Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OKEGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 PAGE THREE Sackett, phone 247-M MB west iters. Sales and service Ed A. An- ¡in a box and no one has been daughter. Janet, returned Sunday Boise. First street, south,s Ontario, Ore- | derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. stung yet. by plane from Ogden. Mrs. Lars-] ---------------- gon 19JUC. Phone 587-J 4. _________ 26Jtfe eon had an operation on one of : Vacation at Cow t— FOR SALE— 125 acres, 90 irrigable, MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and EX - SUNSET MAN her eyes. The operation was per- Mr. and Mrs. Eini! Stunz returned Saturday from a two-weeks vaca VISITS IN VALLEY formed good improvements, Reuben Har- free pick-up of your dead, crlppied Mrs. by Pete a specialist Tensen, Mrs Dick tion at Portland and Rockaway. sick livestock. Calls received be oldsen, 8 miles southwest of Nyssa, or Groot and Mrs. John Broad at They returned by way of ISugene, fore 9 o'clock are picked up by RATES: Two cent« per word for each Issue. Alter one month one phone 016-R2 or 03-R1. 25â4xp. noon. Efficient drivers. Call col UPPER SUNSET (Special)— Mr. tended the Civic club meeting at leaving their daughter, Greta, at the university. Wednesday. Payette 0180-J3 or t55, or Nvs- and Mrs. U. E. Parker had as a Ny.ssa FOR SALE— Registered golden lect 102-W. cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. Idaho Animal Products guest In their home last week Willie O. C. Anderson is ill at his home. Son Anlvea— cocker spaniel puppies, c. A. Ross sa 5Jtic. Gilbert, former Sunset resident, Visit in Boise— four miles west on Alberta avenue, Company. Mr. and Mrs. M. Atagi are par MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? then south on Orey boulevard to Loans on farms Tor refinancing, who is convalescing after an ap Mr. and Mrs. EMdie Powell and ents of a 5 pound. 4 ounce boy I arris. 18S2xp. pendix operation. Tom Morris visited over the week- bom September 14 In the Nyssa second house. 18S2xp building, improvements, bu yin g , For Sale end at the Milton Wiley home in Nursing home. Mrs. Elmer Cloninger lias re- FOR SALE- Suih beet j ™ , S ST SLiC R«, shingles, Long term, low interest, see Bei- urned home from Portland, where days on business. years old, $590. 1937 Chevrolet route 2, Enterprise avenue and Iscreen doors, windows, frames and nard Eastman, phone 64. Nyssa. 3Atfc. she Mrs. spent Don a few Parker underwent a truck with beet bed, $190. 19421 Lytle Blvd. 18S2xp. screens complete, doors and frames COW HOLLOW major operation at the Nysaa Nurs MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car ing O.M.C. army 6 by 6, excellent con complete, pipe, flooring, park tables, and home last week. She is expect lock keys made. Wes 'd to return home this week. dition, $1700. New McCormick-Deer- | ^ I n f i ^ o 'l d ^ y è d “ ^. * £ £ large size ?oal hot water heater, tern clyinder Auto Store. 250tfe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rooks tool and ing hay chopper, $459. Owyhee ed reasonable. 152 East 4th street three coal ranges and one large Truck and Implement Co., phone | 18S2xp. cafe sink. L. J. Jusephson and Son, CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING family spent FYiday shopping in Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Weiser. 3Jtfc. Wednesday *3~J'_______ 25Slxc. po r SALE— Stoves, grates and Payette, Idaho. and Thursday, 8 a. m Hubert Parker has returned home FOR SALE— Purebred jersey bull, rePairs for any make of cook stove POR SALE— Several houses for to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. pi. to 12 from Granite, Oregon, where he 6 months old. Dam classified very ,or heater. Delivery usually five sale. Attractive buys. See Frank No stock received on SurtUay. •pent a week visiting his brother, Cow Hollow Hall Sat., Sept. 27 good. Phone 06-R5, Nyssa. 