Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON p a g e s ix Social News Mrs. Siam visited the garden of annuals of the Slius Bros Seed company, wheie she t-x * pictures of the gardera in colored film. Mrs. Stain also attended the gladlola show In the city of Haarlem, that featured new strains of gladiolus. Some of these had interesting names: 'General Elsenhower'. “Presi dent Truman' and 'Better Times’. En route home, the Stams crossed over Into Canada, across from Niag ara Falls, » ’here they visited the park that Is being bu,lt and will ; contain the flowers from the car- 1 load of bulbs and plants sent from Holland to the Canadian people In j | appreciation of the help they gave to Holland during the war. | The next meeting of the garden | club will be held November 11 at the home of Mrs. J. P. Dunaway. OARDEN CLUB HEARS OP HOLLAND OARDENS Mrs Albert Pfeler entertained the members of the A.N.K. Garden club at her home last Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. Pfeller had arianged » bouquets of fall flower» •round the room». The Hallowe’en theme was carried out in the dec orations and the relicshments ser ved by Mrs. Pfeller. The business meeting was pre sided over by Mrs. O. L. Galloway. \icf president, In the absence of the president, Mrs. Hugh Lamb Mrs. Oerrlt St&m spoke to the club on "Oardens of Holland” . Mrs. Siam said that the climate of Hol land 1» similar to that of tha Pacif ic coast. Upon ttielr arrival In Hol RECEPTION OIVEN land they found rhododendrons and Mr and Mrs. Ed Warren enter lilacs In bloom. The Holland gar dens were beautiful, said Mrs Stum, tained last Thursday evening at their home In 'honor of their daugh- In spite of Che very dry summer. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1947 Those attending tram this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dunaway. Mr. and Mrs. Max Dunaway, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and Jim Miller, Mrs. E. H. Brumbach and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Overstreet. Sr. ored on her 07th birthday with a dinner given at the heme of her son, Ray C. Lewis. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elggren of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs John Hump of Richmond, Utah and Mrs. George Bonnell and daughter of Boise. Mrs. Elggren and A M IT Y CLUB MEETS Mrs. Hamp are daughters of Mrs. The Junior Women’s Amity club Lewis, and Mrs. Bonnell Is a grand will meet at the home of Mrs. Dean daughter. Fife Friday, October 24 at 8 p. m. Mrs. Waynard Talbot and Mrs. INFO RM AL CLUB MEETS Carl Burnlngham are In charge Mrs. Luray Trabert and Mrs. Lyle o f the special program. Fulmer entertained the members of H - the Informal Bridge club at dessert 9COUTS, O IR L fi ENTERTAINED bridge at the Trabert home last Many senior scouts and junior Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Henry girls of Nyssa will to* entertained Borgman won the prize for high at an L. D. S. stake-wide dance score; Mrs. Vernena Beam, second, and program at the Vale ward Oct and Mrs. John Ostrom. traveling ober 24 at 8:30. prize. — A— GUESTS A T LUNCHEON ENTERTAIN DINNER GUESTS Mrs. Ray Wilson of Parma en Mr. and Mrs. George Schwelzer tertained last Thursday at a 1:30 entertained Sunday In honor of luncheon at her home honoring their son, Max Schwelzer, and fami Mrs. N. P. Wlncup of London. Guests from Nyssa were Mrs. Bar ney Wilson, Mrs. Ernest Wilson. Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, Mrs. Huston Wilson and Mrs. Robert Wilson. t (L M, V ( ' : i i NKMNMMMftH WMMill 1«HI'IIIMII M M H IU I1I.II III III III I'l 1:1 I II I II HI III HUH HI’IU III,IN,HI HUH HI K H r W om en ’s HONORED ON B IR TH D AY Mrs. Martha Ann Leads was hon .•■V Denim Slacks Eight ounce sanforized shrunk blue denim. Just what many of you women have been want ing for work and sports wear. SIZES 12 TO 20 W om en’s Cotton Dresses $2.98 $3.49 $3.98 Cotton prints, 80 square. A new shipment with new styles and patterns. SIZES 12 TO 52 Phone IOÔ Mr. and Mrs. Justin holder and Mrs. Gertrude Jackson. - 8 - A M IT Y CLUB MEETS Mrs. Robert Wilson entertained recently for the members of the Amity Study club. Mrs. Ersel Beus reviewed the book, “ Mrs. Mike” . Bernard Eastman Real Estate Insurance Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon -F ■ :h Probably Malheur county's only mute couple, Mr. and Mrs. Casiplcr Rataezyk of Sunset valley are shown as they appeared shortly after their marriage. Mrs. Rataezyk was formerly Miss Frieda Emmons of Battle Ground, Washington. OREGON ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Porter Willis of Ontario, who were recently married In Nevada. Im mediate relatives of the two fami lies attended. SOCIETY MEETS The October meeting of the St. Anne's Altar society was held at the home of Mrs. William Wahlert last Thursday. Plans were made for the annual bazaar and food sale, to be held the latter part of November. Articles for this sale should be taken to the next meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs. Alice Collins November 20. The meeting will be an all-day affair. