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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1947)
otfügga»*,. ^ —f ^ k V . The NYSSA VOLUM E X X X X II NO. 42 JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, TH U R S D A Y, OCTOBER 30, 1947 FUNERAL TEAM TO Local Hospital Stockman Thinks BE ORGANIZED HERE Directors And . In view o f the fact that some Country Needing Officers Named of Nyssp'i war dead are being re- Free Enterprise ________ turned for re-burial, it is necessary ENGINE DERAILED ON TRACK AT NYSSA Bulldogs Defeat MSR e I d H e ST n T ^ S u E Tw° Nyssa Me" Grizzly Team To A ll those interested in forming Hurt In Mishaps a basketball team to play In the While Hunting Keep Third Spot Lions cluf hitra-etty basketball T ra ffic on the Union Pacific line through Nyssa was delayed between nine and 10 hours last Friday when eague are asked to contact Edward a freight engine was derailed In a F n n n H o t 'd that a fully-trained un ng squad Members of Vale Leads League; Nys- Boydell, vaivin Wilson or Gene 26 Game Law Violators u e 3 and funeral team be organized, ac- Congressman Gives Views ollision just south o f Che Nyssa Committee To Work iepot. sa to Play Weiser Here Stunz Immediately. Appear in Justice -ording to Arthur Rouse, American On Three Important Tne derailm ent of the Homedale Legion adjutant. As soon as a team Is formed and In Campaign Friday Night Court in Nyssa Proposals branch locomotive occured when it , As a result, ail veterans interest registered with the basketball com ed in taking part in the team are collided with the engine o f a main mittee, practice time in the gym Members o f the Malheur M em In near-freezing temperature last T h e pheasant hunting season has Speaking about three o f the 'ir.e freight train about 1:45 a.m. asked to report at the veterans nasium will be reserved, so that orial Huep'taJ association and its hall in the veterans housing pro m ajor proposals that were consid The engine did not overturn, but Friday night, the Nyssa high school it is an advantage to a team to brought Injury to two Nyssa men directors, m eeting Monday night, ject Monday evening, November 3 ered at the last session of congress. the derailm ent prevented trains gridsters romped over the Frultland register now. and arrests to scores of hunters eleven by a score of 19 to 6 to re amended the by-laws in order to at 8 o’clock, when the organization Oregon's representative from the passing on the main line. stalking birds in Mafheur county. ain third pmec in conference will be undertaken. Jhebnar Sohoen o f Nyssa was increase the number o f directors, second congressional district, Lowell •landings. badly cut on the forehead last Sun Stockman, declared In an address and adopted by-laws to facilitate Nyssa rolled up three touchdowns day when his 12-gauge shotgun ex the work o f the association. This at a bi-m onthly banquet o f the md a conversion as compared to ploded as the result o f dirt re action is the result o i a number of chambers o f commerce of this ar ea Fruitland's lone touchdown. T iie maining in the barrel after he had preliminary meetings of an ad in the Moore hotel in Ontario last finst counter was made early in fallen dowi). A fte r falling, Schoen visory committee. Friday night that “ I tremble to :he first quarter when the Bull- thought he cleaned all o f the dirt think o f what will happen if we The members o f the board of di Jogs marched down the field with from the muzzle, but apparently Three cases o f poliomyelitis in Bob W ilder carrying the ball over rectors are Glea A. Billings, Ralph continue to do deficit spending” . some remained and when he fired Casta tor, Arvel Child, Jacob Fisch T h e congressman promised that Nyssa have been reported by Dr. he line. T h e conversion for the The shattered wreckage o f an at the next pheasant the end o f er, Helen F rost,» Amasa Hammon, when he returns to Washington, D. L. A. Maulding, county health o ffi extra point was completed on an a i ¡plane bearing G overnor Earl the barrel split. T h e lower h a lf o f R ay G. Larson, ^Bert Lienkaemper, C., next month he “ will try to let cer. end run. Snell