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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1947)
•mu THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NY SS A. OREGON PAGE TWO ing world. This mass of humanity on the move filled every available sleeping room and res taurant and kept service station attendants on the jump. Last year, the first big hunting year after the war, this army of hunters, including local nim- rods, killed an estimated 9000 pheasants in Malheur county. This year the army is expected to be larger, but the crop of birds is smaller, according to game league officials. So, with the limit cut to three cocks a day and six cocks in any seven consecutive days, visiting sports men will have to-’charge most of their expense to recreation and not to the food budget. How ever, a wife with a hunting license would double the allowance of birds, to say nothing of the companionship. Although the bird population is down, when bigger crops of pheasants are raised Malheur county will probably raise them. I he Gate City Journal E d ito r KLAS8 V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION RATES and P u b lis h e r A 1>V E R T I S IN G H A T u .l One Y e a r................................ 12.00 Six Month«.....------------------*1.35 Single Copies..... >.........—............ M (Strictly in Advance* Open rate, per In d i......._.*8e N ational, per Inch.............. 40c Classifieds, per word........ J e M inim um...........30c Published every T hursday a t Nyssa, M alheur County, Oregon Entered a t the postolllces a t Nyssa, Oregon (or transm ission through the United S tates Malls, as second class m atter, under the act oi M arch 3, 1878. WE ARE HARVESTING OUR BIRD CROP Harveet of Malheur county’s pheasant crop was started Wednesday morning by an army of redcaps, working for the development of the family larder and advancement of the great mythical realm of sport. The army was mustered from all parts of the northwest, coming here from Portland, Seattle, Bend and waypoints. Malheur county residents are so accustomed to beet harvest, onion harvest, lettuce harvest and potato har vest that they do not think of a harvest of pheasant meat, although it runs into thousands of dollars annually. On the opening day of the season and today Main street was lined with automobiles of hun ters, occupied by another army—a regiment of dogs, representing the real talent of the sport- RELIEF SOCIETY OF L.D.S. CHURCH MEETS ADRIAN. Oct. 23— Mrs. Don R. Patrick sp en t the past week visiting friends In Boise, and h er sister Mrs. Bob Eastm an, In Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Steelm an and M/CK£ŸandWSMA son, Gene, of M iddleton, w ere call ers Tuesday afternoon In the Clyde Steelm an home. The Adrian Ladles Relief society of the L.D.S. church held an all- day meeting and quilting bee Tues day afternoon In th e Legion hall. Mrs. Bill Looney en tertain ed a t a dinner W ednesday honoring Mrs. Är « •*. r u b b er UNCLE VOSO UVES IS W E L L ,T *\S S N A K E c a m « * saw p , w as a H U N D RED SN AKE. K lU , A GBfcAT J P E Ç T l o n g / ^ B K r B E A tL ? « — < v—----- * — ~ ~ 7 * DONfr' G w an - S n R K E S ' A i* f i th e ( r re Ä S w eld er s go t no j R F E E T / J - ' ^ ^ su Jù§v COUSIN BILL SEZ:- '* « Q 1 Your tires will tre a t you like your wife, unless you pay them some attention. The experts a t O.K. RUBBER WELDERS will add thousands of m iles to your present set of tires—a t reasonable prices. O.K. RUBBER WELDER r I NEW " CAR, T R U C K - T R A C T O R TIRES R E C A P P I N G & R E P A I R I N G ;- PHONE 5 M NYSSA. OREGON Potato Storage For Rent ON TRACK J[. B. Doy]e Co. Ontario, Oregon Phone 300 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1947 T hird street. lot 10. block 79, G reen dence, S tunz addition, $800, 12 by To Boise— Mrs. Eddie Powell and Mrs. Theo addition, $300, 20 by 24, frame. 