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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1947)
■■ % v A a tn T rm x , . The NYSSA V O L U M E XXXXII NO. 40 Nyssa To Play Fairmont Grid Team Saturday JOURNA NYSSA, OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , OCTOBER 16, 1947 STOCKMAN TO TALK C P W P r P r n h lp n i TO BUSINESS GROUP 1 | M r s stam Tells FORM ORGANIZATION iVirh’ ^ ltim i e i l h nyssa teachers In Nyssa Tt> Be At a meeting called for Monday Studied By City ! evening after school, the Nyssa About Holland NYSSA PRINCIPALS ATTEND CONFERENCE Malheur Youths Win Top Honors As Stock Judges Walter McPartland, principal of the Nyssa grade school, and Dennis At the regular meeting of the •I - e -r* adopted »d e n te d N m a e S r in r - » t f r\r\ teachers Nyssa Education Nyssa Civic club Wednesday after Patch, principal of the Nyssa high _ , association as the name for their noon, Mrs. Gerrit Stam told of school, attended the state adminis Norvelle Robbins, Francis Bulldogs Defeat Adrian Policeman To Be Hired ; new organiation. This group, which conditions in Holland as observed trators conference held in Salem M ntnri<at« W i l l R p will be affiliated with the Oregon on her recent trip with Mr. Stam. Antelopes By Score Thiel To Attend N a 1 oi * j rv DK Education association, has as part Her talk, touched with both humor October 6 and 7. Mr. McPartland, as president of the Eastern Oregon O f 35 To 0 tional Meeting Slowed Down of its purpose, the improvement of and pathos, was told in an infor Elementary School Principals as ------ ¡educational standards of the group, mal, but vivid manner. , sociation, was elected delegate to Following a thumping 35 to r The state of Oregon will be The city council, meeting Tues- and the cooperation with other edu- One of the perplexing sights no the meeting of the Oregon Educa defeat of the Adrian Antelopes in day night, authorized a study of rational and community erganiza- ticed on their arrival was the great represented at the national F.F.A. tion association to be held in Port a Snake River Valley conference livestock Judging contest held in the sewer problem in Nyssa. A tl° 1^5- __ , number of cars, most of them Am land next spring. * I Miss Clarice Notheis, president One of the outstanding speakers conjunction with the national F.F. game, the Nyssa Bulldogs will meet consulting firm will make the study, I q , the gI.oup, appointed the follow- erican, that are to be found in the Fairmont gridsters of Idaho with the city providing much of ing chairmen: Program, Mrs. Ren- Holland. Mrs. Stam said how these it the conference was Dr. Virgil A. convention and American Royal cars are secured or paid for is Rogers, city school superintendent Livestock show in Kansas Oity strom; social, Mrs. Haworth, and in a non-conference tilt on the DR. McNAMARA WILL the data. mystery, and is resented by the of Battle Creek. Michigan. Dr. October 19 to 24 by Francis Thiel teacher welfare, Mrs. Baumgamer. Nyssa field Satur * \y night, Octo The council also ordered a Purvey common people, who ride bicycles Rogers, who recently returned from of Adrian, Norvelle Robbins of Nys- PRACTICE IN NYSSA , . „ . ,. . . . . . . . A report on the principal's con- ber 18 at 8 o’c made of all outside toilets that are ference was< made by Mr MoPart- The common people say that steel an educational survey in Germany,' ba and Bill Toiphe of Banks. for more bicycles would help Hoi The Fairmon* ol, located near poke on "Education Reform in These three boys won the right Dr. Edward McNamara of Chicago adjacent to the present sewer sys- land and Mr. Patch. and more than cars. Boise, has a v g ball outfit, in has become associated with Dr. L. A. tern and announced that an order Occupied Germany". He told of the to represent Oregon as a result of Refreshments were served follow The Dutch people are weighted lestructlon of the educational sys- their livestock Judging abilities at cluding a couple fast backfield Maulding, Nyssa physician and sur will be issued to require that toil ing the business meeting. Jown by regulations and rationing, fem and facilities