# TH E N Y S S A G A T E C ITY JO U R N A L, N YSSA , OREGON TH U R S D A Y, OCTOBER 9, 1947 A D R IA N CH A M B E R I Ray l.rt Drown of Nyssa and A m e r r * n n v r w in »., ™ AIDS F. F. A. BOYS soe left Friday on a deer Mr. Bled- Mr. and Mrs. William T oo m b | M rs. Chris Molt, is seriously ill. on the John Day highway and one- „„H iraira .„o „ beru.ce .. K y aim oue bem.ee Chaney Chaney writes writes tnat that she she ..... ha„ hunt and ant* Dickie and Betty Jean were has completed her registration at 1 mile west Saturday' ° ctober returned Sunday evening with no l dinner KuesU Friday evening in the [ w - E- piercV home. The occasion Seattle Pacific college and has her 18 at 1 P- m- Cattle, machinery, A D R IA N , Oct. 9- Tile Adrian cham­ success M . ' | was a birthday dinner celebrating .join furnished and decorated. She small farm tools. Terms cash. Oscar ber o f commerce met Thursday ev­ | Nealy, owner. Bert Anderson and uia Drown of Nyssa spent the the birthdays of Mrs. Piercy and . eports much rain. ening, October 2 in the Legion week-end with her aunt, Mrs. W il­ Mrs. Dick Krelgh. Mr. and Mrs Chandler, accom- Joe Church, aucts. hall, with about 40 members pres­ liam Ashcraft. 'pained by Mr. Hess. on. on bunaay I ------------------- ------------------- ----- ent. Discussion was held on many Vernon Parker, Donald Hatt, Ho­ jchooi representatives from Spok- Too Late To Classify O W Y H E E RESIDENT topics. .me »111 (v at the Cnas. Witty home ' ward Hatch and George Cartwright A collection was taken and $10 were deer hunting near Ironside Friday evening, October 24 for ail FOR SALE— One 12x14 house with IS B U IL D IN G H O U SE .veiling meeting. Anyone interested furniture, including almost new el- was voted from the commerce fund Sunday. Howard Hatch returned to take the F.F.A. boys to the with a deer. OWYHEE, Oct 9— Mr. and Mrs .n Sunday school woik is invited ectrlc washing machine. Inquire George Ritenbaugh, horth Third Pacific International Livestock show. Richard Holly returned Sunday Bob Morfitt and daughter. Rob to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty made street, one-half blocx north of pow- in Portland. A total of $44.50 was from Jordan Valley with a deer erta, returned Sunday from a hunt a business trip to Caldwell, Satur- er station on west side of street. 901 given the boys. The next meeting Betty Jean Toomb spent Tuesday lng trip to Unity and Baker. ---- ----- ------ in November will be a box social. Wednesday and Thursday at the Upon hearing of the birth of a Jay to purchase suppl.es for Wade I and Owyhee schools. They were F®“ SALE— 1936 Chevrolet truck, Many Adrian hunters returned nurst home in ' Kingman Kolony son to her daughter and son-in-law by W. M. Teter a n d 1 with **** hydraulic brakes, home over the week-end, some with ; helping with the chores. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown of recompiled he boys. K°°d condition. See in evening at c‘t i.‘ii,aui L i >Uiers wlUlout- Ardis Hurst spent the week-end Boise, Mrs. Lynn Kygar left Mon­ 902xp Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reno re­ Sixth and Locust. Bill, Dale, and Dick Ashcraft, | with Betty Jean Toomb in Adrian. day for a few week's stay In the vived word that their son, Clinton, Brown home. FOR RENT— Sleeping room foi Mr. and Mrs. Leo Huber of Mer­ /miners’ mate third class, shore working lady 101 First St. 901xp idian were dinner guests In the patrolman in Japan, sufiered Werner Peutz (home Sunday. L r f ^ i C 1 to^remain u VT e n .- í oBBi/ Wrthis Mrs. Mildred Hite of La Grande VJEU.,hONfi LET CAE. Ip? has has healed. MnK- Satisfaction guaranteed. Saw -B u i NOO KNOVi HOVI he leg -mis I HERB R80UT HERR OP ri ft&fVN/ j- i.spent the week-end at the home of Shop, First and Ehrgood. 