25S2xp. days- Nyssa Furniture Co., one sheep and pork. Free delivery lack and family. --------------------------------------------block west of railroad depot. 18Stfc. T. Morgan. 16Jtfc Beef, to Polar locker plant. and Mrs. E2mer Cloninger Pond’s Orchestra- -Adm. $1 FOR SALE— Excellent u:ed baby — ------------------------------ on Alberta avenue and Mr. Roy Rookstool were Ontario buggy, deluxe model; sacrifice at NOR SALE— 16-foot stock bed and FOR SALE—Automobile Insurant1* One mile west Phone 05R1 hoppers Ma»iday. Sponsored by Chalk Butte Grange bargain price. Nyssa Furniture Co., I rack. Alfred Brim, inquire at Gene's Public Liability, Property Damage JAKE FISCHER Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berrett and One block west of railroad depot, j Grocery, Ole’s corner. 18Stfc. Fire, Then and Collision. Place* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee at _______________ ______ __ 25Stfc. fo r SALE— Circulating coal hëat- in the best compames at low® Legal Advertising tended L. D. S. church at Oregon possible rates. Bernard Eastman POR SALE— New 9-foot, 26-inch er. Large size. Nyssa Lumber Co. Trail Sunday. After church services IN THE COUNTY COURT OF 14Ftfc 4Stfc. John Deere level bed power-driven a meeting was conducted, uniting THE STATE OF OREGON. tractor potato digger on rubber •he Adrian and Oregon Trail L.DS. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OE brunches SALE—Or trade International tires. Address P. O. Box 189, Baker, FOR For Rent into a ward. Wayne Ber MALHEUR pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 282W. Oregon. 25S2xc. rett was appointed second coun 4Stfc, FOR RENT— Sleeping room. 582 NOTICE OF SETTTLEMENT OF selor. ACCOUNT AND HEARING 25S3xp. FINAL Wtxon had a well drilled PETITION TOR DISTRIBUTION on Mort ard, 4-door, top shape, new paint f 011 SALE 3-bedroom house and North Third street. his ranch last week. POR RENT— Furnished basement Lowe’s Home Appliance In the Matter of the Estate of job. Don - King, Ontario highway, sale. * J.00™ WJtment. prlC?d QUlclt Immediate possession. Contact apartment in new modern home. HENRY TERRA, Deceased. Mrs. U. E. Parker entered the next to Lewis residence. 25Slxp. Lamont Fife, 499 N. 5th. 4Stfc. Phone 178-W after 6 p.m. 25Stfc. Notice is hereby given that Mar Boise hospital Sunday for treat Repair Shop FOR SALE— Used Thor washer, FOR SALE— New, modern two- FOR RENT— Room. J. C. Smith, garet Terra. Executrix of the Last ment. good working condition. $32.50. Nys bedroom house, gas furnace, hard 502 N. Third street. and Testament of Henry Ter Mrs. IT. E. Parker returned home Will Be Closed 18S2xp. Will sa Furniture Co. 25Stfc. wood floors, close In, $6500, $1500 ra. deceased, has filed in the above- Wednesday from the hospital at Boise. entitled Court for final settlement R15NT— Polish your own September 29 to October 6. POR SALE— Biiilding materials, down, F. H. A. terms. Bernard FOR account and report of adminis Grover F'inley attended the sale floors, pent our high-speed pol her closing out. Special prices on job Eastman, 28Atfc ishing at his brother's home in the Lin- tration together with her petition equipment. Easily handled lots. Lumber, doors, windows, mess final distnoution oi said estate, "olu district Thursday. hall tables, restaurant sinks, bakery 'V " ^.one 144-J or write by women. Nyssa Lumber company. for that the hearing of the same Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stetthens are 3Atfc. and lacks, heavy maple tables, electric Mot° r C° ; Nyssa\ ° re • Jor has been fixed toy the Judge of '’’lrents of a son born Sunday Sep wire, boxes, etc., pipe and fittings ment, Wlllys jeeps, . parLSl station motors, wagons, extra pickup equip said Court for Monday, the 20th tember 21. VVANTED garbage cans, metal ventilators, 2V4 trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. day of October, A.D. 1947 at tne Mrs. Rob Thompson and Mrs. gallon fire extinguishers, army hour o’clock A M. of said Emily Berg am entertained the Wa- WANTED— 10 girls 17 years of ranges, canopies, motor