Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1947)
TH E NYSSA G ATE C ITY JO U RNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX Mr. and Mrs. Moyes are making their home in Nyisa. Social News MARRIED AT EUGENE Miss Mae Part on. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clavborn Parton. and Wayne C. Storey, son of Mr and Mrs I. C. Storey of Nysea, were married October 3 at Eugene. The bride Is a student in the Nyssa high school and Mr. Storey Is attending the University of Ore gon They both plan to resume their studies. CIVIC CLUB TO MEET | The Nyssa Women'* Civic clul will meet Wee '«aday, October 1 at the parish hall. Mrs. Oerrl. stam will be guest speaker, te.Ilnt of conditions In Holland as ob served on her recent visit in tha. country. This meeting will feature the annual fall flower display. The A N.K. Garden club will join the civic club In this event. Ali women are M ARRIAOE ANNOUNCED ! invited to take flower selection.- The marriage of Miss Thelma to this meeting. Florea and Orlen Moyes was an nounced this week. GUEST HONORED The ceremony was performed in Mrs. Jean Fletcher was guest ol the rock garden of the city park honor Sunday afternoon at a din in Twin Palls June 33. ner given at the country club by the past presidents of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary. Mrs. Fletcher who will leave soon to spend the winter in Canada, was presentee FOR SALE with a gift from the group. 1944 Chev. % T truck. 1934 Dodge D/o T truck with beet bed. 1936 Chev. iy> T truck with beet bed. W ATTS M OTOR CO. Box A Phone 144-J NYSSA, OREGON after spending the last few weeks bers and pledge* from Boise valley, i with her daughter, Mrs. D. O. By- ' Miss Norcott Is employed in a Boise bee. and family. She will visit rela- ; store, tlves in Ogden while en route to Attends Designing School— California. Mrs. Opal King will leave Octo ber 10 to attend a floral designing Go to Utah— school at Portland. Mrs. King, own Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Fife spent er and operator of the Ritzle Dress the week-end in Utah visiting and Floral shoppe at Nyssa will friends and relatives. take a post-graduate course In mod em floral designs, corsages, and To Hold Food Sale— funeral sprays. | The Nvssa American Legion aux iliary will hold a cooked food sale Here from Vernal— it the Graham insurance office Miss Madge Reynolds of Vernal, Saturday, October 11 at 10 a. m. Utah Is here for an Indefinite visit with her sister, Mrs. Wllford A. \tt«*nd Homecoming— Mttchel. She Is at present employed Merry Norcott of Nyssa was a by the Owyhee Produce company. -ue t over the week-end of friends t the annual homecoming of the Visits in Utah__ nlversity of Idaho at Moscow. Miss 1 Mrs. Mary E. Bybee is spending Norcott’s picture appeared in the several weeks visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson an Idaho Sunday Statesman with a Mrs. Leonard Hoew, and family, nounce the engagement of their troup of Gamma Phi Beta mem- at American Fork, Utah. daughter, Lula Belle (above) to James Robb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb. B IRTH D AYS CELEBRATED Mrs. A. V. Cook entertained Sun day at a double birthday dinner Loretta Jane Russell, Marlene Moss, honoring her husband and son Jim. whose birthdays fall on Octo Glenda Moss and Doris Ruth Rig- ber 4 Guests were Mr. and Mrs. ney. During the ceremony a vocal P. V. Childs and son, Mr. and Mrs solo was given by Janie. Parr. The charter, awarded to the Nys- A V. Cook, Jr., and daughter of Payette, Mrs. Mary Lyells of Nyssa a bethel last spring, was presented daughter pf Payette, Mrs. Mary to Lorraine Farr, honored queen William B Lyefls of Boise and Miss by Phyllis Galloway, guide. A social hour followed the initia Genevieve Meyers of Baker. tion ceremony. Refreshments were —5— JOB’S DAUGHTERS IN IT TATE served by Mrs. Hubert Peirsol, At the regular meeting of Job's chairman, and the following ladle.- Daughters Thursday, October 2, an and their daughters: Mrs. A1 Kuehn, initiation ceremony was held. Ttie Mrs. Bud Wilson, Mrs. Vera Win following girls were candidates for ched, Mrs. Rita Collins, Mrs. Lu membership: JoAnne Garrison, Ma cille Galloway and Mrs. Frank ry Joan Russell, Edna Ruth Russell, [Parr. Mrs. Josephine Rlgney is guard ian and Harlan Dlven associate guardian. WITH A NEW ^vrcù BATTERY TH U RSD AY, OCTOBER 9, 1947 COW H O LLO W -D A N C E - Cow Hollow Hall— Saturday, October 11 Admission $1 Sponsored by Chalk Butte Grange INVITATION DANCE It W ILL MATTER 2 0 YEARS FROM NOW Saturday, October II I f YOU PVT AWAY A FEW CENTS A PAY IN A SAYINGS ACCOUNT AT THE FINST NATIONAL BANK EAGLES H A L L For Riding club and Eagles Lodge members. Pond’s Orchestra playing ENTERTAINS DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer entertained Mr. an Mrs. Gerrit Stam of Nyssa at dinner Sunday. Additional guests were Mr and Mrs. Niss Hatt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Stam gave an interesting account of their recent trip to Holland. The guests later enjoyed seeing the Hatt and Sc-hwelzer flower gardens. -5 - LEGION A U X IL IA R Y MEETS Mrs. Hugh Tobler entertained the members of the American Legion auxiliary at her home last Thurs day. Plans were made for the cook ed food sale to be held October 11. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mary Burns October Men’s Red Ball U. S. Navy Cotton Flannel Bib Overalls Jackets Plaid Shirts 8-ounce Blue Denim Sanforized Shrunk Graduated Rise Alpac Lined E and W Polar Sizes 14 to 17 Knit Storm Cuffs $2.49 $2.69 Zipper Front Sizes 36-38-40 IS . - I - Ford batteries are available in six different sizes. A ll are covered b y written guarantees. I f any Ford battery fails during the first 90 days in service, it will be replaced without charge by any Ford Dealer. After 90 days, and before the expiration o f the guarantee, replacement will be made on the basis o f service received. ALW AYS LET US KEIP YOUR BATTERY UR SO IT WON’T LET YOU DOWN . . . BRING YOUR CAR IN REGULARLY FOR BATTERY INSPECTION A N D SERVICE Herriman Motor Co. NYSSA Phone 108 PRO G RAM THEATRE F R ID A Y & S ATU R D AY, OCTOBER 10-11 Paul Kelly— Adrian Booth in • “ SPOILERS OF TH E N O R TH ” Allan Lane— Bobby Blake in ‘HOMESTEADERS OF PARAD ISE VALLEY* Mat., Hat.. 2:30 P. M„ Adm. 5c-25c 4dm. livening*. 40r-Se, Including Tax S U N D A Y & M ONDAY, OCTOBER 12-13 Ray Milland, Teresa Wright, Brian Donlevy and Rose Hobart in “ TH E TRO UBLE W IT H W OM EN” professor Ray writes a best-seller telling men how to handle women. His prize pupil, Teresa, makes him eat those words— It’s a riot from start to finish. Popeye Cartoon 2-Reel Musical MaC. H u . t :M On Furlough— Sgt. James E. Cook left Monday after a visit with hts parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook, for Fort Lewis fow further assignment.' He will return to Nyssa, where he will spend his 20-day furlough. Fined In Court— William Adams of route 1. Par ma was fined $100 by Judge Don M. Graham In the Nyssa justice court Wednesday on a charge of making a false application for an Oregon resident hunting license. TUESDAY CLUB MEETS Mrs. Carlos Buchner entertained the members of her Tuesday ev ening bridge club at her home this week. Honors went to Mrs. Bern ard Eastman for high score and Mrs. Grant Rinehart for second high. Visit In Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Bartel Ostrom and Jimmy have returned from a visit with Mrs. F. J. McKenzie, mother of Mrs. Ostrom. In Portland. Goes lo Calfornta— Mrs. Martha Stelmle left Tues day for her home in California. TH IS IS TH E Evening*. d »-*c . I nr IudIni Tai T H U R SD A Y A FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16-17 Bulletd only kill— but love can hurt. Thrill through.................... “THE LONG NIGHT* With Henry Fonda, Barbara Bel Geddes, Vincent Price and Ann Dvorak story o f a love that promised the world— paid o ff in bullets. Cartoon Adm Evening*. Md-ta. Inc. Tax. $3.45 Rugged Dependable Comfortable Peters W ork Shoes Wembley TIES Crush it, twist it, knot it— Not a wrinkle! $1 and $1.50 Í X , U.S.N. Foul Weather Waterproofed $1-98 $1.98 Parka Pants E and W Our Sport Shirt Line Is Dress Shirts Complete. Come in And Colored— $2.75 White— $3.45 See Them. Priced From City Club Distinctive Shoes For Men 48 Separate and Individual Hand Operations Make City Club* Better . . . . M ore Comfortable. More Flexible. Yet You Pay No More Than For Ordinary Brands. See The New Autumn Tonee And Style*. $995 $3.45 to $7.95 Weather Bird Another Shipment of White Shoes Peters Claston % Outing Flannel Also Pink, Blue, and Striped 36-inch. Dress Shoes For Boys and Girls Whrn Ordinary Shoes Give Up— •m For Men Weatherblrds Get Their Second Wind. $6.45 to $ 8.95 BRING W e Still Have a Few Nannette Cotton u .r * 7-95 THE KIDDIES IN — WE'LL X -R A Y FIT ’EM R IG H T! H AND T H A T HELPS MOST! Adm. Evening«, 40c Do, Inc. Tax. Adm. $9-95 Jumpers Called to Bedside— Mrs. Leslie Stoker and Mrs. Wil- ford A. Bybee left Tuesday for Og- de to be with their father, who is ill at a hospital. The sisters went to Utah in a new Frazer Manhat ten car. Adm.. JOr i f . Inc. I a i TU E S D A Y & W EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14-15 Broadway’s gayest long-inn comedy beomes the screen’s most riotous mixup. It’s fun for the whole family. Joan Caulfield, William Holden, Edward Arnold and Nona Freeman in “DEAR R UTH " Cartoon Men’s Blue Denim Blanket Lined Injurcs Foot— Mrs. Nadine Garrel Sweaney Is wearing a cast on her right foot as a result of tripping while com ing out the door at her home. Sheet Blankets Lighten Your Household Chore* Ladies All Sizes With These Casual Cotton*. All F »»t Colon. Easily Laundered— . . . Left Pink and Blue Plaid 66 by 76 1.59 White 70 by 95 2.25 Friends are great In time of trouble, but sympathy won't restore your home after It's been burned by fire, soaked with water, and damaged by smoke. Our comprehensive fire Insurance policy, however, will! All Is Writ tea « Frank T. Mogan Esmond Warmspun Baby Blankets Size 36 by 50 $2.15 And All Very Reasonably Priced. Sizes 1* to 20 and 38 to 52 Pajamas $3.39 Sunbeam Wash Lots of Children’s Long Cotton Frocks Hose $2-98 to $3.19 B R A C K E N ’S DRY GOODS — SHOES — CLOTHING X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA, OREGON \