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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1947)
.i V “ / v r r v v r ^ ^ ^ ; . The NYSSA VOLUM E X X X X II NO. 41 Exploration Is Called Safety Valve in World SCHOOL CENSUS TO BE CONDUCTED HERE JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, TH U R SD A Y, OCTOBER 23, 194? Bulldogs Lose To Fairmont; To Flay Fruitland UNUSUAL EGG IS SHOWN IN NYSSA Carnival Will Be Given by PTA On Hallowe’en Memorial Hospital Campaign For Funds to be Started Soon An egg for twa and two for one The Nyssa school district will (was) (were* brought to the Gate start taking the annual school City Journal office this week by census next week. J. B. Mitchell of route 1, Nyssa. The group to be enumerated in Traveler And Geogiapher Grizzlies W ill Follow ' who lives one milenorth of Owy Program Is Announced; eludes youngsters between the ages Sees Importance O f Money To Be Used For NEW JUSTICE COURT Living Memorial To Be Wide-Open Style hee schoalhouse. of 4 and 20. Grant Rinehart, who Pioneering Community Mrs. Mitcncii arranged to have O f Play will be Che enumerator, is expected FEES ARE ASSESSED Erected By Voluntary eggs for breakfast and reaching into to spend about 10 days on the pro Donations The responsibility o f the United A Hallowe'en carnival sponsored Following a game with the Fair- the container selected the egg In A new schedule of fees for cases ject. The district included 1584 States in the present era. called j mont Comets of Idaho, the Nyssa Qucsticn Che broke the shell and by the Nyssa Parent-Teacher assoc- The board of directors of the heard In justice courts was an youngsters of that age group last _ . ... ,__dropped the white of the egg into "history's greatest age of geograph Bulldogs will swing back Into con- fhe pan ^ for th yolk she xdation will be held In the grade nounced this week by Justice of Malheur Memorial Hospital associ year. ic explorations” , was emphasized chool building Friday evening, Oot- the Peace Don M. Graham. ation announced plans this week district receives from the ference play Friday night. October discovered there was none, but in by Earl Parker Hansen In an add oer 31, beginning at 7:30. “ In order that the public be for a campaign for funds, which county school fund $10 for each 24, at 8 o'clock on Nyssa's lighted its place was anoSher egg enclosed ress delivered at the monthly dinn child, so that it is to the advantage field when they meet the Fruitland *n a regular shell, Under the leadership of the P. fully informed and all doubt as to will be undertaken soon. er meeting of the Malheur Knife of everyone to co-operate so as to high school aggregation. T. A. room mothers, the following this particular law cleared up” , Individuals and organizations of and Pork club in the Moore hotel keep taxes dowm. Superintendent entative program has been planned: Judge Graham cited chapter 584, Nyssa and surrounding communities The Fruitland eleven plays an in Ontario last Thursday night. Henry Hartley said. Fust g ade, uramaization of nur section 10 of the Oregon laws of have been planning for the last Interesting game to watch because * Mr. Hansen, who has spent 25 sery rhymes; second grade, candy years in the foreign lands, dls- of a wide-open style of play. ale; third grade, “ Spook Alley” ; 1947 as follows: "The justice of the few years a memorial hospital to < ussed principally Liberia and South Nyssa and Fairmont battled on fourth grde.auaaaaaaaaaa ,.: zgk peace shall collect. In advance ex better protect the lives and health America and then developed his cept In criminal cases, and Issue nearly even terms Saturday night, _ talk Into a generalization of con . . . . _ _ , . . . Two representatives of the Sego fourth grade, cider and doughnut receipts for the following fees: For of the residents of this district. but due to the Comets aerial at- Mlllc Produtts company are he?e sale; fifth grade, pie and coffee About a year ago title Malheur ditions throughout the world. first appearance of plaintiff, $3; "W e have discovered, after mov tack, the Nyssa eleven last the tips week to continue their survey sale and handling of costume priz for first appearance of defendant, Memorial Hospital association was es; sixth grade, fortune telling; Ar ing west for many centuries, that game 19 to 0. j of this territory for possibilities cadia school, fish pond; Oregon $1.50; costs In criminal cases, where formed and a preliminary fund The Nyssa Lions club has voted we must expand to the north and The three touchdown passes w<*re i 88 a section. to sponsor an intra-clty basketball Trail school, sale of noise makers there has been a conviction or upon raising campaign was Initiated. The south”, Mr. Parker 6aid. “They are W Con,eta' and games, and junior high school, forfeiture of bail, $4.50, and not money laid a sound foundation that not as bad as we anticipated. Many league, which will conduct a sche nu,W later than the 15th day of the people are living in an atmosphere dule of games in the gymnsium Dave Morgan, in the first, second to determine definitely the amount beauty shop and picture show. united the people back of the pres Money from the fun-feet will month following the month In in which they think the only thing during the winter. and third quarters. 