and fan, FOR SALE— Porcelain coal and age or over to learn the pleasant day at of the 10:30 at the Thompson home courtroom said court hine cllib with space heaters, .iheetrock, masonite, wood circulating heater, used 30 and profitable profession of beauty in the city of Vale, of eight members pre Oregon; and Thursday, oil heaters, electric hot water heat days. Phone 131-R, Joe Maughan. culture. There is a special fall tui that all persons interested .Plans were discussed for a in said sent ers, electric and electric combina food sale and also a project 28Atfc. tion. or you can earn your tuition estate are notified then and there baked tions, oil, coal and wood ranges, for the members this year. After appear and show cause, if any the in the school. The largest, to daveno and chair sets, dinette sets, FOR SALE!— l D.S. 35 Internation right meeting Cora Rook- they have, why said account shguld stool business most modern school in Idaho man not hundreds of other items. Use your al truck, 1940 model. Long wheel aged Mattie Durfee won prizes settled and allowed, and in the and by Rene Overton, who lias why be distribution credit. Build your home and fur base, 2-speed axle. 1940 Chevrolet games. Mrs. Ray Porter was of said estate not only 10 years of teaching nish it. ED C ABE'S HI-WAY truck, long wheel base, 2-speed had of the club. At the. close of not thereupon be immedi a the guest experience, but special teacher's should MDSE. MART. Nyssa, Oregon. 25S1. axle. These trucks are in fair con courses meeting lunch was served by ately made to the persons en and licenses. When you en and priced reasonable. Also roll at Western Beauty school your titled thereto, without further no the hostesses. The next meeting VELLO— Is washable. It meets dition will be held October 16, with Ser 12-foot beet rack. C. E. Lese- success as a beautician is assured. tice of proceedings. Oregon License No. 556. U. S. government specifications for one ena Stephens and Ida Finley as berg, Phone 154-J. llStfc. Positions awaiting graduates. West Margaret rerra. Executrix of hostesses washability. Nyssa Lumber Co. at the Finley home. the Last Will and Testament Wayne Berrett, Roy Rookstool, ern Beauty school, 1322 First street, 25Slxc. FOR SALE— 200 leet frontage, 150 So., of Henry Terra, deceased. Nampa, Idaho, phone 2222, over feet deep, south of Polar Cold Stor Deb Gamer, Elmer Cloninger and Telephone 3621 or Write Box 112. FOR SALE— Beet bed for cab- age, $2400. Bernard Jpastman. llStf. Kinney’s American bakery next to E. Otis Smith, Attorney for Charles Durfee trucked beans to over 15 foot. J„hn Reffett, Nyssa, Adelaide theater. 18S4xc. Executrix, Ontario Oregon. Nyssa Saturday to be shipped to route 2. 25S2xp. FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. a company in Idaho. Guaranteed to be washable and WANTED— Three or four beet VALE, OREGON Frank Parker and son, Don, and FOR SALE— Beater type beet top non-fading lor three years. Good! toppers to start work October 5 or Russell Howell began their beet per and Kiest two-row beet lifter- stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com- 17- Frank Skeen, hi mile west on harvesting last week. loader, 26-inch potato digger. All pany. 26Jtfc. | Enterprise avenue. 25S2xp. nearly new. Phone 396-Jtl Nampa, FOR SALE— Used Fairbanks plat- WANTED—Sleeping room, have own Idaho or contact A. O. Eubanks, form scale. 2500 pound capacity, furniture. Call 498-W, Ontario. COLUMBIA VISITOR Vale, Oregon. 25Slxp. Dessert Seed Co. LEAVES FOR CALIF. 3Jtfc. j 18S2xp. FOR SALE— Estate Intensifler air TOR SALE— Registered hereford SALESMEN WANTED— Wanted at COLUMBIA AVENUE (Special)— duck oil heater with motor driven bull. Phone Zack Walker, 282-W. once. Man or woman for Rawleigh W. C. Teiisen, who has been By Clarence Niccum fan. Large size. Also one Eureka 3Jtfc. route. Real opportunity for worker. spending the summer with Mr. and am iiihuiìim in niiiitiiii in in in i,i in in iii run in li in nrin in in in rami in in inniinniiniirinihiinniinniiuiniiniinniM« vacuum cleaner. R. F. Blair, North preferred, but not nec did I get my foot in it when Mrs. Pete Tensen and other rela 5th street. 