I THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N Y SS A , OREGON OWYHEE MORMANS CELEBRATE 24TH and Mrs. Jim Reeder and their son-in-law and wife, Mr and Mrs. Howard Parson, former merchants COW H O LLO W (Special)— Mr. “ Ole's corner, arrived at their aew home In Los Angeles. The L.D.S. people of the Owyhee | llstrlct, six or eight families, spent July 21 In Caldwell city park In elebiatlon of the centennial year Insurance -f the pioneers who entered the Real Ostate ;V alt Lake valley In 1847 . Arthur Callahan. Val Mitchell and rvin Dut fey have returned home Phone 64 ollowing service In the armed forc- :s. Nyssa, Oregon A son as born July 30 in Ken- B e rn ard E a stm a n MACj^food VA/S MA Bf I'VE Oof A UNCU nurds 3 F K R S o * - r u b b e r W ELDERS YOU MEAN N 0 u ----- w ho WlTrt (4 C L U f t / H E »«« G r^ Z B Z C V eu i B? * ObHKS wrtH Mare, North Dakota to Mr. and! Mrs. Clarence Herrud. The baby, j weighing 9 pounds, was named Michael Duane. Mrs. Herrud 13 daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Utter enjoyed a few days' vacation in the Unity mountains last week. Mrs. Ellis Ostbery and children of Torry, Utah are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee. Hank and Mary Kollen entertain­ ed members of the Y.G.A. Sundaj evening. Ice cream and cake were served. '•■>* Mrs. IVron Larson and n o t if t h e r e w a s •O R TLAN O X UNCLE O rC A R S R ? O.K. RUBBER WELDERS NEW TIRES CAR, TRU CK-TRA CTO R R E C A P P IN G PHONE 5 M — .. & R E P A IR IN G . ■ NYSSA.OREGON NATIONWIDE BUS SERVICE Four Schedules Daily Salt I a I«» And Portland Eastbound Westbound 3:05 AM o:2U AM 8:15 AM 10:20 AM •1:20 PM *2:20 PM 3:45 PM 3:45 PM •6:15 PM *6:35 PM 11:00 PM 11:45 PM Boise Local -Weiser Local o se /x TWICE A DAY FOR MORE PROFIT^) :« :« W O R K ! s ----------------------------- ' That’s the prescription for maximum milk production with less labor . . . the M cCormick-Deering M ilker. It’s efficient, dependable and sanitary. Why not come in today and see the m odels we have in stock for your immediate selection. Convenient term s can be arranged, if you wish. OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. NYSSA, OREGON PHONE 83-J McCORMICK DEERING MACHINES. PARTS AND SERVICE M A M IN 'S "LITTLE SHAVER n (Pat. Pitt ding} \ , Wyatt Smith, 2 miles northeast ’ may be filed thereto; and all per- of Nyssa near river on Oregon aide. .-.ana Interested In said estate ate UA2xp. hereby notified then and there to appear and show cause, If any they LO ST— Eight-weeks-old Berkshire have, why the said account should gilt, strayed from H. J. Sanders not be settled and allowed, and why '■'are west of Nvssa. Finder notify J; t: bution o f said estate should Reid Campbell, 361 Good avenue not be made to the persons en­ Reward. 14Alxp. titled thereto and said admlnlstra- SAI E— Seven-foot Kelvlna- tor refrigerator. In excellent condi­ tion. Price >165. See owner, B M Haw.ey at Nyssa-Parma Junction. llA lx c F i-’ t SAJ '4-- »1735 Luya Improved site. 75 by 150, furnished garage house, dug basement. Insured title. See owner, 463 North 8th, Nyssa. 14Alxp. FOR °A L E — One double Simmons bed complete, one 10-tufce radio. >oe r • ! mattress, one daybed Mrs. Ed Werderman, Trailer Court. >4Alxp W IT H The Friendly The Nyssa theater announces that it will hold a midnight spook show ¿Saturday midnight. August 16. fea­ turing on the stage Valleau and ompany and on toe screen “ House of Dracula” . Mr. Valleau (above) Is known from coast to coast for Ills offer­ ing of hypnotism and spectacular magic. During the war Mr. Vai- leau and his company entertained thousands of boys In hospitals and camps. He has Just recently com­ pleted an extended engagement of shows in the larger theaters in the east. “Those attending the midlnght spook show are in for a real treat of the display and explanation ot hypnotism, Its art and uses', thea­ ter manager Olean Wells said. “ Al- long with the hypnotism, Mr. Val- ’.eau will present a generous of- ering of magic, which everyone houid enjoy, (and who doesn't ike magic?) ' To know Mr. Valleau and his harming wife one will find that they are really master showmen, ap..ble of presenting before the >ubllc an entertaining and inter- jstiug program seldom seen on the tage. ' The management also wishes ,o announce that on the screen vill be shown “ House of Dracula", eaturing Lon Chaney and John Carradine. For the fans who like j O freeze and scream, the picture is going to be