Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1947)
» Ì 7Ae NYSSA VOLUME XXXXII NO. 38 CALLED Special Voting FIREMEN ON TWO OCCASIONS Will Be Held In Soot In a stove pipe caught fire in an attic over the Dime Nyssa-Tutsday store this morning, but caused no Two State Tax Proposals Referred To People By Legislature » ' ^^=3c5+?<- JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1947 LAWRENCE Successful Fair JOHN LEAVES HOSPITAL Nyssa’s Initial Held By Juniors AFTER ACCIDENT “Lighted” Game John Lawrence of Nyssa, who was Of Malheur Co. Injured Set For Friday in an automobile accident damage, according to firemen who were called to extinguish the blaze The pipe was connected with an oil heater In the office of Dr. L. A Maulding. Firemen were called Monday noon to extinguish a trash fire near the Williams food market on highway 10. A small tent, reported to have been of no value, was destroyed. Prize Winners Announc- j "ear Arcadla **>o°ihouse be- Bulldogs To Meet Ontar tween the Nyssa and Ontario Sunday *ed by E. M. Hauser and night io; Lose To Vale when an automobile in which he was riding struck a parked Richard Wilson 12 to 7 truck, was removed from the Holy Residents of Nyssa, along with hospital to his home Wed Nyssa’s first football game played In spite of it being a one-day Rosary afternoon. residents of other sections of Ore He suffered from under lights will be staged by the •vent, 4-H club and F F A. metn- a nesday gon, will vote on two tax meas sprained neck and bruises. jers gave a very creditable show at The and Ontario high school ures at a special election to be held aocident occurred when the Nyssa he junior fair held at the Mal autombile 'ridlron warriors Friday night, Tuesday, October 7. driven toy Richard K. heur county fairgrounds last Sat- 3, beginning at 8 o'clock. The bill drawing the most in Henderson of Alliance, Nebraska October irday. Both the Ontario and Nyssa terest is the proposal to impose a crashed against the truck loaded Exhibits in the 4-H club depart teams lost their first game of the tax of three per cent on gross re- sheep about 11:30 p.m. ment totaled 11*. whih was five with season, the Tigers losing to Fair cepits from all retail sales of tangi The automobile, which was prac more than the total exhbits shown s-hool near Boise 6 to 0 and ble personal property. The other tically demolished, was also oc mont at the county fair in 194«. The cupied the Bulldogs losing to Vale 12 to 7. measure would levy a tax of one- by Helen Boren of Alliance argest number of entries was In Crews of the Gem Electric com tenth on each cigarette for the Work of improving between three Krul of Nyssa. .he baby beef class with 38 head and At Hazel pany of Payette and the Idaho' privilege of selling, using, con and four miles of city streets was the time of the accident John ,1 animals exhibited. Hog classes company installed the lights suming, handling or distributing the started last week-end by C. E. of Cambridge, Idaho Power vere next with 28 head and dairy L. Thomason Wednesday following the installa same, to be effective until June 30, Leseberg sitting in the cab of the truck, tion inimaLs next with 18. Four sheep, was and Leslie W. Stoker and of The poles were 1949 or until a general sales tax by Wednesday which was owned by his father, L. erected transformers. of this week curbing Frank N. Belgrano, president of the First National Bank of Port two poultry an one rabbit exhibit V. several weeks ago, but the 'becomes effective in Oregon, if had been constructed Thon.ason of Cambridge. and excava land, who visited the Nyssa branch last week, is shown above with made up the rest of the livestock. lighting system could not be used such should occur sooner. There were also seven entries In done on several blocks. for night athletic events because of Sam Hartley (left) as he visited in the Hartley Produce Co. ware Polls will be open in Nyssa from tion the rose and flower garden classes, contractors are now working house, now partly filled with onions. Inability to secure transformers. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. as follows: Precinct on The five vegetable garden exhibits and Third and Fourth streets south The transformers are not large No. 1, city hall; No. 2, Ragles hall, of Main two sugar 'beet entries. In addition, street and on Good ave enough to permit full use of the and No. 3, Methodist church. nine 4-H club girls exhibited in the between Second and Fourth, lighting system. The capacity of Registration books were closed nue anning department. Crews are dumping the excess dirt the system is 120 lights, but only Saturday, September 6. Only those from the streets into the portions Blue ribbon winners in the dif 70 were installed this week. who voted in the last general el of the old Wilson ditch still re Bernard Frost, Nyasa chairman, ferent divisions were as follows: Idaho Power company men said ection, November, 1946, or those Francis Feik of Arcadia in the announced this week that the ann they open. will test the lights tonight. Who have registered since will be maining ual community chest drive will breeding hereford class; George The paving will consist of a six- high school has leveled the permitted to vote. Registration in inch rock base, a one-inch leveling Mrs. George Sallee reported at Ferguson of Willowcreek In the be conducted from October 1 to 15. dirt The field and is wetting it with Malheur county is approximately course of crushed rock, and a one the first fall meeting of the Nyssa heavy hereford steer class and Irene The Nyssa Lions club and the sprinklers an^ is building bleachers 6000. Parent - Teacher association last Tucker in the angus steer class. Nyssa Civic club have volunteered and one-quarter inch oil mat wear Association To Hold Hal Thursday for 500 additional seats under the night that the organiza The grand champion steer, owned to assist in the campaign. ing surface direction of Ag. Instructor Richard tion Spent *636.35 on the recrea lowe’en Party For "We ask the people to mail by Floyd Miles of Jamieson, also Proper,' owners are asked to re Wilson. The additional bleachers tion program conducted for child their money or leave it at the Ida placed first in the light hereford port to Mr. Stoker as to where they Children provide a seating capacity of ren in the city park during the class. In dairy, Bobby Wilson of ho Power company office or any at will least want curbs cut for driveways. 1100. summer. other place of business, because we Lincoln took the blue ribbon for Officers ot the Nvssa Parent- The expenses included $450 paid his entry in the holsteln heifer will be short-handed and will not Officials of the game will be Fred Teacher association were installed______________________________ of Welser, referee; Hahn to Miss Mae Reddish, the instructor BIG TOMATO IS and Wesley Richmond of have time to call on everyone' Jf Robinson Welser, umpire, and Howard of by Mrs. Dick Jensen of Ontario, who had charge of the program, class Scores of Nyssa residents left Mr. Frost said. Cairo took the blue ribbon in the RAISED IN IDAHO county president, at a meeting The remainder of the money was mature cow class. This animal was Ivan P. Patrick of Ontario, Mai Ontario, head linesman the first of the week for the moun the game with Vale, played on of the organization in the high , sjtent for equipment, tains to hunt deer. The general They come big in the Nu-Acres school selected as champion holsteln heur county chairman, stated that the In Vale field last Friday afternoon. building last Thursday night. The P.T.A. collected $792.38 from also deer season opened October 1 in community---- we mean tomatoes. The new 19 children from Malheur county In the jersey class Janice Kemble officers are Mrs. W. W. the Owyhee Riding club, Lions club, placed first In the calf class and received a total of 5516 days care Bob Wilder scored Nyssa’s only all counties of the state, except Mrs A. P Chesney of Parma Foster, president; Mrs. Frank Javo, : Eagles lodge, Nyssa Civic club, Nys- Larry Bowers in the yearling class. in the past year through the ag touchdown on a i -ass from Reed Sherman county which will be clos route 2 bought some tomatoes from vice presient; Mrs. Vern Farson, Isa Boat club, factory union and Larry Bowers' animal was also encies supported by the commun Ray In the third quart* r. Koyano ed to deer hunting this year, the her neighbor, P. M. Edmunson, and vice president: Mrs. Glen punched over the goal line for the (chamber of commerce and returned named champion jersey. Leonard ity chest Oregon state game commission an included in the purchase was one vice president: Mrs. B. B. Dowers, point. j to the organizations $250 that was Stohler nounced. The season extends through tomato that weighed 2 1/4 pounds. kaemper, secretary; Mrs. Lien- took first place in the Jer “Because it is impractical to extra George not used. The Vikings scored their first October 