rae NYSSA VOLUME XXXXII NO. 37 'Democracy And Communism In World Struggle JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 ¡NEGRO IS KILLED MALHEUR FARMERS |Vrnfp O n Rniifl ATTEND EXHIBIT iv u a u VfHEN STRUCK BY ENGINE IN NYSSA OF SPRAY OUTFITSj I ¿IX P o s t p o n e d Until May, ‘48 Se£o Milk Firm Is Interested Robert Brentz, working In Nvssa Area Union Pacific railroad on * Anti-Gambling Laws Will Be Enforced In Malheur County Harry for the an extra gang, died in the Nyssa q Michaloupolos Compares the weed control equipment exhib- change To Save Money, Nursing home Monday morning of Representatives From ŸDecision Made Following it at the county fair grounds Wed injuries sustained when he was | Ancient Greece With Give More Time For Salt Lake City Make nesday, September 17, announced GRID CANDIDATES Receipt of Neuner struck by an engine at the depot. George Bain, assistant county ag Modem States Consideration Investigation The negro, who was 44 years old ,; . PRACTICING HARD Directive ent. _______ 0 had been working with a crew j The interest shown in the various Comparing the democracy of an The Malheur county court, after laying track for the new stockyards Representatives of the Sego Milk The candidates • for the Nvssa Law enforcement officers in M al kinds o f weed control equipment cient Greece with the democracy and Chemicals is a healthy sign a meeting held in Vale Tuesday, to be built north of Nyssa. At the company were in Nysra last Sat- high school football team “ look heur county have announced that lnvestlgate the posslMIlty pretty good" for having practiced of the modem world, Andre M ich that weed control in Malheur coun announced that the proposed tax Lme of the accident Friday morn- urday in conformity with a directive Is ing he was knocked onto the plat- , ' . . . , . . . aloupolos declared at the first fall ty is on the Increase, declares Bain. for a road improvement program form at the depot by the engine. i of estabIishment o f a plant here. only two weeks, «heir coach, Ho sued by the state attorney general, ward Lovejoy, stated Wednesday. meeting o f the K nife and Pork club For several years the noxious weed in the county will be voted on at Brentz is said to leave a brother The* "fen. both from Salt Lake The boys are practicing hard for George Neuner, they wll start en- In tihe Moore hotel in Ontario Mon problem in the county has steadily the primary election to be held in living in Chicago, three daughters City, were R. D. Bovey and D. C. thelr first game, which will be i forcement o f the states antl-gamb- day night that “ The inestimable become more serious, but with im September 27. Jewel that Pericles and Lincoln proved methods of control at less May, 1948 instead o f at a special in New York and his father i n 1 Mavlsson. They toured the terri- played with Vale on the Vale grid- The directive was considered in thought was worth fighting for is expense. Bain thinks the tide is e'ection, which had been set for Springfield, Illinois. No disposi- tory and conferred *with business iron FYiday at 2 pin. The back- detail by local officers at a meeting tion has been made of the body, men and dairymen. The original November 4. field is faster and somewhat heav turning. constitutional freedom". held last Friday afternoon. In view The decision changing the time Which is held in the Nyssa Funeral Investigation was made a few ier than the backs of 1946. There were 12 different kinds of W ith intermittent references to bomc. months ago. The Vale aggregation has been of the mandate received from Mr. of the election was reached by the Greek mythology and tradition and spray equipment displayed, o n e The recent visitors seemed to practicing about the same length Neuner, the Malheur officers de the military lore of the country, chemical field inje< tor, and five court after it had learned that a cided there was no alternative but be satisfied with the Nyssa area as the Nyssa team. the former member of the Greek brands of chemicals at the exhibit. 1947 amendment to the state law to enforce the anti-gambling sta as a milk producing section. How Discussions were led by Rex War would permit balloting on such a cabinet said that his country was tutes of the state. They further ever they would like to meet a even before the birth of Christ ren. assistant farm crop specialist; measure at a primary election. agreed to vigorously prosecute all I f the special assessment measure 'gieater number of dairymen, so devoted to the liberty which has Virgil Freed, weed control expert violations o f the laws after Sep that they will probably call for* a now spread to the entire western from the Oregon experiment sta is approved, the county court ex tember 27 , mass meeting of dairymen some tion and president of the western pects to place the tax on the 