and two other high state Ronald Loyd Smith, 9. son of M r Kichard Maw, Frank Morgan, G eo Attractions W ill Be O f the country get back to free enter The second touchdown was made officials as well as the pilot has the barrel bent downward and the top half blew off, striking Schoen and Mrs. F. A. Norman, was taken before the half when W ilder car rge Scheimer, and Carl Sebum. fered Under Direction prise” . been sighted from the air In moun about the hairline. T h e discharge A t the meeting of the board of Mr. Stockman explained his vote to St. Luke’s hospital in Boise on ried the pigskin approximately 50 tainous territory near Klam atn o f • PTA , Teachers directors Frank T . Morgan was el and attitude on the T aft-H artley Friday, ¡liter a week's illness. He yards to make the score 13 to 0 Falls, but ground parties have not of the gun knocked Schoen to the • ___ ___________ ground, but he arose and called ected president; Arvel Child, vice labor act, reduction o f federal ex was first examined Friday and sent The try for extra point failed been able to reach the plane, acc An evening of fun will be pro penditures and reduction o f income at once to the hospital, where a his father and brother, who brought president; G lea Billings, secretary; The lone score for the Frultland ording to Information received him to Nyssa. Five stitches were tracheotomy was performed to pre Grizzlies was scored when the op here this morning. G. J. Mitchell, treasurer; and H a r vided fo r the children o f Nyssa taxes. through the join t efforts of tile taken to close the wound. old Henigson, assistant secretary. The congressman said that the vent stranguluatian, caused by the posing eleven put on a third-quar Accompanying Governor Snell on One buckshot struck Jimmy Sav T h e directors will serve for three- Parent - Teacher association and purpose o f the labor act in general paralysis of the throat muscles. ter rally and marched through Bull the duck hunting trip were Robert Lois Turner, nine-year-old daugh dog territory to cross the line. Their S. Farrell, Jr., secretary o f state: age below one eye and four shots year terms. A t the start four will Nyssa schools, when a Hallowe'en is to provide that laboring men are serve for one year, four for two carnival will be held Friday ev protected from the union bosses and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charley T u r plunge for the extra point was held Marshall Cornett, president of the penetrated his jacket sleeve the ening, October 31. second day o f the season. W hen years, and four for three years. added that ” 1 believe the bill Is a ner, who became ill last Thursday jack by the Nyssa players. senate, and C liff Hogue, Klam ath Th e carnival will begin at 7:30 good bill, designed to help the peo was taken to the Doernbecher hos one o f several companions fired Frank T. M organ was elected Making the last six-pointer for Falls pilot. at a bird. Savage threw his arm general chairman for the hospital In the grade school building. Post ple, and that it will help the labor pital the first o f the week, with the Bulldogs was Dick Iseri, who Private pilots from Lakevlew, fly in front o f his face and thus pre paralysis of the left leg. She made crossed the opponents' goal on an campaign last week. He issued an ers will direct the public to the situation in this country” . ing over the scene o f the crash appeal through the press to all men, attractions being offered by each Speaking on lowering income tax the trip in an ambulance driven by end run. Again the try for extra at tree-top height, said they read vented more pellets striking his who will be in a position to do so, room under the direction of the es, Rep. Stockman said " I thought Bert Lienkaemper. point failed. T h e game ended with the plane's license number and re flesh. A doctor removed the buck- sbot. Savage sustained an Injury Virgil W. Morris, 17-month-old the Bulldogs smashing into Fruit- to join the organization o f volunteer teachers and room mothers. The if I could feel that congress would ported “ no sign o f life ” . T h e acc to his ear last year when a buck workers during the