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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1947)
JTIE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NT SSA, OREGON WORTHWHILE CLUB HOLDS G A T H « A 1 n tR l«U E R I N G ' ^ urer, Mrs. Jim Langley. Newly ap- 1 pointed committees are: Floral com- SUNSET VALLEY (Special)— The mlttee, Mrs. Geurge Schwelzer and Worthwhile club met at . Mrs. Clif- I Mrs. -------------- j « i r „ i « _ *_ ..... , * — “ Emery Hobson and o gifts, Mrs. {“ d y“ * M «. Clar- Langley and Mrs. Claude Wilson, ence Reed us co-hostess. Mrs. Leona Visiting guests were Miss Mertrude Anderson of Payette, .sponsored by King. Mrs. Otto Wolfe, and Mrs. Idaho Power company, gave an in M. A. Rataezyk. Miriam Black, teresting talk on the well-planned home demonstration agent, will use kitchen, illustrating her points with the project leader system this year-. a minlataure model kitchen. She Mrs. Grover Cooper was nominated Chen showed a tehnlcolor film show project leader for the Worthwhile ing the modern home and giving chib for the year. valuable Information as to its Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and proper wiring.. Due to the fact that l daughter, Lois Anderson have re- the club Is having home demonstra turned from Salt Lake City, where tion work under the extension ser they attended the weddings of their vice, it was necessary to formally two grand-daughters, Lorraine and have the clubs year being and end Roberta Mitchell of Taft, California. in the fall. Therefore, election of The murriage ceremonies were held officers was held. Officers for this in the L.DS. temple in Salt Lake new year beginning In September City. Loraine Mitchell married Har- arenas follows: President, Mrs. Ly- ry Peckham and Roberta married M d ^ Jim made a Hudson Robb and trip to Sweet. Idaho, wltere Jim Robb pruvhased a CMC truck. . i Mrs. u i b . n Harry a n y u a iu ru n a n u i family a iilii Gardener and were dinner guests m the Bob R u fett home Sunday. The Altar' society raffled off their quilt Saturday night. The winner was a lady in Ontario, I. A. Mitchell is driving to Pleas ant Grove, Utah with his son and lamlly, Mr and Mrs. Ruthford Mitchell of Portland. They plan -o be gone a week. Bob Reffett has finished hauling beets for Russell Howell, who is among the first to complete his beet harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy returned home Monday night after attending a family reunion held _____ on Magic _________ Mountain, _ _ a playground region maintained by the forest WE PAY Highest Prices -FOR— Field Seeds BUYING FOR NORTHRUP-KING AND COMPANY Al Thompson & Son “ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 PAGE FIVE *1"”* A P°“ UCl‘ I"* *“ ° nUr‘° b“ ‘“ “ Tues- tonl °f Caldw*U’ and Mrs’ A' G<>- n.Z^LaTLlT froft Im" ™ ‘L Id“ “ - “ * ecks frost dam* supper and cards were enjoyed, day. mes of Caldwell arrived home Mon- aged some P°tato and ^ fields. Many Sun. et members were pres- Mr and Mrs. Charlie Schweizer ¿ay from Seattle The average bean crop seems to ent. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. M pln n , „ m nnH rhlMrtn be lighter than usual. | Mrs. Leslie Ditty and son, * Ronald, ’ and Glenn- arrived home from Yakima Wed ' ** M rc Lf o e«*u D no.tnll Ed Mortenson has begun work on and Mrs. Orville Brown with Judy Mr»- Harry Russell and daugh- nesday. two-story chicken house for M. ana Lynn of Ontario were Tues- ter:. Jud?'' ° f Newport, Oregon, were A. Rataezyk. | day visitors in Uie Charles Ditty ,ra in ^ * Oce Schwelzer home. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite of 'home. .* ? : .?nd Mrs- Leon Buffington Haines visited Mr. and Mrs. John I JoAnn Price was an overnight ? / Waltowa, were overnight guests J f 0tt Saturday. PLANNING TO t uest oi Vera Fay Counsil Friday. Vh i r T i M i 5 h0me Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Terra were ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Babcock and ~ J ^ ‘ e W.'htne club met at Mrs. Rob Boise visitors Sunday. rhildren visited John Babcock at J .iu!np'!i,n * home Thursday. Mrs. Freshmen entering the Adrian Nampa Monday. ,” * n Bergam was co-hostess to BUILD? high school from the Sunset area I Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kaufman ‘ , 8Ue^,s>i are Darlene Smith, Georgia Ward, and Donald of Homedale were and < rsj , HeHett drove You may save money Patty Raymond, Fred Kollen, Duane Sunday visitors at the Claude Wil- **ame , •-unday, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite. son home. Wilson, and JoAnn Price. by seeing me. Mi. and Mrs. Leon Buffington: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Babcock and „ „ Mrs; Ber5 am„ wa?