in German dur the Pacific International Livestock men, Fairmont defeated Ontario 6 geon. He will maintain offices in ets be connected with the sewer. all ol which require a great many ing the past few years, and that show In Portland October 11. Thiel to 0 and lost to Meridian and Par ‘ he same building. The request for the survey was ma. governmental employees. There are present educational attempts were made the highest score of any boy Dr. and Mrs. McNamara, who made by the city health officer, too many bureaucrats, and a large extremely slow because of the be in Oregon, followed closely by Coach Howard Lovejoy has been have two children, have purchased Dr. L. A. Maulding. portion of the Dutch population wilderment and discouragement of Robbins and Toiphe. polishing his boys a hit, but is the C liff Main residence on North A package beet license for the not holding much practice this Lxth street and have moved here. Eder grocery was approved by the : (VI ft 11 I C K i l l D n is eri>ployod carrying out govern the German people after this war. The Nyssa team, composed of 1 1 1 H C U ¡mental regulations. Dr. Rogers spoke not only on con Farrell Peterson, Bob Kldo and week because of the eastern Ore They arrived in Nyssa Tuesday. council. "However” , said Mrs. Stam, “as ditions in Germany, but also in Robbins, did exceptionally well by gon teachers institute. The city will employ a third pol- I After the Fairmont game, the iceman, probably an apprentice O I., I William Reed of New Plymouth, in this country, it is easier to criri Russia and other European coun placing third in Oregon and 17th next Nyssa contest will be the en INSPECTIONS OF who has not been selected. | working with a construction crew cize than to do something about tries which he had visited. He urged In the entire contest, in which 124 The council requested the police'of (-he Idaho Power company, was it” . counter with Fruitland here Friday that everyone read in the Septem teams from Oregon, Washington CROPS REQUIRED department to slow down traffic in killed Monday morning about 10 might, October 24. When one first enters Holland ber issue of Harper's, the article and Idaho were entered, according o’clock while working in Nyssa. In the Adrian game played last Mrs. Stam stated, one notices entitled. Who's Loyal to America" to Richard V. Wilson, agriculture Nyssa Certified clover and alfalfa grow The crew was moving a power sense of prosperity. Money still Thursday night,, the Bulldogs out Joe A. Chandler, executive-sec instructor in the Nyqsa high school. ers must have seedling inspections line because of the street work flows, but it is worthless. High retary of die Washington State played the Antelopes in every de Ritzville, Washington won first nade on their newly planted seed OVERSEAS MAILING now underway in Nyssa. The men taxes, as high as 75 per cent, takes Education association, spoke on honors over all teams from the partment. Soon after the Adrian crops in order to qualify for cer PERIOD IS OPENED jhad dug a hole near the Eagles away the initiative o f the common 'Problems in Maintaining Public three states. kick-off, the Antelopes punted on hall at Third and Bower and were people. the fourth down to Wilder, who tification, Leeds Bailey, assistant Relations”. Mr. Chandler pointed Other Nyssa boys making the -cunty a tent, announced Wednes caught the ball on the 30-yard mark The people in the country have out that in all the attention that trip to Portland were Jerry W il The post office department reports setting a pole in it with a truck day. State certification regulations and weaved his way down the field the date for mailing parcels over wench when the accident occurred. enough to eat. Although there is was being called to the educational liams, John Relk, BUI Stradley, for 20 yards. Three end runs car require that an inspection 'be made seas will be from October 15 to Reed was steering the bottom end enough bread, city people are ra sysem, too much stress had been Kay Christensen and Valdee Child soon after the crop is planted in of the pole into the hole when the tioned to half-pounds of mixed