1918- world. Officers attending the meeting All children who have not reached time next month. I f not In detail, history does re weed control conference, and M. G. 49 tax roll. By this action, the were Asie Gundersen, Ontario chief ------------- peat Itself in a pattern, the speaker Huber, agricultural engineer of the county will avoid the $2500 expense their 18th birthday or have not j of police; Orval Maze, Nyssa chief for a special election and will have graduated from high school m ust' said. "W e see that our social and Oregon state extension service. The Nyssa S.F.A. chapter started of police; Floyd Byrd, Nyssa patrol Lunch was furnished by the An more time in which to lay the attend school. Superintendent Hen economic problems are very much its activities for the year at a man; Anthony Yturri, city attor drews Seed company, Eastern Ore groundwork fo r the program. the same in pattern. ry H. Hartley announced this week. meeting held In the agriculture ney o f Ontario and Nyssa; Wilbur The court proposes to levy an as Mr. Hartley, who will soon send “ I f the 15 states of Greece had gon Equipment company, Ontario room of the high school building Atkins and L. W. Homquist, marsh Grain, Pacific Supply co-operative sessment so as to raise a fund of notices to parents relative to the not combined to push back the Friday evening. * _________ of Vale; al and night watchman Persians, democracy would have Simplots, and Valley Wholesale and $1,000,000 over a period of five compulsory school attendance law, Officers who wUl supervise the Frank Calise, city recorder of Vale; Storage. years. The levy would amount to said that the responsibility for beeij/destioyed. The ruler of Persia The Oregon Congress o f Parents activities of the organization are IC. W. Glenn, sheriff; Walter S. 10 mills during each o f the five school attendance rests with the an absolute monarch, a barbarian and Teachers school of Instruction Farrell Peterson, president; Tommy | Walker, sergeant of the Oregon years. ruler, and his hordes invaded parent or guardian of the child for Malheur county was held in Bates, vice president: Norvelle Rob- I state police, and Charles W. Swan, Greece. The Greeks went to the involved Such parents are sub- Vale Tuesday, September 23, with bins, reporter: Cecil Bair, treas- ' district attorney, islands and later returned to make jtet to legal action involving fine Mrs. Reid Blacker, regional vice urer; John Relk, secretary; Rudv The attorney general Issued the SCHOOL GASOLINE it so. (hot for the Persians, the and imprisonment should the child president, in charge. Mrs. H. H. Marostlca. sentinel, and Richard V. directive under the new law passed CONTRACT AWARDED tail to attend. -Parents may. under Hargreaves, state president from Wilson, adviser. invaders had to leave”. at the 1947 session of the Oregon Using the British accent that he certain circumstances, withold a Portland and Mrs. Helmar Lind- The chapter is composed o f 59 legislature. The communication en- The Farmers Supply co-op has child from school but must secure strom o f Astoria, secretary. aided members this year, seven more than eluting the order was sent to each gamed while attending Oxford uni A definite prote t to the county versity in London, Mr. Michal commissioners and road district been awarded a contract to furnish the permission of the local school instruction courses that have been at the same date last year. Mr. district attorney and sheriff In the oupolos said "Those free cities were was made by the Oregon Trail school district No. 26C with gaso board before the action becomes Mrs. Blacker in conducting the Wilson, who replaced Leno Chris - 1 stale. It set forth in detail the challenged by adversity and over Grange at its regular meeting line this year. The co-op offered legal. In such coses, the parent instruction courses that have been tensen as adviser, said that "This various anti-gambling laws of the came It and rid themselves of the Tuesday evening. a bid of 19 cents a gallon for regu- I must prove that the attendance designed to give local officers a should be an outstanding year for 1 slate. These laws prohibit the deal- Invader. They were encouraged to I of the child in school would cause better understanding of the pro the boys as evidenced by the in- | ing. playing or carrying on, either This action by the grange was Jar grade. organize their lives and build up a taken in regard to the bridges on The district, which expects to great hardship to the family gram and policies of the associa terest and spirit of co-operatlm as owner, proprietor or employe, great democracy". use approximately 14,000 gallons of Those who employ youngsters tion. •fiown during the first week^bf 1 whether for hire or not, various Alberta and Fhireka avenues. These The speaker read a speech made gasoline, has