Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON n * r -v c p v p v TH URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1947 Knitters Wanted— her senior year In the school <jl J. Weese of Ontario, commerce ' Harold Kurtz left Mon- Malheur production chulrman of .___ , .. „ me *ed c a , ,,M M a te ,: that “ ™ n* ’uth college at Mon- sweaters are needed for veterans mouth- Illinoto to entcr hls in hospitals. Tne neea for these I ■ W J • z lor year. active In , ... 1* this ; dent # A 1L. | Adrian Students Leave— M l's Betty Moore, daughter oi R ;v and Mrs. Moore left last week 'or Corvallis, who e »he w ’ l ‘ -v ASSEM BLY O F GOD Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sterl D. Spiesi, Pastor B.ble study. 7 p.m. 9:45 a.m., Sunday school r re idling, 8 p.m. 11 ajn., Worship. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p.m. 7:30 p.m., gospel hour. Let us make up for lost time. Tuesday evening, Bible study and Come and bring someone with you. prayer. CATH O LIC CHURCH SERVICES F IR S T M IS SIO N A R Y B A P T IS T A T EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHURCH PAR IS H H ALL M. J. Duncan, pastor Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass at 8 a.m. until further Sunday school, 10 a.m. DORMITORY TOPIC r notice. reception theme- Christian _ . .. Church , 41-44. you o gest ALWAYS GET | THE BEST BUY AT FIRESTONE ,in 1937 that there was an annua | loss of three billion dollars trace- j able directly to weed.,. This is ap proximately twice the annual los from Insects, plant diseases, am. 'livestock losses. The toll taken b; weeds undoubtedly has increase, of new members. Sermon since this estimate was made, Freeu "Christ Expects Every I added, in spite o f the rapid strides to Sacrifice T o T h e , recent years in development of , . , , . . . . | new control materials. based on St. Mark 1_. The actual cash cost of weeds I gives Malheur farmeis reason to VAL UE S I N OUR E N T IR E HISTORY I fire sto n e NEWSCASTER ty Agent George Bain. | skirts, wollens, crepes and formal! One example of weed losses is to perfection. Qual.ty cleaning met the fact that grain crop yields can hods assure your satisfaction, be reduced from 10 to nearly 90 j per cent from weed competition. In I some trials in Oregon, grain yields | F | J r ^ T U M 11 have been increased 50 per cent I . I T H | H I ¡T ,l I Sounds as good as It looks! Five tubes. Including rectifier. Freed states. Crops producers are " " -t vitally interested In weed control because weed lasses affect them most directly. For example, a grass seed producer may lose 25 per cent , of the value of his crop through i weed competition, with resulting lowering of the quality and value of his product. In some cases, weeds make the product unmarketab’ e. GREAT LOSS IS Dairy farmers are interested be CAUSED BY WEEDS cause weeds reduce the carrying capacity of pastures—sometimes 20 “ Weeds are by far the greatest to 60 per cent. A farmer who can single source of loss to farmers” , carry six cows on 10 acres may be said Virgil Freed, Oregon State able to carry 10 cows if weeds are college weed control authority and eliminated. Both dairymen and president o f the western states poultrymen sometimes suffer losses weed control conference. The loss from weeds in feed that make their may be as much as 10 per cent products unmarketable. • of the nation’s farm income. I Range livestock men are threat-' Freed relates that the U. S. I ened by poisonous plants that may i Chamber of commerce estimated kill or injure livestock. In m an y! — ■ ----------- --- ------------ sections, this loss may be as h ig h 1 as 8 to 10 per cent of the to ta l. IJ U it U S A M M llB U I livestock crop. Going tase or West Union Pacific Service FAST AUTOMOBILES ARE OKAV BUT WHAT WE, NEED ARE ^nrnB S L O W El? Jk ^ i r ^ i VVT PEOPLE. Air-conditioned comfort . . . restful sleep . . . delightful meals . . . lounge car facili ties . . . plenty o f move-around space . . . smooth riding. Y o u ’ll arrive cheerfully re