THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1947 PACE THREE 28A*fc Barnett. UStfc. Nazarene church in Nyssa. Vale Wednesday. Eastman. Christian church in Portland, spoke Mrs. Walter Cameron of Sacra Wilbur Gilbert of Wallowa is in the Christian chureh in Nyssa : FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write WANTED— Field ensilage cutting, last funoay morning. Mr. Dewees i Watts Motor Co.. Nysaa, Ore., for L. E. Robbins, three miles naith, mento arrived 6unday for a visit visiting friends in the vaUey. with her daughter. Mrs. E. R. Nor Ca-mlet Rataezyk and Ace Rob is a representative of the laymen’s I Willys parts, motors, extra equlp- one-half west of Nyssa on Gem man, and family. erts are having their houses paint group in the Christian churches 4Stfc. I ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup aevnue. oi Oregon, known as the Ninety Rev. and Mrs. EHvln Ernest en ed. joyed Sunday dinner at the Roy ; trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atic. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rutledge of and Nine. He spoke of the work of --------------------------------------------WANTED— To buy anything in Rucker home. Grunts Pass visited Mr. and Mrs. the men of the Ninety and Nine RATES: Two cents per worQ for each issue. After one month one| FOR SALE— 1 D.S. 35 Intem ation- | ^eef or veal. Also buy banger cows Mrs. Ivan Samuels and her sis Hud-on Robb Thursday. They were in establishing churches in Burns, Seaside. Sutherlin and other com al truck, 1940 model. Long wheel or will handle for hide and affall. ter. Mrs. Oeorge Kiasler of McCall, •.onner neighbors in Nebraska. cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, la 30c. visited their mother, Mrf Lettie Clarence Reed. Harry Hathaway munities in Oregon and of the base, 2-speed axle. 1940 Chevrolet Phone 31M or 011J1. 22Atfc. Spindler in Sunny Slope Sunday. truck, long wheel base, 2-speed md Jim Robb returned from hunt work of the men in carrying on Mrs. Charles Lisle. P.T.A. presi ing Friday night. Robb killed a six summer camps for boys through axle. These trucks are In fair con MISCELLANEOUS dent, and Mrs. Hazel Ferguson. .wo-point buck. out the state. dition and priced reasonable. Also For Sale ----------------------- FOR SALE— Farmall "M" tractor one 12-foot beet rack. C. E. Lese- NOTICE:— We are not responsible 'Chool principal, visited the Ros The Worthwhile club will meet I UStfc. for any bills contracted by anyone well school Thursday during the Wednesday, October 16 at the home 1 for Scholarship— i with Hall high-lift push rake or berg, Phone 154-J. FOR SALE— 92-acre row-crop farm hydaulic manure loader, $2000. W .|p o R S A L E - 200 feet frontage. 150 other than ourselves. Alvis, Dora nocn hour to get new1 Ideas for con of Martha Lorenson. Mrs. Grover I The Arian P T.A. has voted $75 and financing the school Cooper will give a report on care to aid in the State P.T_A Schol 902xp. ducting at Jamieson, Oregon. Full 80 acres A. Bishop, Route 1, Nyssa 902xp. j feet deep, south of Polar Cold Stor and Dale Trent. hot lunch program. arship that is to be awarded to jf the hair. MISCELLANEOUS—Episcopal guild of the highest producing land in FOR SALE— Felt padding to go age, $2400. Bernard Eastman. llStf. Several from this community a t Mr and Mrs. Hudson Robb were some student entering the teaching rummage sale every Saturday after tended the teacher's reception at Ontario visitors Saturday. They vis profession. Malheur county This place pro under rugs. Any size. Nyssa Furn POR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. noon from 1:30 to 4:50 at parish the Parma schooihouse Monday ev ited Mrs. Pete Wilson at the Holy duced last year 32 tons beets, over iture Co., one block west railroad Guaranteed to be washable and hall. 204xc. ening. Rosary hospital. 