20 and the bag limit is one The big tomato, weighed on the Sallee, treasurer; Mrs. Carlos Buch- | Mrs. Salloe said the P.T.A. was sey calf class and Justine Kreager solicit In the rural areas,” Mr touchdown after blocking a punt on blacktail or one mule deer having Eder grocery scales, was raised by ner, program chairman: Mrs. Adam especially thankful to these groups of Kingman Kolony In the milking Patrick sair, "people in outlying the Nyssa 15-yard and driving not less than forked antlers. Best Mr. Edmondson northeast of the Focht, hospitality chairman; Mrs. for their assistance. shorthorn class Ronald Lewis of sections are asked to make their the distance to the line goal in the first prospects for deer hunters at this Nyssa-Parma junction. contributions ' to their teachers Creek had the first place quarter. They scored again with Vibert Kesler, membership; Ron I Mrs Sallee said tyiat the program Bully time appear to be in Lake and Hur preachers or grange masters”. (Continued On Page Seven) to go in the second quarter Campbell, budget and finance: R. was held in the city park from the uey counties. Organizations in the community seconds and again failed to convert for V. Wilson, parliamehtarian; Mrs first of June until the middle of Big game animals taken during chest are Boys’ and Girls’ Aid extra point, making the count Bernard Eastman, historian; Mrs. August for children from age four the regular open «-¿son this society, Catholic charities children’s the 12 to 0. Ed Frost, magazines, and J. L. through Jiigfc school. At the first fall will not need to be tagged with bureau, children’ s farm home, Ore During the last half the Vikings Herriman, juvenile protection. 1 of the summer there was a large a metal seal if they are stored or gon Protective society, Salvation made yardage jn the center af the Rosel Hunter, reporting for the group of small and a small group disposed of before the regular sea Army's White Shield home, Volun ileld. but when they began to near and finance committee in of children from 10 years and older, son closes. However, any big game Officials of the Owyhee project budget teers of America mothers’ and chil pay dirt the Nyssa resistance stif the absence of Chairman Ron By the end of the summer, the sit- animals or parts thereof that are announced today that irrigation Campbell, dren’s home, Waverly -baby home, fened to prevent any threats at a recommen- uation was reversed "with a large Prospects for a good music de Oregon in possession in the field or in water will be turned off at the dation that announced Mental Hygiene society, the goal line. the association sponsor group of the older children. By partment in the Nyssa high school Oregon Prison association and Y transit more than 48 hours after Owyhee dam Friday, October 10, a carnival Friday Nyssa starters were Endow, cen October the end of the summer. Muss Red- was indicated by reports given this M, C. A. service men's program the close of the regular season must completing the irrigation season 31 as a Hallowe’en evening. ter; Sutherland and Orr, guards; week by Lynn Lawrence, music party for child- dish advised that between 80 and be tagged. Tags will be available on about 100.000 acres of land. Pecka and Mitchell, tackles; AiF instructor. ren. Teachers and room mothers loo children appeared at the park at all state police patrol offices The irrigation season was start will prepare booths of some type every day. Besides the games, she Mr. Lawrence has approximately OWYHEE RIDING derson and Iseri, ends; Ray, quar during the regular hunting seasons. ed two weeks earlier this year for the carnival, but no gambling, taught up-to-date dances, which 30 in the band, despite the fact terback; Wilder and Koyano. half CLUB WINS RACE backs, and Christensen, fullback. devices will be used. The proceeds were greatly liked by the high that eight seniors, mostly cornet than usual on account of a dry used by the associates. school group. players and drummers, were grad The Owyhee Riding club won Holcomb substituted at end. Maw STRANDED FISH spring. Also, the summer demand will Mrs. be Foster fullback. Hale at end, Itamura at that the The equipment on hand at the uated last spring. Otherwise, the first has been high because of the large room mothers announced TO BE SALVAGED place in the pony express at suard, Nicholson at tackle and will meet in the end 0f the program included vol- band is about the same as last race, sometimes of row