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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1947)
Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1947 PAGE THREE 18th day ol September, 1947, at given at Mrs. Wayne Berrett’s home son, Dwaine, and Mrs. Mary J. in Adrian. • possible rates. Bernard Eastman 14Ftfc. the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. of laat Friday evening for lire. Vern Winchester and son. Daniel ol Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas said day at the cuu..'.y court room Gamer. Twenty-five women pres Port Townsend, Washington vis enjoyed a visit over the week-end in the City of Vale, Oregon has ent played games. Mrs. Edna Hart ited In the C. Glenn Brown home with relatives from Baker. For Rent been fixed by the court as the time FOR RENT— Sleeping room close and place lor the hearing of said ley won first prize, Mrs. Everett Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Du Mrs. Winchester and Mrs. Returns from New York— | to town. References required. Phone account and any objections that Callahan, low prize In bunco. A puis, Br wn are sisters. i may be filed thereto; and all per lunch was served. • Carlos Buchner returned Friday ,6?-W. llS2xp. sons Interested in said estate are Mr. and Mrs. William Orr have Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Lucas of by plane from a two-weeks business RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. After one month oar FOR RENT— Polish your own hereby notified then and there to returned from a two-weeks trip to Salem spent Friday night visiting visit In New York. cent per word. Minimum, cast) In advance. Is 30c. floors. Rent our high-speed pol appear and show cause, if any they Upalco, Utah, where they visited In the C. Glenn Brown home. Mr and Mrs Clyde Steelman ishing equipment. Easily handled have, why the said account should his mother. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. not be settled and allowed, and why Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson made and Donna spent Labor day near NEWS OF RECORD 3Atfc. distribution of said estate should a trip to Utah to move Arns Mltch- Ironside. FOR SALE— 1 D.8. 35 Intematlon- MARRIAGE LICENSES not be made to the persons en el and family to Provo. They C. Glenn Brown and Bob and For Sale titled thereto and said administra brought back a load of honey. Ilmmv Eastman spent Sunday and Melvin Curtis Derrick of Ironside ! al truck, 1940 model. Long wheel WANTED and Pearl Irene Simmons ol New tion brought to a close and said Mr. an Mrs. Joseph Callahan and Mondty fishing at Strawberry lake. FOR SALE— Small llghtweljht base. 2-speed axle. 1940 Chevrolet WANTED—General trucking. North administrator Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee at' Mrs. Bob Eastman stayed with her Plymouth. discharged. trailer for Hauling. Inquire Hester truck, long wheel base, 2-speed First John Dated this l4tn day of August, tended the Relief society teachers mother, Mrs. C. Glenn Brown, In Robert Edward Reed and Helen garage by Adrian bridge. HS2xp. axle. These trucks are In fair con Barnett. street. Phone 123-R, UStfc. Ilene Dickson, both of Vale. convention, and leadership meeting Adrian. 1947. dition and priced reasonable. Also Mr and Mrs. H. M. Korman, Frank L. Beveridge and Jac George J. Mitchell, Administra at Weiser Sunday. August 24. FOR SALE— Canning tomatoes. one 12-foot beet rack. C. E. Lese- pent Labor day visiting in Boise. queline Mae Hutchinson, both of Bring containers and pick your of the Estate of Culver Kncal llStfc. HELP WANTED— Service sta tor Norcott, Deceased. Mrs Robert Brown spent from Boise. own. $1 bushel. Alfred Brim, In berg, Phone 154-J. BOY WITH POLIO tion attendant. Steady job. Her- Tuesday until Monday In Boise Jim Adson Barnes and Janet La First pub. August 14. 