25Slxp. TOR SALE;— Fine row - crop 40, Experience essary. Write Rawlelgh's, Dept. I Boy, on the political angle of tives, left last week for Olendale, Adrian, good water right, fair OR1-331-234, Oakland, California. our touched FOR SALE— V,i ton, 1940 Chevro near roads. We all can agree In curs California to visit his brother-in- improvements. 18S2xp. let cab-over truck. Tires and truck 40 acres on oiled highway. One ing these roads but the political law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rob in goad condition. Phone collect mile angle of it?! Well'thats different. ert V. Gllse and family. WANTED - To buy metronome. out. Unimproved. it your own way. Maybe I Darwin Jensen was a business 0519-J2, Caldwell. 25Slxp. Several good 80 -acre and larger Phone 78-W. 18S3xp. Have would do better to scout around visitor in Wilder last week. FOR SALE— New Ford cab-over farms. To rent 80 or more and try to get a little news to Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Fields (Mar 3 acres for sale, close In, unim WANTED— truck, 8.2p tires, two-speed and proved acres row crop farm, plenty of report. But a farmer (if I could jorie Groot) are the parents of a booster brakes. Opposite airport, Also have several houses listed. equipment. Moving from place I qualify as such) hasn't much time son. Dick G., bom August 13. The Ontario. 2581xp. have been renting for 10 years be to nose around for news. baby Is the first grandson of Mr. 5Jtfc. cause of sale of property. Write Got an interesting letter in the and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mr. and KEN RENSTROM FOR SALE— Large oil heater, good Charles F. Cannon, route 2, Nyssa. mail today. Of course the main Mrs. Irl Fields of Jasper. Minne Phone 172-J condition, lo loot copper tubing 18S2xp. reason for my liking it was that sota. and fittings. Phone 10-R or lBStfc' 62-J. FOR SALE Sewing machine sup- she patted me on Che back a little Mrs. Groot as returned from a WANTED—General trucking. am going to give you some of two months visit with her son-in- ______________ _________ ' plies. Wholesale and retail. Re- First street. Pc one 123-R, North John but the FOR SALE— 1934 Ford truck with building, electrifying, repairing. Re Barnett. We install the tank and you pay a monthly law and daughter of Jasper. Min . llStfc. “We letter. hear so much of the miss nesota. beet bed, good tires. See Lloyd Ad- built machines for sale. F. "Lete" service charge. deeds of the youth of today. Seldom WANTED— Beet hauling, Marion their good exploits. With this in Mrs. T. H. Beranek, who has No more hard-water scum. Chard, 462 North 6th street. 4S3xp. of been a patient at the Holy Ros mind I submit the account of a ary hospital at Ontario, has re No more sand in water. good deed by young James Stephens turned to her home. WANTED— Field ensilage cutting. Jr., a lad of about 16 yrs. or so. Several ladles of this community Use very little soap. L. E. Robbins, three miles north, his concerns a hive oi bees that canned fruit and vegetables at the one-half west of Nyssa on Gem had taken living Enjoy a sudsy bath. quarters In R. community cannery at Adrian last aevnue. 4Stfc. Alrad's mail box. Now we humans week. Enjoy better tasting water. WANTED— To buy anything in have a housing shortage but we Sunday afternoon visitors at the beef or veal. Also buy banger cows did not know the housing Shortage or will handle for hide and offall. had also enected tne bees. Well home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Oroot Phone 31M or 011 Jl. 22Atfc. there they were firmly entrenched of Arcadia were Mr. and Mrs Pete could not be moved, defending Tensen, Mr and Mrs. Dick Oroot. their home against all enemies. Just Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Zelf and MISCELLANEOUS and Mrs. Alrad. She received sever family, Mrs. Van Zelf and Mrs. MISCEDLANEOUS-See Mrs. Clyde ask al stings when she attempted to V. D. Winkle of Nyssa. Hill for Infant dresses, also hems get her mail out of the box. Our Mrs. Ekiward C. Larsson and titching by yard or piece. Phone little child was PHYSICIANS stung daughter, Janet, are visiting rela 110L, Parma, Idaho. 