Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, October 09, 1947, Image 1

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    The NYSSA
NO. 39
Protest Is Filed
With Citv Over
Street Program
Delegation Is Told City
Will Build 36-foot
TakelraFirst At|Malheur County Leads State In
Show With Corn
D¿feat of Sales Tax Proposal
Mrs. Robert Famham of Ontario
died Saturday in the Holy Ro&ary
hospital as the result of burns
sustained when she rescued her
two small daughters from their
bu-nlng trailer house.
One daughter, Karren Lee. 3
vear3 old. who was seriously burn-
el, was still In a critical condition
this week. A seven-months-old
daughter, Jean, was out of danger
Mrs Firnham carried the tiny
girl out of the burning trailer and
pushed her older girl through the
dcor. 3he beat out the fire on the
children's clothing and then rolled
( n the ground to extinguish her
own burning clothing.
The fire was started by a gas
oline stove.
Nyssa Youth Receives A
Margin of Almost 13 To
wards For Showing At NATHAN ORR IS
1 Rolled Up In This
Portland Show
Bill Stradley, Future Farmer of
Nathan Orr, son of W. A. Orr
The vote on the sales tax in
America member of Nyssa high of Sunset valley, was Injured a »in Malheur county, as shown by the
I school, won the sweepstakes honors shot In the abdomen on a hunting oflk-ial count of County Clerk H.
with his !0 ears of perfectly match­ trip near Ironside last week-end. 8 . Sackett and two asastants to­
A member of the hunting party day was 22» yes and 2424 no. The
ed hybrid corn at the Pacific Inter
loadng a gun which accldental- official count on the cigarette tax
national Livestock exposition in was
V discharged
I Portland, according to information The youth was taken to the Holy w as »15 yes a n d 1793 no.
A vigorous protest against the
proposed constru. tion of 20 -foot
re ei> ed ‘w h's ag. instructor, Rich Rosary hospital at Ontario, but
ar 1 V. Wilson,
ftreets in Nys*a was filed with the
hts condition Is not serious and he Mulheur county led the state of
city council at a special meetins
At the slvth annual Oregon corn is expected to be discharged this Oregon In defeat of the sales tax
In the city 'hall Tuesday night "by
show, revived at the Pacific Inter­ week.
measure with a whopping per­
a delegation of property owner*,.
national after a war-time lapse, The accident oocurred when a centage oi almost 13 to 1 In the
Stradley won first in P. P. A. companion was unloading his rifle
The council decided to delay part
of the work on the streets until
entries from east of the Casades after returning to camp from a day election held Tuesday.
and then went on to j{’ln the sweep- of hunting deer.
tuch time as they could determine
Reports late Wednesday night in­
stakes honors over all of the 72
whether the property owners in
dicated that the proposal had been
attendance at the meeting repre­
entries from every part ’of Oregon.
defeuted in the state at large by
sented the sentiments of a majority
a 3 to 1 margin, marking the fifth
Bob Wilder is seen above as he goes over the goal line for an extra
cup given by the Benton County
<rf the property holders in the city.
time that It has been snowed under
point In the Nyssa-Ontario football game, played last Friday night.
Funeral services for Mrs. Edith
Each man in attendance was as­
(Photo courtesy Evans studio) State bank In Corvallis and a $15
cash prize for placing first in the
signed a block in which to canvass Marcella Oirdley of Nyssa were held
; Malheur county, which stood to
F. F. A. division. He will also
with a view of gaining the senti­ in the Methodist church October 4
[lose busnosa to Idaho if the sales
receive the following trophlos far
ment of the property owners there­ at 2 p. m. by Rev. H. J. Gemhardt.
Funeral services for Thomas F. Itax meaaure was carried, turned out
winning grand champion prize over Coward, well known Oregon pton- wlth 8 vote 07 less than 40 per
in. Only property owners holding Tlie body waf sent to Lemmon,
all open class and 4-H entries In eer, were held Monday afternoon Icent oi ^ registered voters,
property on the proposed 29-foot South Dakota, where a family ser­
the state:
streets will be canvassed. Petitions vice and interment will be held.
at the Episcopal church, with Rev ' Th' clty of Nyssa voted against
from the property owners are to be Mrs. Cordley, daughter of Mr. and
He will receive a silver cup don­ Parrott of Baker officiating.