money-raising attractions o ffe r everything from take the money from income taxes son o f Mr. a<nd Mrs. V irgil Morris, and territory. ident occurred Tuesday night When campaign which will be held during jpook shows and fortune telling and apply the surplus over and is being treated at St. Luke's hos The Nyssa lineup was changed the plane struck a hillside three shot penetrated it under similar the latter part of November or the to the sale of noise makers, cider above expenses on the national pital in .Boise. He first became ill frequently throughout the game by miles west of Dog lake in Barnes circumstances. Twenty-six game law violators and doughnuts, coffee and pie, and debt. I would leave the Income two weeks ago. first few weeks o f December. Coach Howard Lovejoy. T h e start valley during Inclement weather. have appeared in Don M. Graham's John Hart, 13. Vale, Is believed ing lineup, consisting mostly of In answer to the call of chairman home-made candy. taxes where they are. I f the In I n case o f the death o f the gov justice court In Nyssa since the Another attraction o f the even come structure is left as It Is today, to have had an abortive oase of A-squad players, was as follows: M organ the following have volun ernor and president o f the senate, teered to serve on the founders ing will be the football game be the surplus would probably not be poliomyelitis, Dr. Maulding stated. Endow, center; Sutherland and Ita- John H. Hall, a Portland attorney opening o f the season as a result com mittee; G. A. Billings, A. H. tween Nyssa and Weiser on the applied to the national debt. T here muro, guards; Christensen and Pec- and speaker of t t e house of rep o f activity undertaken by state pol Boydell, E. A. Boydell, F. W. Brack local field, beginning at 7:30. ka, tacles; Wilson and Anderson, resentatives, would succeed to the ice officers. Practically all o f the fore, I voted for a reduction in in offenders were charged with carry Following the football game the come taxes. I did not think the en, 6. W. Buchner, D. O. Bybee, ends; Ray, quarterback; W ilder and governorship. ing guns without the required plug, Ralph Castator, A. Chadwick, Arvel highschool w ill sponsor a Hallow money would be used to reduce the Koyano, halfbacks, and G arner which prevents the insertion of » Child. G. A. Cleaver, Warren F a f- e'en dance in the gymnasium with national debt” . fullback.- Other players included more than three shells in the m aga mer, Jacob Fischer, W. W. Foster, music provided by Shane's orch Holcomb. Mitchell, Iseri, Fianary. T h e people have been increasing zine. Each defendant was fined Bernard Frost, O. L. Galloway, Lor- estra. Gilbert and Chadwick. ly more dependent on the govern $25 and assessed $4.50 court costs. 0 The carnival Is under the direc ment for the things they need” , the in Goates. A. P. Goodell, Amasa Nyssa will play Weiser here F ri The Nyssa boys who attended None of the more serious game law Hammon, 8am E. Hartley, R oy tion o f Ron Campbell, as head of congressman said in a discussion of the national F. F. A. convention day night, October 31 In another violations that have occurred In Hashitani, H a roli Henigson, Gc jrge the budget and finance committee a reduction in federal expenditures. and the Am erican Royal Livestock conference game. The opening kick other parts o f the county were C. Henncman, J L. Herrirnan, Dr. of the P.T.A. He is assisted by Rosel "W e get Increasingly more letters show in Kansas City, Missouri rec o ff will be at 7:30 because of the , More than a dozen dignitaries of handled in the local justice court. K . E. Kertoy, R G. LarsAl, Lloyd Hunter;. Mrs. Jake Simmons and from persons who think the gov ently, and their instructor, Richard P.T.A. carnival and dance. Many out-of-county hunters were W. Lewis, B. B. Lierk aer'p er, K . K. Mrs. K en Renstrom. T h e Vale Vikings are leading the the Masonic grand lodges o f Idaho ernment should take care of tihem” . Wilson, were guests o f the Nyssa fined In Thomas Jones’ Justice Mrs. Charles Grider, chairman of Lienkaemper, C. A. Marshall. Dr. T h e speaker explained his vote to Lions club and chamber