. Sunday school at 10:30 am. ASSEM BLY O F G O D S terl D. S p ic n , P a s te r Out Of Your Dreams! Hotpoint Cabinets We’ve the cabinet» to make this heavenly Hotpoint kitchen, for immediate delivery a n d at low, low price»! You are cordially in v ite d to inspect each piece on display in our s h o w ­ room. Come in soon and bring your husband— we’d like to tell him (and we know he’d lik e to bear) all about how you can fill in that e x tr a space in your kitchen with an odd cabinet in siaes from 18 inches to 30 inches. Newsom Furniture Co. 165 MAIN ST. — PHONE 9« — NYSSA, ORE. We welcome you to our Sunday school and Bible study a t 10 o’­ clock Worship service and Communion at 11 o'clock. At our evangelistic service at 7:30 an inspirational sang service and sermon by the pastor, on the sub­ ject, "The Book of all Books, The Bible". Prayer service, Tuesday. 7:30. On Wednesday. November 5, min­ isters and Christian friends of east­ ern Oregon and Idaho will meet at Parma to attend the church taechers reception Wednesday ev­ convention to be held In Texas In ening. Guy Ocamica was a business vis­ the near future. He left Sunday. The Big Bend P.TA gave a itor In Caldwell Saturday. U N KLE WORKS LIKE A RELAY TEAM « s* I \ ! H A N K turn s R e d BISMA-REX Balanced ingredients work­ BIO BEND, Oct. 30— Bernice Cha­ ing in timed reaction like a ney made a phone call from Seattle relay teom for 4 -way relief Pacific college, which she Is at­ from acid indigestion. tending, to her family In the Bend. Among other news, she announced 4%. that out of a class of 110 psychol­ ogy students, she had received the SOU! ONIT AT MXALL DRUG STORES highest grade. R. G. Chandler and Robert Hess, union Sunday school missionaries, were Friday evening dinner guests G O O D H EALTH T O ALL------ of the Charles Witty family. FR O M REX A LL Later In the evening they showed slides telling the story of the work of the Union Sunday school in the N yssa Pharm acy Pacific northwest to a group of 29 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop and family returned Friday from an ex­ tended visit with relatives in the middle west. Ray Heer, student of the College of Idaho, was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty and family Friday. | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brack gave a birthday dinner Sunday evening in celebration of Mr. Henderlider’s birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and children, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Blade and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Douglas. I Marlon Fretwell has been elected I delegate by the Pentecostal church I Is your c a r g e ttin g “u p in y ears”? O r does it ju s t look o ld er th a n It really is? B rin g U to th e NYSSA AUTO BODY SH O P fo r aU body, fe n d er a n d p a in t jobs. W e specialize in p leasing o u r custom ers. S^A/toßodijShofi COMPLETE BOO Y S, PAI NT SHOP WBECKCB SERVICE GLASS DEPT. SEE Frank T. Morgan —ABOUT— Avoset Property If Interested No Greater Asset Hath Any Man Than his Credit r PIONEER SERVICE COUNTY CREDIT BOARD THE MERCHANT’S OWN ORGANIZATION LUMBER(^C0MPAMY “There’s a Yard Near You~ O. L. Galloway, Mgr. Nyssa, Oregon The machinery on your place develops mech­ anical difficulties through use, and wear and tear from work, needing constant adjustments to work properly. Your body also develops mechanical difficul­ ties through work and strain, and needs ad­ justments to relieve your aches and pains. —CHIROPRACTIC— is the