Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1947)
TH U R S D A Y. SEPTEMBER 11, 1947 T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N YSSA, OREGON and salmon colored gladioli. Can- Ray Tradert won high score for delabra with white lighted tapers the women and Ray Tradert high i created the altar setting. score for the men. Traveling prize A breakfast at the Rogers hotel went to Mrs. Ronald Campbell, blue room followed the rites for — J— members of the immediate families 1 PIC N IC POSTPONED and the bridal party. Twenty-four | The A. N. K. Garden 'club picnic, guests were present. A beautiful scheduled for Sunday, Septembei E X -N Y SS A O IR L WEDS heirloom. H ie bouquet she carried three-Herd wedding cake topped 14, has been postponed until fur- A t a double ring ceremony at was of begonias and tiny white ; with a wedding symbol, was cut ther notice. the Holy Rosary Catholic church carnations. — S - _______ 1 by the newlyweds. of Idaho Palis with Father Thomas YO U N G ADULTS ENTERTAINED Wearing a light green gown, Miss I The couple left In the afternoon Heeran officiating, Mlaa Alice K!v>- Colleen Towne of Nyssa attended Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Main en on a wedding trip to Canada, ner and Parrel L. Hansen, Jr., re as maid of honbr. She carried a tertained the members of the j Following the honeymoon, the cited wedding vowa. young adult group of the Metho bouquet of yellow roses.. couple will live In San Francisco, Close relatives and friends. In dist church at a welner roost and Serving his brother as best man i where the bridegroom will attend . . ,____ cluding the parents of the couple. was Norman Hansen Uie medical school of Stanford P*rty at U»eir home Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Qonnle A. Kleiner, Mrs. Klssner, mother of the university. 1 evening. of Nampa, former local residents, bride, and Mrs. Hansen wore black - | - I - 5 - E N T E R T A IN S A T B RID G E i C IV IC CLUB TO M EET a n d Mr. and Mrs. Parrel L. Han dresses and corsages o f salmon Mrs. Lyle Fullmer entertained The Nyssa Civic club will hold sen, Sr., Idaho Palls, witnessed the begonias. with two tables of bridge at her its first meeting of the fall at the j Wedding music was played by home last Thursday evening. Mrs. Episcopal parish hall Wednesday, nuptial rites. The bride, who was given in Miss Mary Stewart on the organ marriage by her father,, was love I She played the "wedding march” ly In a white crepe gown with a I from Lohengrin and the Mendel- net fingertip veil fastened with [ssohn recessional. Mr. and Mrs. a beaded tiara. She wore a strand Richard Biasing sang "A ve M arla" For the service the church was o f coral beads belonging to her great great grandmother, a family decorated with a profusion of pink ARE YOU WONDERING W hat’» happened to your car? ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY W eekly Market Report for September 9, 1947 Grass steers top *25.28. Bulk common to medium *22.50 to *24 60. Orass heifers top *23.50 Bulk common to medium *20 to *23. O r ass cows top *18. Bulk common to medium *16 to *17.50. Cutter cows *13 to *15. Canner cows *10 to 13. Feeder cows *13 to *15. Bulk bulls »17 to *18. Veal calves top *24. Bulk calves *18 to *23.50. Stocker or feeder steers »20 to *23. Hogs top *30.50 Feeder pigs *32 to »35 Sows »20 to *24. Lambs top *22.50. Bulk fat lambs *20 to *22. Feeder lambs *19 to *21. Bulk ewes *6 to *10. If it is sluggish, hard to start and cranky, If it uses too much gas and makes funny noises, there is really no cause for alarm. It’s just the normal symptoms o f old age . . . worn and overworked parts crying for help. Towne’s Garage Notice F R U IT L A N D — 522 FACTORY W O R K ER S You rs For Learning And Bigger Earnings The Peacock Beauty school assures you a life-time of independence, security and success in the beauty world. You can become a top-notch hair stylist with all the know-how and finess o f touch and perfection that put* you in the