1947. quire at Ole's comer store. 1 IS tic. PGR SALE— Fryers. Tuttle Pro riman Motor Co. llSlxc. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. mar Saul, both of Ontario. LEAVES HOSPITAL P. visiting Last pub. September 11, 1947. Velio Presents— High light reflect duce, 1 mile north of Nyssa. US2xp. C. Cumining, and friends. On COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT ivity with no oil film to pass FOR SALE— Kay deluxe guitar, WANTED— Beet hauling, Marion ADM INISTRATOR’S NOTICE TO ADRIAN (Special)— Mrs. K. I. Sunday she was- matron of honor June M. Smith vs. Wyatt Smith. through, and with high grade met $22.50. Tuttle Produce, 1 mile north Chard, 482 North 6th street. 4S3xp. at the Rounds-Thomas wedding. Divorce. Peterson entertained at a birthday On llS2xp. WANTED— Field ensilage cutting. IN THE CREDITORS allic paint pigments as background, of Nyssa. Sunday morning Robert Brown J. P. Farrell, administratrix, vs. COUNTY COURT OF dinner party, honoring her dauglv all Velio colo reflect extraordinarily Cox, et. al. Damages. $11,500. L. E. Robbins, three miles north, THE STATE OF OREGON ter, Donna Maria, on her 13th went to Boise. They attended the Dee SALE— New navy tent, 14 by one-half high percentage of light shining FOR PROBATE COURT Gem FOR THE COUNTY OF birthday Thursday evening, Sep ball game Sunday evening and the PETITIONS, 14, with poles, also 1931 Oldsmobile aevnue. west of Nyssa on 4Stfc. upon it. Saves wattage, saves eyes, coupe. Estate ol Tsugl Katahira, de double-header on Monday evening, MALHEUR tember 4. Olrlr present were Cath Write box 228, Nyssa. llSlxp. increases efficiency. llSlxc. and then returned to their home ceased. In the M atter of the Estate of erine Hester, Myrna Lane, Donna WANTED—Local Raw- C. GRAHAM. Deceased. Steelman, Betty Anne Deffer and Nyssa Lumber Company FOR SALE— Remington piano. SALESMEN leigh business available. Start im JESSIE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Shirley Sparks. Donna Maria re Myrtle Blodgett, phone 7 or 9-W. mediately. Route experience help FOR SALE— House, 4 rooms and that the undersigned, Raymond F. ceived many nice gifts from the llS2xp. ful but not required. Car necessary. bath. Two blocks north of high Graham, appointed ad girls and relatives. Games played at once for particulars. Raw- ministrator has of been way, E. First street. John Hussey. FOR SALE— 1937 Chevrolet truck, Write the estate Jessie were scavenger hunt, poison pen lelgh's. Dept. OR1-331-216E, Oak C. Graham, deceased, by the of Coun 4S2xp. excellent condition. Eaten two- land ny, name the state and several 7, Calif. 4S2xp. speed, good rubber. Terms. Ed ty Court of Malheur County, Oie- more. Prizes were awarded. Dinner FOR SALE— Circulating coal heat Case’s Hi-Way Mdse. Mart. 31Jtfc. WANTED— To rent small acreage gon, and has qualified. served consisted of roast chicken, er. Large size. Nyssa Lumber Co. Located 1 mile north, 1 mile west, then 1 north, NOW, THEREFORE, all persons mashed potatoes and gravy, cream or near Nyssa, with electricity having 4Stfc. FOR SALE— Paper and cloth win In against the estate of ed peas, salad, decorated birthday then 1 west of Nyssa on Eureka avenue. Having water available. No buildings Jessie C. claims dow shades cut to your measure and Graham, deceased,, are cake and ice cream. FOR SALE1—Or trade International ment. No cnarge tor cutting. Nys necessary. Write Box Q, care of hereby notified and required to Arlene Peterson left Thursday sold my ranch will sell *dl personal property at auc Nyssa Gate City Journal. 