THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Classified THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1947 POR SALE-- Pick-up box. Oood to Polar locker plant. shape. Nyssa Sanitation Service. ° ue mUe on " bf rU avenue Phone 05R1 Phone 23-W. 15Mtfc. JAKE FISCHER Adrian, who attended the Caldwell rodeo Friday evening. Mrs. Threlma Elliot, Mrs. Clyde Steelman and Donna Lee and Lor- FOR SALE— Be comfortable this retta Van De Water were In On­ Legal Advertising summer. Place your order now tario Saturday morning. Lorretta NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS for alr-conditloning units. Nyssa Hearing Co., Phone 16 «W. 20Mtfc. WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT Van De Water and Donna Steel­ man spoke on the radio during 4-H RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. Alter one month one Sealed proposals will be received FOR SALE— Allis Chalmers mod­ 15-minute program, telling brief 1> cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. el M crawler with dozer, cab, pow­ at the office of the City Manager er tike-off pulley with case. 2- of the City of Nyssa, Oregon until of the 4-H camp recently held at bottom 2-way plow. Western Cor- 7:30 o'clock P.M. August 22, 1947 for Payette lakes. Joe Silvers of Bro­ ruga tor company. 13Mtfc. excavation and backfill of trenches, gan and George Ferguson of Wll- 010-R, Aired Brim 3UUc. FOR SALE— Several houses for hauling and distributing materials lowcreek also gave short talks. laying pipe, placing gate vah »; and For Sale Mrs. William Ashcraft and Mrs. FOR SALE— 1000 used burlap bags. sale. Attractive buys. See Frank fittings. Installing fire hydrants, In­ Clyde Steelmau shopped In Cald­ T. Morgan. lOJtfc stalling lead and copper service well Saturday afternoon. They were FOR SALE—Registered Jersey bull. Eo Case's Hl-Way Mdse. Mart. Lawrence Cleverly, 3V4 miles west | 24Jtfc FOR SAI.F—Automobile Insurance. pipes and all incidental and ap- callers in the Bob Hamilton home purentant work in connection with on Enterprise avenue, route 2, Nys- °ublic Liability, Property Damage. the Water Works Improvement for in Wilder Saturday evening. FOR SALE— Paper and cloth wln- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson Fire. Theft and Collision. Piaceo the City. 14A2xp. . J H P _____________________________ dow shades cut to your measure- in the best companies at lowest were in Emmett Saturday attend The total linear feet of water ing t0 business and visiting friends FOR SALE— O-Keefe-Merrltt 30- ment. No cnarge for cutting. Nys' possible rates. Bernard Eastman. main to be installed Is approxl-1 an(j relatives. gallon Propane gas water heater, sa Furniture Co., One block west 14Ff mately 8500. The total linear feet j Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown, $65. Like new. Also Wedgswood gas R. R. depot. 24J&ÍC. FOR SALE— Four registered Cock­ of service pipe to be installed is Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, and range, $25. David Beers, route 2. FOR SALE— California liquid fer­ er puppies. Party color. $25. with approximately 4000. The City will Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Korman and Nyssa. 14A2xp. tilizer. General trucking. John Bar­ papers. I. L. Williamson, Texaco furnish all pipe, gate valves, fit­ Kristine attended the Caldwell ro­ tings, etc. deo Wednesday evening. nett. phone 123-R. 3Jtfc. station. 7A2xp. The proposals will be publicly FOR SALE— One 18-foot bar, one Mr. and Mrs. Ora Durham of opened and read aloud at 7:30 o'­ 12-foot back bar, one electric na­ FOR SALE— 350 feet frontage, 150 FOR SALE— Pickling cucumbers. Wilder were week-end guests of tional cash register. One St. Louis feet deep on highway. South of George Gabriel, 14 mile on first clock P.M. on August 22, 1947. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown. No proposal will be considered cash register. Both of these in good Polar Cold Storage. $3500. Bernard road south off Adrian highway 201. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and condition. One all glass show case, Eastman. 