higher earning brackets. The Peacock Beauty school is now paying 50 per cent commission while learning. The Peacock Beauty school is the only school in Nampa approved for G.I. training. Present indications are that the Nyssa factory will commence slicing beets sometime Tuesday, September 16 X Cards will be mailed Friday or Saturday to all men who have been offered employment for this campaign. If you have been offered a job and do not receive your card by Monday advising you when you are to report, please contact us by phone or in person at once. THE AMALGAMATED SUGAR CO. Burnall Brown, Superintendent Call or Write Peacock Beauty College 216-^3th Ave. South Nampa, Idaho NYSSA Phone 485 PROGRAM THEATRE Phone 108 S A T U R D A Y , SEPTEM BER 13 Frances Langford in “B E A T T H E B A N D ” Allan Lane in “S A N T A FE U P R IS IN G ” _____________h v w ln p . 40r-*o, lududing Tu S U N D A Y & M O N D A Y , SEPT. 14-15 He loved everyone but Cupid, who threatened to make him go to work. “E A S Y COME, E A S Y G O ” Sonny Tufts, Dianna Lynn, Barry Fitzgerald, Frank McHugh Color Cartoon and 2-reel Musical MaL. Hon.. 1:11 Adm., lle -le , Inc. T u __________________Adm. Evening». 40c-9e. Inc, Taa, T U E S D A Y & W E D N E S D A Y SEPT. 16-17 Ann Sheridan, Lew Ayres, Zachary Scott, Eve Arden in “T H E U N F A IT H F U L ” The truth would cost her her husband while a lie could cost her life . . . . Color Cartoon Adm. Evening*. 4*e-*e, Including Tu T H U R S D A Y & FR ID AY, SEPT. 18-19 I f it’s laughter you’re after— you’ll be happier than heaven with this hit o f ’47. Don Defore, Ann Harding, Charlie Ruggles, Victor Moore in “ IT H A P P E N E D O N 5TH A V E N U E ” Disney Cartoon Adm. Evening*. 40c 9c. Inc. Tax. Returns from Hospital— Guest from Idaho— Mrs. Lilian Newby of Homedale. Mrs. o . L. Galloway returned to n e i home m a n e r Friday T ia a y ir o o i the wic Holy n w , Idaho has « been - v . , . a recent guest ot her from Roeary hospital, wnere she had un- I Mrs. Roy Barnes. F O R D B A T T E R IE S W E H A V E JUST R ECEIVED A SH IPM E N T OF FO RD B A TTER IES V IV IA N F IF E ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Luther L. F ife of Nyssa announce the engagement of their daughter, Vivian, to LeRoy D. Bair, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bair, also of Nyssa. The wedding will be held in December. Miss Fife, a graduate of the Nyssa high school, attended the Brigham Young university at Provo, Utah last fall, and Is at present employed by the telephone company at Boise. Mr. Bair, who spent three years In the army, is engaged in farming. T H A T W IL L FIT M O ST M AK E S OF CARS LET Welcome! to our friends who have co-operated with the county health officer during the height o f the polio outbreak. Barring all unforseen circumstances, the Nyssa Theatre Thursday, Sept. 11 will re-open its doors to the adult public at 7 :30 p.m. The opening picture will be Carnival In Costa Rica Don’t miss this technicolor musical W e will continue with the pictures as adver tised. Just as soon as possible we will re-book the pictures that were missed during the past two weeks. Thanks again for co-operating during the period that we were closed. W e feel that closing our doors has helped some in preventing the spread o f polio. If we have saved just one child from catching polio, our efforts have not been in vain. It has been an honor to work and co operate with Dr. Maulding in the past. His efforts have not been wasted. Please . . . . No children under 21 until the opening of school. NYSSA THEATRE U S C H E C K YOUR BATTERY NOW! September 17. The guest speaker will be Miss Flack o f Leah's Cor ner Cupboard in Boise, who will speak on "Modern American China and Glassware” . All women of Nys sa are invited to attend. Prepare for Cold Weather - * - O N T A R IO LIV E S T O C K COMM . CO. “W here Buyer* and Sellers Meet” Ellis White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. O N T A R IO — 413-M sons of Maryville. Missouri