28A4xp. present the same, pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 282W. sa Furniture Co., One block west proper night for Soappoose to teach In the tion. 4Stfc. R. R. depot. 24Jtfc. WANTED— To buy anything in vouchers, duly verified, with within six high school the coming year. FOR SALE— 1939 International FOR SALE— 200 feet frontage, 150 beef or veal. Also buy banger cows months from the date of this No Due to the polio epidemic the truck. 8.25 tire, two-speed rear end. feet deep, south of Polar Cold Stor or will handle for hide and offall. tice to the undersigned, Raymond chamber of commerce did not hold 22Atlc. F. Graham, at the law offices of a meeting this month. Lloyd Focht, N. Sixth street. 4S2xp. age, $2400. Bernard Eastman. llStf. Phone 31M or 011J1. Kilpatrick and Campbell, at Jean Dierking visited Jan FOR SALE— 3-bedroom house and FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. Vale, Oregon, which place the un ice Norma MISCELLANEOUS Lytle, Frost in Nyssa from Thursday 3 room apartment, priced for quick Guaranteed to be washable and selects as his place of until Sunday. —HORSES— sale. Immediate possession. Contact non-fading for three years. Good MISCELLANEOUS— Get ready for dersigned In all matters connected Bob Steelman of Portland and Lament Fife, 499 N. 5th. 4Stfc. stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com winter. We service all kinds of business with said estate. 1 Roan team, smooth mouth, weight 3200, well Frank Steelman of Middleton, Ida 26Jtic. heating equipment. Nyssa Heating Dated and first published Aug ho visited Saturday morning In the FOR SALE— 39-gallon tank with pany. broke and gentle. 28Atfc. ust 21, 1947. Clyde Steelman home. electric heating unit, insulated. FOR SALE— 1000 used burlap bags. Co., phone 189-W. Last publication September 18, Mrs. L. W. Dierking left Monday 1 set work harness and collars. Phone 36-J after 5 pan. 4S2xp. EM Case,s Hi-Way Mdse. Mart. MISCELLANEOUS— I have pur 1947. morning for Alliance, Nebraska to 24JtU. hased the interest of W. C. Brown —15 CATTLE 15— Raymond F. Graham, Adminis visit her mother and other rela FOR SALE— Da veno-chair set, in the partnership of McGinnis and trator of the m ate of Jessie C. washing machine and electric stove. FOR SALE— Used Fairbanks plat Brown. tives. Holstein cow, 5 yrs., 4 gal. now. Andy McGinnis. 21A4xp. Graham, Deceased. Phone 68-J or see Dalg Binzman form scale. 2500 pound capacity. Little Joe Mackey was discharged 1 1 Holstein cow, 3 yrs., 4 gal. now. at 88 E. Second street. 4S2xp. Dessert Seed Co. from the Elks convalescent home MISCELLANEOUS-- Help-Ur-Sell, 3Jtfc. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF in Boise Saturday to the home of 1 Holstein cow, 3 yrs., 3 gal. now. custom and wet wash. White Swan FDR SALE1— New, modern two- THE STATE OF OREGON SALE— Registered herefora laundry. Soft water. R. M. Souther his aunt In Boise. He returned 1 Holstein cow, 5 yrs., springer, 5 gal. when fresh. bedroom house, gas furnace, hard FDR FOR M AIHEUR COUNTY home to Adrian Monday. land, prop. Phone 13-J. 7Attc. wood floors, close In, $6500, $1500 bull. Phone Zack Walker, 282-W. NOTICE OF SALE 3Jtfc. Mi. and Mrs. William Toomb and 1 Holstein cow, 5 yrs., heavy springer, 6 gal. when down, F. H. A. terms. Bernard MISCELLANEOUS—Available now, In the M atter of the E state of Dickie and Betty Jean were dinner fresh. Eastman. 28Atfc FOR SALE;— Fine row - crop 40, Electrolux cleaners and air puri ARMINA SEKAPIIINE CARNEGIE, guests Sunday in the Rueben Gra near Adrian, good water right, fair fiers. Sales and service. EM A. An Deceased 1 Whiteface Holstein cow, 5 yrs., springer. ham home. Sunday evening Mr. FOR SAIJ£— Model D. John Deere improvements. derson, route 3. Weiser, Idaho. Notice is hereby given that under and Mrs. Graham were guests In 1 Guernsey cow, tractor. Excellent condition. O. B. 40 acres on oiled highway. One Phone springer. 