THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX aunt of the groom, assisted Mrs. Boise, Mrs. Kate Smith of Las Wlrford Bybee in serving the fiva- I Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Russeu Jor­ tier weduing cake. The groom's) don and daughter, Donna, and Mr. BYBEE-COURTNEY RECEPTION mother made the cc'ce. decorated and Mrs. Carla; Loveland, all of by Ute Sujar City bakery with pink Nampa, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M HELD A wedding reception and dance and white rosebuds and frosted i W. gner, grand:»arenu of the bride in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bybee ruffles of icing, with mlntatuie! Mrs. W. S. Lnngmade. Mr. and was held Friday evening in the bride and groom on top. The cake ' Mr Clyde Kein. Mrs. Cljde Jen- Eagles hall in Nyssa, with approxi­ rested on a large circle mirror, with kin.-. Miss Jean Kein, Mr. and Mrs mately 250 friends and relatives tall White candles on each side, Ralph Fiffer, Mrs. Lorraine Butler, over a crocheted table covering. attending. The reception line con­ I Mrs. Don Moss presided over the Mr Dick Lottis, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. sisted of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman 1 rereJhments table. Mrs Wilford Cindell, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Orth Parley Bybee. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bybee was in charge of the gift and Mr. and Mrs. Don Courtney Bybee and Mr. and Mrs. O. D. tables, with Colleen and Garry By- of Payette. Tne coup’ e were mar­ i bee, Lois and Nannette Bybee and Courtney. The bride wore a lovely ¡Carma Taylor assisting. Mrs. Ger- ried in Reno September 9, leaving dress suit of aqua blue, with a link 1 old Curry had charge of the gift jnmediately for a week’s honey­ rose corsage. She wore a naio band and registration book at the en­ moon on the coast. . —J— of silver sequens over her hair. A trance. AMITY CLUB MEETS gift from the groom was a choker [ Music was furnished by Sneed's The Nyssa Junior Women's Ami­ of rhinestones, set in silver. The I orchestra of Ontario. Special num­ ty lub met at the home of Mrs. groom chose a glenn plaid suit, bers during Intermission were thic-e Carl Burningham Friday, with Mrs. Miin a wnite carnation in the lapel. accordian solos by Reed Ray and a Lloyd Wilson as guest speaker. Her The bride's mother chose a dinner trumpet solo, "I Love You Truly”, . object was concerning the schools gjwn ot crepe with rosebud corsage. by Don \(oss. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and and conditions in England. The The groom's mother chose a med­ club will meet at Che home of^Mrs. ium green crepe dinner dress, with Mrs. A1 Mladenick of Seattle, Mr. El wood F linders September 2ff. and Mrs. Wayne Barker of Ogden, rosebud corsage. -S — Mrs. Wayne Barker of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Byrum McNeal of EVENING HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kuehn enter­ R U B B E R W E L D E R S tained friends last Thursday at two tables of bridge. Mrs. Robert McCurdy was awarded the prize for the ladle:; and Tip Powers re­ nft.BokCK1 WHVN0- DAD • 3m s YOU HAVE [G E E M H R-r WOULD WART A HAM DT o AR KECTuf ceived the men's prize. Both guests BE DOIN P , GOOD .MOW IAV J WOO Lb -T he W O L f FMOtA were from Ontario. Œ ED- SHOrfCrtJH? , -t WANT - -8 — — FOR t ,- the O o c v r / CLUB ENTERTAINED y The members of the "Mr. and Mrs." Sunday evening club were entertained last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee. Honors for the evening want to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman. —5— DINNER CLUB MEETS The "Mr. and Mrs." dinner club were guests of Mr and Mrs. A. II. Why try to fool yourself about tires? If Boydell Wednesday evening at its yours need recapping now, NOW is the first meeting of the fall. The mem­ time to have O K. KIJHBKR WELDERS do bers enjoyed dinner at the Sara­ the Job by factory methods. They won't toga club, followed by an evening fool you, either—If you need new tires they of bridge at the Bovdell home. will tell you. TUESDAY CLUB MEETS Mrs. Ed Frost was hostess to her Tuesday evening bridge club at her home this week Honors for the evening went to Mrs. W. R Campbell for high and Mrs. FYank Morgan, second high. _« _ CLUB ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs Robert Wilson en­ tertained the young married couples of the Tuesday evening club at their home this week. An evening of bridge