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Wahlert. - 5 - SCANDINAVIANS MEET The Scandinavian society of southwestern Idaho met at Emmett at the home of A. J. Stoiberg Sun day 'to plan for a covered dish dinner to be served Sunday, Oct ober 26 at 1 p. m. in the Columbian club in Boise. Plans are developing for an interesting program to be presented by persons who have TW O THINGS THAJ ^ cr make y o v f e e l e a PROGRAM THEATRE F R ID A Y A SATU R D AY, OCTOBER 24-25 It’s a knockout riot! Wallace Beery and Aline McMahon in “ TH E M IG H TY M cGURK” It’s Beery at his best as a tough mug with a heart o f gold who becomes the reluctant daddy o f a hero-worshipping half-pint. Comedy Cartoon Mat.. Sat.. 1:30 P. M.. Adm. 5e-25c M u . Bvanlngs. Mr-0e, Including Tax S U N D A Y & M ONDAY, OCTOBER 26-27 It’s packed with suspense, love, and laughter! M-G-M’s Prize Picture. In beautiful technicolor. “ TH E Y E A R LIN G ” Gregory Peck— Jane Wyman Color Cartoon Note— A 2-hour and 25-minute show. Mat. S u l , 1:30 Adm.. We lle. Inc. T aj Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c, »tic. Tax. T U E S D A Y A WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28-29 June Haver— Mark Stevens in “ I W O ND ER W H O ’S KISSING HER N O W ” The story o f America’s romantic troubador, Joe Howard. Here are the loves he knew, the songs he wrote and the era he set aflame. Cartoon Good T ire s and. In su ra n c e O O S ** made recent trips to those of Scandinavian are invited to attend. tickets may be secured Sweden. All connections Membership at the door. NYSSA G IR L WED Neva Juanita Jones, daughter of Mrs. Leila Jensen, and Clarence J. Heath were married in the LX>.S. temple at Salt Lake City at an impressive evening service Novem ber 17. A reception for the couple was held at the L.D.S. church in Nyssa September 26. Receiving the guests were the bride and groom and attendants. The bride was gowned In white satin, with a net veil, edged with dainty lace, and carried a bouquet of pink and White carnations. She was attended by Joyce Bair, and Ellen Judd, and by Karen Jensen as flower girl. The groom was attended by John L. Turner. Receiving with the bridal couple were Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Heath, parents of the bride and groom. Mrs. Jalene Hunter had charge of the guest book. Assisting at the gift table were Jolene Hunter, Diane Jones, Janet Irving, Nancy Kessler, Diane Irv ing and Delora Hurst. The wedding cake, cut by the bride and groom, was served from a table, centered with a lovely floral and candle arrangement. A program was presented with Nill Bair as mistress of ceremonies. She read two poems dedicated to the young couple. Jack Wilson play ed an accordlan solo and Afton Cleverly sang “Till The End of Time". The program was concluded by piano selections played by Betty Jean Toombs. Many useful and lovely gifts were received by the couple. Mrs. Heath Is employed as sec retary in the Hollingsworth store In Nyssa. The couple will make their home In Ontario. - I— CLUB HOLDS M EETING Tlie Pleasant Hour club met with Mrs. Charles Chritton Thursday. October 9. Mrs. Knottlngham and Mrs. N. A. Mitchell were guests of the club. Lunch was served. Plans were made for a Hallowe'en party to be held at the Fred Stev ens home. BOOK CLUB ENTERTAINED The members of the Kingman Kolony Book club were guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles Peck of AND INSURANCE Boise last Sunday. A covered dish dinner was enjoyed by the guests. NYSSA, O REG ON follo»-ed by an afternoon of visiting. KEN RENSTROM REAL ESTATE PHONE 4 7 J Store c o a l SPRING CANYON ROYAL SUCK sm m f Freight car shortage* are al ready more acute than they were last winter. For this reason cool may not be available during the height of the heating season. Be Wise' Order Y O l'R winter sup ply TODAY! 4de-*e. lac. Tax. - ORDER TODAY FROM BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COMPANY S TA R TS ! G IVE HIM Y O U R PICTURE Your own picture is the nicest CHRISTM AS G IFT you can give, especially when it’s a lovely portrait by us. TACOMA* PO RTLAN D TRAILWAYS How long has it been since your auto Instantly responded to your touch? Have us check the motor and other Our experienced shooters are trained « S ch W u L . D»W Salt U k * A P o fl.n d M A K E YO U R Westbound (Regular Schedules) 5:20 AM 10:20 AM •2:20 PM 3:45 PM •6:35 PM 11:45 PM Eastbound (R egjlar Schedules) 3:05 AM 8:15 AM •1:20 PM 3:45 PM •6:15 PM 11 PM Phone 196-W A PPO IN TM E N T to the heart of O. L. GALLOWAY. Mgr. Ny trouble to get your car's disability! EARLY Towne’s Phone 103-W Garage OLD OR DIRT* SPA R K P LU G S Can Cause Your Car To— S T A R T H AR D G IVE POOR PERFORM ANCE USE TO O MUCH GAS Have Your Spark Plugs Checked Now Herriman Motor Co. Your Ford Dealer 600 vital parts of your automobile. White Enamel Ranges And Heaters Adm. Evening*. 40c-9c. Inc. Tax. T H U R S D A Y A FR ID AY, OCTOBER 30-31 Cornell Wilde, Maureen O’Hara, Glen Langan and Helen Walker in “ T H E HOMESTRETCH” In Technicolor A fast-moving romance set against the back ground of the world’s most colorful racing ev ents. (Originally booked last mnth, but can celled due to polio.) TIME TO PO RTLAN D A ND THE N O R T H W E S T Thtsugh Sessi*, Csslml 0«*|ss • SEATTLE ,fO NYSSA Schwelzer; Severn and John, Mrs. Lee House ENJOY Q U ICK $2.98 NYSSA, ly. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Max Schwelzer. Dianne and JoAnne Priced At Fraction O f Value Prices On Quantities, One To a Carload. ED CASE’S HI-WAY MDSE. MART, NYSSA, OREGON