567-J4. 26Jtfc. and by virtue of an order of the the Toomb home for supper. They 1 Guernsey cow, 3 4 yrs., Bratton, 6 miles north of Nyssa, mile out. Unimproved. Court for Maheur County,' enjoyed yrs., springer. playing pinochle In the ev one mile west on King Ave. 28A3xp Several good 80-acre and larger • MISCELLANEDUS— Prompt and County Oregon, jnade and entered on the ening. 1 Guernsey cow, 5 yrs., springer. free pick-up of your dead, crlppied farms. 5th day of August, 1947, in the EDR SALE!— Phone 144-J or write 3 acres for sale, close In. unim or sick livestock. Calls received be ¡natter of the estate of Armina The Eder store employees were 1 Black cow, 6 yrs., springer. Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for proved dinner guests Tuesday evening In fore 9 o’clock are picked up by Seraphine Carnegie, deceased, that the Willys parts, motors, extra equip Also have several houses listed. noon. Frances Deffer home. Guernsey cow, 5 yrs., 4 gal. now. Efficient drivers. Call col the undersigned, ts administrator ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup I Mr. and Mrs. Ted LOhse and 1 1 Jersey 5Jtfc. lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys of said estate, will sell at private child cow, 5 yrs., 4 gal. now. trucks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atfc. of California are now making sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products sale on sealed bids for cash in their home KEN RENSTROM in Adrian. He will help 1 Guernsey cow, 4 yrs., 4 gal. now. Company. 5Jtfc. Phone 172-J hand or, on such terms as might L. E. Hester In his business. Mr. FOR SALE— Porcelain coal and 1 Jersey cow, 5 yrs., springer. wood circulating heater, used 30 FOR SALE;— Sewing machine sup MISCELLANEDUS— Floors sand- be for the best interests of said Ldhse is Mrs. Hester’ s son.. days. Phone 131-R, Joe Maughan. plies. Wholesale and retail. Re f v \ old or new made perfect with estate the following-described real Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cartwright 1 Guernsey cow, 5 yrs., 5 gal. when fresh. 28Atfc. building, electrifying, repairing. Re ;<irge commercial machine, experi property, to-wit: Sunday dinner guests of Mr. These cows all tested for TB and abortion. Pub Lots 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 and were and Mrs. Larry Fisher of Ontario. built machines for sale. F. "Lete" enced operators. Telephone Boise 18 (a) in Block FOR SALE— Building in Wilder, Sackett, 60 of Green’s Addition lic invited to come see cows before sale day. This Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Cartwright 0234-R1 or 057-J13. 29Mtfc. phone 247-M. 469 west Idaho, suitable for store or res First street, City of Nyssa. are sisters. south, Ontario, Ore MISCELLANEOUS—Ladies: if you to (b) the Seven-room taurant, living quarters, electric hot gon. is a good herd of dairy cows. frame house situ Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb, 19Jtfc. are having trouble with your el ated on Lots 13 and 14 in Block Dorothy, water heater, three-stall garage on Betty Jean and Dickie left —HOGS— main highway, $8000, terms. Gus FOR SALE— Red cedar shingles, ectric appliances, call 176W for re 60 of Green’s Addition to the City Thursday evening to visit relatives tafson’s Service, 813 Arthur street, screen doors, windows, frames and pair service. I repair washing ma of Nyssa. 1 White sow. Clarkston, Washington. Doro 1 Berkshire sow. Caldwell, Idaho. 