THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. PAGE SIX Social Notes QARDEN CLUB M EETS T he A.N.K. G a rd en club m et T uesday aftern o o n a t the hom e ol Mrs. C. H. B en n ett, w ith Mrs. C. C. C otton as co-hostess Mrs. C harles Schw eizer gave an in terestin g talk ab o u t flowers, p a r­ ticularly those growing wild in the eastern a n d so u th eastern states, recounting h e r experiences on a trip tak e n th ro u g h th a t p a rt of th e country. Mrs. J . P. D unaw ay spoke about th e culture of phlox. G uests were Mrs. C harles Schweizer, Mrs. H . H. K ingrey, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1947 H O ST S AT D IN N ER Mr. a n d Mrs. J. I. B rady were hosts a t a 7 o'clock d in n e r in the ■lucre hotel in O n ta rio A ugust 3 honoring th e ir d a u g h te r. A nna, who w>-; ni. Tied A ugust 4 to De.uv 'a r l ; son. P' - e . laid for i t persons were m arked by place c ard s featu rin g n a tu r e ia>i es a n d grooms, r ;.>se pie cut were Mrs. M ina "" .'k-jii. Peane C a r k on and O m u G recn i ell of Eugene Yv ur­ ic Adapts of P o rtlan d , W .lhelm ina H offm an of Parm a Rev. and Mrs. K H. U hhelohde of New Plym outh. E n y B. B-udy of O a k lau J. C ali- fo n i a a n d Mr. and Mrs. V. 1. B rady of E m m ett. Mrs. B arney W ilson, a n d Mrs. C. C. H unt. Mrs. H u n t is a fo rm er m em ­ ber of the club, w ho now lives in T w in Falls. Idaho. W INNERS E N TER TA IN ED H olders of low sore a t bridge for the p a st series of p a rties were Mrs. W alter Fox, Mrs. W. H. Beafn, Mrs. Max G oldm an a n d Mrs. C. C. C ot­ ton of th e In fo rm al bridge club, who e n te rta in e d high scoie w inners and th e ir h usbands S a tu rd a y ev­ ening a t th e hom e of Mrs. C otton. A w aterm elon feed was enjoyed on th e law n, a fte r w hich pinochle was played a t th re e tables w ith honors going to Mrs. M ax G o ld m an and H arry Kingrey. _ A u g u s t C le a ra n ce O f L adies Sw im S uits 1-3 off Boys’ School Ladies Slacks Pants 100% Flannel Herringbone Weave Wool and Rayon Sizes 6 to 14 While they last $2.98 1-3 O ff Ladies Flannel Ladies Flannel Pajamas Gowns Twotone Flowered Plain Color $2.49 l'lowered $2.98 $3.39 Just Arrived—Complete Shipment Of IN FA N TS W E A R Make Yourself a Stunning Sew-E-Z Dress in less than 1 hour Everything to make your smart Sew-E-Z Dress in one package. 100% wool tubular jersey. Self belt With covered buckle and leather­ ette backing to keep the belt neat itnd firm. 24 beautiful nailheads to use for trimming as you fancy. 1 spool of thread to match the wool jersey. 1 stainless steel sewing needle. Complete $5.95 B R A C K E N 'S DRY GOODS — SHOES — CLOTHING X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA, OREGON NYSSA Phone 106 PROGRAM THEATRE SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 NOW IN STO CK! FORD BATTERY “STARS OVER TEXAS” M at , Sat.. 2:30 P. M„ Adm. 6c-2i>e Adm. Evenings, 40c-Re, Including Tan SUNDAY & MONDAY, AUGUST 17-18 Ginger Rogers, David Niven, Burgess Meredith and Peggy Wood in “MAGNIFICENT DOLL” They spoke her name in whispers and envied her love with all their hearts. Ginger at her host. Mai.. Nun., i : Aura.. 'M c-!*c, In c. l a » Adm. Evening!«. 40c-Pc, Inc. Tan. Assures Quick Starts “AFFAIRS OF GERALDINE” “SIOUX CITY SUE” Adm. Evening*. 