90tf. non-fading tor three years. Good 1000 sacks of .onions per acre. Paid depot. Mrs. Al Kuehn, teacher of the Mr. and Mrs. Ftorl Adams and MISCELLANEOUS— I will not be stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com up water right, extra pump in creek FOR SALE— 1936 Chevrolet 2-door, responsible for any debts contract first and second grades, has pur -ion, Bobby, and daughter, Billie, pany. 26Jtfc. PLANNING TO for irrigation, deep well for domes 1931 Chevrolet 2-door, 1933 Chev and Mr. and Mrs. John Lunquist of ed by anyone other than myself. chased a new Dodge sedan. rolet, 4-door, 1930 model A tudor Mr and Mis. Waldo Smalley have E&gle. Idaho were visitors Sunday FOR SALE— Used Fairbanks plat Joseph Burbank. tic use, good house and three other 203xp. Ford. See a t Inter-State Oil sta form scale. 2500 pound capacity been remodeling their house and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cash tenant houses, $26,500, $10,000 will tion. BUILD? OOlxp. Dessert Seed Co. MISCELLANEOUS— Will do beet are having a new propane gas range Turner. 3Jtfc. handle. lifting and can furnish two trucks and furnace Installed this week. Charlie Marvin’s hay chopping You may *ave money 93 fine acres 3 miles from Nyssa. FOR RENT— Two-room modem FOR SALE!— Registered hereford ofr hauling. Nathan Roth, 1 mile crew is working at the EM Steiner and Cash Turner places. Nice large house, modern except apartment $40. Phone 08J-R. lxc bull. Phone Zack Walker, 282-W. north Nyssa on third street. 902xp. FAMILY REUNION 3Jtfc. L. D. S. primary will be held heat. Plenty of free water for 30 FOR SALE— Almost new trash by teeing me. Get ready for HELD IN SUNSET every Thursday at 4 p.m. at the acres. This is one of the good plac burner. One block north sugar fac FOR SALE:— Fine row - crop 40, MISCELLANEOUS— winter. We service all kinds of es, $25,000. Owyhee schooihouse. All children tory. Earl Purvis. 901xp. near Adrian, good water right, fair heating equipment. Nyssa Heating SUNSET, Oct. 9— A son was born from four years through 11 years 100 acre farm 3 miles from Nys Co., phone 169-W. 28Atfc. to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson Sep of age are welcome Teachers are FOR SALE— One registered jersey improvements. sa with 62 irrigable acres of good 40 acres on oiled highway. One land. About 00 acres fairly level, bull frolh the Wright herd, 3 jer mile out. Unimproved. MISCELLANEOUS - Help-Ur-Selt, tember 30 a t the Holy Rosary hos Mrs. Ella Hartley. Mrs. EMna H ar tley, Mrs. A. C. Hawkins, Louise would be good spud land. Fair ret sey cows, milking now. Grover Several good no-acre and larger custom and wet wash. White Swan pital. . Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickland are Hawkins, Vera Patterson, Marian 902xp. farms. » of buildings. This is a cheap place Cooper, Sunset valley. laundry. Soft water. R. M. Souther and a bargain at $9,000. Nyssa, Oregon 7Atfc. the parents of a girl, Jackie Kay, Ballaiityne. and Mrs. Myland. Or 3 acres lor sale, close in. unim land, prop. Phone 13-J. FOR SALE— Hotpoint electric ganist Is Vivian Aahley. first coun born September 27. The girl, weigh 80 acres farm in Cow Hollow dis 902xp. proved ing 6 pounds. 10 ounces, was born selor, Mrs. Smith, and second coun trict, 36 farmed now, more can be range, phone 7. Also have several houses listed. MISCELLANEOUS- Will pay top at the Brlttingham Nursing home selor. Mrs. Devon Larson. prices for hay. Phone Nampa 593- Building Contractor planted. A nearly new AC tractor, FOR SALE:— 30-gallon water tank IJtfc. J ll, Paul Rea, Nampa, route 2. at Ontario. plow, cultivator, horse, hay mach a n d 'tra s h burner combined. W. A. KEN RENSTROM Word has been received th at Mr. 204xp Layman Visits— inery and other tools, go with place Nye, 552 First street, north. 