Itbe f* ,es
* margin of 10 to
filed with the city council Thursday Mrs. John Jackson, was bom Dec­
Mr. Coward, bom February 18,; *• 1116 unofficial count showed a
Mrs. Gerrit Stam, who with Mr ated by the Claude Servanous Log­
ember 7, 1875 in Richland county,
noon (today).
312 to 22. The vote by
Stain, spent the summer In Holland, gers and Contractors Machinery 1865 in Liverpool, England, came vo7a
Under the street improvement Wisconsin, and spent her childhood
company of Portland, upon which to America at the age of 14 and PreclncU was as follows: No. 1—
program that has been in progress and youth in that state. On June Bulldogs Wallop Ontario was a guest sPeaker on Septem ber Stradley's name will be inscribed located In Putnam county, Miss- 0 ye* and 78 n o - N o - 3— 13 yes and
10 at the World Congress of Coun­ and tn whose possession is shall re­ eurt In 1890 he was married t o 151 no' and No 3— * yes and 85
for several months, certain streets 30, 1815 she was united in marriage
Tigers by Score
that the council expects to be the to William Edward DeLong. To this
Mattie Lee Robertson To this un- no- The (1*«rette tax lost In Nyssa
try Women in Amsterdam. This main for one year.
Of. ______
13 to 0
more heavily traveled are to be
Young Stradley's name will also Ion two children were bom: Claude i by a vo7* ° 7 708 to 66 .
congress held a five-day conference
36 feet wide and other streets are ters and a son, were born Mr. De-
be engraved on the Hyslop mem­ Roscoe and Ethel Louise.
I Unofficial returns gathered In
Long and the son, Edward, died.
to be 26 feet wide.
Nyssa's new lighted football f ie ld ' in Am-S terdam - M rs-
Save two orial trophy provided by the Oregon
In 1805 Mr. Coward brought his Vale Wodnesday afternoon from 24
The controversy developed quickly Mrs. DeLong was married in 1931 . „ p r o « ,,, « ,«
State corn show as 3 • -«ermanent family to Oregon, where he engaged oul A the county« 37 preclnrte
when a resident living on north to Ernest Cordley at Lemmon,
memorial to the late Pfof. George In several different enterprise«, in- showed Hie »ales tax losing 1443
Fourth street learned Tuesday that South Dakota. After the death of cated with a surprising 13 to 0 vie- home life in America. Mrs. Stam Hyslop, who was an ardent boast­ chiding uie hardware and lumber 10 u a The vote In some of the
some of the streets were to be only Mr. Cordley, Mrs. Cordley caur.c tory over the Ontario high school said that the women ot Holland er for com in Oregon. The trophy business In Nyssa and Adrian and larvrr precincts was as follows:
1 "re as eager to learn of conditions will remain in the possession of the Ford agencies In Ontario, La- Ontario 5— 5 yes and 71 no; Fair—
26 feet wide. Property owners in to Nyssa to reside with her daugh­ grid outfit last Friday night. *
the area were immediately notified ter. Mrs. Ina Coffman. .
Nyssa's businessmen and others jn thts country as we arc of con- the com show committee but a Orande and .ysan. He was also 7 yes and 133 no; Ontario 2— 12
Mrrf. Cordley, who died October 3,
and the special meeting was called.
bronze plaque with Prof. Hyslop's engaged tn (arming for a short yes and 153 no; Ontario 3— 8 yes
At the opening of the meeting is survived by two daughters, Mrs. provided the money for the lights; A thrilling moment of this con- portrait on it will be presented to time before he retired from busl- , and 180 no; Ontario 4— 7 yes and
the delegation was notified that it | Ina Belt Coffman and Mrs. Cora and the Nyssa high senool warriors ference was when 4600 delegates Stradley and will became his per­ ness.
70 n<>: Jamieson— 6 yes and 106
should have filed any desired pro- | Fdith Coffman, both of Nyssa; two provided the inspired type of play- s:mS together ‘Abide With Me’ in sonal property.
Mr. Coward was a charter mem- no; W est'G range— 13 yes and
test when a public hearing vAs held sisters, Mrs. Emma McCarthey of ing that resulted In the trium ph' ,the Dutch- English, or French Stradley selected his winning ex­ ber of the Masonic lodge in Lu- 102 no: Blg Bend - 1 yes and 41
several weeks ago. No protest was Phoenix, Arizona and Mrs. Eva on the gridiron.