called to the shortcomings of pres ried the Bulldogs to the 20-yard November 15. Henry Reuter Is Thiel's agricul mark and a pass from Ray to Hol order to detect volunteer plants The army assures delivery by pole went out of control, hit the . butter and maigarine every two ent day education, so that the pub ture instructor at Adrian. of non-certified origin. truck and struck R^ed on the weeks. They are allowed one egg lic had received a one-sided pic comb resulted in the first touch The state F.F.A. association is Quite a large acreage of certified Christmas of any parcel mailed dur side of the head. He was killed a week, and such a small serving ture ot the problem. down. Wilder made the extra point donating $50 to help defray Rob ing this period unless circumstances reed crops was planted this fall instantly by tile blow. on a line buck. of meat a day that many people bias' expeases to Kansas City. The prevail that hinder delivery. Mr. Reed, who was bom January prefer to save and have one good The Bulldogs made their second and some growers have failed to Nyssa chamber of commerce voted Parcel post package dimensions request an inspection, Bailey ex touchdown in the first quarter when at Its luncheon Wednesday noon are the same as for domestic de 31, 1916 in New Plymouth, served shed serving each week plained. Quarterback Ray carried the ball The past summer has been un to underwrite the remainder of livery, Postmaster IJoyd lew is said. in the marine corps for five years to the goal from the 20-yard line usually dry in contrast to the wet the amount needed by Robbins, The dimension limits are a maxi during world war II. Survivors include his wife; a son summer of 1946 and will mean too on a wide end run. Fullback Maw estimated at $125. Other civic groups mum of 100 inches in length and converted the extra point on an will be asked to assist In the pro girth combined and not to exceed and daughter, and his parents, Mr. little food for livestock. and Mis. W. A. Reed, all of New end run. . Mr. and Mrs. Stam visited some 70 pounds in weight. The Nyssa Rebekah lodge was ject. Plymouth. A 17-yard punt returned by Nys^ of the soldiers’ cemeteries. They hostess to delegates from Vale, On Farrell Peterson and Donald By Funeral services were held today visited the one where 8000 of 10,000 tario, Jordan Valley and Nyssa at ers will be sent to the national sa’s Koyano to the 45-yard mark L.D.S. PRIMARIES at 2 p.m. in New Plymouth. in the second quarter paved the English airborne troops lie buried the 35th annual convention of dis convention by the Nyssa chapter. way for another touchdown drive Bird hunters are getting ready Mrs. Stam spoke of the beautiful trict No. 25, held in the Odd Fel Hhe boys leaving Friday, October TO GIVE CARNIVAL After the ball had been advanced for live opening this month of the American 40-acre cemetery in sou lows hall In Nyssa Monday. 17 and returning Saturday, Octo NATURAL HISTORY to the 14-yard line, Ray tossed the hunting seasons on upland birds thern Holland, where 17,000 crosses The L.D.S. Primary associations Distinguished guests present were ber 5, will have an opportunity to COURSE IS PLANNED stand in a well-kept cemetery Suda touchdown pass to Holcomb, who and migratory waterfowl. The first of Nyssa will sponsor a harvest Comstock of Baker, president stop at various points o f Interest. sewed the third counter of the of the two seasons, for migratory festival and carnival in the gym Many of these graves have been of the Rebekah assembly of Ore »im e Wilder converted to make waterfowl will open at noon Tues nasium October 17 beginning at Plans have tsen completed for adopted by Dutch families, who gon; Grace H. Baird, past presi Ward Group Gathers— day, October 21 arid the pheasant 7:30. The public is invited to at a class in natural history to be keep fresh flowers on them. The dent of the Rebekah assembly of the score 21 to 0. The i»D B . second ward In Nyssa Just before the half ended, "the and valley quail season Wednesday, tend. conducted in Nyssa, beginning No cemetery was sewed with white Idaho: Ethel M. Comstock, warden held ts opening social