0f milk that Is available. If they ent hospital movement. whloh such fees are collected shall Anyone interested in forming that can be done for the world Is The Bulldogs' defense stiffened decide there Is sufficient milk, they be used by the Parent-Teacher ass pay all such fees other than those The hospital organization studied to drop a couple of atomic 'bombs. team to enter in the league is asked in the last quarter and held the will probably call a meeting of far- ociation for school and community for performing marriage ceremonies various methods of planning and projects.' Our present moves are only pre to contact Gene Stunz. Any organ Fairmont gridsters scoreless for the mers. over to the county treasurer of the financing memorial hospitals and liminary to the great explorations ization. business house or group of remainder of the game. The only The company conducted a prelim- county wherein he Shall have been obtained the services of Louis D. individuals are eligible to sponsor conversion for extra point was made inary survey here several weeks that I am sure are to come. LABOR BUILDINGS elected or appointed, for crediting Barr of Oakland, California as ad "Military men think much of a team. The maximum number of by Comet Halfback Lorin Walker, ago. TO BE DISPOSED OF to the general fund of such coun viser in planning and financing of the next war, if it comes, will be men allowed on a squad will be who bucked the line for the point. ty and take the receipt of such a non-profit memorial hospital. He fought in the arctics, but we could 10 and may not include high school The Nyssa starting lineup was as L i p A I T U f P PM I P LI A Q . has had a 25-year record of raising Seven buildings now used to house treasurer therefor". Holcomb. RE: Lseri. LE; LE- 1 n lilx U U I n M O use these areas for displaced per students. An entrance fee of 50 follows: Halcomb, RE; lseri, All traffic and game laws come funds for community projects. the farm labor Information center sons. We cannot keep on forever cents for each registered man will Pecka, R T; Christensen, LT; Ita- NEW CONSTITUTION Frank T. Morgan, president of at Huntington, Oregon will be de within the criminal code, so that kicking displaced persons around. be charged to pay the gymnasium mura, RG; Sutherland, LG; En the court costs In such cases are the Malheur Memorial Hospital as The same things are going on in fee. dow, C; Ray, QB; Koyano, RH; A new constitution was adopted clared surplus and sold to Malheur $4.50. sociation, who has been selected The abject of the league is to give Wilder, LH, and Maw, FB. the tropics. The colored people who Saturday morning, October 11 at county farmers at Huntington, Ore as general chairman of the hos- have been considered cheap labor more people an opportunity to have the regular monthly meeting of gon will be declared surplus and . pltal money-raising campaign states are beginning to demand their place more recreation, Mr. Stunz said. the executive board of the Mal- sold to Malheur county farmers and H .H ( ' q g a $< I H 12 I | r » “ A large organization of volunteer The teams will engage in practice PLANS OUTLINED stockmen, according to word re in the sun.” n n p o p , ■ C A I C heur County Tuperculosis and L iu V ;a a c U S '-'*1 workers will be formed. We are American business is beginning for several weeks before opening L-ftx j L A L j A L L Health association. Nine persons ceived by Harry Sandquist, Malheur now Issuing a call to ail men, who to look into the foreign countries league play about Dedhmber 1. ---------- were present at the meeting, held county agent. are in a position to do so, to volun Interested groups are asked to The buildings are located a/bout for investment of capital, Parker Plans for the 1947 Christmas seal in the Vale city hall, and presided teer to serve as workers in a short said. Prominent Americans have register as soon as possible. sale are now underway, according over by the second vice president, a mile north of Huntington and can be inspected at any time be organized a company to develop EM Case, Nyssa furniture