Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, August 28, 1947, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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a rr-
JAPANESE GROUP TO ber 1 L*bor <*y u wU1 * * °°-
HOLD TOURNAMENT t ter and Boise chapter. Prellmln-
___ ____ '
^ arles will be held In Caldwell and
SUNSET VALLEY (Special)— The payette August 31 and finals on
Japanese American Cttlaen's league Labor day at Payette. A dance at
will hold a trl-state tournament the Oay-Way. to which the public
and bazaar August 31 and Septem- Is Invited will highlight the ac­
Thomas Ntshltanl la chairman of
the Snake River chapter and Mrs
C.eorge Hashltgnl and Mrs. Thomas
Nlshltanl are In charge of the food
A group of young people were
W e have installed a guests of Vera Pay Counall at a
evening party.
new water softener and Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price, Mr. and
expect to have a com­ Mrs. Ed Price, and Mrs. Ora Price
mercial dryer by fall
for the use o f the pub­
White Swan
Dr.J.H. Berger
Box I)
Phone 135.J
and Jess returned home Friday In Nyssa.
from a coast trip through Oregon,
Reverend R. L. Krlner preached
Washington and California.
morning and evening services at
Mr and Mrs. Al Brim were dm- the 0 w yhee schoolhou.se Sunday,
ner guests In the Herbert Bergam
I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Castle of
Jacquelynn and Bill Wilson left Kingman
were suppei
Sunday morning with Mrs Leslie guests at the home of Mr. and
Ditty for Anthony lake near Bak- \jrs Grover Cooper Thursday ev
•r. They will be gone for a week.
Mildred Shipley and Dora Higgins
The adult members of the Chalk
of Big Bend were visitors at the
Butte Grange met at the Elver
tra Price home Sunday.
Mrs. Robb Thompson has been Nielson home Friday evening tc
ill. Darvls Bergam has been helping plan a booth at the county fair.
Chalk Butte Grange was one ol
her grandmother.
Mrs. Oeorge Wilson has been the host granges to help entertain
the Pomona Grange at the Adrian
iUffering from asthma.
Clyde Nicholson and family are high school Saturday evening, Aug­
ust 23. State Grange Master Mor-
moving to Nyssa. Mr. Nlcholaon
tan Tompkins of Portland was the
Is working in Nyssa
Herbert Bergam Is fencing an principal speaker.
Jeanle Marks. Marie Black and
alfalfa piece for pasture.
Several loads of material have Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy were
dinner guests at the home of Mr
been hauled from Nyssa for the
Robb Thompson home. Edwin Ber­ and, Mrs. Lew McCoy Thursday
gam will do the work. The floor evening.
Betty Dunbrasky of Payette has
joists are down and cinder blocks
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Char­
are being laid.
les Cannon. She will return home
Delbert Garner and True Garner
of Emmett and Wayne Norman and for the school term.
Val Gamer made a trip to Carter
'akes beyond Bend. Several days of SEVERAL VISIT IN
Nyssa. Oregon
fishing and boating were enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ditty took
Mrs Mary Query and Sharon to
Tacoma, Washington Mrs. Query UPPER SUNSET (Special)— Mr.
will stay with her sister and Sharon and Mrs. Wayne Berrett accom­
panied a group of L.DS. young
will enter the Tacoma school.
M r"‘f^ d m V Kenneth' L^renson' P«°Ple
a r° ller skatm* party at
Complete Line O f Plumbing
and H. C. Herman returned Thurs Caldwell Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker and
topped at Grand Coulee dam, and Jimmie visited at the U. E. Parker
home en route to their home at
visited friends In Bayvlew.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunt of Granite after a trip to California.
Septic Tanks
Plain City, Utah were visitors In Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Tenant spent
the Delbert Gamer home for sev­ a few days last week at the home
Cleaned and Repaired
eral days. Mrs. Hunt Is a sister of of Mrs. Tenant's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Garner. Both families Mrs. Russell Howell.
Mrs. Betty Wixon and Sadie Par­
enjoyed an overnight fishing trip
to Owyhee dam Tuesday and Wed­ ker entertained the club at the
Wixon home Thursday afternoon,
Phone 196-J
Nyssa, Oregon
Darlene Robb was hostess Mon­ with nine members present. Of­
day night at a slumber party hon­ ficers were elected for the coming
oring Miss Jeanle Marks of Red­ year as follows: Emily Bergam
trm in rt M M M IW M M M N I u w n m n m m a n m in in in run iii.n.11 in in in m in in in in in in in m n in int( wood City. Lula Belle Wilson and president; Eleanor Strickland, vice
Beth Chapin were guests. The same president: Ida Finley, secretary and
group went horseback riding Wed­ treasurer: Ruth Berrett and Mat-
nesday, picnicking at Rock Springs. tie Durfee, game committee mem­
Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner were bers, and Hertha Thompson and
business visitors In Weiser Tuesday Cora Rooks tool, flower committee
members. Plans were made for
and Wednesday.
