THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. PAGE TWO SUBSCRIPTION Editor - and PubUiher AD VE R TIS IN G RATk.0 RATBS $3.00 One Year..... $1 25 Six Months .00 Single Copies (Strictly in Advance) 3ÖC Open rate, per Inch 40C National, per inch........ Classifieds, per word... .....-JC Minimum..... .. . 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postofflces at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act o! March 3, 1878. F IR S T M IS SIO N A R Y B A P TIS T CHURCH DR. EDWIN W. OLDHAM, D. C. Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapy Electrotherapy Nyssa, Oregon Over Dime Store Arizona. Mrs. Hill stopped In Poca tello to visit her sister ,a '-W days. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall and family of P ai- ma and Mrs. Faye Keefer and family of Ontario were dinner guests at the Willard Hall home THE METHODIST COMMUNITY Sunday. Mrs. Willard Hall and son, Rob- CHURCH •rt, shopped in Parma Monday. Rev. H. J. Gernhartl», Pastor Mr. and Mrs. C liff Wright and Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Worship and sermon, 11 am. x>. Jerry, weie dinner gueits of Mr. Wright's cousin at WeLer Sun Subject. "T h e Joy of The Lord". day. Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Harold Keever of Norfalk, Indi Youth fellowship. 7 pm. ums is here visiting at the home Young adult fellowship. 7 p.m. i t his untie, Charles Keever. He Hymn sing and Bible study, l has just been dioharged froaa the pm. We will study the 18th chapter ot service. John. I Mid-week fellowship of prayer, rEACHER Wednesday, 8 p.m. O fficial board meeting, Wednes day, October 1, 8 p.m. OW YHEE (Special)— The Owyhee P T .A . held a teachers reception at F4IT1I LUTHERAN CHURCH he schcoiliouse Friday night. Mrs. Roland G. Wuest, Pastor U) am., Sunday school. Classes Tom Nishitani played and sang "Smoke Gets In YOur Eyes” , and for all age groups. Come and enjoy Mrs. Hobson and Mrs. Lanjley the adult Bible class. played a piano duet. A recitation 11 a.m.. Worship service. Sermon theme: "There Is Much Suffering was given by Gerald Haney. Mrs. Among God’s Children” , based ori Martha Klingback gave a welcome to the 'teachers by way of a poem St. John 11: 1-11. The Faith Mission society will expressing t'he feelings of the pupils Refreshments o f cake, sandwiches hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday evening, October 1 at coffee and cocoa were served by 8 o’clock at the home of Pastor Mrs. Charlie Culbertson and Mrs and Mrs. Wuest, 532 N. First street. Earl Crocker. The teachers arc the same as last year: Mrs. Nisi Hatt, principal, and upper room. CHRISTIAN CHURCn Mrs. Witty, intermediate room, and 5th and Emils Sts. Mrs. Montgomery, primary room. George Whipple. Pastor Mr. and Mrs. John Westfall and Bible school. 10 am. amily of Seneca were week-end Morning worship, 11 am. Sermon guests in the Darrell Williams home. topic, "The Faith That Saves” . \ family dinner was enjoyed Sun- ■Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p.m. lay by Mr. and Mrs Keith Tail- Evening service, 8 pm. Sermon nan and son, Mr. and Mrs. Homer topic, "Tlie 7 Church Periods of 3rewer and daughters. Donny Bre Revelations” . wer, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evanr Choir practice. Wednesday, 8 o’ and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stan clock at the church. ley Penn and son, Mr. and Mrs. Mid-week Bible study and prayer Ernie Barker and family. ;ervice, Thursday at 8 o'clock. Mrs. George Gregg and daughter Annette, and Mrs. Kenneth M c ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Donald were honored with a birth day dinner Sunday at the home of Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Other Holy communion at 9 a.m. on Mrs. Martha Klingback. the second Sunday of each month guests were George Gregg. Fred ICling’ -ack, Kenneth McDonald and At 4 p.m. on the first, third and Kay and Butoh McDonald. fourth Sundays. . T. H. Brewer suffered a painful Sunday school at 10:30 am. head injury Thursday when the electric drill he was using struck him just above tihe left eye and racked the bone and cut a gash Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton, Mrs. requtiing a few stitches. The O.K.K. club met with Mrs. Nellie Newbill and her sister. Mrs Minnie Mackay, were dinner guests Lynn Kygar Thursdav with Mrs. Jess K ygar assisting. Nine members at the Beaumont home Sunday. Mrs. James Snead and two boys were present. Refreshments of pum of I.etha were callers at the homes pkin pie with whipped cream, po of Mrs. Snead's parents, Mr. and tato chips and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bigelow were Mrs. Guy Moore. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Viers shop •allers in the Noble Pullen home in Rid'jeview Saturday. ped in Ontario Tuesday. Mrs. Martha Klingback had her Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore and Mrs. Ester McCormick and daugh house insulated Monday. Mrs. Wilson Winter, Mrs. Claude ter. Lorraine, shopped in Nyssa and Skinner, Mrs. Frank Raymond, Ontario Monday. D. W. Hall returned Saturday Mrs. Charlie Culbertson, and Mrs. from California. He spent a few Martha Klingback attended the months visiting in California and all-day executive and school of in struction meeting of the P.T.A. at Vale Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder were dinner guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. George Sehweizer. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Share were guests in the Lee Householder home Wednesday evening. •T°e Chuich, auctiun- 9 miles west of Wilder or four mi. sheep, farm machinery. Terms, cash, deraon .youth and 4 ml. etfst of Adrian KenntNi Medlin. owner. Bert An- eers; L. H. Fritts. clerk.___________ on Idaho side; % mi east of Big Bend school. Cattle, horses, pigs, grain, hay and straw, miscellaneous articles. Verner B. Carlson, owner; Cols. E. A. White and Clayt Tschir- gi, auctioneers, Morgan Beck, clerk. PU B LIC FARM SALE— 2 miles south and west of Harper or 1 mi. south of Coleman service station on Bums highway. Thursday, October 9, 1 pan. Horses, cattle, poultry, RECEPTION HELD AT OWYHEL M. J. Duncan, pastor Church Notes THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1917 Hev. Van Slyke. 7:15 pm.. Young people, teen age and junior services. 8 pm. Evangelistic service. In charge of the evangelists. Service every night at 8. The Gate City Journal KLASS V. POWELL OREGON Sunday school, 10 a m. Morning worship, 11 a m. Bible st&dy, 7 p.m. Preaching, 8* p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p ni C ATH O LIC CHURCH SERVICES A T EPISCOPAL CHURCH PARISH IIA L L Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor 1 Mass at 8 a.m. until further notice. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE E. J. Wilson. Pastor 10 am.. Sunday school. 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., Song service and special singing. In charge of Mr. and Mrs Crane Message by our evangelist. There must be several cherished photos in your home that need good framing . . . make your selection from our large display of C w ifa t O u y *4* ^ * EVANS STUDIO Kingman Kolony st ,o T k . OCTOBER SALE CALENDAR PUB LIC FAR M SALE— 2'-i miles south and west of Vale on Burns highway. Wednesday. October 8, 1 p m. Horses, cattle, poultry, grain, farm machinery, household goods. Terms, cash. W illiam Jacobson, owner. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, auctioneers; L. »H . Fritts, clerk. PU B LIC FARM SALE— Monday. September 29 at 1:30 p.m. Located; P - I - - - - - - - fo r Live Paint 4 Protection and B ea u ty Way to P o ssib le Tax E a sie st 7 PROPERTY OWNERS SHOULD KNOW THAT I Your property taxes will be reduced about 22% if the Sales Tax O Income tax revenue shrinks as m uchas90% during depressions, ■ measure is adopted. (One-half the Sales Tax revenue M U ST be used for that purpose.) and the tax load falls back on property. The Sales Tax insures property owners against such disaster. • , Tourists will contribute $2,000,000 annually to our treasury if > the Sales Tax is adopted. Otherwise. Y O U w ill help pay this amount. 3 INCOME TAXPAYERS SHOULD KNOW TH A T... Your income taxes a re automatically lowered if the Sales Tax ■ is adopted. T h is law is already on the statute books. 4 5 Here's a chance to have a lot o f fun competing for these fine prizes! A lly o u have to do is get a contest booklet from your Purina Dealer. Then take a few minutes'time to rate the hunt judgment. You don't have to consult an expert or be one—this contest is designed for just average sportsmen. Send in your score-card, along with coupon from a package Your income taxes a re automatically increased if the Sales Tax ■ 18 rei ect«d- A more severe schedule reaches down into low income brackets now exempt. This law is already on the statute books. It applies to this year’s — 1947 — income taxes. i n g dog pictures in 1, 2, 3, 4 order—according to your ow n of Dog Chow. That's all there is to it. FARM ERS SHOULD KNOW TH A T... You may w in that B IG first prize-package which includes a good dog, a fine Winchester model 21 shotgun, leather case, a deep-freezer for storing your game, 300 lbs. Purina D o g Chow, D m S g a m b i« wHb y a w praperty a hunting outfit—jacket, pants and boots—and a case of ammu I . « g - Ia .t J a « Sna-Praa* nition. O r, you may walk off with one o f the 40 other fine H o v h faint ♦ « i n h a m a n « pea- ratt It agalnft tha alaaiaati. 6 Farmers will benefit most of all from the Sales Tax, since almost ■ 90% of Oregon farmers own their dwn farms, and thus head the list of the state's property taxpayers. 7 Every school district in Oregon will be aided by the Sales Tax. ■ One-sixth of the Sales Tax revenues go direct to school districts, sportsmen's prizes —a fine Browning or Winchester automatic shotgun,-Russell Birdshooter boots or a sportsmen’s watch! « G et in and test your skill. Pick up a contest booklet at your Purina Dealer's store and "Y O U JUDGE THE D O G S "! J which enables each district to vote special levies in like amount w ith- $5.52 out increasing the present prop erty tax . The Sales Tax Guarantees old age assistance, by making up ■ whatever is lacking from declining liquor revenues. O ne-sixth o f Sales Tax revenues is earmarked fo r that purpose . 8 rhp Dollar-Saving, Pay-As-You-Go, Fair-To-Everybody Tax NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY VOTE FOR THE SALES TAX OCT. 7 P.14 A4. C E C O * SALES TAX COMMITTEE— 4i| „ .b o . Boi Ml a«. Par,.,.«. o , . , n „ - w A Ch„