dealer, campaign during which we will to Ted Berreth, president of the Robert Thurston. the little colored republic of Liberia and his brother living In Portland raise sufficient funds with which Malheur county Tuberculosis and The board also voted to incorpor- fore October 31. Bids can be made on any or all have bid on one unit at Camp Far- to finance the kind of hospital our in Africa, which the speaker called Health association. ate their association as a non- buildings. Successful bidders will ragut, Idaho, Including thousands people need. The campaign will Important as a symbol. Hansen had "The sale, which begins Novem- profit organization, probably be conducted during the charge of the first American econ ber 24 and continues until Christ- Other business accomplished was have to remove the buildings before of dollars worth of property. omic mission to Liberia. The property Includes upwards of first 10 days in December." All mas. is to raise funds for the cam- laying the groundwork for the 1947 the end of the year. " i f we can help these people ec a million feet of lumber. 350 toil who work and subscribe will be palgn against tuberculosis and for Christmas seal sale for Malheur onomically and at the same time ets, 650 lavatories, 17 hot water known as the founders of the $dal- Mr. and Mrs. Rodda have closed carrylng on a general health edu- county, and making plans for dis- R. HUNTER ELECTED v persuade them to buy milk from the Nyssa coffee shop, with the catton program", Mr. Berreth said, tribution of membership cards to heating plants and many other heur Memorial hospital". STATE V. PRESIDENT articles. The purchase will Include The campaign adviser announces us at 22 cents a quart it is going expectation that the building will Seventy-five per cent of money persons interested In furthering the main dispensary and a consid that it will be impassible for the to be a good piece of foreigntrade be used for a Marshall-Wells store. raised will remain in Malheur coun- the work of the -saxcSdlon. „ Harry Sandquist, county agent, erable area of laifd. The men quali chairman of the campaign to spend for someone. The United States The building, which has been ty, 20 per cent going Ip the state Present at the meeting were Ro- must expand its foreign trade dras used as a restaurant for several and five per cent to ihe national bert Thurston, Mrs. T. C. McElroy, and Rosel Hunter of Nyssa, pres fied under the RF.C. and took an his time soliciting other citizens to join the organization o f 'volun tically. I f we can help them to lift years, will be remodeled for the affiliated associations." Mrs. Edna Farris. Reverend J. D. ident of the Malheur County Dairy R.F.C. priority on the deal. their standards of living there will new store, which will probably be Case also bought 634 ranges and teer workers'. He states: "The mem The annual Christmas seal sale Crego and Mrs. Katheryn Claypool Breeders association, have returned be more customers for us. I f we opened about December 1. which has become a tradition here of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patch from Corvallis, where they attend heaters from the government at bers of the committee are busily engaged in planning and organiz don't help these backward people The operators of the store have as well as throughout the United of Nyssa, and Miss Margaret Beat- ed a state meeting of the Oregon Vancouver. they will provide a very fertile field taken a lease on th building from States and other countries, brought tie and Mrs. Madge Flegel of On- Dairy Breeders association, held While on their 10-day trip, Mr. ing the details of the campaign. for communism. Saturday, October 18. Mr. Hunter and Mrs. Case attended the Dad’s They hope that all men in the Nys- Frank T. Morgan and Andy Collier. in over $17,000.000 in the 1946 na- tario. was elected vice president of the day program at Oregon State col sa area and surrounding communi "Liberia was established by freed tlon-wide campaign. Here In Mai- ----------------------- slaves from the United States 100 lege, where Mr. Case’s son. Edward, ties. Who desire to have a hospital, heur county $0,430 was contributed DR. C. M. TYLER WILL state organization. ODD FELLOWS ARE years ago. Fifteen thousand per The state association has pur Jr., Is attending school, and also will volunteer to serve in this great sons comprise the ruling class in REMODELING HALL With the money raised in Mai- OPEN DENTAL OFFICE chased two more bulls, adding them attended-the Idaho-Orrgon football movement to make this area a sale Liberia, which Is the most back to the 18 already at the central game. They visited In Portland, Se place in which to live. “ You may heur county