Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1947)
N THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON MALHEUR COUNTY CANYON FEATURED IN NEWS ARTICLE A full-page layout Including an article and pictures or Lesllt can yon appeared in a recent Issue of te Oregonian. THe article reads In part: “ A PLANNING TO BUILD? You may »ave money by seeing me. J. C. Krul Nyssa, Oregon Building Contractor group of 35 M azam as. members of an outdoor club that has covered a lot of Oregon geography In the last 50 years, unrolled their sleeping bags one evening this summer, a f ter a trip of 675 miles from Port land, In one of Oregon's most spec tacular but least known scenic assets. They were tired and the seven automobiles and one truck that had carried them were scrat ched and dented, but the explorers were well satisfied. They had ar rived In Leslie canyon. "As the setting sun pushed brok en fingers o f shadows across the valley, gilding the amazing rock shapes, and the aroma of evening coffee blended with pungent wood smoke and the pervading scent of sage, those members of the party who also had seen Bryce canyon, In southwest * Utah, told the others that Leslie canyon is in every way its equal. Bryce canyon 1s a na tional park. Leslie canyon is not even to be found on any known map. "Leslie canyon, which runs roughly east and west through Its eight breath-taking miles of length, is a tributary of the Owyhee riv er valley in eastern Malheur coun ty, near the Idaho boundary. “ Leslie canyon scenery is not on a vast scale like that of the grand FARM SALE Due to ill health I have leased the farm and will sell the following describee^property at public Sale at the farm located 3 miles West then x/> mile North o f Roswell, or 3 miles South then 3 miles West and then x/> mile North of Parma Tuesday, Sept. 16 SALE STARTS AT 1 O’CLOCK Ladies Will Serve Lunch—Free Coffee 18 DAIRY CATTLE 18 (This Herd is Bangs Tested) 1 Guernsey cow, 7 years, milking. 1 Guernsey cow, 6 years, springer. 1 Brindle cow, 3 years, milking. 2 Guernsey cows, 6 years, milking. 3 Guernsey cows, 3 years, milking. 1 Guernsey heifer, 2 years, fresh by sale date. 2 Guernsey heifers, 15 months, open. 1 Jersey heifer, 13 months, open. 1 Shorthorn heifer, 13 months, open. 1 Holstein heifer, 9 months. 1 Holstein heifer, 6 months. 1 Guernsey heifer, 5 months. 1 Guernsey heifer, 2 months. 1 Guernsey bull, 22 months. The milk production, test, breeding dates will be given day o f sale. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1947 PAGE FIVE canyons of the Colorado or the ! the program during the unit's father returned to Portland Fndoy. ¡3 work horses, chickens, farm m a Beck, clerk. Snake. Its remarkable features are thiee-day stay in that cit^. Other chinery, household goods. Mrs. P. its bright colors and the variety towns in the county x-rayed were Potatoes Inspected— H. Oarver, owner. Bert Anderson * | Elmer Johnson, Oregon State col and Joe Church, auctioneers. L. H. of shapes into which its rocky walls Juntura, Harper and Vale. The mobile x-ray unit, owned by lege extension specialist on certi- Fritts, clerk. have been eroded. Tallest of the cliffs are about 500 feet high, with the Oregon state board of health, fication, is in Malheur county this 'ome pinnacles perhaps 600 feet, has now left Malheur county to week making the second inspesAton PUB LIC FARM SALE — Thursday, but the variety of their contours begin x-raying in Baker. Over 28- of potato acreage being grown for September 18, 1 p.m. Located 18 is infinite. 000 miniature films have been tak- certification. Inspection of other miles southwest of Ontario or 3 “ North of Leslie, the Mazamas I en with the unit since its com- miles west from Cairo junction on crops grown for certification has Vale road. Turn south at Lincoln I were told, is another and similar , pietiou in February of this year. gorge even more spectacular, but already been completed, Leeds Bail school, 2 miles south H mile west. ' and with great difficulty, for there T o R e lu ilJ Grandstand— Horses, 45 cattle, machinery, mis- [ ey, assistant county agent, said. K could be reached only on foot The Owyhee Riding club, meeting cellaneous articles. R. E. Findley, for there is no road. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick owner; Bert Anderson and Joe So there is still exploring to ! Wyatt, decided recently to rebuild Church, auctioneers; L. H. Fritts, be done in Oregon. Some of the I the rodeo grounds grandstand that clerk. party plan to return, possibly next ■ was partially destroyed by fire sev year, equipped for the difficult e r a l weeks ago. Twenty-two mem PUB LIC SALE— Friday, 8ept. 12 hike, and find out whether the bers attended the mcetmg. starting at 1 p.m at C. D. Steams nameless canyon north of Leslie PU B LIC FAR M SALE- -Located six ranch, 1 ** miles west Payette stock Mile Uves up to its legendary repute. Here from Portland— miles north of Willowcreek on yards. Livestock, horses, tractors, T h e exploring Mazamas, having D. L. Anderson and his son, Mer- jhay choppers, power machinery hay photographed Leslie canyon until lyn, arrived here last week from John Day highway or two miles ' machinery. Lunch served. C. D. they ran out of films, but not of Portland. Merlyn will enter Nyssa south o f Jamison. Tuesday, Sep .Stearns, owner; Ellis White and scenery, retraced the punishing high school in his senior year. His tember 16, 1 p.m. Four dairy cattle. IClayt Tschlrgi, auctioneers; Morgan route through the gorge and the providentially dry clay road of Sucker creek canyon. Then they went home a different way, visit ing nearby Jordan crater, scene of one of the most recent and most extensive volcanic outbreaks in Oregon. ‘Now the Mazamas who visited A U X IL IA R Y H E A T A T Leslie canyon and Jordan crater are asking the Oregon state high way commission to take title to both geographic features, with a LO W COST view to developing them as state parks and someday building a road to them. The only possible value of either Leslie canyon or Jordan cra ter, they point out, is scenic and should be made accessible to the motoring public, which, generally speaking, is not willing to drive through part o f Idaho and beat up its cars to get in such places” . 2 Pipeless furnaces, coal. Concord Grapes FOR SALE W. J. Browne j SALE CALENDAR Phone 08-J2 1 Radia Electric Heater Only lc for Half an Hour To Heat Average Bathroom 1680 CHEST X-RAYS TAKEN IN COUNTY Thursday September 4 was the last day of the Malheur county x-ray survey, and with the last picture taken the total for 1917 rose to 1680 chest x-rays taken in this county. The x-ray survey, sponsored by the Malheur County Public Health association, was scheduled to have been held in Adrian one day last week and in Nyssa for two days. Due to the polio outbreak, however, the unit’s appearance here was cancelled by Dr. L. A. Maulding, x-ray pictures were taken of Ad rian and Nyssa residents, but prob- county public health officer. No aby the unit will visit in these two areas on its return next year. Most of the x-ray pictures, which are for the purpose of detecting early, unsuspected cases of tuber culosis, were taken in Ontario, here 1094 persons participated in Portable Model $10.65 Wall Model $21.00 Of Southwest Nyssa Used Furnaces And Materials FOR SALE 2 Hot water tanks with stoves. 2 Used stokers. 2 Pipe furnaces for five-room house. 1 Oil heater. Come In And , 1 Large Punch. > # —NEW— “Feel” A Demonstration * 1 Ton of assorted machine bolts. OSTROM BROS, APPLIANCE GO. Display Room Nyssa Lumber Company 1 Electric hack saw. NYSSA Good HEATING CO. Avenue —HORSES AND HARNESS— 1 Team of gray mares, gentle, weight 3600, 9-10 yrs. 1 Set new harness and collars. —GRAIN AND HOGS— 100 Bushel of Oats. 400 bu o f wheat and barley mixed. 