installed a pump and below the age of 18 who do not | games when played with cards, dice bridges are not considered safe These courses were conducted on school. by Pericles in 429 B.C. on demo tank at the repair shop. have a work permit are subject Foremost on the calendar o f ev- or any other device, whether the for use in transportation of stu Tuesday afternoon. The morning cracy and expressed the opinion to such penalties as the child lab dents on s<hool busses. It was re session was devoted to the regu ents for this year will be the junior same be played for money, check, that it could have come from the or law may exact. Employers who lar county business meeting, with fair to be held for 4-H and F F A. credits or any other representative lijjs of Abraham Lincoln or Thomas ported that a school bus load ex fall within this category should Mrs. Dick Jensen of Ontario, pre members in Ontario September 27 of value. The slot machine law Jefferson. I t was at this point that ceeds the capacity o f the bridges examine their status in this regard siding. At this meeting plans were as a substitute fo r the county fair, also provides that regardless of the speaker referred to Lincoln's in question. at an early date. Mr. Hartley said. With the beginning of beet har completed for the countv P.T.A which was cancelled because of the whether their opertlon requires an and Pericles' estimation of consti element o f skill on the part of scholarship of $75, which will be polio epidemic. vesting. the inadequate bridges will tutmnst freedom. Injured in Crash— On October 10 a livestock Judg the player, all games of chance, awarded to a student entering Aitei' referring bftc® «o modem be further weakened. Gordon Capiw, manager of the teacher’s training course. ing team will go to Portland to such us slot machines, dart games, Dr. . ) ' D. Crump of Ontario foorf With the constant use of thaie conditions, Mr. Michaloupolos de Ontario radio station, KSRV, and Those attending from Nyssa were lompete with teams from Washing pinball game« and similar devices clared that "The world Is now bridges in transportation of school individual honors in the skeet seven other persons were injured or games, including punch boards, struggling to be free. Struggle Is a children and farm produce, the "h oot held at the Malbeur Game in an automobile accident near Mrs. W. W. F\>ster, Mrs. Ed Frost. ton, Oregon and Idaho in the an trapgrounds near Cairo Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Mrs. Bernard nual F.F.A. Judging contests. The when operated or played for a basic word. There can be no pro Oregon Trail Grange members feel league the Snake river bridge between profit, either in cash, merchandise gress without struggle and when that the need for action is urgent. junction last Sunday by scoring Ontario and Payette early Sunday Eastman, Mrs. John Schenk, Mrs. four contestants from each stale 21 out of a possible 25. As a re V. Kressley, Mrs. Lewis Pfeiler, earning the highest scores will be or other articles of value ore de 1*. ceases civilization becomes dec morning. Capps, driving his car, sult of his shooting, Dr. Crump Mrs. George Vaughn and Mrs. sent, with all expenses paid, to clared unlawful, and their licens adent. First you have the struggle Acreage Survey Planned— the American Royal Livestock show ing, possession, display, operation During the last few days of won a Winchester model 63 auto sustained a deep chest wound and Glenn Dowers. for existence, then of preserva bruises. Miss Velma Lucille M or Mrs. Blacker will be present at in Kansas City during the latter or play are prohibited. It is to be 800,000 matic .22 calibre rifle. tion of the tribe and community 'eptember approximately ton, an employe of the station suf observed that no municipality or Approximately 100 prizes, valued the October meeting of the Nyssa part of October. and later o f a nation. Into that farmers throughout the nation will fered a leg fracture and Mrs. Char The national convention of the city counoll has the right to license P.T.A. to speake on the program material struggle comes power pol be asked to help the crop reporting at more than $500, were donated les E. Harland a skull injury. G il such games by ordinance. F.F.A. will be held in Kansas City of the association. itics and the struggle for freedom. >ervice In making a final check of by «he merchants of Ontario and bert I. Marez, driver of the oilier The communication or directive at the same time as the livestock "That struggle contains the germs 1947 crop production. In Oregon Nyssa for winners in the skeet machine, has a broken' Jaw and show. Nyssa will be represented Issued by the attorney -general also of Ideology. Today we are inter alone, 13.000 farmers or one out shoot and regular trap stuvt. by two boys who are outstanding calls