I laoguftge.
hibit from his 3.5 acres of Idahy- cerne, Missouri and aiao a charter no; Buske River— 1» yes and 70
filed at the public hearing so the Staples of Boise and a half- broth­
The lights will also be used for
* * ' 111101 Mrs- stam left LaGuar- brid yellow dent field com grown member of the Nyssa lodge of Mas- 1 no; Applegate— 12 yes and »9 no;
council presumed that the program
baseball playing, but more globes' dla
Hying to New- this year as his project tn con­ Ons. He would have been a 50- Harper— 7 yes and 54 np, and
was satisfactory to the public.
wlll be necessary Only “ 70 lights f<amdla"cl. from Newfoundland they junction with his superviaed fann­ year member in November.
* f * and 37 no.
However, the delegates said that
Mr. Coward's wife and son pre-1 The cigarette tax proposal was
were used for the football game and fI6w by . night to ScotIand- Mrs. ing program and F. F. A. work at
there was no protest a t that time CREW EQUIPPED TO “ the field was adequately lighted for ; 11111 said that they flew at an Nyssa high school. The rest of ceded him In death. Mrs. Coward d*f*®ted by a goodly margin In
because practically everyone in town
the occasion. When larger trails- Ialtitude (>f 18.000 to 19,000 feet and his com is not harvested yet, but died in Nyssa six years ago this the 8tat* vot*
was in favor of the street improve­ SAVE STRANDED FISH formers become available and are that a sunset above the clouds made will yield nearly 100 bushels per month. Survivors are a daughter,
ment and presumed that the streets
installed the capacity of the system an unusual sight- Prom Scotland, acre, according to his Instructor. Mrs. Ethel L Crawford of Nyssa; PARMA RESIDENTS
would be made as wide as they are On October 10 the Oregon state will be 120 lights which will be where they had breakfast, they
“These awards being made to three granddaughters, Mrs. Wayne
now. They said no mention was ever game commission will send a crew required for baseball
• Xlew to Amsterdam, where they Stradley are tributes to the out­ Morris of Nyssa and Mrs. Oswald
made of the proposed width of the of seven men to save the fish that
As was anticipated, the 1100-!were nlet by three carloads of rela- standing work being done by Fut­ Forbes and Miss Twyla Crawford
auccift, but uuucu that there would win be left stranded when water seat-capaclty bleachers were nearly, tiv.e/ '
Charles Bales and Junior Mon­
. „
, ure Farmer boys and to the quality of Portland, and three great grand­
have been protest had they known is cut off a t the Owyhee dam at filled, giving the high school it bio- I Mr- and Mrs stam found thelr of corn that it Is possible to pro­ children.
tague received ln)uries In a car
that somg. of the streets were to be 8 a. m. The crew will assemble at gest “gate" in many years
accident Saturday evening and were
Umc Iimited 111 doinK an the things duce In the state of Oregon", Wil­
Ontario early October 11. prepared
taken to the Nysaa Nursing home
made only 26 feet wide.
The Bulldogs romped over the they had hapod t0 do whlle visit* son said.
A 70-foot street, reduced to 26 to go to work to save many fish larger Ontario team with case and lllg their natlve land They took
for treatment.
feet, as it would be on many blocks, that annually become stranded in it was not until the last hall that
them motlon Pictures taken
AT LIVESTOCK SHOW Charles Bales, driver of Leo El-
would leave 20 feet of parking on irrigation ditches below the dam. the visitors began to slow down 1,1 this country to show to their EX-RESIDENT OF
|llhee's milk truck, and Junior Mon-
each side for property owners to
NYSSA IS KILLED Eight F. F. A. boys of Nyssa w llljta«ue were drlvln« lnto
their opponents. Nyssa scored its friends and relatives in Holland,
maintain. Present parkings probably of Dr. H. J. Rayner will include touchdowns in the first quarter Mrs stam took pictures in Holland,
go to Portland Friday to partici­ take Mr. Montague! and Mr. E1U-
average about eight feet in width. William Beckman, John Dimick, both by the aerial route.