16, fram e. Emil Stunz, alteratio n of resl- Moore of O ntario went to Boise Monday to a tten d the Antique Sil ver ver tea a t th e Mode. Here from California— Mr. and Mrs. Jam es P orter and Bob Monroe of S a n ta Monica, Cal- .fornla have been guests th e last iwo weeks a t th e C harles Newb.ll ionie in Newell Heights. Visits in Gooding— Mrs. A. C. Sallee returned Tues- lay from a trip to Gooding, Idaho, ivhere she speAt several days vis iting h er m other Mrs. Jo h n Ed- hobn. Visit in Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S m ith have as th eir guests for two weeks their daughter and son-in-law , Mr. an a Mrs. K enneth F a rn e r of Portland. O ther recent visitors in th e Sm ith lesne were Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Oe Coursey of N ampa and Mrs F Elm er Sparks on her birthday. rived Sunday from Yuma, Arizona. A. Black of Caldwell. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. H atch plans to hunt pheasants. BUILDING PERM ITS B ernard Carlson has gone to Lo A. C. Henderson, and the Elm er Floyd Erwin, construction, g a r gan, U tah for medical treatm ent. Sparks and Looney families. age. N orth Second street, block 72, F red Roirdon and family, of T en G reen addition. $100, fram e. 10 by Mr. and Mrs. Paul H atch of New Mexico visited th e Howard nessee arrived In the Bend last 18. H arry Robertson, enlargem ent. H atch fam ily Tuesday of the past ¡week to m ake their home in the j west again. week. Mr. and Mrs. Dwain H atch and I Visitors Here— son of S ta r, Id ah o spent Monday G uests a t the home of Dr. and In the Howard H atch home. Mrs. L. A. Mauldin« for the h u n t Mrs. Raymond Raney of Welser, ing season are Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mrs. R. E. Dllle and daughter. Jeafl, S hultz of G resham , Mr. and Mrs. and son, P a t of W eiser spent T h u rs Ed F. Hayes of Portland, and Ed day visiting th e H erbert Thom as M aulding of Boring. fam ily and other relatives and friends. Je a n stayed In A drian and will visit h er gran dparents until Sunday. Mrs. Ed W ymer and Mrs. R ichard W ight of P arm a spent W ednesday visiting th e ir d aughter and sister, CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL JHURCT1 Mrs. P ern H atch. PARISH HALL B arbara H atch visited from W ed Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor nesday un til Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. Elbert H atch In the Ridge view' Mass a t 9:30 every Sunday except on th e second Sunday of the m onth, community. Donna Lee Steelm an was the when It will be a t 8 a.m. overnight guest of D onna M arla Peterson Friday night. THE CHURCH OF THE Mrs. W illiam Toomb subm itted NAZARENE to a niajc» operation Friday m orn E. J . Wilson, Pastor ing, a t the S am a ritan hospital In 8 p m ., W ednesday, prayer m eet Nampa. At th e last report she was ing. You can fix those leaks satisfactorily recovering. 8 p.m., T hursday and Friday, Rev. Several A drian residents a tte n d George R oberts of Boise will be wh il e it’s r a i n i n g with ed th e S tark funeral in Rosrwell speaking to us along the line of Monday afternoon. Sunday school and then he will be Wef Patch. . . the tough, Mrs. Dwain H atch and baby of w ith us over Sunday. Star, Idaho visited in the H atch 10 a m ., Sunday school. d ur a bl e , ad he si v e t ha t home, while Dwain was deer h u n t- 11 a.m., Song service and ser ng. sticks fast to w e t s u r mon. Howard H atch and D onnie and 7:15 p m . Young peoples services. faces. Si mpl y s p r e ad it Vernon P ark er are deer hunting 8 p.m., Evangelistic service. lear Ironside. over the b r e a k or leaky Mrs. K. I. Peterson attended the THE M ETHODIST COMMUNITY uxlllary m eeting T hursday a fte r CHURCH place a nd p re ve nt fur- noon In the Perle Davis home In Rev. H. J. G ernhardt, Pastor 'lidgevieig. Sunday school, 9:45 a m . ther damage to interiors, Mrs. C O lenn Brown was a busi W orship a id Serm on, 11 a m . ness shopper In Boise Wednesday. Keep a can handy at all Interm ediate fellowship, 7 p m . Mr. and Mrs. Don Nichols and Y outh fellowship, 7 p.m. two sons an d baby daughter and times for emergency use. Young Adult fellowship, 7 p m . I. E. Nichols of Nampa were guests Evening worship, 8 p.m. in the Clyde Steelm an home for P ray er fellowship, W ednesday, 8 Sunday dinner. p.m. Mr. and Mrs. C. G lenn Brown m d granddaughter K ristine, and FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. R obert Brown were Roland G. Wuest, Pastor n Caldwell Tuesday evening. Mrs. 10 a.m., S unday school. Clashes C. O lenn Brown and K ristine vls- for all age groups. ■ited Mrs. Bob E astm an, while the 11 a m .. W orship service w ith the others attended a dependable m eet sacram ent of the Lord's supper ing. Bobby Jo, Jim m