TH E N Y S S A G A T E CITY J O U R N A L . NYSSA , OREGON TH U R SD A Y, OCTOBER 23, 1947 PAGE T H lteL’ FOR SALE— Registered nereford No stock received on Sunday. grandmother, formerly of Big Bendocan. There were several bouquets 221, and birds left on hand at th# given in honor of the 4-Hers. farms total 9,927 The latter. ex- bull. Phone Zack Walker. 282-W. Be* L ,8h* ? * * * « dellven community. to Polar locker plant. Mrs. Fred Fisher and Don Fisher •*------------ ; cept those birds oe:ng nesJ for one mile west on Alberta avenue drove to Boise Monday afternoon MERRY M ATR O N S OF breeders, are being held In open Phone 05R1 pens at the -Ontario game farm FOR SALE— 125 acres. 96 irrigable, on business. JAKE H S i l i t l . ORE. T R A IL MEET for release next spring. good improvements, Reuben Har- Virgil Seward went to Boise Mon- The two pheasant-field rearing oldsen, 8 miles southwest of Nyssa, Legal Advertising day to purchase a new Crossley OREGON T R A IL, Oct. 23— The projects demonstrated this year in phone 016-R2 or 08-R1. 2304xp. RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. Alter one month one | car, which will be quite a unique Merry Matron’s club met with Alice Linn and Wasco counties produced NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE— Fine row - crop 40 automobile In the communty. Holmes October Id. Ten members buds of good quality. In Wasco cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, la 30c. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF near Adrian, good water right, fair A teachers’ reception, which has and two quests, Allene Holmes and county 1,700 pheasants were reared THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Improvements. been postponed because of the polio Mrs Griffith, were present. Tea In this manner and In Linn county. oi the experiment 40 acres on oiled highway.'One THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR epidemic and various activities, will 5°wels were embroidered for the 665 Results — - rN THE M ATTER OF THE ES mile out. Unimproved. be held at the schoolhouse. next hoBltss 111 * Qutzz game Viola Ad- ^ J^e rat* ^ f i t T the TATE OF CLARENCE J. D IC K be removed by December 31, 1947. Several good 80 -acre and larger Thursday evening, October 23. Af- ams and Gladys Byers won prizes. checked after tne SON, DECEASED For Sale Open tot inspection until October' farms. hunting season. “ NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN ter the program, which Includes a Lunch was served by the hostess,' ' 25. Bids must be received by Oct- | 3 acres tor sale, close in, unlm that the undersigned, Katherine talk to be given by Rev. Stanley assLted by Allene and Opal Holmes. Go to Ca'lfornla— FOR SALE— Friday and Saturday ober 27. Oregon State college ex- ! proved Banks of Parma, the group plans next meeting will be held Oc- Also have several houses listed. Dickson, has been appointed and to retire to the kitchen, where the toder 29, with Marie Holmes as Mrs. C. C. Patterson left Sunday only, fryers. Norton Randolph, four tension service, Emergency Farm Labor, 310 Dairy building, Cor 5Jtfc. has qualified as administratrix of cooks will serve a typical hot lunch hostess- to visit her daughter, Mrs. Thelma of the estate of Clarence J. Dick miles west on Alberta avenue and vallis, Oregon. KEN RF.NSTROM 1602xc a*1** Mrs. S. O Carr of Mc- Clifford of Los Angeles, who Is 111. son, deceased, by the County Court to the adults at a nominal price. I one-half mile south on Grey. 2301p. Phone 172-J Thus the parents will have an parland. Kansas are visiting Mr. of Ma'heiir County, Oregon. _ FOR SALE— Chrysler Industrial Vislts Mother— FOR SALE— Small acreage. Well 8-cylinder engine, 140 horsepower FOR SALE— Sewing machine sup NOW THEREFORE, all persons example of the child's dally noon and Mrs. F. C. Fry Mrs. Leslie R. Veach and daugh Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams vis improved on good highway. Almost fluid drive with right angle pulley’ plies. Wholesale and retail. Re having claims against the estate meal. The proceeds will be used for ter, Linda, accompanied by Mrs. new 2-bedroom house, water pres- on trailer. Nyssa Implement Co building, electrifying, repairing. Re of Clarence J. Dickson, deceased the regular expenses of the lunch ited In Nampa last Thursday. Rev Griffith, minister of the Joyce Scott of Portland, visited sure. W ill sell with all .equipment | OOtfc built machines for sale. F. "Lete’ are hereby notified and required project. or