was enjoyed by the wo­ men. The men concluded a ping- pong tournament that had been in progress, with Robert Wilson a. winner. A pot-luck supper followeu the evenings games. Social News MICKEY and WS MA HOSTESES AT BRIDGE Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. James Spofford entertained at twe dessert bridge parties at the Mor­ gan home FViday and Saturday afternoons. Honors on Friday went to Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mrs. Tom Eldridge, Mrs. J. L. Herriman and Mrs. A. Newsom. .On Saturday af­ ternoon the prizes for high score went to Miss Eva Boydell, Mrs. A Kuehn, Mrs. Ward Wieneke and Mrs. Manley. <•“ RUBBER WELDERS TIRES R E CAP P I N G & REPAIRING ¡PHONE 5 M = = = = = NYSSA. OREGON R EV IV A L Church O f The Nazarene 15th St. and Good Ave. p:-agyiga > Every night at 8 until October 5. I Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Crane, singers. / REV. D. C. VAN SLYKE. EVANGELIST NYSSA P h o n e IO Ô PROGRAM THEATRE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Ted Donaldson and Ann Doran in “ FOR THE LOVE OF RUSTY” Gene Autry in “ TRAIL TO SAN ANTONE” Mat., Sat., 2:30 P. M„ Adm. 5c-25c Adm. Kveninx*. 40c-He. Int lutfcnjt Tair - SUNDAY & MONDAY, SEPT. 28-29 Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Robert Walker and Melvyn Douglas in “ THE SEA OF GRASS” A powerful, dynamic drama o f the great land movement into New Mexico at the turn of the century. A two and one-half hour show starting each evening at 7 and 9 :30. Mat.. Sun.. 2:30 Adm.. 30c-Sr. Inc. Tai Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Inc. Tax. 8 SALT LAKE CITY VISITORS HONORED Store SPRING CANYON ROYAL SLACK N O W ! C O A L H N g Q B m fe 1 1 THURSDAY & FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2-3 ! " ORDER TODAY FROM ‘ John Payne, Maureen O’ Hara, Edmund 1 f Gwenn and Gene Lockhart in I ; BOISE “ MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET” There’s never been a miracle so filled with : I laughter, tenderness and joy as Santa Claus ♦ ►* P A Y E T T E turned Cupid to bring two lovers together. 1 LUMBER COMPANY Adm. Evenings, 4«c-Sc. Inc. Tex. 1 a ,' 1 1 WANTED— Surveyor's aide to work for city. Apply at city hall. 25Stc. FOR SALE—10 head of good breed­ ing ewes, and 5 head of ewe lambs. Ed Irving, 2‘ i mile west on Col­ umbia avenue. 25S2xp. “ There Are Smiles That | Make Us ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Weekly Market Report For September 23,1947 Grass steers top $24.80. Bulk common to medium $21 to $24. Glass heifers top $22. Bulk common to medium $19 to $21.50. Grass cows top $18. Bulk common to medium $15 to $17. Cutter cows $12.50 to $14.75. Canner cows $9 to $12.25. F’eeder cows $12.50 to $15.50. Bulk bulls $16.50 to $17.90. Veal calves top $23.75. Bulk calves $18 to $23. "to ker or feeder steers $20 to $22.50 Hogs top $28.50. Feeder pigs $28 to $32. cows $20 to $24. Lambs top $22.90. Bulk fat lambs $21 to $22. Feeder lambs $19 to $21. Bulk ewes $7 to $10.25. ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “ Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Ellis White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. ONTARIO— 413-M FRUITLAND— 522 -5 - BRIDGE CLUB MEETS The Informal Bridge club met at the Doll House Tuesday after­ noon, with Mrs. June Smith as hostess. Prizes were won by Mrs. Vernena Beam. Mrs Sylvia Fox and Mrs. Hilma Ostrom. FOR SALE:— Used daveno, in good 'condition, $15. John Burton, apart- TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30.OCT. 1 Joan Crawford, Van Heflin, Raymond Massey, Geraldine Brooks in “ POSSESSED” The Academy Award winning star, Joan Crawford, in the greatest emotional perform­ ance of her entire career. Color Cartoon FCR SALE— Si-hc beet loader, tood condition. Will sell cheap D. H. Christensen, Phone 016-.I4 25S2xc. - UNKLE H A N K SEZ o S a fto iW MISCELLANEOUS— I have moved back to Nvssa and have re-entered the plumbing business.' I will give the same service that I gave before. Calls promptly answered. 