Wednesday Bulldogs advanced the ball along October 22. vember 12 and 13 by the general Dutch clover, and is kept mowed. and Mable Oarland, secretary of evening in the school gymnasium, The features will include a man's the field for a distance of 50 yards The pheasant season will extend fashion show, fish pond, country extension division of the Oregon It is maintained by American sol the Rabekaii assembly of Idaho. with approximately 300 persons at and then Iseri skirted the end to November 9 in Malheur county. store, beauty shoppe and program. state system of higher education. diers. The afternoon session, attended tending. The reception committee for a fourth touchdown. Christen The bag limit is three cocks a day Hot dogs” , ice cream and pie ala A similar class will be held in Mrs. Stam told of the great hard by 04 delegates, was opened by the at the door consisted of President sen made the conversion. but not more than six in possession mode will be sold. Various articles Ontario. Class sessions will be held ships imposed on the Dutch people noble grand, Mae Bellon of Nyssa, Charles Peterson and his two coun In the third quarter, Adrian or in any seven consecutive days. made by the children this summer, two nights a week for a period of by the Germans. However, in spite In the Rebekah degree. The con selors, Lavar Montgomery, and K en punted to its own 48-yard line and Ducks and geese may be hunted including plaques of the L.DJ3. five weeks. Dr. Ruth Hopson of of blocks and blocks that have vention was opened by the con neth Tucker, and President Ann on the second play Wilder caught through November 3 during the temple, ___ ___ _______ __________ shell pins and other articles the state education department will been bombed, the Dutch people vention officers. Including the fol- Beus and her two counselors, Mrs. a pass from Holcomb for a gain first period and then again from will be sold to help raise funds for' be the instructor. Fifteen Nyssa are rapidly clearing away the rub ewing Nyssa women; Harriett H ar Ruth Bybee and Mrs. M ale!* Fife. of 42 yards and the fifth touch December 23 to January 5. Bag lim activities to be conducted during teachers have signed for the cours ble. Much of the stone from bombed ris, chairman; Mrs. Borgnian, sec- The decorations consisted of green down. Wilder made the extra point it for ducks is four a day but not the winter months. Any adult is invited to take the buildings is being used to surface reary-treasurer, and Angle Cook, and gold stripes over the entrance, on an off-tackle play. more than eight in possession, in course. roads. chaplain. The welcome was given orchestra stand and in front of No score was made In the final cluding not more than one wood Return from Trip— The Dutch people. Mrs. Stam by Nyssa Yellow Rose lodge and the stage. Stake members present quarter, which was played on the duck at any time. Up to five geese said, are deeply greatful for the the response by Oolden Rule lodge were Mrs. Leone A. Taylor, Lloyd Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Kerby and son Nyssa side by the reserve squad. may be taken in a day provided returned Tuesday from a visit in MRS. GRIDER HAS help given them by the American No. 64. Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. D. O. By at least three are snow geese. Not the middle west. For two days Dr. CHARGE OF EXH IBIT and Canadian people. In the memorial service the char bee. The refreshment table was more than two of the five may be Kerby attended a reunion of doc l epers Discussed— Preceding Mrs. Stam’s talk, Mrs. ter was draped In memory of Jessie covered with a china lace cloth, "Workers With Christ For The Canada geese, white-fronted geese tors who interned with him at Gen Mrs. Charlie Grider returned Ray Weatherspoon, accompanied by Graham of Nyssa, Jane Jordan of with tall cream candles on either Lepers" was the title of an inter or brant. The possession limit for eral hospital in Kansas City, Mis Monday from Portland, where she Mrs. John Schenk, sang “Sing Me Ontario and Augusta Mulkey of side of the large crystal punch esting topic led by Pastor Roland geese is