without. Near school. Income i -------------------- ------------------- ■___ Thomas Evans. Nyssa photogra- Baptist church of Parma, preached Mrs Veach's mothqr, Mrs. Mertie Sackett, phone 247-M. 469 west to present the same, with proper ♦200 per month. Phone 010R-4. I FOR SALE— Norge refrigerator, First street, south, Ontario, Ore vouchers, duly verified, within six pher, took group pictures of each a* Gregon Trail following Sunday Comer last week. 2302xp. 6 cubic feet, good condition. Phone gon. 19Jtfc. (6) months from the date of this class with their teacher at school sc^°°^ Sunday morning. Nancy Goodson of Parma has ---------- ----- - 140-NR, 398 South Third street. Notice to the undersigned, Kath Tuesday. FOR SALE— Two-piece girl's snow | 160tfc FOR SALE— Several houses for erine Dickson, at the law office Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker and been visiting her grandparents, Mr. ' suit, size 3. Phone 28 N.R. after I -------- sale. Attractive buys. See Frank of Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Ore family, who recently sold their and Mrs. F. O. Holmes, the past P L A N N IN G T O 6 p.m. 2302xp. I FOR SALE— Surge milking mach- T. Morgan. 16Jtfc gon, which place the undersigned farm west of Nyssa, gave possession j we^ - -------------------------------------- 1 ine. For cleaner milk, faster milk- to the new owners Saturday, by i Donald Byers left Friday morning selects as her place of business FOR SALE— 1941 and 1939 GMC j lng, less udder trouble, buy Surge, FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance. moving and storing their furniture ; *or K a ila s City, Missouri, to at- BUILD ? trucks. Two-speed axle, good mo- Davenport and Jacobs, 814 River Public Liability, Property Damage. in all matters connected with said and are staying with Mrs. Tucker's I tend Puture Farmers of Ameri- tor and tires with beet beds. Priced Street, phone 0298-J1, Payette. Ida- Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed estate. Dated and first published Octob sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. ! ca convention. He went as a repre- to sell. W. E. Moore, Homedale, | ho. 904xp in the best companies at lowest er 16, 1947 You may »ave money Vtrgll Seward, until their new home ! tentative froqi Nyssa. Idaho. 2301xp. | - ---- — _ in Nyssa Is completed. Mr an Mrs. F. C. Fry and their possible rates. Bernard Eastman Last publication November 13, 1917. ----------------------------------------- I FOR SALE— Apples, five varieties, house guests, Mr. and Mrs. S, O. 14Ftfc. Dickson, Deceased. FOR SALE— Maytag washer, good bushel or truck lots. Bring con- i by seeing me. Carr of McFarland, Kansas, were Katherine Dickson. Administra FARM ERETTES OF condition, $45. Phone 015-R3. j talners. Otis Smith, 1% miles south Sunday dinner guests at the Dwight trix of the Estate of Clarence LOST - 2302xc. of Fruitland. 204xp. N U -A C R E S M EET Smith home In Nyssa J. Dickson, Deceased. FOR SALE— Genuine Hohner FOR SALE— Hohner 12-base ac- LOST— Log chain, North 6th St., mouth organs (harmonica) In key 1 cordian. Excellent condition, with October 10. Marion Chard. 1602xp. SE V E R A L VISIT IN NU-ACRES. Oct. 23—The Farmer- 9000 PH EASAN TS of C and G. Metal reeds. M ade' care. $75. Write box 37 or phone ettes club members held their Oc RELEASED IN CO. In Germany. Nyssa Furniture Co.. 194-J after 7 p.m. 160tfc. R IC H LA N D SECTION tober meeting Wednesday, the 16th, For Rent one block west railroad depot at the community hail, and Invited Nyssa, Oregon 230tfc. FOR SALE— Large oil heater, good Pheasant liberations for this sea yOUa 0W 1 U RICHLAND, Oct. 23—Mr. and Mrs. the Desert Flower club and the _ j condition, lo ioot copper tubing fW Q son have been completed from all ®urt hi£ h' spe®d P?1: i Ward Lundy of Salem are visiting Sagehens club of New Plymouth FOR SALv— Rabbits and hutch. and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J. four game farms of the game com Building Contractor l r r r ^ ! y hanC" ed two weeks with their daughter, community to meet with them. The Phone 183-W. 2303xp. 18Stfc. ta by women. Nyssa Lumber company.: Mr, Robert Runcorn. During the meeting, an 'all-day affair, was ission. The 1947 production was attended by 75 members of the more than 50.000 birds. Total libera FOR SALE— Good used tires, all FOR SALE— Stoves, grates and _______ ____________ __________ SAtrc. yistt Air. and Mrs Ward Lundy, M i. W AN1TF1 ! and Mrs. Robert Runcorn and F. P. three cluhs and their guest« Bach tions, including breeders, were 48- flee, $1 and up. Don B. Moss,; repairs for any make of cook stove _ f t n i r .U ¡Runcorn went deer hunting. club contributed to both the chick Firestone Dealer store. 