2 tons o f dry beet pulp. 1 Sow and 6 pigs. 10 feeder shoats. —CHICKENS— 350 Austra White Pullets, laying now. 75 Black English Leghorn hens, laying now. —MACHINERY— Hay derrick, cable, Jackson fork. 2 slings. New No. 9 John Deere mower, horse drawn. John Deere hay rake, good. Hay rack with grain bed, on rubber. Walking plow. Two-way John Deere plow* horse drawn. Two-wheel trailer on rubber. Milk cart on rubber. 12 10-gal. milk cans. 2-Unit Surge milker, like new 500 Chick electric battery type brooder. Steel stock tank. 3 Rolls 4-foot woven wire, new. Fairbanks scales, platform. New anvil and vise, heavy duty. Boy’s bicycle, like new. 200 white cedar posts. 50 Bales o f straw. 8 Iron cow stanchions. 5 Fruit picking ladders. Stevens .410 repeating shotgun. Winchester 12 guage repeating shotgun. Remington .22 repeating rifle. 4 Stone jars, sizes 10-20 gal. Small hand tools am other miscellaneous tools too numerous to men tion. —HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE— Refrigerator, Kelvinator electric 20 cu. ft. box 2 doors, commercial type, restaurant type; Electric range, G. E. deluxe model; Electric washing ma chine, Easy spindrier; 4 piece Maple bedroom set Walnut dresser; 5 piece breakfast set; dining set table, buffet, 4 chairs; base rocker; 3 innerspring mattresses; 3 bed springs; 3 bedsteads; air condi tioner, 6-room Essick; willow lawn set; 2 lawr chairs; 2 electric fans; 2 electric heaters. TERMS—CASH No Property to be moved until settled for. W. R. Rogers, Owner Cols. ESTEP & SMITH, Auctioneers CLARE HOWARD, Clerk Only one e«fi€* mokes a gallón of powerful ton » killer. Plom an» od Of. PU R IN A CHEK-R-FICT (V/ten Purina you B¿/y£&GS you Buy A ll-m eta l kan aln « feeder. Feeds tS kens. Saves feed — saves labor. PU R IN A FLOCK F iiO I R M. Laybe you never thought o f it just this way, but when you buy feed for your laying flock, you are buying eggs in a bag. You feed for eggs and your profits come from eggs. And it naturally follows that the bag o f feed that makes the most eggs almost always w ill make the most profits! © IF YOU HAVE MODERATE SUPPLIES OF G R A IN ... Balance it with PURINA LAY CHOW P U R IN A BUILDS THE EG G S IN TO THE B A G Constant testing at Purina’» world-famed Research Labo ratories and Research Farm is your guarantee of top-quality ingredients in the right egg-making balance and blend. The profitable results obtained by many thousands o f satis fied Purina feeders— some o f them your neighbors— are proof that when you buy Purina you buy eggs! THIS Y E A R E X T R A EG G S WILL P A Y The egg profit outlook for fall is good. Just J or 4 extra eggs per bird every 30 days can make a big difference in profits. Hens laying 200 eggs a year are 2 to 3 times as profitable as hens laying 140. That’s why the feeding pro gram for your layers is so important. / Come in and see us for a Purina Laying Chow to fit your need—and some helpful suggestions for getting lota o f eggs out o f your birds. I f you prefer the (ra in to d mash plan, keep Lay Chow in open hop pers before the birds at all times. B irds w ill eat about the same amounts o f Lay Chow and train . IF YOU HAVE NO GRAIN AT A L L . . . Feed Complete WATERERS Select One of These for EGGSI Holds tkree talions. Guard beeps kens ou» of wafer. Sturdy For Grinding and M ix in g ... PURINA CHOWDER IAYKNA Takes only a tablespoon per hen per day to balance your tra in for lots o f eggs. Ask about Approved Purina Formulas and Custom Mix* i o t Service. Supplies everything layin t birds need. Even oyster shell is un necessary? Easy to feed. Bailf foe top production o f finest quality market eggs. If You Don’t Grind and M ix ... S E L F - F E E D NEW PURINA EGO CHOW PU RI N A * IF YOU HAVE ARUNDANT SUPPLIES OF HOME G R A IN ... Self-feed with w hole train. Hens select what they need to make eggs . . . about f t grain . . f t Purina E t t Chow. PU R IN A FLOCK FOUNT MITE CONTROL • « t i lot . r w . fw ^ tl.1 PURINA INUCT on. ECO BASKETS YOU SAW IT ADVERTISED IN . . . TH E O R E G O N FA RM ER YOU CAN BUY IT AT OUR STORE Al Thompson And Son dVW W W VW W W W W W W W W k C H t m i *rtcMv. H * * I t ». M A im WW O - ii » « w H > la . PURMA IOO BA SKIT '. V .V .V .