crops, resulting in grade school building The Oregon state game commis a acreage known as the flag Gmer at halfback. leyball nets, tennis net, aerial ten- year. low storage in the Owyhee res Thursday, October 9. at 2:45 p.m. j j nig sion will send a fish salvage crew ervoir at a race meet held In Ont set, two croquet sets, four bad- The girls glee club, numbering race, on October 1 of 250,790 acre The executive committee announ-1 minton to the Owyhee irrigation project feet, which last Sunday racquets and balls, two about 35, is better balanced than arlo Nyssa is the lowest in the ced a rertanmendation that the | deck tennis when the water is turned off during history men participating were sets, softball bats and In 1946. of the project. its annual shut-down, the com Gilbert Holmes, Merl Sorenson, Ike meeting date be changed from the balls, three tennis racquets, volley- Mr. Lawrence said the orchestra mission announced this week. and Hollle Knowles. Thursday of each month to ball and soccer ball. Mrs. Sallee will be better this year than usual. Mitchell The department intends to sal CHRISTIAN CHURCH fourth Lynn Snodgrass won second in the second Thursday. The com-jsald it the project Is extended for Twelve members are now practic vage as many sport fish as pos ANNIVERSARY WILL mittee approved the carnival plan I another year the P.T.A. hopes to ing regularly. the stake race and split third and ible for distribution to local streams fourth in the calf-roping event. By vote of the board of directors and recommended an increase in j purchase more equipment as it Is and public ponds. BE OBSERVED HERE Owyihee drill team perform of the Malheur County Public dues from 50 cents to 75 cents a : needed. LIQUOR AND CASH ed The at the Commissioned officers and local meet. year. "Everything considered, I feel that Health association, the name of sportsmen will co-operate in pa Dr. C F. Swander. corresponding Superintendent Henry Hartley an- for a first years program we Had The Owyhee club members have that STOLEN AT PARMA organization has been changed trolling the project to prevent the secretary and educational director nounced that a course in Oregon all extremely successful year", Miss been invited to participate in a to Malheur County Tuberculosis illegal taking of game fish left of the Christian churches of Ore history Is available ior Nyssa. F i f - ; Reddish said, "I feel that it would Seventy-nine cases of liquor and rodeo at Huston, Idaho October 12. and Health association, to become stranded when the water level re gon, and Rev. Lester Jones, pastor teen members of the faculty have sincerely be an error If this pro approximately $360 In money were effective immediately. cedes. of the Christian church in Nam signified their intention of taking gram were to be nipped in the bud, stolen from the Idaho state liquor The reason for the change Is pa, will be guest speakers in the the course, which will be given un- j as it would be should this recrea- store at Parma early Wednesday tliat In the past there has been church on the occasion der the supervision of the state tion plan be discontinued after this morning. BOOSTER PROGRAM of Christian a great deal of confusion as to ex seventh anniversary of the department of higher education. yeari or even if it were not to be Sheriff Ray Luekenga of Can actly what and who the public HELD BY GRANGE Nyssa the congregation Sunday, Octo The arrangements provide for three expanded", yon county said burglars apparent health association is. By adding the hours of upper division credit. Per Miss Reddish suggested a few ly entered the store through a win ber 5. word tuberculosis, the board hopes The Oregon Trail Orange met Dr. Swander will speak at the interested may contact Mr. improvements for the program for dow about 1:30 a. m. U> clarify the fact that the assoc A district meeting of the Veter Tuesday evening for a Booster night morning worship at 11 o'clock and sons another year. They included: han The sheriff said the cash was ans of Foreign Wars was held ip iation is a voluntary agency, sup meeting. George Cleaver, Orange will show motion pictures of the Hartley Reports were given by the chair dicraft shop for wood-working, wea taken from a cigar box under a Vale last Friday night September ported by the sale of Christmas master, gave the welcoming ad Oregon Christian youth camps In men of several committees. ving, sewing, shell work and clay counter and reported that Floyd and is in no way connected dress and FYank Parr explained the the evening at 8 o'clock. * Mrs. Waynard Talbot gave a work: pin» - pong, shuffle - board. Lewis, manager, said the thieves 26.The meeting was opened at 8:30 seals with the official health department. various departments of the Grange Rev. Jones will deliver the an vocal solo, accompanied by Mbs ' or handball, one or the oth- missed some change in a counter p.m. with members from Nyssa, The primary work of the assoc organization. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson niversary message at a special ser Mary Lou and Lynn Law-ipr- outdoor basketball, football, drawer. Vale, Ontario, Adrian and Hunting- iation is the promotion of tuber- Winters entertained with two piano vice to be held about 2 p.m. fol rence played Schenk, a violin solo, accom- baseball and book program in attendance. Officers in at ulosls control work in the county. duets. lowing a potluck dinner. Visitors paniSd by Mrs. Oarlos Buchner. | “These are only a few sugges- BISHÖP L. W. BARTON ton tendance Included Adjutant Quar Because the TB rate in Malheur Pictures on soil conservation were are expected from the Christian Durlng a reception held for the tions, but if just, these, or even termaster Fred B. Corn, Depart ounty is comparatively low, how shown by Harry Sandquist of On churches of the valley. The public | members of the high school and part of these could be made use of VISITS IN NYSSA ment Commander Oates and De ever. the association feels Justified tario, county agent. Is invited to attend. The church grade school faculties, refreshments another year". Miss Reddish said, partment Service Officer Pike of in spending its seal sale money About 40 guests sat down to the choir will furnish musical numbers were served in the home economics “i believe attendance would build The Rt. Rev. Lane W. Barton, Portland. for other purposes as well. In this supper tables that were centered at the services. up greatly I do want this program Episcopal bishop of eastern Ore Commander Oates gave a report connection, the association alms with bouquets of fall flowers. Mrs. to be successful and to continue. the guest speaker at a on the encampment held In Cleve to carry on an effective program Parr and Mrs. Alexander had Nursing Home Notes— Locker Sent to Alaska— ' I feel we have taken about the gon, was bean dinner served by St. land, Ohio and the membership of health education and to en- charge of the table decorations. Parents of children bom recently Sending merchandise to Alaska: biggest step already and sincerely baked Paul's guild In the parish hall drive for 1948. He said that of the ourage activities for the promotion at the Nyssa Nursing home are as is the achievement of a Nyssa firm, hope others shall follow". Monday night. 100,000 veterans eligible for VFW of community health, as well as to Attend Funeral— follows: Mr. and Mrs. James Haw Mrs. Carrol Matthews, who left embershlp in Oregon only 14,000 ascertain unfulfilled health needs Miss Grimes of Orange, New Jer Mrs. H. H. Klngrey and her ne kins, Nyssa, September 25, son, 7 Nyssa September 21, arrived on Sale Postponed— sey, who Is a field worker lor the have Joined the ranks. Mr Com and to co-operate with official phew. Wayne Green, returned last pounds. 8 ounces; Mr. and Mrs.' Annette Island September 23 by Food The American Legion auxiliary church, was also present. talked on activities carried on at health agencies in meeting such Thursday from Geering. Nebraska, C. K. Sample, Parma, September airplane. In a telegram received this food sale has been postponed from The quota of St. Paul's Church to the national encampment and Mr needs. where they had been called because 25, daughter, 6 pounds, 10 ounces; {week she asked W. O. Peterson of October Saturday. October ward the presiding bishop's fund Pike spoke on the membership drive, The office of the Malheur County of the death of Wayne's father, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Betz, Oil-' the Nyssa Furniture company to 11 at the 4 Don to Oraham office. for world relief was reached through the service officers’ work and the Tuberculosis and Health associa and Mrs. Klngrey's brother, Harolo tarlo. September 25, daughter, 7 send her the mate to a fort looker poppy chairmen’s program for 1948. tion is located in the Moore hotel silver offerings and games. Green. pounds, 15 ounces; Mr. and Mrs. that she bought before leaving Officer Employed— Chief amusement