the same as the daily limit. souri and then attended a south had charge of the Malheur county To Sleep" and ' Our Yesterdays Vale. Following the presentation bowl. The program was in charge Wuest at the meeting of the Faith The business meeting was pre contest, the Nyssa lodge was pre of the activity director. Mrs. Maleta western medical clinic in the same agricultural exhibit at the Pacific Lutheran Mission society held at isit Minister— sided over by Mrs. Eld Frost, vice sented with a vase for winning first Fife, and was as follows; Oroup city. Mr. and Mrs. Kerby also vis International Livestock exposition._____ the home of Pastor and Mrs. Wuest Guests at the home of Rev. and ited relatives in Springfield and The exhibit showed the basic president, in the absence of the place. A skit, "Come Quick. Doctor", singing, directed by Charles Peter Wednesday, October 1. Mrs. Roland G. Wuest since last Nebraska City, Missouri before re agricultural products of Malheur president. The Civic club was Joined was presented by tlhe Ontario lodge. son, vocal duet by Oarma and Irene The topic presented the work done Thursday are Mrs. Johanna Martin turning home. county. A feature of the exhibit by the A.N.K. Garden club in its A banquet was held in the Nyssa Taylor, accompanied by Oarleen by the Lutherans of America among of Oregon City and Miss Leonora was a group of sweet Spanish on annual fall flower show. Many coffee shqp at 6:30 with 69 mem Jones; reading toy Jimmy Skeen, the lepers in \ ‘|Ua. China. Africa, Martin of Portland, grandmother Go to Utah— welcome and introductions by Ann ions on which Mrs. Rachel Starn- lovely arrangements featuring chry bers attending. and the Virgin islands. A fine ar and aunt of Pastor Wuest. Miss The evening session, commenc Beus, talk toy Bishop Child, a skit, Don Moss, local Firestone dealer, bury of Ontario had painted faces. santhemums, dahlias, rases, del ticle on the leper ministry conduct Martin and her mother are spend and his family left Wednesday night Mrs. Grider visited relatives in phinium, and other fall flowers ing at 8 o’clock, consisted princi and hunting game by Betty Etfe ed by the U. S. bureau of health ing two weeks at the Lutheran for Salt Lake City, where they will Seattle and Tacoma before 'going made an unusual flower display. pally of degree work given by the and Cleo Flinders Novelty dancing' at Carville Mississippi was also parsonage. Miss Martin is a super visit and attend to business. Mrs. Frank Morgan was chair Nyssa lodge and an address by was under the direction of Leo to Portland. read and discussed. During the visor and instructor in the ma man of the program. The tea com Suda Comstock, assembly president Child. The group of young people business meeting conducted by the ternity hospital of Emanuel Lu Daughter Arrives—.. mittee consisted of Mrs. Herbert on “Sincere Service". The five enjoyed the onion dance, the circle Few Deer Killed— society president. Mrs. John Huseby. theran hospital In Portland. A limited number of deer have Fisher, Mrs. Eknma Quinby, Mrs. candidates were Louise Wemlck, two-step and ladles' choice. Music A daughter, Cherry Lorraine, was the group decided to hold their bom to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ten been killed by Nyssa residents dur E. C. Crandall, and Mrs. Eki Boy- Maytoel Gilbert. Iva Dewey, Ulllan was furnished by Pond's orchestra. meetings at 2:30 p.m., during the II. E. Club Meets— The public is invited to attend Baker and Margaret Irwin. nant September 28 in the Holy Ros ing the present season. The suc dell. • winter months. Plans were also The October meeting of the Ore ary hospital in Ontario. Mrs. Ten cessful hunters Included Charles Vale was selected as the meeting Mutual every Wednesday evening completed for a food sale and fancy- gon Trail Orange home economics James DrMolay Planned— place for next year's convention, at 8 o'clock. nant is the former Alta Luma Ho Newbill, Dale Garrison, work sale to be conducted by the club was held at the home of Mrs. Pruyn, Ronald Jensen and Charles A meeting of boys interested In which will be conducted by the well. society