a field day of mac­ abre fun and should really please." family left last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Anderson of Nyssa on a trip to the Yellowstone park. Mr. Larson will join his sister at Idaho Falls on the trip. The young people of Sunset val­ ley, 20 or 25 boys and girls, met at Fay Callahan's home last Sun­ day evening after church for a party. Home-made candy and wat­ ermelons were served. Mrs. Everett Callahan honored her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee last Saturday ev­ ening with a birthday party. Twen­ ty-five were present. Games were played on the lawn. Ice cream and cake and sandwiches were served. Mr. Callahan received several pres­ ents. Mrs. Durfee was presented with a beautiful radio by her child­ ren In observance of her 60th birth­ day. Too Late To Classify FO R S A L E — Canning tomatoes at Owyhee Grocery between Adrian and Nyssa. Bring containers. Phone 010-RI, Aifrad Brim. 14Atic FOR CALE— 1941 Chevrolet truck, two-speed rear end, 8:25.20 tires. Freuhauf steel flat bed with St. Paul hoist, also has radio, heater and spotlight, »'000. Palmer Ross, Parma, phone 164-J11. 14Alxc. FOR SAL E — 1946 G.M. John Deere tractor, 12A combine with all at­ tachments, 340 Lets mill, eight- foot tandem disc, six-foot fresno, two-bottom, two-way John Deere plow and 8 by 16 foot Implement trailer. Martin Tuttle, phone 101- W2, Parma, east end of Lang ave­ nue in Parma. 14Alxp. Legal Advertising IN THE C O U N TY CO URT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FO R M ALHEUR COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE In the Matter of the Estate of A R M IN A SERAPHINE CARNEGIE, Deceased Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the County Court for Maheur County, Oregon, made and entered on the 5th day of August, 1947, In the matter of the estate of Armlna Seraphine Carnegie, deceased, that the undersigned, as administrator of said estate, will sell at private sale on sealed bids for cash In hand or on such terms as might be for the best Interests of said estate the following-described real property, to-wlt: (a) Lots 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 and 18 in Block 60 of Green's Addition to the City of Nyssa. (b) Seven-room frame house situ­ ated on Lots 13 and 14 In Block 60 of Green's Addition to the City of Nyssa. Bids for said property must be in writing and sealed, and must specify the purchase price offered, together with the terms of pay­ ment of same, and must be filed with the undersigned at his office at 122 Main street in the City of Nyssa, Oregon on or before 10 o’­ clock a.m. on the 13th day of Sep­ tember, 1947. Bids will be opened at 1 o’clock p.m. on the same day and at the same place. That a deed will be executed to the best and highest bidder there­ for, subject to the right of said administrator to reject any and all bids and subject to the confirma­ tion of this court. Dated this 14th day of August, 1947. Harold Henigson, ‘Administrator of the Estate of Armlna Seraphine Carnegie, Deceased. First publication August 14. Last publication September 11. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE C O UNTY OF MALHEUR Notice of Settlement of FO R SALE— Maytag washer, boy's Final Account and Hearing bicycle, both almost new, bedroom i In the Matter of the Estate of suite, piano and other furniture. CULVER K NEAL NORCOTT. Deceased Notice Is hereby given that Don M. George J. Mitchell, the adminis­ trator of the estate of Cul- v e r Kneal Norcott, deceased, Insurance Agency has filed in the county court of Malheur County, Oregon, the first and final account of hts adminis­ tration of said estate, and that the Fire and Automobile 16th day of September, 1947, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A.M. of Insurance said day at the county court room In the City of Vale, Oregon has Rentals Bonds been fixed by the court as the time and place for the hearing of said account and any objections that I • FOR SALE— 600 cedar posts, 32c. Marion Chard, 624 N. Sixth street. 