The Sunset auxiliary will meet year books to be made by a com
with Marie Black Thursday. Sep­ mlttee composed of Emily Bergam
Asked to Register By
tember 4 in the Bybee apartments Jean Strickland and Ida Finley
In Nyssa. Members are reminded to Games were played, in which Ser
take crochet hooks, to the meeting. ena Stephens, Naomi Parker, Mat
Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Garner tie Durfee and Ida Finley won
took their son, Wayne Gamer, to prizes. The next meeting will be
Ogden. Wayne's furlough was end- held with Emily Bergam and Her-
Picking will begin around September 1
ed and he reported back In San *ha Thompon as hostesses at the
■ t ‘
Bergam home September 18.
for long season.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McKay and
Mrs. Lilly Fujita, and her sister-
Jean and Carol Dawn, Mr.
in-law, Mio Fujita, of Tacoma were
visitors In the Thomas Nlshltanl and Mrs. Junior McKay and Mary
Ann and Darwin and Brent Ritchie
Trailer space available. Tents, lights
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland were guests in the Wayne Berrett
and children and Miss Oard Lie home. The group, accompanied by
and water furnished.
are on a month's trip to Canada Mr. and Mr:. Berrett and family,
via Yellowstone National park. Miss picnicked at the dam Sunday.
— Paying 4c a Pound—
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee and
Lie, a niece of Mrs. Titland, Is
Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Por­
visiting from Norway.-
Vera Faye Counsll entertained on ter and sons spent Wednesday at
See or Write
her birthday Wednesday. The guests the D. Durfee home near New
JoAnn Price, Mrs. Don Knottlng- Plymouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Strickland
ham and Paul enjoyed a steak
supper at the Nyssa Coffee shop visited his brother at the Holy
and then attended the show at Rosary hospital last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and
Route 2, Nyssa
Hud Robb has been suffering family attended a birthday dinner
from a badly Infected finger the for his brother. Frank Rookstool
near Adrian Sunday. The self-invit­
Two miles west of Desseret sheep ranch
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hlpwell of ed guests, who took basket dinners
on Grand Avenue
Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Verne and spent the day were Mr. and
Gamer made a trip to Portland. Mrs. J. C. Rookstool and Donna
Mrs. Hlpwell Is a sister of Mrs. of Parma. Mr. and Mrs Roland
Whitman and children of Pay­
inin in in in in in m u in in m m in in in inn in m in f ir m in in utiiwn m in mmin ininn n i riti munii mm, Verne Garner.
Cutting beans was
started on ette, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rookstool,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rookstool
iMiMiii niHiin iihmmmiih m minili in li in in in in in ■ in in i in inï in in ï i nn in in in iii nninün in in in in inn ml Veme Garner’s farm Thursday.
Miss Jeannie Marks left Saturday and son, Mr. and Mrs Harold Rook­
morning for Buhl, Idaho, where stool and sons. Mrs Leonard Olson
she will visit before returning to and sons and Cecil and Homer
her home In Redwood City, Cali­ Whitman. Frank was presented with
a decorated angelfood cake baked
Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Wolfe of by his niece, Mrs. Leonard Olson
Nampa were visitors In the valley The afternoon was spent visiting
last week. Mrs. Wolfe’s brother and
sister from Nebraska were with
Serving 5 Counties
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nlshltanl
From the Largest Stock of
attended the dedication service for
the new church building In Ontario
The Hud Robb family was
Caldwell on business Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Grotvelt and
daughters were In Fayette on busi­
Orders Shipped Immediately
W. T. Cannon underwent an op­
eration Friday. August 22 at the
Holy Rosary hospital In Ontario.
Phone 49
P ayette, Id a h o
Mr and Mrs. William Gregg bad
Sunday dinner with Taylor Sandy
Cuatom and Wet Wash
Phone 13-J
Brower’s Plumbing Shop
Robert Runcorn
Our P & B Hydraulic
Land Leveler
has no back-breaking crank», levers or ropes
to contend with. Completely hydraulic control
Bernard Eastman
Move to Nyssa—
Phone 64
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bunch ol
3UENA VISTA (Special)— Mr. and Adrian have moved Into their new
Nyssa, Oregon
Mrs Willis Bertram were dinner home on Alberta avenue.