last year free chest ---------- volunteer by mailing your name ward and decadent country in the Remodeling of the lodge hall x-ra: ; were provided for 1700 peo Dr. C. M. Tyler formerly of On bull stud north of Corvallis. The attle and other coastal cities. and address to Frank T. Morgan, world.” of Gate City lodge No. 214, I. O. ple. a full time executive secretary tario, announced this week that association has paid 70 per cent general chairman of the hospital ‘Dozens of towns and villages O. F., on north First street Is well was hired to carry on health edu he is opening a dental office over of the cost of Its property, Includ p i n i j i ■ 1 iTlirD A Me rAiunA LU 1 rlLKAilj campaign, or by addressing hos- have been built in Brazil. That is underway. cation work, and an office was Wilsons store in the former office ing a 90-acre farm, a laboratory W ILL CELEBRATE! pltal campaign headquarters, city of tremendous importance to the and a string of bulls, valued at The lodge has applied celotex to established In down-town Ontario. of Dr. E. D. Norcott. ________ | hall, Nyssa, Oregon". whole world. The same thing is the celling and sheetrock and ply Dr. Tyler practiced dentistry in $40.000. going on all over the world. We wood to the walls, changed the el Naming Home Notes— Henry Haag, president of the On Sunday. October 28 Trinity I "No one ahoukl feel * ll«hted If Nyssa In 1920 and shortly there are discovering brand new worlds, ectric wiring and Improved the P ^ i ia U y Invited to serve on Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Spit- after moved to Ontario, where he association, left recently to attend Lutheran congregation a i Parma not only for the benefit of our plumbing. The members, doing all ze of Nyssa, a girl, October 16, parcticed until the middle of 1945 the annual meeting of the Nation wtll celebrate Ks 15th anniversary the founders committee of this hos pital campaign. Every man who Is businessmen but for the displaced of the work except the wiring and weighing 8 pounds. Since that time he has been located al association of Milk Producers In with special morning and afternoon in a 'position to aid on a committee persons. It is a potential safety plumbing, expect to build a kit Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, in Seaside. Dr. Tyler is buying all the east. On his return trip he may services. Quest speaker for the 11 valve for tension that is being chen and recreation room In the October 19, a son, weighing 6 new equipment for his office, which meet with dairymen of Malheur am service will be Pastor Amos may Join this movement by volun built up all over the world”. county. basement. They will install an el pounds, 1114 ounces. A. Schmidt now of Vancouver, teering his services now. The cam I will be opened November 3 ectrlc range. The Rebek&hs install Washington. The afternoon service, paign will be conducted after the Fined On Disorderly Count— Takes Position— ed new curtains and did part of scheduled to begin at 2:30, will crops are harvested. In next week's Mack Bright of Twin Falls was the painting. Mrs. Gladys Rice of Portland feture as special speaker, the Rev issue of the Gat* City Journal nam OFFICIAL STATEMENT ON arrested by city police Wednesday has accepted a position as office H. A. Kahle of Nampa, Idaho. A es of those who have volunteered to The men will apply new roofing, morning on a charge of being drunk starting Sunday. They will stucco manager for Frank T. Morgan. In luncheon for all present will be serve will be published, together MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN and disorderly. Bright, released on the outside of the building later. surance and real estate agent. Mrs. served during the noon hour In the with many details as to the pro posed hospital. $100 bail, will be given a jury trial “ In the Nyssa area each year, cause they are for the protection Rice, who taught school at King- Church hall The hospital campaign headquar sometime next week. Officers all people die needlessly, or their health of hospital patients. In addition man Kolony 25 years ago. has had Trinity Lutheran church was for eged that he damaged property at CATTLE AND HORSE is impaired, because we have no to the code regulations the cost of several years of secretarial ex mally organised October 27. 