’ some in colored film, during her
Jerry Jones, 22-year-old Weiser pate in the Pacific International bee home from the sugar factory,
The delegates pointed out the Henry Mastin, Robert Borovicka, At the opening whistle, Nyssa re- lcur months v'-sp-
when the car went out of control
man who was fatally wounded by Livestock show program.
danger of such bottlenecks, both Wayne Young and Norman Minn- ceived t'he ball on -the 30-yard line
Mr. and Mrs. Stam returned to a gunshot last Friday afternoon
Farrell Peterson. Bob Kick) and and overturned, Injuring the two
to automobiles and motorists. The ick. The crew will be provided' with and from there started the drive New York by plane September 17. while hunting south of Jordan Norvelle Robbins will be members occupants.
city council contended that the the necessary seines and dip nets, that resulted In a touchdown in They had good weather conditions Valley, is reported to have been a of the livestock Judging team. The
Junior Montague was released
plan would slow traffic and thus electric fish shocking device for less than two minutes of playing. 111 both trans-Atlantic flights.
from the Nysaa Nursing home on
former resident of Nyssa.
(Continued On Page Two)
use where seining is impossible, Nyssa kicked off and Kirby of On- I
, —--------------------
The gun discharged as Jones selected from Kay Christensen, Jer­ Monday. Oharles Bales who was
one portable fish tank and one tario returned the ball to the On-1 , ,
started to take a 12 -gauge shot­ ry Williams Val Child, BUI Strad­ suffering from frictured neck ver­
large liberation tank in which to taro 30. After two plays Holcomb C o l l I U V
tebrae and ribs, was taken to On­
U l U r C l i e S gun from his car and the shot ley and John Relk.
move the fish to live water. It is recovered an Ontario fumble on
tario Tuesday for a neck splint.
struck him in the knee. He died
SET FOR TUESDAY planned also to conduct patrol the 40-yard line, paving the way
In a Nampa hospital. The young boys will make the trip by bus.
work to protect the fish In the for the touchdown. Wilder gained
man. who recently moved to Jordan They will be accompanied by the NYSSA TEACHERS
At the request of the Klamath area from Sucker creek in the Rid- 21 yards off tackle and Koyano gain­
Valley, is survived by his wife and three Instructors, Kber Eldied of
Falls Potato Growers association, geview region to the downstream ed three, putting the ball on the Yhe Malheur County Council of a one-year-old son, and his par­ Ontario. Henry Reuter of Adrian TO ATTEND MEETING
hearings will be held in various end of tunnel No. 5. In past years 16-yard mark. Ray flipped a pass Churches met In Nyssa Monday ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones and Richard Wilson of Nyssa They
parts of the state to discuss the many fish have been lost when to Holcomb, who caught the ball evening with representatives in at­ of Weiser.
Mra Josephine Rlgney and Mrs.
will return home Monday.
Joe Brumbach. Nyssa teachers, will
establishment of a commercial grade the water was shut off and It is behind the goal line. Wilder cross­ tendance from the Vale, Ontario
among the 75 representatives
hoped that this work will permit ed the goal for the extra point, but and Nyssa Protestant churches.
for potatoes in Oregon.
30,700 FISH ARE
chosen from teachers throughout
Growers and shippers of this dis­ saving large numbers of fish that Nyssa player was offside and the
The main speaker was Rev. Gil­ JUNE SAVAGE IS
trict will meet in the city hall in will be taken later by sportsmen. referee disallowed the point, but bert Christian of Portland, who is
HIGH IN GRADES PLACED IN OWYHEE the state to attend the first annual
conference of the Oregon Edu­
Ontario October 14 at 8 p.m. All The help of the Oregon state pol­ gave Nyssa another chance. The at­ the secretary of the Oregon Coun­
Interested parties are invited to ice and the bureau of reclamation tempt was unsuccessful, making the cil of Churches. The devotions for
PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest The Oregon game commission, cation Association's department of
attend the meeting or express their has also been requested.
score 6 to 0 .
the evening were led by Rev. Hen­ Grove. Ore —June Savage, daugh­ with the help of Malheur Oame classroom teachers to be held in
views in writing to the depart­
Doubtless many trout will be
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Damon Savage league members, planted 30.700 Portland on October 10 and 11. ac­
Nyssa again kicked off and soon ry Gemhardt of Nyssa.
ment of agriculture, care of E. H. found in the Ridgeview region and drove the Tigers down the field with
Rev. C. D. Honeyford of the of Nyssa, has placed among the rainbow trout In the Owyhee river cording to Mabel Erickson of Baker,
OEA regional director.