502 N. First. J. C. Smith. „ 25S2xc. ALTAR SOCIETY MEETS The St. Annes Altar Society met gives you maximum wear and last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Stanley Goulet of Adrian. Lunch smartness from your garments. was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held October 16 at the home of Mrs. William Wahlert, second street north. —8 - PRIEST HONORED A party was held Monday night at the parish hall by the Catholics of this community in honor of Rev. P. Tighe, who will go to Lake- view. Rev. Quigley, who will re­ place Rev. Tighe as assistant, was also a guest. Rev, Tighe was pre­ sented with a purse as a farewell gift. COW HOLLOW (Special)— Mrs. Jessie Callahan entertained in "hon­ or of Mrs. Heaton and daughter, Amy Larue, of Salt Lake City last Thursday evening at a Chicken sup­ 'fl-tE-RE. IS SOMeTf-UNCi ! per. Places were laid for 14 per­ BEAUTlPUL A B O U T EVERY­ sons. James T. Johnson of Mountain THING»— IH A TlS , IF VOU j Home, Idaho visited his sister, Mrs. a r e l o o k in g , f o r r r j Joe Callahan of this district last Friday and Saturday. Four high counselors visited the Owyhee L.D.S. church at the ev­ ening meeting Sunday from the Weiser stake. The L.D.S. Ladles Relief society will hold Its opening social Friday at 2 p.m. at the Legion hall in Adrian. Mr. nd Mrs. Charles Durfee, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter and Irvin Callahan and family were guests of Joseph Callahan and family at a luncheon last Sunday evening. Five new members were admitted I into the Owyhee ward ot the L.D.S. We're always looking for wavs to church last Sunday by baptism. Mrs. Vern Garner is In the Nys­ | help you make that car look more beautiful. One thing that will help sa Nursing home with a baby bov. Mrs Joe Stephens was taken to immensely is having the body re ( built. For the best in this line of the Nursing home last week. work come to the NYSSA AUTO Too Late To Classify BODY SHOP. We know we can ( please. FOR SALE US-40 International, in extra good condition, good 8V4 rubber; will sell or trade for car r5 ^ u f o B o d q S h o p or pick-up. It will pay wou to see this. Located at Collins' trailer COMPLETE BODY« PAINT SHOP camp. 25Slxp. W ffECKCB SERVICE DEPT. 25Slxp Happy” HAVE BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON Mrs. Leonard Olson entertained it a birthday luncheon last Tues­ day evening in honor of her father, J. F. Rookstool and her sister. Mrs. Lola Reffett. Guests were B F Sookstool and ran. Mrs. Reffett and Ro femary. and Mrs. John Rid- Jer and Dorothy. - » - ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Last Thursday evening Mrs. A1 Kuehn entertained at two tables of bridge. Prizes were awarded tc Mrs. Glea Billings and Mrs. Ward Wieneke. —8 - MTSSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The mi.-slcnai y society of the Nazarene church met last Thurs­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Herring. Mi’s. E. C. Ntlson had halite of the devotions. The group pent the afternoon mending cloth­ ing to b« sent in missionary boxes. GLASS ment No. 8, Bennett apts. SOCIAL PLANNED The opening social of the sec­ ond ward of the M.I.A. will be held Wednesday, October 1 at 8 p.m. In the Nyssa gymnasium. Nothing makes us happier than —I - TO HOLD DANCE to be able to give you a faster and The Nyssa bethel of Job's Daugh­ ters will hold a sport dance in the Nyssa gymnasium October 3. Shane's better dry cleaning service. orchestra will furnish the music. The public is invited to attend. We offer you dry cleaning that § _g— CAR. TRUCK - T RAC T OR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 t ì jl & iià RECORDS ‘r C < lÌU T ÌH < 2 — ★ SO L H O O P I I H a w a iia n G ro u p ★ HARMONEERS M a le Q u a rte t ★ HARMONETTES L a d ie s Trio ★ ROBERT SELLON B a rito n e ★ AL Z A H L OU T V iolin ★ LORIN WHITNEY H a ven o f Rest O rg a n ist ★ CALVARY CHOIR ★ ROBERT BOW M AN H a ven o f Rest B a rito n e . . . ctxrV ntattef at/U TJ Because of the diversity of their opera­ tions, farmers and ranchers are particu­ larly subject to damage claims and suits. To meet this situation General o f America has created a special Farmers Blanket Liability Folicy that covers almost all possible angles. Keep your­ self “ in the clear” with this famous « policy. Ask for details today! Ken Renslrom Insurance NEWSOM FURNITURE CO. BATTERIES!! W e H a ve T h em WE WERE FORTUNATE IN OBTAINING A Present indications point to an even more rritieal shortage of freight ran this roming winter. For this reason roal may not be available when you need it most. Play safe! FIT vour bin NOW ! Call Boise Payette TODAY! Adm. Evenings, 40c Or. Including Tax | O. L. Galloway 1 » h t >71 SUBSTANTIAL SHIPMENT — OF— G en u in e F ord B a tteries — In Sizes That Will Fit Most Makes of Cars— A battery shortage is predicted and cold weather is at hand. Don’t wait until jour old battery fails. Mgr. Nyssa, Oregon Herri man Motor Co. Your Ford Dealer