attention to the fact tin t the The first shoot of the fall seas possible skull fracture. Less serious locked In a struggle between the of five wl'l receive cards from yioir ly injured were Charles Harland. in Future Farmer work. Their statute makes it the especial duty democratic world and another group agricultural statistician on which on was attended by an estimated names will be announced as soon of each district attorney, sheriff, persons, including * participants riding in Capps' car, and Everett o f nations that has an ideology to report the acreage of each im constable, city or town marshal and as their selection is made. that Is incompatible with ours. The portant crop harvested and to be and spectators. The number of Kmman and Frances and B'ord Seitz, riding with Marez. The immediate tasks confronting every police officer to diligently result will depend on how we of the harvested on their ranches this entrants was estimated at 400. all of the members of the Nyssa prosecute any and all persons whom A similar Shoot will be held next west consider the spirituality of year. The farmers being contacted Frank N. Belgrano, president of chapter is the completion of last they shall have reasonable cause to our struggle. Our civilization may are well distributed and represent Sunday, with baskets of groceries Babies Arrive— the First National Bank of Portland, Barents -of children born at the years supervised farm project pro believe guilty of a violation of the be Imperiled. The * question that a cross-section of the state's agri given as prizes. Other shoots will was much impressed with Nyssa gram, the selection of a new pro antl-gambllng laws. worries me is whither are wc go culture, but the fact that the sur be held intermittently during the Nyssa Nursing home recently are on his first visit to this commun gram for tills year and the com as follows: The Malheur county officers said ing; how are we going to protect vey is on a sample basis makes it fall. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Atagi, Sun ity this morning. pletion of the Installation of a they "wish to make it clear that our civilization. The problem is very Important for those who re Mr. Belgrano, flying here by sprinkler system and leveling, fer we are not concerned with the wis set valley, September 15, son, 5 the western world versus commun ceive cards to report irrespective Bound Over to Jury— chartered plane, was accompanied tilizing and turfing the new ath dom of these laws as officers, but ism. Hki Miller, an employe o f the pounds, ■ 4 ounces. of the size o f operations, service Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flippence, by several members of his staff. letic field on the high school that we are enjoined with the duty "Communism as practiced In Rus representatives said. The post office Watts Motor Co. at Ontario, was The oilier bank officials were Os grounds. ot enforcing them. We may like sia itself Is not the idelogy of department is cooperating with the bound over to the grand jury by September 18, girl, 9 pounds. them or dislike them—nevertheless, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gam er, Sun car H. Keller, vice president and Marx. The Marx Ideology cannot crop reporting service in distribut Justice of the Peace Don M. G ra cashier; William Bell, vice presi we have all taken an oath to faith be used in large groups. Whenever ing the acreage cards. ham following a preliminary hear set valley, September l i , son, 6 dent; Don Silverthome, assistant Visit in California— pounds, 13 ounces. Russia has had a strong leader she Rev. and Mrs. Henry Gernhardt fully discharge the duties of our ing held Monday on a charge of Mr. and Mrs. James Pate, Sep vice president: Ward Kelley, assis returned Friday from a two-weeks' respective offices and we hope has been aggressive. Every time a To Attend Conference— using a vehicle without permission tant trust officer, and John M. tember 21, girl, 8 pounds, 6 ounces. strong ruler has been removed the vacation in California. They vis that we will receive the co-opera The Rev. Roland G. Wuest, pas of the owner without intent to steal. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Newell, Richardson, public relations dir ited their daughter, Mrs. K. A. tion of the citizens of Malheur Russians have been unable to hold tor of the local Lutheran church, Bail was set at $500. The Wtllys ector. The group s p « t about two their organization together. Howev left Nyssa Monday September 22 jeep, owned by the First National Parma, September 25, son, 7 pounds, Ointher of Glendale, and their county In this enforcement pro at „ tile Nyssa branch ounces. er, we cannot assume that that will by automobile for Douglas. Wash bank of Caldwell, was badly dam 12 . hours „ . __, nfeeting - son, FYank dem hardt of Lancaster, gram". businessmen and conferring with U n d friends in Visalia, California. happen again. There is a certain ington, where he will attend the aged in an accident when it was Scouts lo Meet— members of the local bank staff. Attends Portland Meeting— peril in the fear that we are en fall pastoral conference of the alleged to have been in Miller's Tlie Bankers will complete their Attend Funeral— Mrs. Joe Brumbaeh of the Nyssa Boy Scout troop No. 19 will re tertaining. When fear grips a na possession. Spokane district of the American high school faculty attended a sume its fall activities at a meeting visitations to the concern's 52 tion it can cause a great deal of M r and Mrs. Leo Child left Sun Lutheran church. Rev. Theo. Shultz at the Methodist church Thursday, branches and affiliate banks when day for Utah, where they will meeting o f the executive board of trouble. is the host pastor. Pastor Wuest Loses Finger— they call at the Heppner bank to attend the funeral services for their the Oregon Education association October 2. "Russia's civilization operates at Is a member o f the district parish W. E. Church employed on an day. They started their trips to brother-in-law, John Adrian Tay in Portland last week-end. Mrs. a very low level, but the soviets are education committee, which will Amalgamated Sugar company con various points in Oregon August 4. lor, who passed away Friday. Bish Brumbadh Is one of the members of giving the Russians a slightly high Attends Conference— Mr. Belgrano. who took active op Arvel Child and his sister, Mrs the executive board. er standard of living than they hold Its regular meeting In conjunc struction crew, lost a finger when Rev. Henry Gem hardt attended tion with the conference. While at a heavy piece o f machinery fell had under t)he czars. Another dis a board of missions conference at charge of the First National Bank Tona Flinders, also attended. Mrs. the conclave Rev. Wuest was to be on his left hand. Mr. Church, who turbing factor is this: they are a the Methodist church o f Gooding of Portland July 14, Is a past nat Leo Child recently returned from a Visits Sister— ional commander of the American three-weeks visit a t Morgan and very mystical people. Their pro In charge o f the confessional service Is here from Colorado, is a bro Monday. Mrs. Viola Sundberg o f Portland ther of J. L. Church. Wednesday evening, September 24. Legion. paganda has produced in the Rus visited her sister, Mrs. E. K. Bur Clinton, Utah, with relatives. and will deliver the confessional The group landed at the Ontario sian a faith that the western world, Goes lo Corvallis— ton, over the week-end. Mr. and particularly the United States, is address at that service. He plans Here from Portland— Mrs Burton and Mrs Sundberg Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure, Jr., left airport this morning in a 12' Visitors Leave— to return to Nyssa September 27. Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and passenger Western Sky-ways plane. spending all of its time to thwart last week for Corvallis, where Mr. Mrs Valera Plughoff of F*ortland visited in Boise Sunday. Mrs. Sund daughter, Mary K., arrived from Ure will attend Oregon State col The pilot is George Rogers, son the Russians. This Russian faith and Mrs. Zena Keyes of Sacra berg Is an employee o f the FMerce Portland to visit Mrs. Olsen's par lege. of the bank's branch manager at mento, who have been guests of auto t i n « of Portland. is on the move. We of the west are Here from Colorado— Homer C. White of Glenwood ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garri I Gresham, J. H. Rogers. a peaceful people because we have their sister. Mrs. Verena Beam of democracy, which Is a great bless Springs. Colorado visited here last son, and other relatives. Visits in Ny Nyssa, left for their homes last Automobile Damaged— ing. We have no reason to propo- week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Visits Aunt— Ray Garrison of Klamath Falls An automobile owned by A1 Mon- Thursday Mrs. Plughoff was ac gate democracy where it Is not Lynn Snodqra.ss. Mr. White is look In Caldwell Hospital— Paul V. Morrison of the Kansas companied by Mrs. Ed Beam of tell o f Nampa was damaged by visited last week at the home of ing for a new location. He and Mr. Mrs. Marion Kurtz o f Newell his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C h a r i« State and Loan company of T o Ironside as far as La Grande, fire at the Shell service station at wanted. Heights underwent a major opera Garrison. Mr. Garrison was ac peka, Kansas, visited this week where they will consult an eye Second and Main steels Tuesday "Your forefathers overcame their Snodgrass were boyhood friends. tion in Caldwell last Thursday. obstacles because they had faith. companied by Joseph Huck of Tule with his