Stansbery, box 748, Ontario.
the downstream end of tunnel No.l their backs to the wall. -After a Ontario Baptist church presided first 25 students In the English
The purpose of the meeting Is to
to the Kingman lateral, the comm­ series of plays. Ontario failed to over the business session. A com- ( placement examination and will be and
Church to Celebrate—
ission said. Bass and crapples will gain and Kirby kicked out to Koy­ mittee was appointed to draw up excused from her first semester of week, dumping one load Wednes­ formulate a program of activity for
the state group. Cooperating with
The Naaarene church of Nyssa be obtained from the <ÿtches and ano. who was downed on the 47-
tentative constitution for the English, according to Dr. Irving
will join in a denomination-wide siphons between tunnel No. 1 and yard line. After a sustained drive, council to be presented to the res- story, head oi the English depart' day, one Saturday and .one Tues­ the Oregon teachers will be presi­
dents of the classroom teiuJher as­
emphasis known as Renewal of the lower end of the project.
jment at Pacific university
Ray heaved another pass, this time pective churches of the council.
from the Fort Klamath hatchery,
Covenant Sunday October 12. The
Rev George Whipple. Nyssa, Rev.) Miss Savage, a fre em a n at Pac- averaged three and one-half Inches sociations of Wyoming, Montana,
to Anderson, Who had crossed into
following day, October 13, will 7th Anniversary Celebrated—
Idaho and Washington.
the end' zone. Koyano bucked the C. D. Honeyford, Ontario, and Rev. ific university, is majoring in Jour- In length.
mark the beginning erf the 40th
Dr. Virgil M. Rogers, superinten­
The Christian church celebrated line for the extra point.
J. D. Crego. Vale, were named on nalism. Prior to her graduation
year of the Church of the Naaarene its seventh anniversary last Sun­ The Bulldogs continued to show a committee to appoint a member from Nyssa high school she was
dent of the Battle Creek, Michigan
as an organized Protestant denom­ day with the receiving of nine their superiority over the visitors from each community to serve on active in Olrls league and glee club.
schools, will be one of the featured
Mrs. N. M, Oreellng and Merrlt speakers at a dinner meeting on
ination. It was on October 13. 1908. persons into the fellowship of the in the last half, but failed to cross a laymen's committee to investigate
--------- — — -
Oreellng of Twin Fall* have been Friday night at the Heathman hotel
at Pilot Point, Texas that a small church: Mr. and Mrs. Art Hann, the goal line again.
week-day religious education under p.T.A. Council Meets—
group of ministers and laymen met and daughter, Lynn; Mrs. Carl Ontario drove to the Nyssa 20 trained leadership as is functioning j The monthly meeting of the P.T. visiting friends in the Adrian in Portland. Also to take prominent
community. Mra. Oreellng has sold
to consummifte the union of several Grunke and her daughter. Patty; on one occasion and to the 28-yard i in other Oregon cities.
| a . executive council will be held her farm in the Kingman Kolony part in the dinner are Miss Marie
Ernst, St. Louis classroom teacher
groups of people from the eastern, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evens Sr., mark, but never really threatened
.---------------------- Monday j evening,
Monday October
evening, 13,
district to Mr. Day of Sunset val­ who Is president of the national
western and the southern sections Mrs. Emerson Bingaman and Son- to score.
| Nursing Home Notes—
,8:15 at the Henry Hartley home.
of the United States. The guiding nie Rayboum.
organization, and Mrs. Pearl Wana-
The Nyssa staring lineup was as
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bas- |
ntaker. Washington state superin­
spirit in bringing about this church
Mrs. Hann. Lynn Hann, Patty follows: Anderson. LE; Iseri, RF.; sett of Nyssa, a son. October 4 schools to be Closed—
Visit Relative*—
union was Dr. Phineas F. Bresee, Orunke and Sonnte Rayburn will Sutherland. LO; Orr RG; Mitch- 7 pounds. 14 ounces.
tendent of public instruction and
| The Nyssa high school will be
Mrs. Walter McPartland and junior
__ past
then pastor of the First Church be baptized at a service to be held ell, LT; Pecfca, RT;
president of the Na-
Endow. C; j Mrs. Viola Heeb of Parma Is closed Wednesday, Thursday and children visited relatives In Port- {¿¿¿i
Education association
of the Nazarene in Los Angeles and In the Christian church in Payette Ray, quarterback: Wilder LH; Koy- under medical observation.