25c-9c, Including Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, AUG. 20-21 Here at last, the DAVID SELZNICK MAS­ TERPIECE for which you have been waiting. The most torrid love story ever filmed...A proud successor to “GONE WITH THE WIND”— Never before such spectacle, such action, such beauty, such photography. "DUEL IN THE SUN” Jennifer Jones, Gregory Peck, Joseph Cotten, Herbert Marshall, Lionel Barrymore and Lillian A w o rn -o u t b a tte r y is an in v ita tio n to tro u b le . . . especially in w in ter. L et u s check y o u r p resen t b a t­ te ry scientifically an d tell y o u how m uch life there is left in it. A nd if you need a new b a tte ry , le t u s install a new h e a v y -d u ty F o rd b a tte ry , covered by a w ritte n w a rra n ty . GET YOUR NEW FORD HEAVY- DUTY BATTERY NOW Matinee Adm. 50c-74c. Inc. Tax Evening Adm. 50c-|1.20. Inc. Tax Fruitland M ONSTER GHOST SHOW OF ALL T IM E ! 1 ALL N E W ! AL L DIFFERENT! MAS TER M E S M E R IS T W I T H HI S HYPNOTIC THRILL^ SH O W *» A ll Se ats 5 Oc Inc. Tax ON THE SAME PROGRAM The screen s ALL NEW 2-Coat System Backed by over 192 years of proven quality. Devoe 2-Coat system not onlv beautifies, but pro­ tects your home against ravages of weather. Long­ er lasting! E c o n o m ic a l! ORDER YOURS TODAY from Boise Payette. BE SAFE! BE SURE! Store Coal NOW ! Indications are for an acute freight car short­ age. This may put coal on limited supply. D O N ’ T D E L A Y ! LUMBER Gish Cartoon Phone 3£-2 W H IT E H O U SE PAIN T Also Eddie Dean in Gene Autry and Lynn Roberts in Fruitlaod Co-operative, Inc. 'H e tv “DANGER STREET” Jane Withers and James Lydon in £i\ AND WOMEN FOR PRUNE PACKING Work io begin about August 25. All t;,pes oi oils open, including ring-facing, sorting, filling, loading, etc. Prevailing wage. For further in- foimation, write or contact - P N G A C rM E N T ANNOUNCED Mr. a n d Mrs. Tom P l o t announce the en lavem ent of th e r dau g h ter, Mi s Telty Ru--t of P o rtlan d , for- m eily of Nyssa. to E m m ett W a r r . r - >f Salem , son o: Mr. a n d Mrs. W ar­ ier of °'>lem. No d a te h a s been set for th e wedding. —5 - T.A” RY I EMBICE HONORED L arry Lem bke. son of Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n le m b k e . w as honored Monday evening w ith a p a rty in e’e bration of his 14th birthday. He was host to 12 of his friends a t the th e a te r th a t evening, re ­ fresh m en ts being served a t his hom e later. T lie cak» was tw o-tier, oink a n d w hite, wi t h i t candles. L arry received m any nice gifts. _g— D IN N ER G U ESTS Mr. a n d Mrs. J. E dw ard Hill r.f L ew iston and Mrs. Inez W ilson and d a u g h te r, P a tty , of O n ta rio were d in n er guests of Mr. a n d Mrs. Joe S u th e rla n d last W ednesday even­ a fiv e-tier wedding cake, topped ing a t th e ir hom e. ANN BRADY BRIDE O F DEANE CLARKSON w ith a m in ia tu re bride and groom. - 5 - In a double-ring cerem ony before T h e only decoration was a low O U EST IN CALDW ELL Mrs. J. I. B rady was a luncheon a background of gladioli and rose'-- bowl of roses. After the in itial a t th e W omen's Club house A ugust piece was cut by the bride and guest M onday a t th e hom e of. Mr. 4 in O ntario, Miss A nn Brady, groom , Mrs. Rowena L an term a n a n d Mrs. Douglas M cDonald of d a u g h te r of Mr a n d Mrs J. I. took ch arg e of the wedding cake. Caldwell. — ^ ___ Brady of Nyssa, a n d Mr. D eane Miss K a th e ry n J Baird, a u n t of CLUB HOLDS M EETIN G C larkson, son of Mrs. M ina C la rk ­ th e bride, presided a t the punch Mrs. J o h n R idder e n te rta in e d the son of Eugene, were u n ited in bowl. Also assisting were Mrs. Mae m arriage by the Rev. K. H. Ub- S h irem an , in charge of the serving C h a tte r Box club a t h e r hom e F r i­ day a fternoon. T en m em bers a n s ­ belohde, pastor of the New Plym table, and Mrs. Hazel Manly, who wered roll call w ith "A good Book". outh C