for the evening Bob Marcus of Vale was elected building, 44 S. W. First avenue. Jay Sample, Parma. September 26, Nyasa. Don Buell has been employed was the "cake walk”, In which a i Junior vice commander of the The telephone number Is 338-W Newell Heights Visitors— daughter, 7 pounds, 8 V 4 ounces; temporarily as a member of the cake was given as the prize to district organization. According to Margaret Beattie, ex Mr. and Mrs. Earl Griffith and Mr. and Mrs Orville Douty, Nyssa, Have Influenza— police force. He will work while each winning contestant. After the business meeting, the ecutive secretary of the organiza Kenneth Alten of Fresno. California September 27, son, 8 pounds. 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Burton and Chief of Police Orval Maze and VFW met with the ladles auxiliary tion, the office «rill be open from and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Judd and ounces; Mr. and Mrs. Amlel Boeh, E. K. Burton are recovering from Patrolman Floyd Byrd are on their Visit in Missouri— 9 a. m. to 5 p. m Anyone inter for lunch. . Mrs. Olive Judd of Parma were Parma. October 1, son, 6 pounds. Ca of influenza. vacations. ested in obtaining material on tub Dr. and Mrs. K. E Kerby and Sunday guests at the home of Mr 2 ounces, and Mr. and^Mrs L. N. i ... erculosis is invited to call. baby have gone to Missouri for a A ttend Grocer»’ Convention— and Mjs. Maurice Judd of Newell >Dut h) Hopkins. Parma, daugh-, | |ere from California— Polio Vlrtim to California— visit. They will visit relatives at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray own Heights ter. 6 pounds, 10 ounces. j Mrs- Herbert E. Thomson of Thurman Piercy ot Adrian, who Springfield and Kansas City. Dr. ers and operators of Oordon’s Mar Accepts Stake Positions— Mrs J. C. Anderson of Payette Palo Alto California returned to has been confined at the veteran's Kerby will attend s medical meet ket and Mr and Mrs. Orant Jones Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee have Here from Utah— is receiving medical attention. i Nyssa last week for a visit of a hospital in Boise with infantile par ing and also a class reunion at attended the grocers convention at been appointed as Welser Stake Mr and Mrs. Marlow Buming- ---------------------- few days, bringing as her guest. alysis since early August, left Tues Washington university at St. Louis Sun Valley last week. They were drama directors for Mutual Im ham of Bountiful, Utah arrived Child Burned— |Mrs. DeWitt Creveling *»f Alham- day by plane for Bannuys, Calif expected to be away from away from home three days provement associations. Lynn Law Saturday for a two-weeks visit at Marla Christensen, three-year-old bra Mrs Thomson announce^ that ornia. «here a hospital specializes They Nyasa about four weeks. rence is stake music director. the Tom Burningham home. daughter of Mr and Mrs. D. H ' Ben Lamb and family are operating In treatment of "polio" cases. Here from Portland— Christensen of Alberta avenue, is her place known as the Rust ranch fh lld Arrivi Mr. and Mrs. August Btppes of Attends Meeting— Here from Bohr— being treated at the Nyssa Nursing on the Owyhee river Hie visitors Here from law Angeles— A son was born September 23 in arrived here last Sunday Dr. J. J. Sarazln has returned Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown and home for second degree bums re spent a few days with friends in Mrs. R. W. Eyre of Los Angeles Boise to Mr and Mrs E. H. Boor Portland to visit her parents, Mr and Mrs from Portland, where he attended Stephan of Boise visited at the ceived Tuesday afternoon. The child Boise. Lawrence Peutz and Wil was a euest last week at the A. C. of Boise. Mr. Boor, former Nyssa William Coleman, and other rela the annual past graduate meeting home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. was severly burned on the left liam Peutz, Jr., entertained them Sallee home. Mrs Eyre Is a sister of resident, is a son to Mr and Mr*. tive*. They will leave for their of the Oregon State Medical as Burnall Brown, over the week-end. side and arm while at play. while they were here. George and A. C. Sallee. Jim Boor of Nyssa. home today. sociation. Work Begun On Street Program Chest Drive Is Begun In County P.T.A. Officers Summer Program Are Installed Held Successful By Mrs. Jensen Nyssa Residents Hunt For Deer Water Will Re Cut Off Oct. 10 Good Department Of Music Likely Name of Health Group Changed Veterans Hold Area Gathering