Saturday. November 15 In Glenn Hoffman Thursday after the organization of a DeMoWy following officers: Chairman. Ma Here from Portland— McConnell. Eder’s Hardware store. Religious noon. Mrs. Dwayne Anderson of Port chapter in Nyssa will be held Wed bel Largent; vice chairman, Pauline attend L.D.S. Conference— Christmas cards will be sold by the Roll call was answered by 10 nesday, October 22 at 8 pjn. in Ross; secretary-treasurer, Elsie Mo- land arrived In Nyssa Friday. She Among the many Nyssa residents Return from Trip— members of the society. The next members with “Why I Like Mal Mr. and Mrs. Vern Parson have the Masonic lodge hall. A Oaldweli nson; marshal, Laura Bement; con visited her aon. Prank, at the Hen who attended the 118th semi-an meeting will be held at the home heur County". The business meet nual general conference at Salt returned from a visit in Santa man is expected to speak Any boys ductor, Viola Sltton; RB. chair ry Hartley home, and In the E'agan of Mrs. Edward Ostrom November ing was presided over by President Lake city, held on the famous tem Monica, California. They were away from 14 to 21 is Invited to attend. man, president of the Rebekah home. She returned to Portland 5 at 3:30 pun. Marie Holmes. assembly; LB. dhalrman, Ora Rus Sunday. ple grounds, were Bishop and Mrs. from Nyssa nine days. Miss Miriam Black, county home Arvel Child. President and Mrs. sell; IB. guardian, Beulah Oann; Parents of Girl— Daughters Visit— demonstration agent, presented an Luther L. Fife and Bishop and Baby Fifth Generation— guardian, Vemena Beam; Fire Started In Jail— A daughter was born to Mr and OB. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warren went interesting demonstration on "How Mrs. Dean Fife. Representing the Louise Waldrop, a transient, was H A daughter weighing 8 pounds, Mrs. C. H. Morrison, Jr„ of Nys RS.V. chairman, Pearl Btrttatn; to Pendleton Sunday to meet then- To Clean Your Sewing Machine” . _____ L.DS. Relief society were Mrs. ¡7 ounces, bom to Mr. and Mrs. sa in the Brtttingham Nursing L B V . chairman, Opal Pomerian; fined $30 and ordered by City Judge daughters, Mrs. Ross King of Port Mrs Dan ChaWaut. Tarringian, W y George Poutson and Mrs. Arvilla j ¡?rank j pike Sunday afternoon in home In Ontario Sunday, October 5. chaplain. Hester Lang: musician. Felton Duncan to pay for a mat land, and Mrs. James Peachv of oming was a guest. Refreshments Swensen Mr and Mrs D. O. Bybee tbf Brtttlngham Nursing home in The baby weighed 7 pounds. 10 Sarah McMurdo, and past chair tress that was badly damaged by Spokane, who will visit at the War of toasted cheese sandwiches, apple and daughter, Nannettc, and Mrs Ontario, making a record of five fire in the city Jail early Wednesday man, Harriet Harris. ounces. ren home. pie and coffee were served by Mrs. Mary E. Bybee spent the week-end living generations of girls. The morning. The defendant, charged Hoffman, assisted by Mrs. Cleaver. in Salt Lake City, attending two baby’s grandmother is Mrs. D. O. In Nyssa— with disorderly conduct, Is alleged Visits In Adams— Visit Aunt— Mrs. Richard Wilson went to by officers to have set the mat sessions of the conference and vis Bybee of Nyssa, its great grand Jake Kraal and daughter. Wan Joanne and Dianne Schweizer, Visits »Parents— iting Mr. Bybee's sister. Mrs. Don mother is Mrs. Martha Steimle da, of Drewsey, Oregon, spent Mon Adams, Oregon last week to vlsH tress sflre. A policeman who hap granddaughters of Mr and Mrs. John Gemhardt. student at East Maes and Mr and Mrs. l^Roy of Redlands. California and Its day in Nyssa attending to business. relatives, while Mr. WUaon attended pened to be in the police station George McKee, have been visiting ern Oregon College of Education Birmingham They also viewed the great, great grandmother is Mrs. the Pacific International Livestock at the time, extinguished the blaze. at the Lee Householder home in at La Grande, spent the week-end "This Is the Place" monument at Marie K Stephens of Ogden. Mrs. show with the Nyssa Future Par Episcopal Guild Meets— .the Owyhee district. Visit Here— visiting his parents. Rev. and Mrs. the