o f comm Snake R iver Valley conference with and Oregon accompanied the O re L. A. Maulding, Richard Maw, R. D. the high school room mothers' and reduce the appropriation fo r the erce at luncheons held this week. four wins and no defeats, with Em- gon grand master. W alter M. R an court in O ntario on a charge o f shooting from a public highway. McCurdy, Dr. Edward W. M cNam fathers’ committee, is heading the Bonneville administration. “ The Each Future Farmers of Am er- mott in second position with three som. on his official visit to this ara, G. J. Mitchell, Frank T. M or dance committee. She is assisted Bonneville administration cannot ica chapter in the United States wins and no defeats. Other teams district a t a meeting held in the Up to Monday morning o f this week, 23 cases had been given hear gan, Frank Parr, G. H. Peirsol, by Mrs. J. L. Church. produce enough power for trans tries to send two boys to the nat are Payette, 2 and 1; Weiser, 2 and Masonic hall in N * * a Wedtiesday night. ings in that court. Mrs. George Henneman, chairman mission lines that it already has. K . V. Powell, W. B. Russell. A. C. ional convention, Mr. W ilson said. 2; Ontario. 0 and 3; Adrian, 0 and T h e m eeting was attended by 75 Sallee, George M. Sallee, Dr. J. J. of the grade school room mothers, T h e only way that power can be Delegates from the Nyssa chapter 3, and Frultland, 0 and 4. members. Including 30 from Idaho. Sarazin, George Schiemer, Carl S e the grade school teacheers and room increased in the northwest now is were Farrell Peterson, president, Orand Master Ransom delivered bum, T. C. Seppech, Emil A. Stunz, mothers have charge o f the car to Install more generators at Grand and Donald Byers. an address on “T h e Four Principles Orin Sumner, Joe L. Sutherland, nival. Coulee dam ” . Norvelle Robbins o f Nyssa, who of Am erican L ife ” , which he des All students, parents and friends Charles Taylor, Ormond Thomas, T h e congressman, after Dr. Paul won second place in the state in ignated as the home, the church, Herm an Towne, Eldon R. Ulmer, are invited to attend. Raver. Bonneville administrator had livestock judging a t the Pacific the school and the fraternity. Lloyd Wilson, Gordon F. Ray, D. H. asked for $26,000,000 for new trans International Livestock exposition T h e Oregon grand master was J. C. Watson and company has Christensen, Rev. P. J. Gaire, E. K. mission lines, learned that the ad in Portland, attended the Am eri accompanied to Nyssa by Lloyd started shipping celery, the first Burton. S. E. Flanagan and Elden ministration had $17,000.000 on hand can Royal show as a member of T h e bodies of the first two Nyssa Yergensen. Additional names of for new lines, including $5,000.000 Oregon's judging team. T h e other servicemen to be returned to the McRae, deputy grand master; H. ever shipped from Nyssa in quan D Proudfoot, grand secretary, and tity. volunteers will be published in the in unobligated funds and $12.000.000 two members o f the Oregon team United States from foreign shores several other members o f his o ff T h e company, starting shipments newspaper next week. In materials already ordered. F ol were Francis Thiel of Adrian, who have arrived in New York City, ac icial fam ily. Including W E.Schlre- last week, expect to ship approxi Chairman Morgan states, “all men lowing reduction o f appropriations, won first place in Portland, and cording to information received by man o f Nyssa, district deputy grand m ately 25 cars o f celery. T h e ship w ho live in this area and neighbor Dr. Lewis Corlett, president of the Bonneville administration has Bill Tolphe of Banks, whq took relatives here. master, who arranged the meeting ments will probably be completed ing communities who desire to the Northwest Nazarene college of released 800 o f its 2060 employes. third. The bodies of T/5 Thomas F. M a for the district, which includes the serve on the founders initial cam Nampa, spoke last Thursday even He further pointed out that this re Robbins said at the Lions lun th en y, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn odgea o f Nyssa. Vale and Ontario. next week. Th e celery, raised