science of adjustment of your mechanical ills. Investigate chiropractic today. ___ FREE CONSULTATION Edwin W. Oldham, D. C. Chiropractic Physician 118 Nyssa, Oregon Tel. 171 -W Physiotherapy—Electro-Therapy (ONTARIO CONT.) JU N T U R A : JU N T U R A GARAGE AD RIAN: B RO W N ’S M ERCA N TILE ADRIAN FE E D A SEED NYSSA: GA TE C IT Y JO U R N A L HANCOCK SE R V IC E ST A T IO N IN T E R S T A T E O IL CO. NEW SOM F U R N IT U R E CO. SIG N A L SE R V IC E AL TH O M PSO N AND SON T H O M PSO N O IL CO. W ILSO N BROS. NY SSA ELEV ATOR O N T A R IO : C. C. AN DERSON ST O R E S CO. CABLES CHEVRO LET CO. DR. J . B. CO LFO RD DR. JO H N B. C R I M P EASTERN OREG O N E Q U IP. CO. G A R B E R -S T A PL E S M O TO R CO. M ATT C. GILLM AN KSRV M ERCH A N TS A SSOCIA TIO N T H E M ODEL GRO CERY M OORE HO TEL JA C K ’S M A RK ET M U TCH O IL CO. O N T A R IO A R G U S-O B SE R V E R O N T A R IO ELEVA TOR O N T A R IO G R A IN CO. T O G G E R Y BILL ST A T E BANK O F M A LH EU R U. 8. NA TIONAL BANK VAN CA M PBELL E L E C T R IC D R 8. W EESE. PA LM ER. B E L K ­ NAP, a n d EM M ETT VADE: C. C. ANDERSON CO. BEACH G R O C ER Y L. K. BU LLO CK GA RA G E C U T RA TE D R U G S DA LEY'S M A RK ET DAN’S M A RK ET D ENT1NG ER FEED A SEED HOM E LU M BER a SEED CO. M ALHEUR E N T E R P R IS E SE R V IC E C O R N ER VALE C O N SU M ER’S C O -O P VALE D R U G STO RE VALE G R A IN AND FEED VALE SC P PL Y CO. VALE T IM E SH O P OREGON - IDAHO - UTAH - NEVADA DIVISION Division Office: I. O. O. F. Bldg. State Office Box 471, Eugene, Oregon Box 1616, Boise, Idaho The Best and Cheapest Collection Service in America W atch fa r th e . o MALHEUR COUNTY CREDIT BOARD OF PIONEER SERVICE COMPANY, STATE-WIDE IN OPERATIONS 4r ya& R SE! iVUSED -fo o e WHEN A W OMAN BEGIN < ’ G E f UP \N VEARS HER HAIR H jR N - E D G R A V ---- B U T N O W , 1 Ï SEEMS M ost o r ANYONE CAN HAVE GOOD CREDIT IF HE PROTECTS IT! When you receive a Pioneer Service County Credit Board state­ ment bearing our registered trade mark, try to pay in full, part pay or satisfactorily arrange to pay, and keep your credit good. Lose your credit and you lose something you may never regain. ADJUSTMENT Box City". Mayor Elmo Smith of Ontario delivered tne address of welcome to the members of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of South­ western Idaho and Eastern Oregon and Willis Moffltt, president of the Boise chamber of commerce gave the response. Pinal selection of a proposed name for the lower Snake river valley was tabled when the com­ mittee In charge recommended a continuation of the matter because of objections from individual cham­ bers. The organization voted several months ago to give a prize of 3100 to the person submitting the win­ ning name. The four names selected bv the committee and read Friday night were 8 unland empire, Inter- State valley, Bountiful basin and Gem valley. The November 17 meeting will be held In Boise. DRIVING A ssu ra po sitive traction on icy highways or slip- pory city stroots. Rtquiro minimum maintenance. Con­ trolled by conven­ ient, dash-mount­ ed switch. ST. PA UL’S E PISC O PA L C H U RCH Rev. C. L. C a lla h an . R ecto r jr^ r. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1947 STOCKMAN URGES BIG BEND GIRL FREE ENTERPRISE MAKES HIGH GRADE CHRISTIAN enURUH EAGLES HALL ! O f M and Black Handbill« with Arrwunts for S a lt’ RADIO STATION KSRV: Sun Noon Wrd SIS a .m _ m 8 46 pm. Pioneer Scrvtrr Credit inform ation Mart Valuable OREG O N AND ID A H O SIN C E ISM • 4 ^ h tO T W