;uests at the Ix^yd Adams home
Sunday evening. The dinner was
¡iven in celebration of the birthdays
)f Mr. Bertram, Winter Wilson and
Mrs. Thurman Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie en­
tertained Saturday evening at their
lome. Guests were Mr and Mrs.
Loyd Cleaver, Mr and Mrs. Howard
Day, Mr. and Mrs Delbert Cleaver,
Mr and Mrs. Ray Oriflits, Bernice
3owen and La Vern Cleaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and
Avoset Property
Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver at­
tended the Pomona Orange meet-
If Interested
ng at Adrian Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Pomplun are
staying at the Glen Hoffman home
while Mr. and Mrs Hoffman are
visiting In Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and
Mr. and Mrs. Ava Goodell attended
the horse show at Emmett Friday
Frank T. Morgan
OREGON TRAIL (Special)— The
Merry Matrons club met at the
home of Peggy Brown Wednesday,
August 20. Eight members and one
guest, Bernice Seuell, were present.
Embroidering was done for the
hostess. Tht next meeting will be
held September 3, with Gladys
Byers as hostess. Roll call will be
answered by a new school lunch
suggestion. Pot holders will also
be exchanged. During the social
hour games were played with Lav-
Innle Smith and Jessie Chard win­
ning prizes. Lunch was served by
the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams were
in Baker last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Smiley and
Dwellings And
Other Structures
Brush or Spray
Latest DeVilbiss equip­
ment for fine laquer
and enamel work.
Experienced Workmen
Have moved office to 65 SW 2nd Ave.,
Ontario, Oregon, across from
post office.
The Owyhee Ditch Co.
Reduced Prices
On Field Seeds
All kinds of field seeds and pasture
grasses available
We Also Buy
All kinds of field seeds
10 Years in Nyssa
A1 Thompson And Son
Phone 68-M
All these thrills are yours
when you own this one car giving
We Have Moved
to our new location in the
O ne look at this smartly styled Body by
Fisher will tell you it's the most beautiful
motor car body in its field — both inside and
out. It’s extra-roomy, extra-comfortable, and
extra-safe as well. It’s one of the many Big-
C or advantages found only in Chevrolet
and higher-priced cars.
In th# n#w Ctwvrofot, riding I, lil#
cruising in parfoct »aattwr. Your »rip
is to smooth, to stoody, so •njoyobl*!
Too rid * in solid, bofonc#d comfort
oyot oil typos o l roods, w ith Its#
famous Knoo-Action Gliding Nido—
» i riusi*# to ChovroUt ond highor-
prkod cars.
Atkeson Bldg.
New Phone No. 27M
"The House o f Oliver"
Nyssa Implement Co.
Stunz and Thomas *
Here are all the major thrills of motoring combined in one out­
standing outomobile— the new 1947 Chevrolet. Big-Car styling
— Big-Car comfort— Big-Car performance— and big savings,
too! They’re all yours In this only motor car giving BIG-CAR
Two sizes— 9 by 24 and 7 by 20
B I G - C A R Q U A L I T Y AT L O W E S T C O S T
Blade can be raised or lowered within a
We alto have a few
Manser, Inc.
from the tractor seat.
fraction of an inch.
and taking pictures.
sons and Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee at­ Holmes visited at the William DC
tended an L.DS. meeting at Wei­ Grofft home In Baker last Sunday.
ser Sunday.
Mrs. Nell Whitehead Is visiting Real Estate"
her son, John Bowen, and family.
Service Parts Co.
You ride in safety when you ride in this
bigger-looking, better-looking Chevrolet for
1947, thanks to its Unisteel Body by Fisher,
Knee-Action Gliding Ride and Positive-Action
Hydroulk Brakes — a combination of features
found only in Chevrolet and higher-priced
Count on having hair-trigger get­
a w a y - p o w e r for any h i * - o i l the
speed you'll ever need! For this new
Chevrolet boosts a Valve in-Head
Engine — the extra-efficient type of
engine — giving maximum results
from every gallon of fuel. Remem
h « r— Valve-in-Head performance
and reliability are exclusive to
Chevrolet in the lowest-price field.
M a y w e su gge st that y o u keep your present car operating e f*-
ciaaffy an d d e p e n d ab ly b y b rin gin g it to us for skillod tarvico,
n o w an d at regular intervals, until y o u secure de live ry of yo u r
new Chevrolet. C o m e in for a com plete service check~up todayf
Cable’s Chevrolet Company