mouth of Immigration canyon. Pike, formerly Dar Thel Bybee of Mrs. J. L. Church entertained mer delegates. Ouests of Mr. and Mrs Charles Henry Gemhardt. Nyssa, lives with her family at the members of the Ftp lor opal Oulld Here from Nampa— Chritton and family over the week at her home hurt Wednesday ev Nursing Home Nstss— Adrian. Boise Visitors— Mr and Mrs Ben M offitt of Church Group to Meet— Bom to Mr: and Mrs. Lawrence end were Mr and Mrs. George ening. Plans for the coming bazaar Mr and Mrs J. L. Herriman Nampa were guests of Mr and The Women's Society of Chris were guests on Sunday of Mr. and P.T.A. to Meet— Bailey, Nyssa, October II, 'girl. 7 Baird and children. Bob. Ruth and were discussed. Mrs. Hubert Peirsol and Mrs Peir- tian Service of the Methodist The regular monthly meeting of Letters of appreciation had been pounds. 6 ounces, and Mr and Mrs Elton They are en route to Okla Mrs. M. C. Claar of Boise. sol's grandmother. Mrs Brtmberry. -hurch will meet Thursday, Ooto- the Parent-Teacher organisation received from the 10-year-old Emery Parriall. Parma. October 16. homa from Mabton, Washington. Sunday. Mrs. Baird Is Mrs. Chrltton's aunt. ; ber 23, at the home of Mrs. Barney Primary Board Meets— will be held Thursday, October 23, French girl o f Oourterets. Prance, girl, 10 pounds. | Wilson. Program leader will be Mrs. Kenneth Tuttle is receiving to whom the guild sends two pack Members of the Weiser stake in the high school building. Go an Visit— i ______________ Mrs Dennis Patch, who will speak L D B . primary board met at the To Re-Open Inn— ages a month. The child, whose treatment. Mr* M J Duncan and daughter. • children of One World". Della Shuster will re-open the family was made homeless by the home o f their president, Mrs lea- Visit in Nyssa— Marsena. left Monday for a month's | ----------------- —----- Gingham inn Tuesday. October 21. U h l Merry Norcott. Miss Winon- war, was “ adopted" by the guild Neighbors Meet— lie C. Ballantyne, Saturday after ation with relatives at Son r. „ . rllit,r in Ontario— The Royal Neighbor» met at the Mrs. Ronald Batt established the noon. to discuss plans for the com ns Oallosrsv of Boise and Max for a year. Francisco and Porterville. Cali for- ; chi<,f M ^ m ie t Mate R. B Nl- ing seasons. Refreshments were ser Under of Coeur d'Alene spent the home of Mrs Alice Collins October business and operated it until rec ently. week-end at the O. L. Galloway Car is t. Refreshments were served. nl» ________ chols. U S navy, representative o f| ye^ to nine members the Boise navy recruiting area, will An automobile driven by Leland home Herr from California— SUNDAY OUBST8 Stoker of Adrian was badly dam VlaMa Parents— be in the Ontario city hall from Hre from Salt Lake— Mr and Mrs Homer Bradley October 10 to 1« to furnish the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure entertained aged when it crashed into a bar Miss Denzll Lee Howell, student Mrs Alda Pixton of Salt Lakd Herr from Boine— and Mrs. Warren Beers of Watson- general pubkc «-1th information and City visited over the week-end at Mrs ‘ " M - S. Ayres ------ of Boise spent row-pit after hitting a herd of In the Boise Secretarial schreq vis at dinner Sunday for Mrs. D. vtlle. California are visiting at the statistics on enlisting or re-enlisting j the home of her daughter, Mrs Thursday visiting at the home of cattle on the highway between Ad ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and Mr and Mrs. C liff home of Mr and Mrs. David Beers, in the navy. Warren Parmer rian and Nyssa last Friday night her sister. Mrs J. L Herriman. Rasarli Howell over the week-end. Berkstead and children. A quarterly meeting at the As sociated Chambers of Commerce of Eastern Oregon and Southwestern Idaho will be held in the Moore hotel in Ontario at 7:30 p.m., Oc tober 24. President Larry Brainard of Payette announced today. , The principal speaker will be ¡Congressman Lowell Stockman, rep- tentative in congress from the I second congressional district of Ore- gon. Several Nyssa residents are ex pected to attend. Power Company Bird Season To Open Next Week Rebekahs Hold Annual Meeting