„ wln" were overnight guests of Mr. ana < hlldren returned from a week-end ner ° ‘ “ le tlhe Band pro- Mrs. Leonard Newgen Sunday. trip to Burley, Idaho, visiting Mrs. Kram on Monday, re- Mr. and Mrs. Connie Kissuer of Babcock’s parents. a **»x oi butter toffee. Nampa, and newlyweds, Mr. and 1 Charlie Schweizer Is pouring con- I _ . . bun-set auxiliary will meet Mrs. Parrel L. Hansen, Jr., were Crete for a foundation of a garage. , October 2 at the home of Mrs. visitors at the M. A. Rataezyk home 1 Me* Rock of Roswell bought two , Ly” >an P°me*x>y Thursday. ¡ccWs of Charles Ditty. I “ 1r “ <* Chmlie Durfee were Nyssa, Oregon Mis. Don Knotting ham and tHeim Mr and Mrs. Leroy Thompson at 1 ie Juhn *****ctt *lome were shoppers in Vale and Ontario of Sturgis. South Dakota were o v - , aAurr ay- . . , Thursday. - might guests in the home of Hud- ! A * * * welgrhui« 6 pounds, 13 Building Contractor Mr. and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk kin Robb. Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. ounces, was born to Mr. and Mrs Robb are cousins. I” „ ,Gi rner Thursday nl« ht at were Ontario shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reins of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hintz were Thomas Ntahitani, George Nishl- j Tuesday visitors at the Charles Dit Fruitland were Sunday guests of vlr. and Mrs. Harry Rataezyk. ty (home. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk Mrs. John Reeves and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty were spent Sunday in Caldwell at the Sunday guests at the Charles Dit- home of Mr. and Mrs. Connie Klss- ler. Mrs. Rissner’s mother; Mrs. y home. Vein Garner left Thursday for Pencarrier is with them now. Mr. toy, Utah to meet his mother, and Mrs. Parrel Hanser, Jr., the V newlyweds, left Saturday morning drs. Julia Gamer. \ Anton Myhr has returned from for San Francisco, where Mr. Han- j Tcrwiay, and i now visiting In ser will begin his medioal training. I. A. Mitchell took his son, Ted, Xorth Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner were to Portland. Ted Mitchell remained ON YOUR HEATING SYSTEM’S to visit his brother, Ruthford Mit n Ontario on business Tuesday. Mrs. Newgen and Wilfred Gil- chell. FIRE HAZARDS Mr. and Mrs. Robb Thompson jert visited Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ho- and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bergam .vard of Bates, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Swetland j f California, former residents of Furnace, pipes, radiators, fines, chimneys— sunset valley, visited friends Sun- lay. Mr. Swetland s remodeling everal of his residences. all pails o f your central heating system Mrs. M. A . Rataezyk attended the Altar society meeting Thurs should be double-checked, cleaned, repaired day at the home of Mrs. Stanley Goulet. o c e Schweizer took his horses j — FOR SALE— before cold weather to reduce fire hazard. and participated in- the amateur 1 rodeo at Weiser last Sunday. One 1935 Dodge Truck Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe of Nam One 1937 Ford Truck Pick up your phone and call 169-W to get pa were visitors In Sunset valley Friday. Both have beet beds Dick Naito of Seattle and James our expert trouble-shooters! • M . and good motors. Watanabe were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitanl Tuesday. | Not too hot to look at Herbert Bergam lias been ill for | but they are priced several days. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Garner of | right and will haul a lot Emmett visited in the Deb and o f beets. Vem Garner homes. Edwin Bergam purchased a Chev COAL, OIL. GAS rolet truck. Wayne Garner, SIS AD, is sta tioned at San Diego With the link trainer division. MOTOR COMPANY William Gregg has a new John Deere tractor, model AN. Your Ford Dealer A farewell party was given Mon day evening for Father Tighe at J. C. Krul B EET Growers Lennox Furnaces Herri man Nyssa Heating Co. Golden Rule Store rDupler’s, A Family of Furriers for Over 10O Years- Invites You T q See The Biggest Parade O f french salon elegance at a Budget WITH SHE WALKS IN OUR HISTORY IN BEAUTY 1 '■ 1 • IN 2 DAYS ONLY DUPLER FURS A great deal of time, thought and money is devoted to fu r Mondag & Tuesdag nishing the home attractively. Its beauty can be destroyed so easily and housekeeping can become a weary, thankless job when the home is poorly lighted. The family's health Sept. 2 9 ............Sept. 30 is Mrs. L. Milne, Dupler’s Fur Stylist, Will jeopardized too, for poor light causes eye strain and seeing, like physical activity, draws precious energy from « nerves, Present the Finest in Advanced 1948 Fashicn* muscles and brain. ^^t • • • • Light conditioning costs so little that everyone can have it. AUG. FUR SALE PRICES A few lamp bulbs of the right size, in fixtures and lamps that are strategically placed, will chase away the shadows. Check up on your lamp bulbs today . . . see that they are the right size and be sure that your supply is sufficient for Save to 50 per cent all your needs and enough for extras too. For your convenience, you'll find that most stores have lamp bulbs. Buy them at the Buy Now same time you do your other shopping. -Fur Prices Are Advancing Daily- CONSULT THIS TABLE FOR LAMP BULB SIZES Large flo o r lamo — 1 0 0 -2 0 0 -3 0 0 w a tt 3 - lita (m ogul base). Swing arm, t a b l e , bridge, p in -u p lamps — 50, 100, 150 w a tt (m edium b a s a l. Dresser and dressing table lampa — 30 to 100 w att. I D ¿& A cV u H O VPOWER cU ü Does So MUCH-Costs So U T T L I ! ♦ SMALL DEPOSIT ♦ 10 MONTHS HOLDS YOUR TO PAY. SELECTION IN *N O CARRYING OUR LAY-AW AY. CHARGE. Nyssa, Oregon