18S3xp. when she ventured so out badly to play that tives in Ogden, Utah. DENTTSTS Weiser-Payette necessary to seek medical Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot visited MISCELLANEOUS— See A. P An it aid was for her. SARAZIN CLINIC natives in Apple Valley Thursday derson for H. C. Little Oil Burn Here Is how James Stephens afternoon. Representative, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis J. R. CUNDALL ing Furnace and Heater. llS4xp. entered the picture. He was walk Pete Tensen transacted business Dr. J. J. Sarazin Phone 011-R2, Nyssa ing by camming home from picking and attended a meeting in Ontario Dr. K E. Kerby MISCELLANEOUS— Get ready for spuds. Dentist Wednesday. As he approached he was winter. We service all kinds of Physician and Surgeons 'Don't go near the mailbox, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Larsson and beating equipment. Nyssa Heating it warned Phone 56-J is full of bees and they are mad.' Co., phone 169-W. 28Atfc. L. A. Maulding, M. D. Sarazin Clinic He offered to smoke them out with Physician and Surgeon MISCELLANEOUS- - Help-Ur-Self,1 sulpher to destroy them. The offer OREGON NYSSA custom and wet wash. White Swan was promptly accepted. Phone 37 laundry. Soft water. R. M. Souther “Well it did the trick, the fumes Hours; 10 to 12 and 1 to 8 land. prop. Phone 13-J. 7Atfc. soon ended them.” Daily—Except Sunday OPTOMETRISTS From one who was stung MISCEDLANE50US— Available now, Lasarre Jones. HAY BUYER Electrolux cleaners and air puri- Well Mrs. Jones business was cer ELECTRIC, COMBINATION, OIL and COAL RANGES DR. J. A. MCFALL tainly picking up for a while around W. F. JAHN your place and young James is DR. JOHN EASLY quite well known for quick think Dealer in hay and grain ing. A short time ago a swarm of See these new MONTAG ELECTRIC and COMBINATION Free Pick Up bees took up living quarters in the Third at Good Ave. power line switch box Just outside Of Your RANGES. DELUXE MODELS with full AUTOMATIC CON of Cleavers door. They spent sev JEWELRY STORES eral anxious hours and several TROLS. ALSO SEE THE NEW OLYMPIC OIL BURNING Dead and Worthless miles of driving looking for a "Good Samaritan” to remove them. PAULUS RANGE. NO MORE DIRT OR ASHES. ' They drove past James' door sev Animals JEWELRY STORE eral times but they did not know Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Union Pacific Time Inspector he was a genius along those lines. Call Collect JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Then a few days later a swarm LODGES There Is a Phone Near You lited to rest a while on my wood W A TCH ES pile. was I skeered stiff. Main Street a.. Second Gate City Lodge Nyssa 100 Parma 25 It was And sure boy thing they would not stay long on the wood pile and my No. 214 Ontario 53 WYCKOFF house is so full of knotholes that “We Haul the Day You Call“ there was a very good possibility JEWELRY STORE Meets I.O.O.F. they might decide to come in and every Monday Officiai Time Inspector for night, 8:30. live With me. Weil I finally per Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Union Pacific suaded my brother <he has had some experience with bees) to South First Street ONTARIO OREGON Nyssa, Oregon come over and put them in a box. i They are still on the woodpile but1 I DANCE NOTICE .1 o » mpn f inonq ctation uiacm nc ninlrm All Kinds O f Electric Wiring The Happy Farmer Jack Bernent Save Money With Soft Water Service P ro fe ssio n al And B u sin e ss D ire cto ry Culligan Soft Water Service _____________________________________________________ ■ I l i r UI1C1CU I/O WMWW MICH* d u e W 11/11 RANGES RANGES ED CASE’S HI-WAY MDSE. MART. NYSSA, OREGON