I Friday and the grade school will land and Vanport. and attended ^ Saturday
Mrs Brumbach will
who was one of the three general next Sunday afternoon. Dr. 8 wan­ ano, DH. and Christensen. FB
Marla Christensen, who received t>e closed Thursday and Friday of the Pacific Internationl Livestock
superintendents elected at the gath­ der. state secretary and director
The Bulldogs will play Adrian 1 pad burns last Tuesday is Improv- ne>rt week because of the eastern show .while Mr. McPartland a t­ participate In a panel discussion led
by Dr. Henry M Ounn, president
ering to head the church.
in religious education, spoke in here tonight at 8 o'clock under the |ng.
' Oregon teachers Institute to be held
the morning service on the subject, lights. Adrian has played one game Clinton Snyder of Sunset valley (|n Baker. Nyssa teachers will at- tended the school administrator's of the Oregon College of Education
at Monmouth.
Here From Idaho—
“The High Cost of Christian Liv­ this season, losing to Weiser 30 to 0. is receiving medical care.
tend the gathering.
to Nyssa Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Afton C. Paris of Pocatello ing' and showed motion pictures of
The Nyssa frosh-sophomore team
arrived last Tuesday evening to the Cove conference and pioneer \ will meet the Ontario teams at Ex-ftrodent* Visit—
Visit Here—
fommittee To Meet—
Job's Daughter* To Meet—
Mr and Mra. Floyd Breeding of
visit her parents. Mr and Mrs. camp as well as a reel of the chur- | Nyssa Monday afternoon.
Tommy Holman of Corvallls,
A meeting of the executive com-
Dean Smith, and her sister, Mrs. ches of Oregon. Lester Jones, pas-
I former Nyssa route 2 mail carrier,
Qf j^p'a Daughters will be Daughters will be held October 16 western Kansas visited at the V. V.
and C V. Orider homes in Nyssa
Carroll Tucker. She returned to tor of the Christian church In ; Take* Charge of Shop—
I ar<j Mr*. Holman and Infant dau- he)d -at the home of Mra. Josephine
last week-end. Mr and Mra. Breed­
her home on the Streamliner Sun­ Nampa, spoke In the
afternoon . Don Carr of route 2, Ontario, has | ghter. visited tn Nyssa over the Higney Tuesday. October 14 at 8 at 7:30 In the Masonic hall.
ing and Mr and Mrs Orider w ee
day morning.
session, whWh followed a potluck j taken charge of Freeman's mach- week-end. They returned to C o r-'p m
neighbors In Kansas. Mrs C. - V.
dinner, on the subject. “The Put- j me shop Walter Freeman, th e : vllis Sunday. Holman, attending'
accompanied the visitor* to
Conference Postponed—
ure is the Goal, Not the Past.“ j owner, will continue to operate
hi* sophomore year at See
Oregon-Texms Game—
day for Baker, where she attended Belllgham, Washington En route
The district American Legion
Ideal Gas and Appliance business stale college, said Coach Slats
Mr and Mrs. Frank Morgan re­
conference, set for October 15. has Ta Have Dance—
Mr. Oarr was foreman of the Par- Gill started his boys in basketball turned last Thursday from a trip an executive meeting of the district home ¡the will visit tn Portland,
been postponed until November.
The Eagles lodge and Owyhee ma Water Lifter company plant practice the first day of school, to Portland While there they a t­ Women's Society of Christian Ser­ where Mie will attend the Pacific
The date will be announced later. Riding club will give a dance Sat- BMSS^MB
at Parma bm
1936 , __
and P rlnce
has _______
while here he visited his sisters. tended the Oregon-Texas game and vice of the Methodist church. Mrs. International Livestock exposition
The meeting will be held In the urday. October 11 at the Bogles I been living in California. He will Mrs Lloyd Lewi* and Mrs Robert visited their son, Clayton. Univer­ Hugh Tobler left Tuesday morning Friday and Saturday, and stop at
home economics room of the Nyssa hall for members and friends, j move his family to Nyssa as soon , Wilson, and his mother. Mrs. Har sity of Oregon student, who was to attend this annual district meet­ Independence for some Jersey cat­
ing on Tuesday and Wednesday at tle that she and Mr. Orider pur­
high school building
I Pond's orchestra will play.
as possible
Ir.et Holman.
In Portland for the game.
the Baker Methodist church
chased last spring
The city council decided today
noon to construct 36-loot sheets
in Ny sa wherever possible. A cit­
izens committee will be appointed
to work out details of the plan.
Mrs. E. Ccrdley
Of Nyssa Dies
Thomas Coward
Taken By Death
Nyssa’s Lighted Mrs. Stain Talks
Field Dedicated
To Hollanders
By Big Victory
Council Meets