on three farms paign committee may do so by ing to the members of the Parent - duction in personnel had not re cheon that the team judged meat L. Matheny of Nyssa, and AP1C T h e Idaho visitors Included How contacting any member of the board Teacher association at the monthly duced Che generation o f power. carcasses, beef, sheep and swine, Eugene Evans, brother o f Mrs. Olen ard I. Monks, grand master; A. between Nyssa and Ontario, is of No. 1 quality. The produce is very of directors or by telephoning to gathering of the group. Mr. Stockman said " I believe it with four in each class. He did Suiter o f Nyssa .route 2, arrived the memorial hospital campaign Dr. Corlett, who spoke on "M eet is better for the government to not learn the results officially, but in the United States aboard the Edward Prince, deputy grand mas fin e celery. Howard Smith, local ter; Clyde I. Rush, grand secretary; Watson manager, said. headquarters, city hall, Nyssa, tele ing the Problems of Y ou th” , said develop power on the Columbia riv he heard his team received honor transport Joseph V. Connolly and M ost of the celery raised in M a l phone 92-J. that “ this is a great tim e to be er, but when private capital wants able mention. The team also judg will be sent to the American graves W illiam D. Farnham, grand lec turer, and Larry W. Bralnard. sen heur county Is grown on Dead Ox “ W e firm ly believe that the hos alive, fo r the problems o f youth, to build these dams I think it ed retail meat cuts. T h ey later registration service, Utah general ior grand steward. flat north o f Ontario. H alf a ca r p ital will save a number of lives though never solved, are always should be given every consideration. judged beef bulls, fat beef, short depot, in Ogden. Funeral services Preceding the meeting, dinner load o f celery was shipped by the each year, and in addition, will interesting". T h e government must deliver this horns. two classes o f swine and and Interment will be held at the was served by the Episcopal guild Watson company from Nyssa last relieve a great deal o f suffering", Dr. Corlett discussed some o f the (Continued On Page Tw o) two classes o f sheep. For this, the discretion of the next o f kin. In the home economics roam of year. M r Morgan said. "W e know that problems that face the youth of to Oregon team is believed to have Matheny is expected to be buried the 'high school building to s Urge the sacrifice o f a little time on the day. T oo many parents, while striv been awarded a bronze medal, In the veterans plot at Nyssa and crowd o f Masons. part o f each of us will make the ing to give their children the ad which represents a third place, but Evans at Wilder. hospital possible. Never again will vantages o f today, fall to teach no official word cm placing» has T h e bodies will probably not ar Honored at School— we have the privilege of working the honor of labor. been received. Robbins was sent rive here for several weeks. Miss Ellen Judd, daughter of Mr. for any civic enterprise that will In closing. Dr. Corlett, stressed the A Malheur county committee met to Kansas C ity through the fin and Mrs. Maurice Judd, Nyssa, was Four one-act plays will be pres be so worthwhile, or give so much need o f religious faith, in order October 17 at the home o f M iriam ancial assistance o f the chamber Here From Yakima— recently elected vice president of ented November 10 in the gym personal satisfaction—Join N ow !” that young people might more e f J. Black, Malheur county home of commerce and Lions club. Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Rogers and Finney hall, womens dormitory on nasium as the feature o f the one- fectively meet the skepticism of demonstration agent, for the pur Mr. Wilson explained at the small daughter o f Yakima, Wash the College o f Idaho campus. W ork- act play contest sponsored each this age. Nursing Home Notes— pose o f planning a county-wide chamber luncheon Wednesday noon ington arrived last week for a visit ing with seven other officers and j year by the Nyssa high school. New arrivals: M r and Mrs John T w o additional numbers on the officers training conference. that the F. F. A. activities con Mr Rogers returned home the lat Mrs. Alice Blcknell, director of the I T h e classes will present plays Thompson. Parma. October 22, son, program were piano solos by Sherrll Mrs. Mabel Mack, assistant state stitute the extra-curricular phase ter part of the week, but Mrs. R og dormitory. Miss Judd will assist'as follows; Frertimen. “ Everything 7 pounds, 14 ounces; M r and Mrs. Chadd and Irene Jayo. home demonstration agent, report of the vocational agricuture pro ers and daughter remained for a In the organization and execution Nice"; sophomores. "Miss Mobray's F. E. Lankford, Nyssa, October 23. During the business meeting Mrs. ed on training meetings in other gram. The boys attend agriculture longer visit. of dormitory activities. Dudley Big M om ent"; juniors, "10 per cent son. 9 pounds, 1H ounces; M r and Ed Frost presented L. D. Barr, who '■ountlea of Oregon T h e conference classes in the high school just as Kurtz, son o f Mr and Mr* Marion T om m y" and seniors, "The Lost M rs Jim Chadd, Sunset Valley, explained facts concerning the hos is scheduled for November 13 at the they attend other classes. Through Attend Convention— Kurts at Nyssa has recently been Kiss". daughter, 5 pounds. 8 ounces; Mr. pital survey being conducted. Boulevard Orange hail. Registra their F. F. A. activities, the boys Fred Kratzberg. route 2, Nysaa, chceen assistant director o f th e. T h e method of »electing the wtn- and Mrs R H. Williams, Nyssa, T h e P T A . members voted to tion w ill start at 10, with adjourn put into practice what they learn and Orvtl Hartman o f Parma re Coiloge o f Idaho pep band. K u rtz,' nine play may be changed this October 28. son. 8 pounds; M r and change the regular meeting night ment at 3:30. Each person is asked in classes. Th e livestock judging, turned home Friday from Coeur * sophomore at the coliege, will year, Mrs. J. R. Evans, October 28, son. from the fourth to . the second to furnish a covered dish and eat which is one o f the outside activi D’Alene. Idaho, where they were accompany other members o f the Thursday evenings in order to av ing utensils for a potluck lunch. 9 pounds, 4 ounces. ties, is conducted on local, state delegates from the Parm a lodge band on a tour of Idaho and O re Truck Damaged— Mrs. Smyser o f Nyssa is receiving oid holiday conflicts. On approval T h e committees elected were; and national levels. No 5 and the Tem ple encampment gon high schools later in the fall. Dickie Schlreman escaped injury medical attention. o f motion the group decided to Mrs. Frank Parr, presiding o ffi of Caldwell No. 3 to the I. O. O. F. when the Standard Oil Truck he increase the yearly dues from 50 cer; Mrs. P hilip Keck, chairman Guests Here Far Hunting— grand lodge o f Idaho. They were Attend Scandinavian Dinner— was driving overturned near the to 75 cents. Firemen to Give Dance— for Azalea house fund and regis Mr. and Mrs Leo Beers and son, accompanied by Mrs. Hartman. Mr. and Mrs John Oatrom a n d ' Oregon T ra il last The annual firem ens ball spon Refreshments were served by Mrs tration, and Mrs. W C Rogers and Donald o f Sausalito, California re Mr. and Mrs Hrtmar Oatrom at-1 Thursday Schlreman found it nec- sored by the Nyssa fire department Glenn Dowers and her committee. Threlm a Elliot, decoration com mit turned to their home Monday a f T o Spend Winter He tended the Scandinavian meeting esaary to swerve the truck sharply wiU be held Friday. November 14 tee. T raining in parlimentary pro ter visiting at the home o f Mr. Mrs. Maynard Thomason and and dinner at the Columbian club to avoid hitting a pick-up truck in the Nyssa gymnasium. Door priz Meeting Postponed— cedures will be given to all officers and Mrs. Dave Beers. Joe Carson Donna Rae are expected to arrive In Boise Sunday T w o recent v is -¡th a t crossed In front of him and es and other features will be ar Th e Owyhee Riding club has of M alheur county clubs. and son. Bill, of Chehalis. Wash In Nyssa from Rawlins, Wyoming. I tor* to Sweden told of their trips I |n so doing the truck overturned. ranged Tickets have been placed postponed its meeting until Novem