90tic. t h o s e t h in g s w iu . 'tOO GOlN’ Oüt Vh1H her son, Donald Hite. Mr. and Mrs EIA. -CRM NOI - UEPiVC o o i «1 GORVf V—7' r--- FOR SALE— Man’s bicycle, two- Omar Hite and children were din­ R IC H L A N D HUNTERS f SVvSOMW , mickev j - y l ì bibN-r speed axle, front wheel brake and ner guests In the Donald Hite home R E T U R N W IT H DEER speedometer. Inquire Pruyn's gar­ Sunday. age. 901xp M r.Jiid Mrs. Darrel W iliam s and Mary Ellen spent from Tuesday un RICHLAND, Oct. 9— Mr. and Mrs. MISCELLANEOUS-Fashion R wks til Sunday hunting at Seneca. They Mrs. Pat Sweaney and Mr. and maternity dresses and un norms brought back a nice two-point Jim Lundy of Twin Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stam spent several days Write Doris Olson, Nyssa. 901xp buck. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Berrett and .eer hunting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fleshman FOR SAI.E— Small Monarch coal Mrs. Earl Beasley and son, Rich­ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray I!ar^fe’ with. wat*r |acket- R<“ ®11 ° ard, o f Ogden arrived Friday to vis­ Russell Friday evening. Anderson at post office. 901xp. it in the home of their daughter Mr. and Mrs A. H. Davis were FOR SALE— Rome Beauty anc and sister, Mrs. Grant Patterson. The fast dependable recap service of O K They will return to Ogden Tuesday. dinner guests of Mr. Davis’ parents winesap apples now ready at Sun- RUBBER WELDERS is the finest In Nys­ ny orchard, east of Apple valley Monday Jim Hite, Stewart Guth­ n Nampa Sunday. sa. One-day, precision method tire recapp­ ^ake and Abe Simmons and Bill 1 schoolhouse. Don Fisher. 902xc rie, and George Johnston, all of ing ... Reasonable prices... Also expert tire repair service. Union, Oregon spent Monday night Rinehart of Richland district and Edward Boydell of Nyssa went deer FOR SALE— Chrysler Industrial with Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hite. 8-cyltnder engine, 140 horsepower, Russell Patton. Jr., is building the hunting for several days. Mr and Mrs. E. H. Brandt shop­ fluid drive with right angle pulley, foundation for his new house this ped in Boise Thursday. on trailer. Nyssa Implement Co. week. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boenic were 90tfc. Mrs. Gertrude Jackson of Reno, NEW C A R , T R U C K - T R A C T O R T IR ES Nevada and Mrs. Ruth McConnell In Boise Monday. FOR SALE— New deluxe Karrial Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dlrksen and R E C A P P IN G & R E P A IR IN G of Nyssa are visiting this week with Kamper with air mattreases, camp sister, Mrs. Lee Householder. amily were Sunday dinner guests PHONE 5 M = = = = = N YSSA. OREGON their t the Dick Dirksen home in Jami­ Keith Tallman and Melvin Croc­ ker returned Sunday from Seneca, son. Ray Russell and Louis Pfeller Where they spent a few days hunt­ went deer hunting for three days ing. Mrs. George Schweizer spent spv- and returned home »1th a deer. stoves and chairs Kino n , « . t sieves . and _ chairs. »600. Nyssa Im- N O T IC E - Freeman s machine shop 90tfc. J re-opened under management of P*ement Co. W A N T E D - To buy good use Dia- 1 0011 Curs. Come in for custom no. Write box 584, Parma, stating machinery welding. laoncating. etc. SOlxp. make and price. 