202xp. Phone 172-J and Mrs. Bob Newgen are the par Ed Dewees, layman of St. John's Only $6,000, terms. C V -.T, q i i p „„„ MISCELLANEOUS— Available now ents of a boy, James Boyd, born 160 acres on the edge of the cat POR SALE:— Ford jeep with en September 24. tle range, 20 head permit. 56 irri closed top station wagon type. $875 sw h * A family reunion was held at gable acres, nice soil, deep well, cash, $900 terms. Apply Powell building, electrifying, repairing. Re- fl S e nd erv,ce ^ A- A"* derson, route pressure system, good small house, Service Garage. 20tfc. built machines for sale. P. "Lete" Phone 567-J4. 3. Weiser, Idaho. the home of Mr and Mrs. Ira Price 26Jtfc. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. M. T. Mair $6,500. Sackett, phone 247-M. 469 west 40 acres of very fine level land POR SA LE —Registered spotted First street, south, Ontario, Ore MIFCBLLA NEOUS— I have moved of Berwyn, Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs This place has been grossing the , Poland China weaner pigs, 3 boars gon. 19Jtfc. ] back to Nvssa and have re-entered Cleve Pitkin of Calloway, Nebras The machinery on your place develops mech price asked for the farm, e a c h 'and 3 sows- Pred W. Kratzberg, 2 the plumbing business. I will give ka, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder. FOR SALE:— 125 acres, 96 irrigable, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baird and Char year. Plenty of buildings, house is .miles southwest of Nyssa. 202xp anical difficulties through use, and wear and the same service that I gave before. good improvements, Reuben Har- good. Price $11,000, some terms. Calls promptly answered. 502 N. lie Price were dinner guests. tear from work, needing constant adjustments | FOR SALE— Apples, five varieties, oldseu, 8 miles southwest of Nyssa, Mrs. Hazel Kressly of Nyssa is A very nice, nearly new 4-room 202xc. or truck lots. Bring con phone 016-R2 or 03-R1. 25S4xp. Third. J. C Smith. visiting Mrs. Don Strickland. to work properly. house, 2 large lots This place can | bushel south Nell Dimmick, Harold FilUngness, toe handled with $1,000 balance : tainers. Otis Smith, D4 miles 204xp. FOR SALE— Red cedar shingles, MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and Your body also develops mechanical difficul I of Fruitland. Larry Dimmick returned Friday easy. Total price $4,800. screen doors, windows, frames and free pick-up of your dead, crippied and ties through work and strain, and needs ad Very cozy small house, nicely p o R SALE:— Alto and tenor saxa- screens complete, doors and frames or sick livestocx. Calls received be from Unity with a load of poles. Mr. and Mrs. John Grottvelt have furnished basement, on nice or- phone reeds. Jtiso clarinet reeds complete, pipe, flooring, park tables, fore 9 o'clock are picked up by justments to relieve your aches and pains. ner lot, $3700. This is a good one an[j violin strings. Nyssa Furniture large size coal hot water heater, noon. Efficient drivers. Call col leturned from Portland. The Sunset Auxiliary met a t Mrs. for a GI. Ed Jamison, phone 65-J, co„ 0ne block west of railroad de- three coal ranges and one large lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nvs —CHIROPRACTIC— 252 South 4th Street. 20tfc cafe sink. L. J. Josephson and Son, sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Lyman Pomeroy's humfe Thursday pot. afternoon. Ten members were pres Company. 5Jt/c. 3Jtfc. is the science of adjustment of your mechanical FOR SALE:— White leghorn hens, POR SALE— Cabbage and Jdhna- Payette, Idaho. ent. Mrs M. A. Ratac-iyk will be six dozen, $1.50 each. H. L. Day. thon apples. Later stamen and FOR SALIS— Several houses for MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? hostess at the next meeting. ills. Investigate chiropractic today. 902xp. Romes, all tree ripened. Three miles sale. Attractive buys. See Frank Loans on farms ror refinancing, Mrs. Annie Oregg, Mrs. Herschel FREE CONSULTATION of Fruitland on highway 95. T. Morgan. 