Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. UKEGON \GE SIX national railroad consultant of the ppr entice training services, at tended a meeting In Pocatello to start teaching In the classroom RICHLAND (Special»— James O. the work men do In the shops. Russell visited his brother, Bill Mr. Russell is employed by the Russell, and mother. Mrs. Annie Pacific railroad. Russell, Sunday on his way to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Savage were Portland. Mr. Russell, who Is the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Louis Pfeller Friday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Lane of Nys sa and Mr. and Mrs. Phill Harris DR. EDW IN W . were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Focht Friday evening. The evening OLDHAM , D. C. was spent playing rook. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg and Chiropractic Physician sons were guests at the Herschell Gregg home Sunday. Physiotherapy Miss Marjorie Davis is visiting several days with her folks, Mr. Electrotherapy and Mrs. A. H. Davis. Miss Davis, employed by the telephone office Nyssa, Oregon ! in Boise, will start nurse's training September 16 in Boise. Over Dime Store I Mr. and Mrs William Van Zelf 1 and girls visited at the Joe Dii k- TRAINING OFFICIAL VISITS RELATIVES Complete Line Of Plumbing Supplies Septic Tanks Cleaned and Repaired Brower’s Plumbing Shop Nyssa, Oregon Phone 196-J SEE Frank T. Morgan — ABOUT— Avoset Property If Interested M/CKCYand WS MA Br o . r , é | i m ì » w il m m I* i0 r\y 0 0 KNOVJ 0 U> v a s e WE HAVE in THS P«« CÛÜ WrttCrt i o n sa»» was aanott) down f * om OENtaariOH t o GrENEHatiON» w day. Mr. ahd Mrs. William Oregg were visitors Sunday in the Herschel Gfte g home. Mr. and Mrs. Oce Sthweizer were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chadd have returned from a vacation at Pay ette lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite of Haines were week-end guests in the home of Mrs. Hite’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett. Mr. and Mis. Thomas Nishitani were among the 15 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saito in On tario Saturday evening. Darlene Robb. Harry Hathaway. Lula Belle Wilson and Jim Robb were guests of Mr and Mrs. Jim Langley Friday evening. Mary Kollen, Hank Kollen and Kenneth Price have gone to Port- and. They will visit John Kollen of Madras also. Johnnie Terra arrived home Thursday after spending a week OWYHEE RESIDENTS In California. Mrs. John Terra and VISIT AT SENECA daughter returned with him. Miss Nola Reffett and daughter, OWYHFK (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. Rosemary, are staying with Mrs. Darrell Williams and daughter, El Betty* Olson, Mrs. Reffett's sister, len, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tail- while Mrs. Olson works In the man and son, Terry, were week-end hops. guests of Mr. and Mrs. John West- | Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and fall In. Seneca. Other guests of son, Kenneth, of Ontario were Mr. and Mrs. Westfall Sunday were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer and Charles Ditty. Kenneth will remain son, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Codr and with his grandparents until Mrs. Nadine Wilson of Ontario and Charles Ditty is feeling better. George Wilson is helping Charlie Kenneth Elliott of Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Shweizer, who Is laying pipe for an and son. Butch, are spending this extra stock tank. Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett and week fishing in the New Meadows Bob Reffett visited in the Black vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and Canyon area and In Caldwell and daughter, Annette and Mrs. Mar Nampa Wednesday. Val Mitchell, son of Mrs. Lila tha Klingback and son, Fred, spent Wednesday visiting relatives on Mitchell is home on (furlough. Mitchell has been In Japan the last Squaw butte. Mrs. Oharlotte Kygar »will be year as a paratrooper with the 11th hostess to the Owyhee Community airborne division. He Is expecting club Thursday, September 18. | his discharge soon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweizer Lewis Shlnner was honor guest i t a birthday dinner given In the were Ontario vistors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Strickland home of his daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nicholson, have gone on a week's trip to other guests were Mr. and Mrs Seattle. Claude Shlnner, and Bobby and Albert McGinnis was an over night guest Saturday at the Ira Shirley and Mrs. Lewis Shlnner. Mias Barbara RitcheJ visited her Price home. Clarence Reed and Pete Wilson aunt, Mrs. J. W. Kygar, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmlck were are threshing carrot seed this week. afternoon guests in the Russell Claude Wilson has finished thresh Patton Sr. home Sunday. In the ing. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Robb and evening both families attended the sons, and Misses Ruth and Mildred show In Ontario. Mrs. J. W. Kygar was a dinner Chadwick of Smithfield, Nebraska guest in the Keith Kygar home Saturday. Russell Patton, Jr„ left on a busi ness trip to Eugene. sen home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeller attend ed the Eagles baseball game in Boise Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayes of Cald well were guests, of Mr. and Mrs. PhSll Harris for two days. Mrs. Hayes is the niece of Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Adam Focht. Mrs. Hayes started teaching the third grade in the Wilder grade school Sep tember 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wilson of Nyssa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Phill Harris were guests of Mr. and Mrs Maltaberger and Mr. and Mrs. Otis King of Ontario last week. Miss Betty Griggs of Washington visited several days with Mrs. Louis Pfeller and Mrs. Ray Russell. M COUSIN BILLSEZ:- Uood looks are not always what they seem. Your tires may look good and yet W ready to crack and gl ve you trouble on the road. See O.K RUBBER WELDERS today for an Inspection. IlO.K. RUBBER WELDERS c a r , truck -TRACTOR f*” R E C A P P I NC & R E P A IR IN G ;P H O N E 5 M = = = = = T IR E S N V S S A . OREGO N The Heating Season will soon be here . . . . PL A Y SAFE Order Pres-to-logs ft V n im i t Now! Pres-to-logs are the ideal fuel for use ir. KITCHEN RANGES, HEATERS, FIREPLACES and FURNACES! They’re CLEAN, EFFICIENT, ECONOM ICAL! Order them N O W ’ $5.00 at yard Exclusive In This Area At... SUNSET VALLEY (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. Lew MCoy have returned after visiting relatives and friends In Portland and vicinity. High lights of the trip were visiting the noted Sea Lions cave near Flor ence. attending the Oregon state fair, horse show and rodeo at Sa lem. and watching Indians netting almon on the Columbia river. Mr. McCoy noted in his observations at the state fair that the Malheur county exhibit featured products of the county, large lighted pictures of Owyhee dam and a model farm In this county. Mr. and Mrs. William Oregg were among the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff Saturday evening. Harry Counsil, M3/c, son of O. P. Counsll, arrived home Friday on a month's leave. He has just com pleted a voyage from Hawaii into the far northern waters. Mrs. Charles Ditty has been in bed with the Influenza for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland arrived home after visiting Mrs. Tltland's sister at Estevan, in the Province of Saskatchewan. Canada. The return trip was through Great Falls and Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Tit- land visited In Idaho Falls for a week. Mr. and Mrs Connie Kissner and daughter. Bobby, were Visitors at the M. A. Rataezyk home Sunday The Kissner famllj, formerly of Sunset valley, now own a farm near Nampa, and are growing 40 acres of beets this year. Orover Cooper ran the cement for the floor and foundation of a fruit cellar and deep freeze build ing last week. Neighbors helped Hud Robb fill its silo for this year. Mr and Mrs. Cliff Main of Nyssa were supper guests in the William Oregg home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ora Price visited in the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Ed Price five days last week. Roger Bergam, son of Herbert Bergam. had a birthday party Sun LUMBER COMPANY a Yard Norn You" For Fall • PAINTING DECORATING Dwellings And Other Structures Brush or Spray Latest DeVilbiss equip ment for fine laquer and enamel work. * Satisfaction Guaranteed R. C. KELLER Nyssa, Oregon Phone 68-M Chiropractic Physician PHYSIO-THERAPY Hours 9 to 12— 1 to 5 Evenings by Appointment One block west of the Safeway