Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER PAGE JOUR last week. Mrs. Jim Ritchie and family were son, Edward and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilbur Jackson, and Mrs. Donald son Mr. hole SHOWER IS GIVEN and Mrs. Van Mossbugger of Brewer and baby were in La Grande Griffits and son, Ralph apd Glen, Sunday dinner guest« at the Doug AT BUENA VISTA las Bateman home in Nyssa. Tiiey i were dinner guests at the Henry Sunday. Donald and Wilbur enter Ontario were guests or Mr. and Adam Focht Sunday. ed school there. Mrs. Elliot and Mrs. and Mrs Jake Simmons and Mrs. Brewer visited Mrs. Mildred Abe Mr. Simmons attended Bill Snad- Hite. en's funeral In Ontario Friday af The Adrian Boy Scout troop held ternoon. find Mrs. Bill Clemmings a meeting Monday evening at 7:30 of Mr. South Gate. California visited in the high school gym. days at the Ray Russell Reverend Atler, a United Presby several terian missionary on furlough from home. Rev. Kriner and family were India spoke Wednesday evening, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace September 24, In the Free Metho .Gregg and family Sunday. dist church. Mr. and Jake Simmons and A Rally Day program and bas | family and Mrs. Edward Harvey spent ket dinner will be held next Sun- Sunday In Jordan Valley hunting Sunday In the Legion hall by the arrowheads. Community United Presbyterian ! Mr. and Mrs. BUI Clemmings and church at 10 am. Following the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell were in program the public is invited to Boise Saturday. join In the basket dinner. The com Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daniels and mittee suggests that those attend daughter of Vale and Mr. and Mrs. PLANS REVEALED ing feature hot dish, chicken and E. Landreth were guests of Mr. noodles. If this is not convenient, C. Mrs. H. A. Diven Sunday. ADRIAN (Special)—Mildred Sparks they are to furnish anything for and Edward Harvey of Cheyenne vis a hot dish and food for a picnic visited over the week-end in Mad ited days with his sister, — JU ST ARRIVED— ras, Oregon with her brother, Earl lunch. Each one Is to furnish his Mrs. several Jake Simmons. own plate silverware and cup. Cot- Mrs. C. Van Zelt, Mrs. C. Van- Sparks, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown en lee wall be furnished. If each one derwlnkle, Groot and Yonkers and Johnsons Hydraulic tertained the Veterans of Foreign will provide some sweetened juice, Mrs. William Mrs. Van Jacob Zelf at Wars and families at their home punch will be made for the child the Joe Dirksen home visited Thursday Thursday evening. A meeting wa., ren. held and one new member was Dr. Robert Gibson, secretary of evening. and Ellen McGee spent accepted. the Presbyterian 'board of educa two Dons weeks In Portland visiting their Mrs. Threlma Elliot and Donald, tion, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, will sister, Mary McGee. • be in Adrian Monday night, Sep Sherrel, Stanley and Dean Sis tember 29 for a meeting to be held have been ill at their home P and B’s in the Free Methodist Church at son 8 o'clock. Mrs. Gibson and Dr. Pat the past week. PAINTING terson will also be present at the MERRY^VIATRONS OF meeting. DECORATING treat A one-day meeting of prayer re and presbytery will be held OREGON TRAIL MEET In Ontario Wednesday, October 8. OREGON TRAIL (Special)— The Dwellings And Babe Hart and John Hart of Vale Matron's club met at the Other Structures were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Merry home of Jessie Chard Wednesday and Mrs. Glenwood Pounds, John Brush or Spray September 17. The af Is an unale of Babe Hart and afternoon, ternoon was spent embroidering for Latest DeVilbiss equip Hart Mrs. Pounds. the hostess. Six members and two ment for fine laquer guests. Ada Ulrey and Betty Niel sen, were present. In a guessing and enamel work. BIRTHDAY PARTY game Alta Fry won the prize. Lunch HELD AT RICHLAND | was served by the hostess, assisted Experienced W orkmen FINEST IN FARM MACHINERY by Patty Ohard. The next meeting RICHLAND (Special)— Marilyn will be held October 1, with Alta Satisfaction Runcorn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fry as hostess. * G uaranteed Robert Runcorn, entertained sev Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reeves “The House of Oliver” of eral friends on her fifth birthday Cheyenne, Wyoming and Mr. and Saturday afternoon. The guests 10 Years in Nyssa Robert Sneddin of Johns were Jill Marie Nielsen, Robert Mrs. town, who have been Piercy, Donna Mae and Mary Ann visiting Colorado, for the past two weeks at R. C. KELLER Focht. Peggy and Burr Focht, Dean F. G. Holmes home, left Friday and Stanley Sisson. Donald and the for their homes. Stunz and Thomas Rena Dirksen, Daniel and Richard Phone 68-M Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen visited Gregg, Kenneth Whipple and Don Mrs. Grace Mills of Payette Sunday na and Arthur Susee of Payette. afternoon. Marilyn received many nice gifts. The Oregon Trail Sunday school John Focht is able to be out of was re-opened Sunday morning bed. He expressed thanks to his with a good attendance. friends for the flowers, gifts and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes made kindness which he received during a business trip to Caldwell Satur the weeks he spent in bed. day. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell at Dee Anne Adams, two-year-old tended Jay Bybee's wedding Fri daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred day evening. Adams, is recovering from taking Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell and a large amount of hay fever medi family visited Mr. Russell's brother cine. in St. Anthony and spent several Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and Mrs. days at Yellowstone park and Jack- A. M. Gradson were hostesses at a birthday party Sunday evening. Why bother with the mess and added expense when you can The affair honored Mrs. Roy Holmes, Lila Mae Holmes, Betty put in your own foundations. W hen you order ready-mixed con Alice Byers, Sandra Lee Holmes, crete from us, you know exactly what you are getting. Our Mrs. F. S. Byers and Rolland, Roy set-up complete with batching plant is regularly subjected to and Robert Holmes. Many nice gifts were received by the guests rigid STATE INSPECTONS. Our Concrete Meets the Require of honor. Lunch was served at at ments of the State Highway Dept. tractively decorated tables. Candle- lighted birthday cakes and fall flowers were used for table decora Our plant represents an investment of more than $50,000, and tions. Those attending were ' Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and daugh it has but one purpose------ ters of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. W e Have Heavy-Duty Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. oRlland Truck Flaps Of An Holmes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes, Robert Holmes, Bon Approved Type nie Kressly, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Because our product meets or surpasses known standards, when Holmes and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and family. you deal with us, you Here from Portland— and Mrs. Paul Schurmann MOTOR COMPANY and Mr. family of Portland visited last Your Ford Dealer week at the Carlos Buchner home. Mrs. Schurmann and Mrs. Buchner are sisters. at the Sam Bateman home 1 Day home Sunday. BUENA VISTA (Special)— Mr. and called at New Plymouth Sunday evening. 1 Mr and Mrs. Alvie pomplun and Mr and Mrs Ray Grlffltts were Lou Ausbough and son, Glenn, were hosts at a card party last Saturday dinner guests at the Glenn Hoff night. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. man home Sunday evening. _ Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jim | Mr. and Mrs. Finest Maze' were DR. G.W. GRAVES Loyd Ritchie and family, Mr. and Mrs. guests at the S. B, Hoffman home Delbert Cleaver, Miss Bernice Bo Sunday a'ternoon. Grandma' Maze Optometrist wen and La Vein Cleaver. Refresh * returned home with them. ments of sandwiches and coffee Mrs. Howard Day and Mrs. Jim Ritchie were among the guests at were served Eyes Examined Mr and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman and the miscellaneous shower given in Mrs. Kathrine Dickson went to honor of Mrs. Thelma Moyes at Boise and Caldwell Monday to the Florea home Friday afternoon. Phone 720 Lester Cleaver. Joe Sebum and shop. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver, Glenn Hoffman fished at tihe Owy 718 A rthur St. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sebum and hee dam Sunday. Willis Bertram attended the sale Caldwell, Idaho In Welser Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and ADRIAN CHURCH Sub-Soiler And Blade Hydraulic Leveler Nyssa Implement C*. SURE! OUR DELIVERIES ARE FAST Truck Owners SUPPLYING THE BEST CONCRETE Take The GUESSWORK Out Of CONCRETE SEE US FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, BASEMENTS, FOUNDATIONS, DRIVEWAYS For A Limited Time Only! READY MIXED CONCRETE 4- Bag Mix $11.30 5- Bag Mix $12.30 6- Bag Mix $14.30 Herriman When Guests Arrive ONTARIO SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phoae 030R5 1% Miles Southeast of O ntario • THE Farmer’s Guide Our Paying Price to Growers Subject to Dally Market Changes For Recleaned Stocks, Noxious Free S 40.00 cwt. RED CLOVER — Medium 99.25 pure 48.00 cwt. RED CI.OVER — Cumberland Blue Tag 46.50 cwt. RED CI.OVER — Midland Blue Tag 34.50 cwt. ALFALFA — Grimm Blur Tag 30.00 cwt. ALFALFA — Common 99.25 pure 45.50 cwt. WHITE DUTCH CLOVER 99.25 pure 177.50 cwt. LAD1NO CLOVER — Blue Tag 10.50 cwt. BEAN'S — Red Mexican Nu. 1 10.50 cwt. BEANS — Uabv Lima No. 1 ....................................... No charge for cleaning seed unless your lot shrinks 20% or more. WATTS SEED COMPANY NYSSA, OREGON Phones: Parma 74-Nyssa 144J-Ontario 128W Just Arrived . AT OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. Dormeyer Mixer $25.95 Complete with Juicer. Corn Popper $4.95 W hipper $6.95 Toaster $6.95 W affle Iron, Twin $13.95 Betty Crocker Iron $12.50 National W ater Heater, 40-gallon $103.95 Olympi c Shepler Radios Electric Heaters EASY TERMS OSTROM B¡ROS. APPLIANCE CO. Display Room Nyssa Lumber Company « \ t: V nterested in ' ^ W <tW — and in everything else connected w ith farm s, because we’ve got a big job to do in the rural communities we serve. (Five Bags to the Yard) Delivered In Nyssa Our rock crushing plant will give you all grades of washed rock and washed sand. Our crushing plant meets all STATE AND FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS. 1947 CHICKENS? (Four Bags of Cement to the Yard of Finished Concrete) Delivered In Nyssa (Six Bags to the Yard) Delivered In Nyssa 25, Be Prepared With extra beds, extra mattresses and springs. BEDS W alnut SPRINGS MATTRESSES $ 14.95 $ 16.95 $ 17.50 NYSSA FURNITURE CO. One Block W est R. R. Depot The job is going well. However, catching up w ith ac cum ulated orders for rural telephone service means that a lot more wire must be strung — often new buildings must be built and central office equip ment installed. There’s still a short supply of such things as lead, copper, cotton yarn and steel. B ut tie know how m uch th e tele phone means to fa rm fam ilies, an d u e ’re g e ttin g those telephones in ju s t as fa s t as we can. Malheur Home Tel. Company