ington also were guests o f Mr. and They will spend the winter here Motion pteturea were shown of Onnzlderable damage was done to on sale at G raham s insurance o f ber 5. T h e club w ill meet at the Here T o Hunt— Mrs. Beers. The men went hunting at the home of Mrs. Thomason's 8weden. the Standard Oil truck. fice and Renstrom s insurance o f home o f Dr. J. J. Sarazin at ( p. m. B ill Lewis of Oakland. California sister, Mrs John Murphy. fice. and H arvey Lewis and C arl Davies Takes Charge of Yard— Attend Miastou Workshop— I Appointed Agent— - Special Service Plan: of Portland were week-and* guests Chet Oounsil has moved to New Hunters at Collins Court— Mrs. Gene Fleshman, Mrs. W W .l oatrom Brothers Appliance ccm- Visiting Here— ' T h e Christian church will hold st the LJoyd Lewis home. They Plymouth to take charge of the new Out-of-town guests here for the Foater. Mrs Oscar Anderson and pany has been appointed agent in Mr and Mrs. C. V. Bk>yd o f ; a special dedication service for were here for the hunting Stuns Lumber company yard there. hunting season and registered at Grace Foater attended the m l»- Nyssa and vicinity for Westlnghotaie Coos Bay are visiting at the home Bible school teachers at the close Courwll. who has been employed the Collins trailer court Include slon worluhop tor ministers and electric appliances, o f M r and Mrs. Roy Barnes. j of the worship service Sunday Portland Visitors Here— by the Stunz Lumber company in Barney Dolan. Tom Downey. Art laymen held in Boise Tuesday The ------------------------- morning. T h e sermon far the morn- Mr. and Mrs. Tom M agín ness and Nyssa for the last nine months, is Downey and Mr Webster o f Port were conducted by Dr Carl „ e r e for »a n tin g Season— visitors from Kansas— ing session will be one especially Freeman B w i were guests at the part owner of the new busineaa. land: J. K Johnson and brother Quinby. national secretary of th e) rx p , « * . o f Rend and Bill Knox Mr. and Mrs 8 O. Oarr o f Me- ; for teachers, “T h e Exalted Place R ay Larson home last week en of Las Angeles. M r end Mrs. Ivan board of missions o f New York Portland were guests last week Far land. Kansas left last week after j of Teaching" route to Sun Valley Mrs. Maginness Here From Corvallls— Clarke of Portland, M r and Mrs. City. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. K E. spending a week visiting M rs Ella i — ------- is a niece of M r Larson. Mr anad Mrs Ira Ure, J r , of Roy Smith o f Eugene, and M r and IC erby.The men were here to hunt. Sm ith and other relatives. K ill Elk— Corvallls spent the week-end at | Mrs L E McClintock o f Roaeburg Hsalera Visit— ------------------------ ! Fred Braun o f Nyssa and Art Here From California— the Ira Ure home luesta last week st the Ira Urc Haul EM— Attend Conference ■■ I Young, salesman for the Peerless M r and Mrs. Laurence Brown ■■ ■ - Here frem Ni horn» for hunting seaaon were Dr. Dr. K . E Kerby. O. L Oalloway. R ev and Mrs H. J. Oernhardt Pacific Plumbing and Heating cqm- and son o f Torrence. California are Here from Boise— Mrs Ray Johnson of McOllI, M. Roberts of Balt Lake City, Dr. Otenn Kenaaton, Dick Stock attended the dtotrict conference of pany o f F in la n d returned Hatur- visiting in Nyssa and vicinity Mr. Miss Merry Norcott of Boise spent Nevada has been a guest of M r Brt> Roberta o f Woods Croas. Utah the M ethods* church. Western dis- day from the S tarke} district, and Mrs Brown form erly resided the «reek-end visiting at the home , and Mrs Lloyd Lewis. Mrs. John- and Bari Anderson of Brigham City, holm and Bernard Frost left last week-end to hunt elk at Rocky triet. at Boise Monday and Tuesday I where they each killed an elk. m — mi....mi.. o f her parents. Ison Is a stater of M r Lewie. Utah Point near Baker. \ Governor Snell, Sec. Farrell Are Believed Killed 3 Nyssa Polio Cases Reported Plans Completed For Carnival To Be Held Fridav F.F.A. Boys Tell O f Convention Masons Attend Local Meeting Bodies Of Two Soldiers Arrive Watson To Ship 25 Celery Cars Speaker Talks About Children CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD BY WOMEN ONE-ACT PLAYS SET FOR NOVEMBER 10