ongregational cliurch. had ch arg e of th e guest book. Discussion of by-law.s for th e Preceding th e cerem ony, Miss For h e r going-aw ay ensem ble, W ilhelnhna H uffm an, pianist, play t-lie bride chose a classic grey suit, club com prised th e business for tlie afternoon. ed Scotoh Poem (M acD oweili, the w ith black accessories. R efreshm ents were served by the first m ovem ent of th e M oonlight A fter th e bride graduated from S o n a ta < Beethoven i, All. Sw eet Nyssa union h igh school, in May, hostess. T he next m eeting will be M ystery of Life (H e rb e rt', a n d Ev­ 1915, she en tered the University of held a t th e H a rla n M ay hom e ening S ta r iW ag n eri. T he pro- O regon a n d became a m em ber of August 22. cessoional and recessional were the Z eta T au A pha, national women's - S - trad itio n al B ridal C horus from Lo­ fra te rn ity . * HA S BIRTH D A Y PARTY h e ngrin i W agner i a n d M endels- T h e groom g raduated from E l­ C laudene W illson, d a u g h te r of i solin’s wedding m arch, respectively. m ira high school, th en served th ree Mr. a n d Mrs. C laude W illson, was | T he bride, given in m arriage by years in th e navy and was dis­ luest of honor a t a b irth d a y p a rty ! her fa th e r, chose a w hite floor- charged w ith th e ratin g of p h a rm a ­ held on th e law n a t th e fam ily length crepe gown, princess style, cist's m ate, first class. home A ugust 11. C laudene. 13 years with a jack et of the sam e m aterial, A fter a sh o rt wedding trip, the •>ld, was hostess to 10 girls. R e­ featu rin g a cu t-aw ay fro n t and couple will be a t home in Eugene, freshm ents were served a n d gam es | peplum back. Her fin g ertip net w here both will continue their edu­ were played. veil fell from a tia ra of tuberoses, cation a t th e university. centered w ith a pink rose. She Among th e guests were Mrs. M ina carried a bride's Bible, covered by C larkson, m o th er of th e groom, a corsage of roses a n d tube roses, Eugene; Miss K a th ry n J. Baird, w ith a p lain w hite ribbon shower. a u n t of tlie bride. C herryvale, K a n ­ S he also carried a lace-edged h a n d ­ sas; Mr. Elroy B rady, b ro th er of kerchief th a t h a d belonged to her ‘.lie bride. O akland. C alifornia; Mr. g randm other. H er only o rn a m e n t a n d Mrs. Eugene B rady and daugh- was a trip le s tra n d of pearls. er, Peggv. th e bride’s b ro th er and Miss Yvonne Adams. Z eta T au fam ily of E m m ett, Idaho; Mis.-, Alpha, was th e m aid of honor. She W ilhelm ina H offm an, pianist, P a r­ wore a sa tin a n d n e t floor-length m a, Idaho; Miss Yvonne Adams, pastel gown, a n d carried a d ain ty m aid of honor. P o rtlan d ; M r.G len n nosegay. G reenw ell, groom sm an of C ottage Mr. G le n n G reenw ell atten d ed G rove; Mr. a n d Mrs. G eorge T. tlie groom. , M anly, form er neighbors of the M others of th e couple wore Id- | bride and her fam ily, W ellington, en tical w hite a ster a n d pink rose K an sas; Mrs. Lucy M. Thom pson, corsages. S pokane; and Mrs. S u san B M as­ Im m ediately following th e cere­ on, Miss Daisy D. M ason, a n d Mrs. m ony a reception was held. T he Will Edw ards, New P lym outh, Id a ­ serving table was cen tered wi t h' ho. Jane Withers and Robert Lowery in TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM } W ANTED COMPANY "Thaw ’a • Yard N u r You’* Specialty Herriman Motor Co. O. L GALLOWAY MANAGER NYSSA. OREGO N ONSLOW STEVENS - GLENN SI RI NGE JANE ADAMS • LUDWIG S TOS S EL ' l0* ' ■ h EUE C « N I 0 N * *» Mot N Al VCR* • f aecwtive Produrci BE URSHfNS.)» Midnight Saturday, Aug 16 Nyssa Theatre