14A2xp. Graham / newest mem ber off the fam ous « LAN DPLAN E” fa m ily UNKLE HANK SEZ SPECIFICATIONS Thousands of farmars who know the advantages of "Landplane" levelling will welcome the "Little Shaver." H ere's why: Overall length 38' 4" Height 55 (I) It's the L © W E $ T -P R IC E D levelling-plane on the market. (2) It operates behind small crawlers or wheel tractors of approximataly 25 h. p. (3) It's especially de­ signed for small acreage operations. (4) Its low dear- anca makes it useful orchards for levelling or ground preparation before harvesting. Effective levelling length 30' Bucket width T 6" to 10’ in Capacity 27 to 36 cu. ft. Steel wheel* I0 " i2 8 " (Rubber tire* et slight extra charge) vw J e s t a s m u c h m o h e v a s lT'6 E V E R H A D — t H 'O N L V - IP O U B L E W E 'R E . J E S T * SH O RT O' — rniiA -rkPA i — N yssa, O r e g o n m a r v , n l a n d p l a n Shipped Stock M anser, Inc. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY Weekly Market Report for August 12, 1947 Grass steers top »23. Bulk common to medium »19 to »22. Grass heifers top »22. Bulk common to medium »17 to »21. Grass cows top »17. Bulk common to medium »15 to »16. Cutter cows »12.50 to »14. Canner cows »10 to »12.50. Feeder cows »13.25 to »15. Bulls »17 to »18. Veal calves top »23. Bulk calves »18 to »22. Bulk bulls »17 to »18. Stocker*or feeder steers »18 to »21. Hogs top $29.70. Bulk fat hogs »29.25 to »29.70. Feeder pigs $28.50 to »31. Weaner pigs »13 to »25. Sows »18 to »24. Lambs top »23. Bulk fat lambs »23. Feeder lambs »18 to »20. Bulk ewes »5 to »8.50, ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet" Ellis White, Manager 413-M , Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. O N TA R IO — 413-M F R U IT L A N D — 522 FOR YOUR FALL WORK BEET LIFTERS DITCHERS AND FRESNOS MANURE SPREADERS SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS RUBBER TIRED WAGONS P & B HYDRAULIC LAND LEVELERS OLIVER T.N.T. GANG PLOWS “The House of Oliver” FINEST IN FAR M M A C H IN E R Y Nyssa Implement Co. Stunz and Thomas VELLO THE CASEIN PAINT FOR BEAUTIFUL WASHABLE WALLS Velio Present» OUTSTANDING BEAUTY « Magic pastel colors and a soft, non-glare, chiffon finish. Eadr-proof, wlH not yellow with age, will not water-spot. HIGH LIGHT REFLECTIVITY With no oil film to pass through, and with high grade metallic paint pigments as background, ail VELLO color reflects extra­ ordinarily high percentage of light shining upon it. Saves wattage, saves eyes, Increases efficiency. TT. ECONOMICAL High hiding power, one coat usually sufficient. Amaxlng cover­ wMivfasAL ra You don’t have to have a lot of money to have glass replaced in your car. Just bring it to the NYSSA AUTO BODY SHOP and well assure you of an expert Job. for less money.When you need VtR P'K E R SERVICE, eall us ^ c o ., % - W f W August day* every minute ymlrw|f t|me Keep-U-Neat | , t us clean are exciting. Enjoy of them by saving a„d work the easy dry rleaning way. your clothes. Call us 53 S^AiloBodqShop KEEP-U-NEAT . QiauuA cd_ weccKCB scavici OLAS» D E P T . N SECOND ST • PHONE 70 SPEEDY Easy mixing. Goes on fast with large wall brush or spray. Plenty of “«lip" In the material. Dries in a few hours. PRACTICAL Goes on all type Interior walls and relllngs, plaster, insulation board, masonry, remenl, etc. Hide* practically all water stains and dlscoloratlona. Nyssa Lumber Company Pittsburg Paints of | Part» Immediately j Meets U. 8. Government specifications for washabllity: P 23a. Type 1. COMPLETE BODY £ PAINT SHOP V Orders Largest age up to 600 feet per gallon mixed. Helf-xizlng except on walls of unusual auction or on new plaster. In dry powder form, mixes with water only, no expensive containers, no water to pay for. Waggoner Motor Co. * ^ Optometrist Eyes Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Serving 5 Counties From the Genuine WASHABLE — Ask us about the HJttle Shaver* . . . nswe*t member of a famous family. £ W OR. G.W. CRAVES No offensive paint odor. Ideal for homes, hotels, offices, cafes, especially for places where food products are made or sold, or where ventilation Is difficult. SOIL OEPOSITEO MCA SOIL B E M O V tO FOOM M I A I - tlon brought to a close and said administrator discharged. Dated this 14tn day o f August; 1947. George J. Mitchell, Administra­ tor of the Estate of Culver Kncal Norcott, Deceased. First pub. Augustt 14. 1947. Last pub. September 11, 1947. NO ODOR -Ti-us C O U N T P V 'S G O T . Nothinf levels like e *lAN 9 PlANe* Approx, weight, 2750 lbs. PAGE FIVE FOR Vacation E no o & h n \ e * \8 e d s >N T H E C u >fl ; You can’t call a truce when danger lurks in those worn tires you may be driving, or if that battery just barely kicked over the motor this morning. . .See O.K. RUB­ BER WELDERS for recapping and bat­ tery service. Spook Show Coming THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1947 Phone 118-W