28A3xc. screens complete, doors and frames chines, vacuum cleaners, hot plates, Bids for satd property must be in thy returned to Reuben, Idaho to 8 Feeder pigs, 80 pounds. in writing and sealed, and must complete, pipe, flooring, park tables, electric clocks, clean and oil toast her second year of teaching FOR sale ;—1947 Studebaker truck. large size coal hot water heater, ers, food mixers, waffle irons, el specify the purchase price offered, begin the high school. —CHICKENS— Phone 159-W. 21Atfc. three coal ranges and one large ectric Irons. I also clean and repair together with the terms of pay in Mr. Mrs. Vernon Parker and 60 White leghorn hens, 1 year old. of same, and must be filed children and were •FOR SALE— One 15-foot beet rack, cafe sink. L. J. Josephson and Son, sewing machines. Lowe's Home Ap ment guests Mon undersigned at his office day of Mr. and dinner 3Jtfc. pliance Service shop, located In with 122 the Main good condition, $200. Stanley Ref- Payette, Idaho. Mrs. Ness Hatt. 35 Pullets, ready to lay. street in the City of Mrs. Richard Holly fett, Nyssa. 21A4xp. FDR 8ALE— Several houses for the east side of the Phillips build at shopped In Nyssa, Oregon on or before 10 o’ —SHEEP— Wednesday. FOR SALE;— Inlaid linoleum, in sale Attractive buys. See Frank ing on south First street. 8Mtfc. clock a.m on the 13th day of Sep Boise Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dupuis and T. Morgan. 16Jtfc 5 Registered Hampshire ewes. 2 ewe lambs. cluding black marble pattern for MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? tember, 1947. Bids will be opened at cove work and feature stripping. FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance. Loans on farms for refinancing, 1 o'clock p.m. on the same day and 1 Buck lamb. 1 Registered Hampshire buck. at the same place Also wall linoleum for kitchens and Public Liability, Property Damage. building, improvements, buyi ng. bathrooms. Chrome metal to go Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed Long term, low Interest, see Ber That a deed will be executed to „ —MACHINERY— . with it. Nyssa Furniture Co., One nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. the best and highest bidder there 1 Good A hay derrick, pulleys and cable. block west of R. R. depot. 7Atfc. In the best companies at lowest 3Atfc. for, subject to the right of said Optometrist administrator to reject any and all 1 New McCormick horse mower. MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car bids and subject to the confirma 1 McCormick mower, horse drawn. and clyinder lock keys made. Wes tion of this court. Eyes Examined tern Auto Store. 250tfc. Dated this 14th day of August, 1 Corn cultivator. 4 Olsen Corrugator. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING 1947. 1 Two-way plow. 1 Four-wheel rubber-tired wagon. Henigson, Administrator Phone 720 Stock received Monday, Tuesday, of Harold the Estate of Armina Seraphine 1 Hay rake. De Horners. Wednesday and Thursday. 8 a. m. Deceased. to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Carnegie, 1 Four-horse disc. 1 Post drill. 718 Arthur St. First publication August 14. No stock received on Sunday. Last publication September 11. 1 Walking plow. 1 Vice and other shop tools. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery Caldwell, Idaho 1 Five-tooth cultivator. to Polar locker plant. One mile west on Alberta avenue. SHOWER GIVEN IN 1 Spike-tooth harrow, 2-section. Phone 05R1 COW HOLLOW AREA 1 McCormick-Deering cream separator. JAKE FISCHER COW HOLLOW (Special)— Clar 1 Farm Master milker, two single units. l egal Advertising ence Niccum and Rev. Brim went PHYSICIANS 7 10-Gallon milk cans and milk strainer. to Baker and La Grande with a IN THE COUNTY COURT OF i truckload nW TTCTQ ol tomatoes and peaches 30 Poles, 16 to 24 