16Jtfc building, improvements, b u y i n g . Gregg and family and Lillian Oregg FOR SAIE— Two-bedroom house, south Long term, low interest, see Ber were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. C. R. Strawn, Fruitland. 203xp. with bath, 100 by 117 corner lot. FOR SAIE—Automobile insurance nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. and Mrs. William Gregg. Priced right, easy terms. Bernard WANTED— Experienced truck driv Public Liability, Property Damage 3Atfc. Bernle Lorenson, who has been Eastman. 90tfc. er for beet truck. Apply Powell Fire, Theft and Collision. Plate« helping Wilbur Chapin, left S a t MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car 202xc. in the best companies at lowest urday to spend a week at Wallowa. POR SALE— Surge milking mach Service Garage. Chiropractic Physician and clyinder lock keys made. Wes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nlshitanl ine. For cleaner milk, faster milk FOR SALE— Large oil heater, good possible rates. Bernard Eastman tern Auto Store. 250tfc. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Box 118 Nyssa, Oregon Tel. 171-W ing, less udder trouble, buy Surge. condition, lo toot copper tubing 14Ftfc and Mrs. Tony Gomes in Caldwell. Davenport and Jacobs, 814 River and fittings. Phone 10-R or 62-J. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Physiotherapy— Electro-Therapy Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chadd were ESTRAYED Street, phone 0298-J l, Payette, Ida Stork received Monday. Tuesday, 18Stfc. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ho. 904xp. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. FOR SALE— Stoves, grates and STRAYED— Roan team, mare and to 6 p. m. and FYiday 8 a pi. to 12. Clyde Diderickson of Not us Miss Carolene Diderickson is now visiting POR SALE— 1941 Case SC trac repairs for any make of cook stove gelding: 1 black and one red and No stock received on Surtday. tor, corn and potato, beet and bean or heater. Delivery usually five White spot saddle pony, and 1 dark Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery Mrs. Chadd cultivator with all attachments. Al days. Nyssa Furniture Co., one gray gelding. Tony Marostica, L to Polar locker plant. Mr and Mrs. Charles Durfee were so mechanical loader, 6-row fertil block west of railroad depot. 18Stfc. mile east of Arcadia schooihouse. One visitors Sunday evening at the Ed mile west on Alberta avenue • 202xp. izer attachm ent and beet puller. win Bergam home. Phone 05R1 Inquire at Ole’s corner. N. H. FOR SALE— 16-foot stock bed and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty of JAKE FISCHER Dowty. , 902xp. rack. Alfred Brim, inquire at Gene’s Ontario were Sunday guests at For Rent tile Charles Ditty home. Grocery, Ole’s corner. 18Stfc. Legal Advertising VELLO— Is speedy, easy mixing. FOR RENT— Sleeping room 582 Norma Jean Dlerklng of Home- Subject to Dally Market Changes Goes on fast with large wall brush FOR SALE:— Circulating coal heat North Third street. 2563xp. dale was a week-end guest in the IN THE COUNTY COITtT OF or spray. Plenty of “slip” in the er. Large size. Nyssa Lumber Co. Ira Price home. For Recleaned Stocks, Noxious Free THE STATE OF OREGON, material. Dries in a few hours. - 4Stfc. FOR RENT— Polish your own Larry and Neil Dimmick brought floors. Rent our high-speed pol IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Nyssa Lumber Company. 901xc $ 50.00 rwt. home a deer from above Unity. RED CLOVER — Medium 99.25 pure MALHEUR FOR SALE—Or trade International ishing equipment. Easily handled 56.00 cwt. M. A. Rataezyk poured cement RED CLOVER — Cumberland Blue Tag POR SALE— Small acreage. Well pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 282W. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. NOTICE OF SETTLEaŒNT OF 56.50 cwt. RED CLOVER — Midland Blue Tag ---- 3Atfc. FINAL ACCOUNT AND HEARING for the foundation for a new chick improved on good highway. Almost 4Stfc .... 34.50 cwt. ALFALFA — Grimm Blue Tag ...... PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION en house. new 2-bedroom house, water pres 30.00 cwt. Mr. and Mrs M T. Mair oi ALFALFA — Common 99.25 pure ........ In the Matter of the Estate of sure. Will sell with all equipment FOR SALE— New, modern two- WANTED 45.50 cwt. WHITE DUTCH CLOVER 99.25 pure .... Merwyn, Nebraska, Mr and Mrs. HENRY TERRA, Deceased. or without. Near school. Income bedroom house, gas furnace, h ard 177.50 cwt. LADINO CLOVER — Blue Tag ................ wood floors, close in, $6500, $1500 WANTED— Woman or girl for Notice is hereby given that Mar Ed Price and Charlie Price made $200 per month. Phone 010R-4 10.00 cwt. BEANS — Red Mexican No. 1 .................... 902xp. down, F. H. A. terms. Bernard housework. Mrs. Lester Cleaver. Rt. garet Terra, Ebcecutrix of the Last a three-day trip through Payetts ....10.00 cwt. BEANS — Baby Lima No. t .................... 2. Phone 03-Ro. 202xp Will and Testament of Henry Ter lakes. Idaho City, and Cascade. Rosemary Reffett, daughter of j WANTED— Woman for general ra. deceased, has filed in the above- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reffett. has No charge for cleaning seed unless your lot entitled Court for final settlement housework two days a week. Phone been very ill. shrinks 20% or more. 011-J1 or 31-M. 202xp. her account and report of adminis Herbert Bergam has a new Ford tration together with her petition WANTED— Woman or girl for for final dlstnDUtlon or said estate, tractor. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Thompson and part time house work. Phone 82. and that the hearing of the same 202xc. has been fixed by the Judge of the Ed Bergam family attended said Court for Monday, the 20th the Christian Church Fellowship SALESMAN WANTED - Man for day of October, A.D. 1947 at tne dinner Sunday, commemorating the NYSSA, OREGON food products business. Permanent hour of 10:30 o'clock AM. of said seventh anniversary of the church. Devon Larson lost two cows Mon if you are a hustler. FMmings based day at the courtroom of said court Phones: Parma 74-Nyssa 144J-Ontario 128W on sales. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. in the city of Vale, Oregon: and day morning because of bloating. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ohrltton 1ORJ-331-733, Oakland. Calif. 202xp that all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there and Charlene were Caldwell shop j WANTED— Surveyor’s aide to work to appear and show cause, if any pers Monday. for city. Apply at city \jall. 25Stc. they have, why said account should Miss Shirley Price returned from HAY BUYER PHYSICIANS over the week-end to visit WANTED— 10 girls 17 years of not be settled and allowed, and college her aunts from Nebraska, and a t age or over to learn the pleasant why distribution of said estate tend the Price family reunion W. F. JAHN and profitable profession of besuty should not thereupon be immedi SARAZIN CLINIC Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett were culture. There is a special fall tui ately made to the persons en Vale visitors Sunday. Dealer in hay and grain Dr, J. J. Sarazin tion, or you can earn your tuition titled thereto, without further no Keith and Fred Raymond were FOR THE FOLLOWING Third at Good Ave. right In the school. The largest, tice of proceedings. Margaret terra, Ebceeutrix of Sunday dinner guests oi Terry Dr. K E. Kerby most modem school in Idaho man Flanagan. the Last Will and Testament aged by Rene Overton, who has Physician and Surgeons Mrs. Lila Mitchell. Mr and Mrs. DENTTSTS of Henry Terra, deceased. had not only 10 years of teaching Irvin Durfee, and Val Mitchell re- experience, but special teacher's E. Otis Smith, Attorney for turne home Monday morning, after L. A. Maulding, M. D. courses and licenses. When you en Executrix, Ontario Oregon. J. R. CUNDALL attending the L D S conference at Physician and Surgeon roll at Western Beauty school your Salt Lake City for three days. Phone 37 Dentist success as a beautician is assured. APPLE VALLEY MAY Bud Schwelzer and Mr. and Mrs. Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 8 Positions awaiting graduates. West Phone 56-J HAVE SCHOOL BAND Dick Wyatt retum e from Unity Dally—Except Sunday ern Beauty school, 1322 First street, Sarazin CUnle Saturday. 1937 Chevrolet 1% ton truck, with So.. Nampa. Idaho, phone 2222. over I. A Mitchell has bought an 11- NYSSA OREGON Kinney’s American bakery next to APPLE VALLEY. Oct. 9— Mr and acre GRAVE MARKERS orchard at Linden, Utah, where Mrs. J. D. Smith returned this beet bed $4S0 Adelaide theater 18S4xc week from a two-weeks visit with he will make his home. OPTOMETRISTS For grave markers and WANTED—Oeneral trucking. North their daughter. Mrs Bltzenbaugh. Mr and Mrs. Emery Hobson, and 1935 Diamond T V/> ton truck, with beet Mrs Jim Langley were Nampa vis First street Phone 123-R, John and family, in California monuments write or see The W 8 . C 8 . met with Mrs. itors Friday. DR. J. A. MCFALL R. A. BENTLEY bed, good condition |G90 Bob and John Reffett returned Flank Sorenson last Wednesday DR. JOHN EASLY Haines, Oregon Mrs. Elsie Robinson had charge of from Jordan Valley with their deer. Mr and Mrs Lee Stoker and Sishc beet loader, used but in good the devotional. Several report» were Better Values Free Pick Up given and regular business was Mr and Mrs Deb O w ner and family were Sunday guests in the Lower Prices shape $590 transacted. Of Your Several ladies met at the school- Dewey Oarner home at Emmett. John and Bob Reffett are start house last Thursday with Mr JEWELRY STORES New beet pullers for BN and H and M Dead and Worthless Macks. Parma music teacher, who ing a husking Job of 50 acres of com htts week near Vale. They is contemplating starting a band Farmall tractors PAULUS among the sixth seventh, and etgth have one of the few mechanical Animals grade students of Apple Valley com pickers in the valley JEWELRY STORE Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Super-flame oil heaters, various sizes. William Oregg. Wallace and Oeo since he has three hours a week Union Pacific Time Inspector Call Collect rge Oregg and Taylor Sandy left altoted time for this district. JEWELRY - DIAMONDS LODGES Many other machines and attachments Mr and Mrs. C. L. Frltts pur Monday morning to hunt near There Is a Phone Wear To« WAT’ MBS chased a new Frazer Manhattan Drewsey. Mr and Mrs Homer Brewer, and Main Street a . Second Parma X four- door sedan, last wee* They Gate City Lodi?e 100 Mr an Mrs Donald Brewer re vtalted Mrs PrttU’ parents Mr No. 214 Ontario 53 and Mrs Jim Tuning, at Rswwell turned Sunday from Seneca Ore WYCKOFF where they visited Mr and I.O.O.F. -We Haul the Day You Call- Sunday and took them riding in the gon, Mru John Westfall and hunted. JEWELRY STORE Meets every Monday new auto. Farmall Headquarters Mr and Mrs Mort Wlxon and Mr and Mrs Dwight Seward and Official Time Inspector for Id a-Ore Rendering Co. family son were Sunday dinner guests of night, 8:30. entertained Mr and Mrs U nirc Pacific Phone 83-J A L Crane of Nampa in their Mr and Mrs Ire Chadd. South First Street ONTARIO ORBOON Nyssa, Oregon Mr and Mrs Charles Ditty at- home last week while Mr. and Mrs Crane sang at the revival in the tened the Fellowshtp meeting at Classified Advertising .1 J. C. Krul E *sr. ■»» ADJUSTMENT Edwin W. Oldham, D. C. THE Farmer’s Guide Our Paying Price to Growers Professional And Business Directory WATTS SEED COMPANY See Us Good Buys: OWYHEE TRUCK & IMP. CO.