1902 ters has been established In the the Rainbow cabins. RAISERS ORGANIZE hospital. We have relied on the bgilding material and labor was perience She was formerly assoc Present for this organization meet council chamber In the city hall. citizens of other communities to greatly Increased since the first cam iated with the Oathn school In ing were H. Wrick, Sr., P Oben- Girls To Attend Service A ‘Malheur County Cattle and build and maintain hospitals for paign for funds. All these factors Portland. dorf, A. O. Schultz and Pastors H. Nyasa Youths Join Army— Technical Sgt. Jesse D. Holland Members of Job’s Daughters w ill, Horse Raisers association was or- the protection of our community as were beyond the control of the Mithl and H. A. Kahle. Pormrr attend morning services October 261 gamzed at a meeting attended by well as their own. Their popula board of directors. Guard Discharge« Available— pastors Who served the congrega of the Ontario army and air force “ We now have the final plans and In the Methodist church. The girls .100 men in the community hall In tion has greatly increased and the Discharge certificates for men tion at one time or another Include recruiting office announced that are asked to meet In front of the vale October 11. hospitals are overcrowded with their estimates for the hospital. The total who served In the Nyssa company H. Muehl, W. F. Oeorg. H. A. Kahle. three young men of this vicinity church at 10:45 a. m. Eighty stockmen paid dues of $2 own residents. The progressive citi cost, fully equipped, ready to oper of the Oregon state guard during A. Schmidt and J. 81mon Present joined the regular army last week. for their first annual membership zens of other areas have no obli ate. is $252,000. This Is very low the war have been issued by Brig minister of the congregation la the They are Kenneth Rookstool, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool, Nyssa Men Get Deer— an l decided to hold their first gation to furnish hospital facilities in cost compared with hospitals in adier General Ralph P Cowgill Rev H A. Heckman. Dr. K. E. Kerby and Bernard regular meeting In Vale December for the Nyssa area and its sur other cities that are complying with The discharges are avsliobie in the Friends and former members are route 2, Nyssa; Bobbie Ransom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Ransom; Frost returned with a deer from the 5 an(j e rounding cocnm un ties, except in the the federal and state code regula office of the Oat* Otty Journal. Invited to attend the celebration. and Leo Toombs, son of Mrs. Klaas tions. Owyhee dam section. I officers of the association are event of a catastrophe. Tensen. The three young men will ----------------------- W W. Scott of Willow Creeek. pres- 'Th is large and rapidly growing "The hospital problem is a prob Here from Portland— Teachers Attend School— Visit In Boise— 'ldent; Art Seale of Jordan Valley. Nyssa area, Including adjacent com lem for all of us. The protection Mr and Mrs. A. M Peterson of The teachers of the Nyssa Chris be with the ordinance department Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd of secretary-treasurer; Carrol Locey munities, can be made self-reliant of the lives and health of our Portland are visiting Dr. and Mrs. tian tAiurch attended a training Pacific Theater. Sgt. Holland has Newell Heights spent the week-end of Ironside, vice president, and Joe Uke other areas In this state. We families and neighbors is vital to J. J. Sara in during the hunting school In Weiser Sunday through announced that an army and air In Boise at the home of Mr. and Bankofier of McDemritt, 8am Roes must provide a modern hospital our welfare as a community. We season. Wednesday of last wreck They are force classification Interviewer may Mrs. Robert Overstreet. Jr. W h ile, of Jordan Valley, Fred Walters that will give adequate protection can wait no longer. In order to to receive certificates for courses be contacted on Tuesdays at the there they attended the Book club of Westfall and Oeorge Russell of to our citizens and stop the needless stop the needless loss of human Guests from Boise— con.. -ted and a diploma for ful Nyssa post office, or any other picnic at the Peck home. Vale, dlrectdrs. loss of life that is now taking place lives we must have this hospital to Mr and Mrs. E 8 . Orlder of filling prescribed courses. The school day of the week, except Sunday, at because of the lack of a hospital. serve our area. We have adopted Boise visited Sunday in the Henry will be an annual event among the room 20, Wilson building, Ontario. Mother Visits— During 1946. citizens raised funds the hospital campaign slogan Build Hartley home. five Christian churches of the val Here from California— Mrs. Gertie Fulton of Payette Is for a memorial hospital. The am- Memorial ley. Those attending from Nyssa To Attend Convention— Mr and Mrs O. L. Oalloway have Hospital Today! To- M, and Mrs Frank T. Morgan as their guests. Dr. and Mrs. Olenn visiting at the home of her daugh- ount raised was far from enough I morrow May Be Too Late!” Make Here from