feet long. Now Buying At Highest THE STATE OF OREGON last week. 8 A-type hog houses. Forks, shovels. SARAZIN CLINIC FOR THE COUNTY Market Prices Mr. Niccum of Wendell. Idaho, O F MALHEUR J. R. CUNDALL 150 Rods woven wire. 100 Good fence posts. father of Elza and Clarence Nic Red Clovers. W hite Clover. Dr. J. J. Sarazin Notice of Settlem ent of I.adino Clover. G rass Seeds. cum, visited them last week. Several panels. Log chains. Dr. K E. Kerby Final Account and H earing Miss Fay Callahan and Florence Alfalfas. Dentist Seed Cleaning. In the M atter of the Estate of Niccum Other articles too numerous to mention. Physician and Surgeons motored to the Owyee dam ALsike Clover CULVER KNEAL NORCOTT, last Sunday evening with friends Phone 86-J —HAY AND G RA IN- Deceased Mail Your Samples. a picnic. L. A. Mauldins. M. D. Sarazin Clinic Notice is hereby given that for Richard Maw and family, Roland 30 Tons first and second cutting alfalfa hay. Write For Representa George J. Mitchell, the adminis Maw and family and Dale SeiStons Physician and Surgeon NYSSA OREGON trator of the estate of Cul and family motored to the Yellow Pnone 37 12 Tons baled hay, third cutting hay. tive to Call. ver Kneal Norcott, deceased, stone park last week for a week’s Hours' 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 300 Bushels barley. has filed in the county court of vacation. Dally—Except Sunday OPTOMETRISTS Malheur County, Oregon, the first The Owyhee L.D8. Sunday school —HOUSEHOLD GOODS— and final account of his adminis were postponed until fur HAY BUYER tration of said estate, and that the classes 1 Coal heater, circulating. 1 Quaker oil heater. ther notice because of the polio DR. J. A. MCFALL epidemic at the suggestion of the ( 1 Eight-foot oak dining table. W. F. JAHN county health officer, Dr. Mauld- PHONE 144J DR. JOHN EASLY NYSSA, ORE. 1 Library table. 1 Daveno. 1 Wash stand. lng.A pink and blue shower was Dealer in hay and grain Advertising FARM SALE Friday, Sept. 19 DR. G.W. GRAVES Professional And Business Dlreclory SEEDS WATTS SEED CO. Of PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific TUne Inspector Phone 21, Ontario, Ore JEWELRY — DIAMONDS LODGES W ATCHES, Main Street a. Second ’ Gate City Lodge No. 214 WYCKOFF I.O.O.F. JEWELRY STORE Meets every Monday Official TUne Inspector far Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON 1 Automatic hot water heater. 2 Iron bedsteads and springs. 4 Chairs. Free Pick Up Third at Good Ave. JEWELRY STORES night, 8:30. South First Street Your Dead and Worthless Animals Call Collect There la a Phone Near You Nyssa 100 Parma 28 Ontario 53 ’’We Haul the Day You Call" Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Nyssa, Oregon HOW Y O U WILL BENEFIT BY READING ______________________ — — — the w o rW 'e d o ll y I THE CHRISTUM SCIENCE MONITOR. rT" (*»n«j ' el Y o u wilt fold yourself one the besf-ielooned persons in vour com m unity on w orld offOirs when you 't o d this world-w ide doily newipoper regularly Y o u wilt g a n fresh, new viewpoints, o fuller, richer understanding of today's vital news— PLUS he I d from its exclusive features on homensahlng. educa tion business, theoter. music, radio, sports. fehscrlbe new te Z h e y M ill , e r e . n l e et- I V i eeeeeNrted" offer \ h r — 1 month tor $ e n u ll g Mn O I * Tn! " “ “ “ — — The Chnstion Science Publishing Society P8 5 One Norway Street Boston I j . Moss 1) $ A inclosed is $ 1 for which please send me The Christian Science Monitor for one month K Sarafl^B \city. SALE STARTS 1 O’CLOCK TERMS—CASH LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS G. F. Clowers, Owner Col*. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Auctioneers L. H. Fritts, Clerk