2301xc. j or heater. Delivery usually five ___ _ WANTED— To buy a trailer house and Mrs- Frank Olacken lett en dinner and the program, Which _ r —— — --- ——— •_---------------- ! days. Nyssa Furniture Co., one FOR SALE— 1936 Chevrolet I 'i - block west of railroad depot. 18Stfc. reasonably priced. C. H. Cassel. f.o r } h.e ir..home,ln.ISacrament° Weri followed in the afternoon. ton truck with beet bed. Watts | _ ____.______________________ Inquire at Journal office. The hall Was decorated In the 2302xc. nesday fter visiting their friends, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Terhune and traditional Hallowe'en colors. Many Motor Co. 230tfc. FOR SALE— 16-foot stock bed and beautiful fall flowers were placed -----rr-------------- ;-:— — rack. Alfred Brim, Inquire at Gene’s WANTED— To rent 5 or 6 room BUI Rhinehart, for three weeks. FOR S A L E - 10 acres in Apple ; Grocery OIe.s cornei 18stf W e are equipped to pump your septic tank Miss Marjorie Davis, Mrs. L. D. on the long dinner tables. house in -o r near Nyssa. Family valley, Pour-room house, pressure ; _______________________________ o f four. Call 125-W, ask for Don. Owen and Iver Owen of Boise After each member introduced or repair it. For your plumbing needs call system, some fruit, berries and FOR SALE— Circulating coal heat- 1602xp were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. herself and gave some superstition grapes. Hay and pasture. Ashford i er. Large size. Nyssa Lumber Co Davis and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. as her part of the roll call, the Fields, D* Rt. " 2, ” Parma, Idaho. 2302p. ------TJ- '- -------‘ 48tfc. SALESMEN W ANTED— Start a Brandt Sunday afternoon. Mrs. dinner was served by the hostesses Rawleigh's business. Real oppor FOR SALE— Rabbits and hutches. FOR SALE—Or trade International tunity now for permanent, profit Owen and Iver Owen are the mo of the Farmerette club. Later the ther and brother of Mrs. Davis and following program was given: P. O. box 943, telephone 63-M. pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 282W. able work nearby. Write Rawleigh's, Free Estimate» Furnished Group singing, led by Jean Blake- Mrs. Brandt. Miss Davis Is the 2302xp. 4Stfc Dept. ORJ-331-K, Oakland, Calif. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. sley; song, Hallowe’en, Desert Flo wer club; reading, Mrs. Lee; and FOR SALE— lVt acres. Close In. FOR SALE— New, modern t w o - _____________________________ 16Q2xp Davis. Phone Nyssa— 196-J Vale— 3282 Unimproved. $1000. 2Va acres on bedroom house, gas furnace, hard- W ANTED— Experienced typist for Miss Beth Mithcell spent the reading, Mrs. Barney and solo, highway, close in, small house, wood floors, close In, $6500, $1500 part-time work. Ask for Mr. Bur- week-end with her folks, Mr. and Jean Blakesley. An interesting and novel display $3000. Bernard Eastrman. 230tfc. down, F. H. A. terms. Bernard gess at Dessert Seed Co. 1602xc Mrs. Dave Mitchell. Miss Mitchell is attending school at the University of ’’Fall’’ hats was presented by the Eastman. 28Atfc! --------------- - - ----------- W ANTED— Permanent position de Sagehens club. The hats were de , WANTED— 40 acres potato ground. of Oregon In Eugene. sired. Experienced tractor mechan FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write ! Phone 03R2. 1604xp Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pruyn of Nyssa signed of various kitchen and house ic and truck driver. Box 914, Nys Watts Motor Co.. Nyssa, Ore., for | — ------------------------------------ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clif- hold articles and modeled by the ■ sa. 1602xp. Willys parts, motors, extra equip- i WANTED— Field ensilage cutting, ford Nielsen Friday evening. members of the club. ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup ; L. E. Robbins, three miles north, Ray Lappier of Yakima and W al In a guessing game In which all FOR SALE— Used'sewing machine. trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. one-half west of Nyssa on Gem lace and Herschell Gregg went deer took part, prizes were won by Mrs. j Good working condition. Nyssa Fur niture Co., one block west railroad FOP, SALE— 1 D.S. 35 Internation WANTED— To buy anything In hunting for several days. Wallace Lee, Mrs. Nedbalek and Mrs. Bob Johnson. depot. • 160tfc. al truck, 1940 model. Long wheel beef or veal. Also i/uy Uunger cows Gregg killed a deer. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell, Mr. The remainder of the afternoon base, 2-speed axle. 1940 Chevrolet or will handle for hide tnd offall. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt, Mr. and was spent In getting better ac FOR SALE— 1942 International truck, long wheel base, 2-speed Phone 31M or 011J1. 22Atfc. Mrs. Cliff Beckstead and M r- and quainted. K-6-2 ton truck with $300 strain axle. These trucks are In fair con Mrs. Ray Russell were dinner guests Clarence Morehouse of Montana bed, two-speed axle, tandem axle dition and priced reasonable. Also M ISC E LLA N E O U S of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fheller Tues is ill at the home of his sister, and accessories. See this good buy one 12-foot beet rack. C. E. Lese- day evening* Mrs. Alice Fry. for $2100. Owyhee Truck and Imp berg. Phone 154-J. llStfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Try our shop Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Terhune spent An event of special Interest In lement Co. Phone 83-J. 1602xc for saw filing. We also do re-tooth FOR SALE— 200 feet frontage, 150 ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Saw Thursday in Cascade and Emmett this community was a shower given FOR SALE— English pointer, 4 by several of the ladles for Mr. and 90tfc. on business. feet deep, south of Polar Cold Stor Shop, First and Ehrgood. years old. Price $50. F. B. O'Neill, ) Mrs. Dave Mitchell attended a Mrs. Bud Moots, newlyweds. Many age, $2400. Bernard Eastman. UStf. route 1, Nyssa. I602xp MISCELLANEOUS— Episcopal guild card party which was held at the beautiful and useful gifts were FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. rummage sale every Saturday after home of Mrs. Tam Eldridge Friday received. A mock hill-billy wedding FOR SALE— 7 barracks-type build Guaranteed to be washable and noon from 1:30 to 4:30 at parish afternoon. was part of the entertainment. The ings. Former CCC camp, Hunting- 204xc. non-fading tor three years. Good hall. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sisson and young folks were taken from the family and Mr. and Mrs. Adam hall to the Preston home, where a and mixing shed 198' x 10’ barr- Danv_________________________ ■>«T r MISCELLANEOUS— Get ready for Focht and family went deer hunt charivari was staged. Then they acks 20’ x 65’, mess hall 20’ x 50’ ________________ ao*,HC’ winter. We service all kinds of ing over the week-end. Mr. Sisson were put on top of Leo Ellibee’s latrine 20’ x 20’, officers quarters FOR SALE— Used Fairbanks plat- heating equipment. Nyssa Heating A certificate must be filled out by owner or milk truck and given a ride through killed a deer. 20' x 30’, recreational hall 29’ x 40’, form scale. 2500 pound capacity, Co., phone 109-W. 28Atfc. * Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lappier of the streets of Nyssa. Refreshments oil house 6’ x 8'. Buildings must Dessert Seed Co. 3Jtfc MISCELLANEOUS— Help-Ur-Self, Yakima visited several days^with of ice cream, cake and coffee were custodian o f livestock whenever it is being custom and wet wash. White Swan their son-in-law and children, Her served. The Grange met at the hall ] laundry. Soft water. R. M. Souther- schell Gregg, and children. John Pfeiler of Ornand, Califor Thursday night, with a fairly good i land, prop. Phone 13-J. 7Atfc. transported by truck within the Oregon brand nia is visiting three weeks with his attendance. Plans were completed for the hobo party to be given Fri MISCELLANEOUS— Will pay top brother, Louis Pfeiler. day night, October 24, at the hall. prices far hay. Phone Nampa 593- inspection area without a brand inspection Numerous prizes will be given. The J ll, Paul Rea, Nampa, route 2. P. T. A. OF A P P L E public Is invited to attend. 