Washington— were Mrs Roy Bitobey. Mrs. Roy Kenaston of San Bemadlno. Mrs ter. Mrs. Tom Eldridge. to build any type hospital. That Nyssa area and surrounding com Mr and Mrs. Max Schwetoer and Barnes. Mrs Gordon Schmelzer. and Mr and Mrs 8 E. Flanagan campaign, the cost of building of a munities a safe place in which to baby and Mrs Juntln Severn and Mr and Mrs Bob Dewey, Mrs will leave Friday for Phoenix, An- Kenaston and Mrs. Oalloway a r e ----------------------- public sentiment. Conditions beyond live! sisters. Doable Parking Illegal— son of Richland, Washington visit E2mer Hill. Mrs Paul Bergam. Don zona. Where they will attend the -------------------- — Chief of Police Orville Maze an- the control of the board of directors “An organization of volunteer wor ed over the week-end at the home Pennle. Mrs Walter Brewer, and annual convention of the National Reclamation association, an organl- Stodents Here— nounced this week that double of the Malheur Memorial Hospital kers is forming to conduct a mon of Mrs Schwelzer's parents. Mr Mr and Mrs George Whipple tton representing 17 western Miss Greta Stunz. Miss B eth' parking in Nyssa Is In violation of association, such as the lack of ey-raising campaign to provide suf and Mrs Oeorge McKee Mr otes. They will be away from Mitchell and Oscar Bratton, stu -' the city ordinance. Violators, he sufficient funds raised made it ficient funds to proceed with the Schwelzer is employed by the Gen Ei-RcoMrata Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thampaon Nysra about 10 days an the motor impassible to attempt to build the construction of your hospital. dents at U of O visited with their warned, are subject to arrest, eral Electric company at Richland of McBwen and Mr end Mrs. Her- trip type of hospital necessary for the families in Nyssa over the week- "Further details regarding your echel Thampaon at Ekrterprtse. far hospital project will be published In Returns from Visit— protection of the community. Surer Men Visit— end. Since the original plans and the newspaper and in a prospectus H. A Benning of Ogden, presi Mrs A. H Boydeli returned this mer Nyosa residents, arrived here Leaves for England— Mrs N. P. Whlncup at London, dent of the Amalgamated Sugar cast were announced In the former that will be available to the citizens week from s visit with her sister. Tuesday evening for a short visit Visits in Richland— Mr and Mrs. Waiter McPartland company, and members of the board campaign, the cast of building of s of this area who are interested ui Mrs William Seinen of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs Robert Thompson who has spent several weeks vis and children visited relatives In of directors inspected the Nyssa modern hospital has increased over preserving the life and health of Washington, and with her daughter returned home today. Mr and Mrs iting her daughter. Mrs Uoyd W il and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs E. H Heraohel Thompson will return to son. left Tuendsy for New York. Richland. Oregon over the week and Nampa factories of the com- 50 per cent The reason for this the community From New York, she will go by Enterprise Saturday "W e aak the citizens who are in Smith of Corvallis. end. Mr McPartland returned with pany Tuesday Mr. Benning said great Increase la that the state plane to England. a deer he shot on a hunting ex the company will proreas beets from board of health adopted a code a position to do so. to volunteer to 110.000 acres this season In Idaho, requiring enlarged facilities and serve in some capacity during an Here From California— cursion Mrs Prank J. Pike and Infant CTiareh Workers Vielt— Mr and Mrs Louis P. Thomas Oregon and Utah. other specifications that greatly In Intensive money-raising campaign Mr and Mrs D. O. Bybee. rep of Oakland. Californio, farmer pub daughter. Mary Ann. returnad to creased the cast of construction to make your hospital paosible." lisher« of the Oste City Journal, their h<— « in Adrian after riattine resenting the Weiser L. D. 8 . stake Three regulations are required by Mr and Mrs. Wilford Bybee and Mafheur Memorial are here this week to attend to a week at the home at Mrs Pika's board for drama Instruction, vis the United States government in daughter. Caron, and Mrs D O Kllls Décr Hospital aamclation business interests and hunt pheas- parents. Mr and Mr*. D. O. By- itad in Vale loot week and at Pay ira Sage of Nyesa killed a two- connection with government aid to Bybee and Celia were in Boise ette this week. Prank T. Morgan, president onta certain states and are welcomed be- point buck *»«* week. Hoop League In Nyssa Sought Sego Company Is Probing Field Farragut Unit Marshall-Wells Entering Nyssa