store Phone 478-W Ontario, Oregon New Crop Honey At “ Honey” Foster Shop Get a 5-gallon can, $10.20 Bulk Honey 17c a Pound Eat Foster Honey We Have Opened A Fruit Stand W e will buy and sell berries, fruits W e can save you money on the following: RED CLOVERS „ ALFALFA WHITE CLOVER PASTURE GRASSES LADINO CLOVER PASTURE MIXES BEANS FOR EATING W e are now in the market and are cash buyers of new crop seeds. Watts Seed Company Nyssa, Oregon Parma, Idaho and vegetables Open seven days a week Red Herren’s Service , 0 . k . D addy, ,» * » • * * • Y m , dr, wtlh on* of lha now automat ically controlled furnace* your youngust . can **fu lh« furnace". And #'• |u»t at tlmple tar you to finance of Mtat mw M m purchase labor-Mving heating unit \ through a FIRST NATIONAL SANK ' THRIFTY PAY LOAN. AR you do b tell M m furnace dealer, bufdlng material dealer, or oontroctor you want u THRIFTY FAY LOAN. . . under FHA terme Miere'« do down paymeel I 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK V | and up to Rtree year. Remember - THRIFTY FAY IOANSI 10 Years in Nyssa O . L. Galloway, Manager Dr. C. R. VanPatten station and cottage camp on highway 20. Planting Phone 144-J Phone 74 ■ er home Sunday evening. I were the Ed Price family, Jesa and Mr. and Mrs. Notheis attended J j^rs Qra Price, Don Bergam and the E. Palmer dispersal sale of full- .. r».vard blooded holstein cattle at Vale. Bayara Joan Fillingness left Monday for -------------------------- San Francisco after visiting Mr. Leave for Dallas— and Mrs. Olaf Fillingness for two Mr» and Mrs. Dave Grant who weeks. .. have been visiting at the Henry A birthday party honoring Bobby , Thursday for Price was given Friday night b y ; J ' ti __ S Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder. Guests their home in Dallas. Oregon_____ in connection with our filling •o poyl Experienced Workmen T k t t i 'i were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hud Robb. Ruth and Mildred Chadwick, sisters of Mrs. Vera Robb, retu-ned this year from Manila, Phillipine Islands, where they had been work ing on the war crimes trials for 10 montlis. ^Ir. and Mrs. W. L. Dimmick of Yakima and daughter, Wilma Dim mick, uf Seattle visited Mr and Mrs. Neil Dimmick. Larry Dimmick will go with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lwnmick and daughter to Salt Lake City, touring the Craters of the Moon en route. Mrs. Elmer Cloninger left for Portland Sunday nignt on the streamliner. Donald Bergam and Shirley and Marian Price are working in the packing shed at Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crisp and family of Broken Bow, Neoraska, and Mrs. Aloert Olendy of Cald well were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper Thursday. Mrs. Crisp and family have been visiting her mother, Mrs.« A. Olendy, and are now returning to Neuraska. Marjorie Bishop, Lila Mitchell, and June and Harold Rookstool picnicked at tne Owyhee dam. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Parker were supper guests at the Oce Schwei zer home. Mrs. Albert Notheis and Mrs. Elmer Cloninger visited at the Blakely farm at Parma. ’ The Sunset auxiliary met with Marie Blade. No business was transacted due to lack of a quorum. Opal Reed and Billie Wolfe will be co-hostesses to the Worthwhile club Friday, September 19 at the nome of Billie Wolfe. Mr. and Mi's. Olaf Fillingness have left on a months trip to South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wolfe were Caldwell visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Williams were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eld Price Saturday. Otto Wolfe is chopping his own hay this week and trucking it to Nampa. * Mrs. Ora Price and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Price were dinner guests Tues day of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sny der. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Didericksen of Notus were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.-and Mrs. Jim Chadd. * Mr. and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk were in Ontario on business Friday. Marie Black was a dinner guest in the Lew McCoy home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Charland were supper guests in the Ed Stein SEEDS OWYHEE DAM IS SHOWN AT FAIR ' J L n EW TH UR SD AY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1947 mk: ■ A J oA