204xp. V A L L E Y G ATH ERS Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. MISCELLANEOUS— Available now Vendewall Sunday were Mr. and certificate. Electrolux cleaners and air puri APPLE VALLEY, Oct. 16—C. H. Mrs. F. A. Johnson and their son fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An Higgins came last Wednesday to and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van- j derson, route 3, Welser, Idaho. spend some time at the home of dewall o f Longmont, Colorado. In 30c for pad of 50 Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfc. his daughter and husband, Mr. the afternoon the ladles went to see and Mrs J. D. Smith, since their the beautiful flower garden, of Mrs. MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and return from a two-week vacation Hatch near the Owyhee school. free pick-up of your dead, crippled PH YSIC IAN S The 4-H club held a meeting at H A Y BUYER or sick livestock. Calls received be In California. The regular meeting of the P.T.A. the hall Friday night. The Jenkins fore 9 o'clock are picked up by boys reported on their trip to the W. F. JAH N noon. Efficient drivers. Call col- was held at the schoolhouse last S A R A Z IN CLINIC Thursday evening. The main Issue livestock fair at Portland. On Sun- discussion concerned the price I day they went to Seaside on the Dealer in hay and grain sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products for the . children’s k iu _ — , hot . Dr. J. J. SaraZin lunches, I _ 1 ------ ------------------------------------ Company. 5Jtfc Third at Good Ave. which was set at 20 cents a day. Dr. K E. Kerby MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? The cooks, Mr. and Mrs. Riggs Odle, KEEP M A C H IN E R Y LO O K IN G LIK E N E W Physician and Surgeons Loans on farlhs for refinancing, are doing a fine Jdb of cooking and DENTISTS — W IT H — managing the meals which the building. Improvements, b u y i n g . L. A. Maulding, M. D. Long term, low Interest, see Ber youngsters and teachers both en joy, committee members said. J. R. C U N D A LL Physician and Surgeon nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. A group of girls met with their SAtfc. Phone 37 Dentist sponsor. Mrs. Bernice Gibson, Im Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to A MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car mediately after school last Friday Phone 56-J Dally—Except Sunday and clylnder lock keys made. Wes evening for a few hours of sewing Sarazfn Clinic tern Auto Store. 250tfc. for missionary work. After a sup NYSSA OREGON G R A V E M ARKERS per together the girls spent the CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING remainder of the evening playing 8tock received Monday, Tuesday, games. For grave markers afld OPTOM ETRISTS Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Coyl Dunn of Mer monuments write or see to 8 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m? to 12. idian visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. j This new General Paint product comes in 17 . DR. J. A. M C FA LL R. A. BENTLEY Fritts Sunday. different colors for— DR. JOHN E A S LY Mr. and Mrs. Emery Rathbun and Haines, Oregon JOH N DEERE IN T E R N A T IO N A L H ARVESTER family entertained at Sunday din Better Values ner Mrs. Rathbuns parents. Mr. Free Pick Up FORDSON A L L IS CH ALM ERS and Mrs. Ed Wild and Roy of Nys Lower Prices CASE C A T E R P ILLA R sa. Of Your Miss Melva Riddle of Fruitland O LIV E R CLETRAC JEW ELRY STORES spent the week-end with Catherine Dead and Worthless M IN N E A PO LIS-M O LIN E Springer. Mr and Mrs. Albert Meier and PAULUS Machinery children oi Welser spent Monday Animals JE W E LR Y STORE Here at long last is a complete line of truck, tractor and im Phone 21, Ontario, Ore with the former's parents, Mr. and Union Pxrlflc Time Inspector Mrs. Henry Meier. During parts of Call Collect plement enamel, which incorporates every wanted quality in a JEWELRY — DIAMONDS the day the men drove to Cs Id- LODGES machinery and equipment finish. Made on an entirely new prin W AT ’ TTER There la a Phone Near You well and Nyssa on business. ! Mr. and Mrs P. E Pilcher plan Main Street a. Second ciple— o f new-type materials. They are high in quality, yet Gate City Lodge Nyssa 100 Parma 25 ned to leave Tuesday at this week reasonable in price. • No. 214 ' tor an extended visit In various Ontario 53 W YCKOFF j states, including Nebraska and Iowa, I.O.OiF. where they have relatives and many 'W e Haul the Day You C all' JE W E LR Y STORE Meets every Monday friends Official Time Inspector for Seventh and eighth grades were Ida-Ore Rendering Co. night, 8:30. U n ici Pacific dtemlased for a while Monday af O N TARIO ORBOON South First Street ternoon to permit their teacher, Nyssa, Oregon “Your General Paint Store” Mrs Fenruaon, and Evelyn Fergus on to attend the funeral of her Classified Advertising J. C. Krul Septic Tank Trouble? Brower’s Plumbing Shop Oregon Transportation Certificates Available to Livestock men 5S „“5. ?'* S E W com- And Farmers Professional And Business Direeiory Gate City Journal £ Truck, Tr&ctor And Implement Paint Stunz Lumber Co.