aunt, Mrs. Ella Smith specialist afternoon The blaze, starting in Sale Planned— I am not sure but what our prob Lake. California. and other relative«. In Nyssa and the upholstery, damaged the rear St. Paul's guild will begin Us Victors from McMinnville— lem is the development of a militant vicinity. Mr. Morrison is en route Girls Will Meet— seat. Firemen were called to ex annual fall rummage sales Satur Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Shumway Attend Church Meeting— faith in our democratic system" to Topeka after attending a con Nyssa bethel of Job's Daughters tinguish the blaze. Mr. Michaloupolos, in discussing day, October 4. at 1:30 at the par of McMinnville visited at the Maur Rev. Henry Gem hardt and Miss tention in San Francisco. will meet In the Masonic hall Sat the civil war in Greece, expressed ish hall. Anyone having articles ice Judd home last Thursday. Janice Frost attended the district urday, September 27 at 2:30 to Laymen Meet— the opinion that 80 per cent of for this sale are asked to call Methodist Youth fellowship meet To La Grande— practice for Initiation The Laymen's league o f the Chris the guerrillas are not communists. Mrs. Eastman or Mrs. Sarazln. Leave for School— ing held in Ontario Sunday after Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure 8r., left tian churches of the Snake River He advocated that the United States Three Nyssa girls who left rec noon. Mrs. Front is president of Tuesday morning to take th*ir On Leave— valley met In Nyssa for Its meet Intervene not in part but wholly To Hold Food Sale ently to resume their studies at the local Methodist Youth fellow- daughter, Mrs Afton Roy, and William W Blodgett, F*fc„ of ing last Tuesday evening. One hun The American Legion auxiliary Oregon colleges are Oreta Stunz hip group and said that the objectives of the Jacqueline, to their home In La Scottfteld. Illinois, has been visiting dred and twenty guests attended will hold a cooked food sale Satur and Beth Mitchell, sophomores at American policy is right. Grande. • his mother, Mrs J. A. Collins, and the banquet held In the high school day. October 4. beginning at 10 U of O and Marie Sebum, sopho Here from California— other relatives. He left by plane home economics room. Following o'clock, in the Don Graham office more at Oregon state college. Chart'll Anniversary Observed— Mrs. Nathaniel Steimle o f Red To Attend College— Wednesday for Newark, New Jer the dinner, violin numbers were The Nyssa Christian church will in Nyssa. lands. California arrived Saturday Tord Ostrom of Sweden, ne sey, where he will report before played by Mr. Anderson, accompan observe Its seventh anniversary for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. phew o f Mrs John Ostrom left leaving for overseas service. Visit in Boise— ied by his son, Elman Anderson with special services Sunday. Oct Reanion Held— Mr and Mrs. Audry Ward and D O. Bybee. this week for the College of Idaho Rev Merl Jones of Caldwell was ober 5. The speaker for the morn Mrs. Harry Russell and daugh mother, Mrs Ida Ward, were in to begin his senior year of college VFW Auxiliary to Meet— guest speaker. ing service will be Dr. C. F Swan- ter Judy o f Toledo. Oregon were Boise last Friday on business. Enters University— work. Mr. Oitrom has attended A district meeting of the ladles der. secretary for the Christian honored guests at a family reunion Mr. and Mrs. Dale .Stoker, ac three years %/ college at Upea la. auxiliary of the Veterans of For Parents of Son— churches of Oregon. A pot lurk din held Sunday at the home of Mr To Hold Dance— companied by Ray Bybee. left Sun Sweden. He plans to return to eign Wars will be held In the Leg Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Daly of 912 ner will be served at noon. The and Mrs Art Servoss. Mrs. Russell The Chalk Butt* Grange will day for Utah, were they will attend Sweden to do college teaching after ion hall In Vale FYiday. September Harrison boulevard. Boise, are par afternoon speaker will be Rev. Les and daughter visited last week hold a dance at the Cow Hollow the university. Jack Atkeson. who securing his English and other 28 st • o'clock Mrs Freds Peter ents o f a son (orti September 4. ter Jones of the Nampa Christian at the home of Mrs Russell's mo- hall Saturday, October 27 Pond's accompanied them, plans on vis idhguege requirements in this coun son, department president of Ore Mrs. Daly la the former Mrs Ada- church. ther, Mrs Florence S e r v o « I orchestra will play. iting relatives there. try. gon. will hold a business meeting. line Buckland. One hundred and twenty-five I farmers ®»d their families attended ! Warning Given On Attendance F. F. A. Chapter Outlines Plans Instruction Is Given To PTA Grangers File Bridge Protest Shoot Attended By 800 Persons Frank Belgrano Visits In Nyssa