90?xc-p. Phone 125-W, Nyssa. TAK E TH E C H ILL OFF THESE COOL MjCKfYand WS MA &r O K rubber welder Electric Heaters i Equipped with fan. $12.95 GURL SEZl- O.K. RUBBER WELDER the Scenes in the Telephone Business BIG BEND B O Y ’S A R M IS BROKEN ‘J/Cost people are aware that record numbers o f telephones are being in- v stalled these days, but few realize all the work that goes on behind the scenes to make telephone service pos­ sible. The telephone instrument itself is only 1/17 o f all the equipment nec­ essary to provide telephone service. ,' Additional central o ffic e equip­ ment is on order and will be in- stalled as fast as it is received------ a painstaking job requiring many skilled hands. eral davs la^t week in Nampa at t.he home of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Ahrens. One day while there the Brethern church honored her with a special dinner and pro­ gram in place of the regular ladies aid meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson and family and their house guests were guests at a family dinner in the Wayne Berrett home in Sunset val’ey Sunday. Prayer meeting will be held at the Andrew Titland home Tuesday October 14. Rev. Kriner will be leader. The O.K.K. club will meet with Mrs. Raleigh Chamberlain Thurs day, October 16. The Owyhee P.T.A. held a food sale Saturday in Nyssa with satis­ factory results. A meeting of off! cers and committees will be held at the Skinner home Tuesday and a regular P.T.A. meeting will be held at the schoolhouse Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Breitkreutz and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brelkreutz and family of Tripp, South Dakota visited In the Raleigh Chamberlain home last week. Mrs. Reuben Breit­ kreutz is a niece of Mr. Chamber- lain. * W e’re moving as fast as we "can toward the day when everyone can have the kind o f service he wants__ and it will be betterservice than ever! Malheur Home Tel. Company BIG BEND, Oct. 9— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hllde'rman of Twin Falls are visiting Mrs. Hilderman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reno. Lynn Oale, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gale, fell from the slide at school Thursday and broke his arm. • Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop left Friday for Oswego, Kansas, where they will visit Mrs. Bishop's par­ ents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lackray, who bought the Otto Nielson place, have re­ turned from Seattle, bringing their daughter with them. The Big Bend P.T.A. met at the schoolhouse Friday, to plan hot lunch program. The Wade P.T.A. met at the choolhouse Friday afternoon. The group plans to sponsor a more modern lighting system for the ichool building Several miniature pieces of playground equipment were demonstrated. Refreshments of ake and ice cream were served by the teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frost spent Friday evening visiting at the homes of W. M. and Miles Teter Mr. and Mrs. Frost started back to Kansas early Saturday morning. Word has been received that Bud Boyer, a former resident of the Bend and son-in-law of Mr. and Sportsmen Attention SALE CALENDAR PUBLIC SALE— Two miles west from the south 6ide of the Ontaro airport past the Japanese Hall and li mile north. Wednesday. October 15, 1947, sale starts 1 pan. 29 head rattle, farm machinery and mis­ cellaneous items. Delmar C. Betz, onwer. Terms cash. Cols. Bert An­ derson and Joe Church, auction­ eers. L. H. Frltts, clerk. PUBLIC SALE— Thursday, Octo­ ber 16, at 1 p.m. 11 miles west of Ontario or l ' i miles west and mile north o f Malheur Butte on north side of the river. 16 cattle, poultry, farm machinery. Harold Horn, owner. Also one cow and some farm machinery. Clarence Ad­ ams, owner. Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, auctioneers, and L. H. PHtts, clerk. TIME TO PO R TL A N D A N D THE N O R T H W E S T Through Scorn«, Cintrai Or«»»« # SEATTLE Westbound I Regular Schedules) 5:20 AM 10:20 AM •2:20 PM 3:45 PM •6:35 PM 11:45 PM Kaslbound (Regular Schedules) 3:05 AM 8:15 AM •1:20 PM 3:45 PM •6:15 PM 11 PM Phone 196-W F R U IT L A N D — 522 S COMING in h 11 unni ti ri in ui nt in ui iniui m iiiiii m ri in M n Chech YOUR ROOF NOW/ Don’t delay! Discover and repair those leaks before Winter rains damage the interior of your home. Repair flashings,valleys,gutters,cracks,blisters...all the danger points with H ydroseal, the Leak Fixer. h . krai •• cold. FIRST AID FOR ROOF LEAKS »5^ V / n Apply l* « H r oc to pvlty lotto. It It Wise To Have a Locker Reserved In Advance! Polar Cold Storage PHONE 124-W 2 Horses 2 SA LE STARTS A T 1 P.M. O N T A R IO LIVESTO CK COM M . CO. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Ellis White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. A V A IL A B L E FOR Y O U R G A M E Haying sold my ranch, I will sell the following described property 10 miles south o f Nyssa, 2 miles west, !/. mile north then 2 miles west and l/> mile north. 2 miles north o f Adrian, 2 miles west on Overstreet road, U> mile north, 2 miles west and V-. north on the old Pratt ranch. I SchodulM D ill» S o il L * U . A PocMonA Grass steers top $24.75. Bulk common to medium $23 to $24.75. Grass heifers top $23. Bulk common to medium (20 to $23. Grass cows top $18. Bulk common to medium $15.50 to $18. Cutter cows $12 to $14. Canner cows $10 to $12. Feeder cows $13.50 to $15. Bulk bulls $16.75 to $17.25. Veal calves top $24. Bulk calves $18 to 24. Stocker or feeder steers $21 to $22.50. Hogs top $29.05. Feeder pigs $28 to $30. Sows $21 to $23. Lambs top $22~ Bulk fat lambs $21 to $22. Feeder lambs $20. to $21.60. Bulk ewes $7.50 to $10.50. A pW ic thof FARM SALE TRAILWAYS Weekly Market Report for September 30, 1947 We Have A Few Lockers 1 Block West of R. R. Depot PO RTLA N D ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY W INTER Nyssa Furniture Co. Fri., October 17 TACO M A” FARM SALE Located 2 miles north of Vale O N TA R IO — 413-M M ORNINGS Arvin u ia Ÿ P A G E F IV E Stunz Lumber Co. # 1 Roan mare, coming 9 years. 1 Brown mare, coming 9 years. These mares are gentle and well broke. 1 Set harness and collars. 12 Cattle 12 1 Jersey cow, 5 years, giving 4 gallon now. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 years, giving 4 gallon now. 1 Jersey and Holstein, 5 years, 'giving 5 gallon now. 1 Whiteface calf. These cows are T.B. and abortion tested. 5 Holstein cows and 3 yearling Holstein heifers, owned by Mel Rogers will also be sold. 20 Hogs 20 2 Spotted Poland China sows, pure-bred but not registered. 18 Weaner pigs. Good ones. — O THER A N IM A L S — 1 Buck and 2 doe rabbits. 3 T oy Bullpups. Machinery l'G arden cultivator and tools. 1 Low-wheeled wagon. 1 McCormick binder, horse and tractor hitch. 1 2-way John Deere plow.- 1 Walking plow. 1 2-Section harrow. 1 Horse-drawn 4-wheel land leveler. 1 McCormick hay rake. 1 Corn and beet cultivator. 1 Grain drill. 1 Float. 1 Blower for forge. 1 2-Horse fresno. 1 Buzz saw. 1 Buck rake. 1 Stock trailer. 1 Corn cultivator. 2 Rear ends and 2 front axles for trailers. 1 Hog house. 1 Hog crate. 1 Anvil. 1 Forge. 1 Hand seeder. 1 Air pump. 120 Feet lV i” manila hay rope. 1 Hay fork. 1 W ell auger and pipe. 3 Gas barrels. 1 Bench vise. 1 Emery stone. 3 10-gal. milk cans. 300 Feet No. 14 electric wiring. Coal chisels, wrenches, barley fork, pitchforks, coal shovel, scoop shovel, 2 irrigation shovels, and dozens o f other smaller tools. Household Goods 1 Davenport. 1 Sewing machine. 1 Air-line radio. 1 Bench wringer. 1 Heater. 1 Oak barrel. 1 Lawn mower. 1 Economy King cream separator, 650 lb. capacity. TERMS— CASH L U N C H SERVED O N G R O U N D S Oma Bair, Owner Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers L. H. Fritts, Clerk