freshed. For the finest in rail transportation, may w e suggest "U n ion Pacific.” Ask your nearest ticket agent about schedules and various types o f train accommodations. HOAD or th i Daily Streamliners “ lower driving on your part com bined with competent body, fen- . er anil oainling service given by the N YSSA AUTO BODY SHOP w.ll keep your car looking like new. Come in, today, and ask us about our expert work. COMPLETE BODY PAIN T SHOP W RECKER SERVICE CLASS D E P T . S'oS'ilO 'M Loaves for Corvallis— Miss Margaret Sarazin will leave Sunday for Corvallis, where she will begin her junior year at Ore gon State College. ACREAGE RANCHES FARM S HOUSES 7-room house. 4 bedrooms, bar gain for large family, $4700. Very attractive 1-bedroom house brand new, in fine part of town electric water heater, lot of nice built-ins. utility room, on large lot. Only »3900 One of the finest brand new homes In Nyssa. Large living room, dining room, expensive blumbing throughout, garage, basement, hard wood floors. $8000. One nice large plastered room, on sewer, 2 large lots, $1600. To trade for Nyssa property, very modem fine home in Nampa. A real good 80 acre farm, pres sure system, bath, soft water, 2 sets of buildings, 77 acres irrigable, $ 12 , 000 . One of the best farms under the Owyhee project, fair buildings, pressure water system, 70 acres very nice row crop land, 20 acres more Will be good hay land, $16- 500, $5,000, balance easy terms. Very nice 15 acres, small house, chicken house, cow barn, close to town $3300 We have many more farms, ac reages, houses and stock ranches for sale. ED JAM ISON For Your Real Estate Deals Phone 65-J 252 South 4th St. b u il d in g ' Low as 1.25 a Week ........ N.SECOND ST. • PHONE:70 aou pcs Coaches, Sedans HUNTERS!! Get Your Ammunition Now! W e Have Winchester Just A rrive d ! Shot Gun & Rifle SHELLS A large selection of newest styles in photo frames . . . all of finest quality, and at prices you’ll find every bit as attractive as the frames . . . each one a genuine Available In Case Lots Too Owtfw C l ¿ 4¡ Ú U i Z EVANS STUDIO YVe Have Been Appointed Headquarters in This Trade Area for HARVEY RED HED HAMMER MILLS this com m u nity w ith dep en d a b le farm im plements, Too Late To Classify our service to you starts w ith th e selection o f the most FOR SALE— Practically new Hot- point electric range. Idaho Power Co. llS lx c. outstanding farm tools th at it is possible for us to offer. T h is appointm ent confirm s th e fact that in supplying FOR SALE— Concord grapes. G ro ver Willis, on Richland drive. llS lx p MISCELLANEOUS— See A P An derson for H. C. Little Oil Burn ing Furnace and Heater. llS4xp MISCELLANEOUS— W ill trade good stock rack for beet bed, phone 06- J2. 1182xp AT N YSSA “ Y Two cars, Manhattan and Frazer, will be on display First showing of Kaiser-Fraser cars in Nyssa, HARVEY RED HED HAMMER MILL Soper Flywheel Momentum Speeds the Steady Swing ing Homme r» at 3 Milo« a Minute, Delivering 80 to 280 Grain-Smashing 12-Ion Slows per Second That’s fast Food Grinding, Brother/ We Invite you to come in soon and see this great new H arvey Red H ed Hammer M ill so that we may show you how and why it can make more money for you. MISCELLANEOUS— Don't be left out this year. Make your appoint ment soon for those Christmas portraits. Our books will bq filling fast. Choice dates are still open. Evans Studio. Phone 103-W. 1182XC. FOR SALE Tulip bulbs, mixed var iety. 8. C. McConnell, box 306, Nyssa. llS2xp. up $9.93 FREE INSTALLATION p e r m it s FOR SALE— 1936 Chevrolet, new motor, Inquire at Nyssa Elevator. llSlxp. ÿ o .ü a up Beautiful fabric and fiber covers, precision tailored for perfect fit. Joe Madrid, alteration, Idaho street, lot 8, block 83, Oreen ad dition, $1000, 26 by 36 frame. John N. Dority, construction, Fifth street, block 31, Teutsch's addition, $8000, 28 by 34, brick ven eer. FOR SALE— Practically new trash burner. One block north of sugar factory, $45. Earl Purvis. llS lx p ......................... S'.unz and Thomas