l e f t , dergone a major operation. Tuesday for their home after j Horae from Vaation— spending a week with their son. Tom Morris, local manager of A. J. Sorensen, and family In Pacific Trallways, nas an : ved home Nysaa. from a 10-day visit ln Los Angeles. B RID G E CLUB MEETS The Informal Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Verena Beam Tuesday for dessert bridge. High score was won by Mrs. Max Gold man, second high by Mrs. W. A. Fox and the traveling prize by Mrs, June Smith. Guests of the club were Mrs. Marie Keyes of Sacramento and Mrs. Valeria Plug- hoff of Portland. Herriman Motor Co. -5 - D INN ER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Chris Davis of Ontario were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure, Jr. Your Ford Dealer LOCAL NEWS * 1 111 MiMikMd.till liliH.HI I i III II Hill lit III III III III M il 111111111:11, III III Hill lll.llll II III 1,1 lill.MI |,| IlM'llillll.m |iU Returns from Boise— Mrs. Naomi Buchert, manager and operator of the Nyssa Nursing' home, has returned from Boise, where she volunteered her services 1 with the polio division at St. Luke's hospital. Three Malheur county residents are hospitalized with polio at St. Luke's. Butch K eefer Is getting along very well. Marcena Duncan is "holding her own” and Lawrence F lier of Vale, grandson o f Mrs. Buchert, is improving some. Soldier Leaves— Corporal John Norris left Sunday afternoon for San Francisco after a four-day visit with relatives here, Cpl. Norr.s, who has been stationed at Tampa Florida for the past year, will make his second trip to Japan. Here from Wyoming— Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chittick of Casper. Wyoming were guests this past week of Mr. and Mrs. George Henneman. Mrs. Chittick and Mrs. Henneman are sisters. Return from Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison returned from a 10-day visit with their daughter, Mrs. John Olsen, and family of Portland. Sheet Blankets Fine Cotton in Patterns Size 70 by 80 Double $ 3 .4 9 Single Sheet Blankets, Size 66 by 76, $1.59 j » ress-Iess Crinkle Seersucker 10 Patterns and Colors Fast Color— 36 Inches 65c E and W Our Own Outing Flannel Any Selected Patterns And Plain Blue & Pink per yd. 39c per yd. Visits Sister— Oordon Ritchey of San Gabriel. California has been a guest the last week in the Maulding home, visiting his sister, Barbara Ritchey. Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle are the parents of a son bom Satur day, September 6 at the Nyssa Nursing home. The baby, weighing 8 pounds, 12 ounces, was named Mien Edward. Leaves for University— Wayne Storey left Wednesday for Eugene where he will enter his tunior year at the Untvereity of Oregon. He is majoring in chemis try. Visit Parrnls- Mrs. E. B Cole and children ol Ogden are visiting Mrs Cole's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Church. Mr and Mrs. John Churoh left for Denver after visiting at the Church home. Men’s Heavyweight Drawers and UnderW ear Shirts Mr and Mrs. Friel Blair and Lyle and Reed Cottle visited last week in Utah. They were accomp- mied home by Mrs. Ed Leavett, mother of Mrs. Blair and Mrs. Cot tle. Long Legs and Sleeves Long Legs and Sleeves All Sizes A ll Sizes 111 in Salt Lake C i t y - $2.69 Tom Nordale o f Salt Lake City, farmer Nyssa resident, was taken to the St. Marks hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah Monday for treatment. Winterweight Mrs. C. H. Bennett. Mr Carl Hill and M r and Munn picnicked Sunda> canyon. - — Long Legs and Sleeves Each . $1-49 BRACKENS Here from Colorado— Mr and Mrs. Cltf Smith and son of Colorado have been visiting at the Carl H ill home. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Sorensen and $1.49 Boy* Ivanhoe Cotton Underwear Visit Blark Canyon— Return to Missouri— Winterweight Cotton Visit in Utah— M r and and Mrs. Mrs. Jake in Black Men’s I D R Y GOODS — SHOES — X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA, irninri , C L O T H IN G OREGON