y and G ary Web Serm on them e: "We All Need ster spent from W ednesday until C hrist's Forgiveness of Sin", based Sunday visiting th eir grandparents, on Ephesians 1:7. A nnouncements for th e sacra Mr and Mrs George W ebster near m ent may be made to th e pastor Parma. any time before Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Thom as The adult m em bership class will were Sunday guests In the home of meet W ednesday evening a t 8 o' Mr. and Mrs. R. E. DUle near Wel clock. ser. The mission society will sponsor a food sale an d faneywork sale MEN HUNTING IN Saturday, November 15 a t Eder's BIG BEND SECTION hardw are store. Dr.J.H Berger VETERINARIAN Box D Phone 135J Nyssa. Oregon E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56-W /Ine REA D Y Church Notes FOR R A IN ? Nyssa Lumber Company : B IG BEND, Oct. 23—A. W. Johnson of P ortland Is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe King. He and Mr. K ing have gone deer hunting near Unity. Mr. and Mrs. Joe K ing received word from th eir son. Lewis, of the b irth of a 10-pound grandson, Oc tober 18. Mrs. Dyre Roberts and daugh- ers, K aren and Sharon, were over n ig h t visitors a t h te home of Mrs. Roberts parents in N am pa Friday. Mr and Mrs. Bud Sw an «hopped In O ntario Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W hitty Paterson visited Mrs. P aterson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Pack wood and boys shopped In O ntario Saturday. Mr and Mrs Henry H atch ar- This Week’s ■ Get Acquainted Special Electric Corn Popper, Reg. $9.95 —THIS WEEK ONLY $7.95— Knapp-Monark Mixer Complete with Juicer Dormeyer Mixer Complete with Juicer Pop-up Toaster Infra-Red Ray Lamp Automatic Waffle Iron # Electric Heater, With Fan H aat Pads $34.95 $25.95 $18.95 $7.95 $14.95 $14.95 from $4.95 OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. Display Room—Nyssa Lumber Company CHRISTIAN CHURCH 5th and Bn m s Sts. George W hipple, P astor Bible school, 10 a m . M orning worslhip, 11 a.m., with special music an d serm on on the subject "Bible Answers for Bible Questions". C hristian endeavor. 7:30 p m . Evening worship, 8 p m . Choir practice, W ednesday night, 8 pm . Mid-week prayer service a t 8 p.m. T hursday. T he C hristian call, a radio devo tional sponsored by the five C hris tian churches of the valley can be h eard dally except Sunday over KSRV a t 8 a.m. MEET TOE MIGHTY MOHO! He bends iron bars like hairpins. He makes confetti out of telephone books. He tosses bar-bells around like paper-weights. He’s terrific! He’s colossal! He’s the strongest man in the world 1 But not even the Mighty Moko—with all that fabulous strength—can do as much work in a day as 4c worth of electricity l( Truly, giants leap to your bidding every time you flip a s’witch—willing electric giants ready to take the burden of hard work from you. Ready to help you sew and cook and clean—to guard your food— to make life easier, healthier, more comfortable for all your family. And these giants work for the lowest wages in history I Never has electricity done so many tasks— for so little cost—as it does for you today. U ttw to rim Electric H om -Hm HOUR OF CHARM . W a y * 4¡30 P .M , 1ST, CBS, IDAHO V PO W ER A C I T I ZE N W H E R E V E R IT S E R V E S DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN? ST. PAUL’S EPISf-OPAL CHURCH Rev. C. L C allahan. Rector Uply com m union a t 9 a.m. on the second S unday of each m onth At 4 p.m. on the first, th ird and fourth Sundays. Sunday school a t 10:30 a m . ASSEMBLY O F GOD Steel D. Spies», P astor Sunday school a t 10 a m ., with an Interesting Bible study. Classes for all ages W orship a t 11 a m . Evangelistic service a t 7:30 p.m., with an Inspirational song service and sermon. Prayer meeting Tuesday a t 7:30 pm . RICHLAND COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. U Brim, Pastor Sunday school a t 10 a m . M orning w arship a t 11 a m . The Evening worship a t 8 p m . FIR ST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH M. J. Duncan, pastor 9 45 a m . Sunday school 11 am .. WorMilp 7 30 p.m . gospel hour Tuesday evening. Bible study and prayer IF YOU KNOW A BARGAIN AND NEED A DAVENO, SEE OUR FINE SELECTION A t Savings Up To 4 0 Per Cent —FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY— Prices Start A t $ 5 5 NEWSOM FURNITURE CO.