24Jtfc 7A2xp. unless It Is prepared and submitted Donna Lee spent Sunday visiting on the attached form furnished by In Council, Idaho with the Walter 15 chairs. Priced for Immediate sale. Alf Daniel, owner, at Rose­ FOR SALE— Registered hereford FOR SALE—Winter Club seed bar- I the City Manager, and Clarence Steelman families. bud. 14Alxp. bull. Phone Zack Walker, 282-W. ley. 3*4 cents pound, bring sucks.1 Each proposal shall be accom- Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright SJtfc. L. E. Fry, 5 miles west of Nyssa.: panled by a deposit of five per cent are vacationing at Coeur d'Alene, FOR SALK— Household furniture. 7A2xp. of the amount of tile bid either in Idaho Large oil heater with 30 feet pipe 5011 SALE— Imperial wallpaper. bidder's bond or In cash or certl- Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb en­ and tank, large two-wheel trailer. Guaranteed to be washable and FOR SALE— Immediate possession. {ied check. The deposits will be tertained with a birthday supper Mrs. Ed Werdermann, Third street non-fading for three years. Qood new, modern four-room house, ex-1 returned following the signing of Sunday evening for little Dickie. across from U ) 6 . church. 14Alxp. stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com- cellently located across from park. [ the contract by the successful bia- Those present were Mrs. Maxine pany. 26Jtfc. Stoker and air conditioning unit in der. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Charles basement. Priced for Immediate FOR SALE— Upright piano, coal A complete set of plans and spe­ FOR SALE— Used Fairbanks plat- sale $8000. FHA ceiling price. See cifications together with Bidder’s Wilson of Ontario and their daugh­ and wood range, dining table, buf­ ter, Mrs. C. Jacobson and children fet. Four miles west of Owyhee form scale. 2500 pound capacity. Paul Heldt for house showing. prequaUfication statement may be SJtfc. 7A2xp. inspected at the office of the con- of South Dakota. corner. Mrs. I. A. Mitchell. 7A3xp. Dessert Seed Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Knosp of Hot nlatM Siiale suiting engineer, C. E. Stockman, Boise visited Mr and Mrs. Gayle FOR SALE— Two registered Jersey FOR SALE— Fine row - crop 40, FOR “ q a t e ™ t h ^ p e e d en efied c o ii, i ^ n d B.dg Baker. <*egon and at near Adrian, good water right, fair Martin Sunday. cows. Also one registered bull. Mrs. improvements. $10.95. Also electrlc electric fans, $8.95 ,he ofiices ot 01e Associated Gen- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willard of Olive Graham, route 2, Nyssa. eral Contractors in Portland, Ore­ Caldwell and Miss Norma Richards 40 acres on oiled highway. One 7A3xp. Nyssa Furniture Oo., 1 block west gon and Boise, Idaho. mile out. Unimproved. of Wilder were guests Sunday ev­ of R. R. Depot. 7Atfc. The right is reserved to reject ening of Dorothy Toomb. FOR SALE— Boy's pre-war bicycle, Several good 80-acre and larger any and/or all proposals or to ac­ like new. Phone 148-R. 7A2xp. farms. Kenneth Elliot and Wilbur Jack- For Rent cept the proposal deemed best for son spent the week-end visiting in 3 acres for sale, close In, unim­ FOR SALE— Mall saw. Complete. proved the City, FOR RENT— Three-room, unfurn­ Adrian. Dated tills 5th day of August, Inquire Evans Studio. 7A2xp. , 7A3xc. Also have several houses listed. ished apt. Bybet apis. Harold Kurtz gave the Sunday 1947- at Nyssa, Malheur County, morning sermon In the community SJtfc. POR SAIE— Nice Lakeside player FOR RENT— Polish your own Oregon. KEN RENSTROM church, in the absence of Reverend piano. Roy Pounds. 7A2xp. By Order of The City Council floors. Rent our high-speed pol­ Phone 172-J H. E. Moore, who was attending E. K. Burton, City Manager ishing equipment. Easily handled the church conference at Payette FOR SALE— Toe-marked cockerel« by women. Nyssa Lumber company. Firrt publication, August 7, 1947. FOR SALE— Holstein bull, year lakes. with 300 to 355 egg breeding certi­ 3Atfc. Last publication. August 21, 1917 old. registered purebred, Carnation Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Phifer at­ ficate. Single comb white leghorn tended the Caldwell rodeo Saturday Hansen strain. From blood tested stock. Zack Walker, phone 282-W. WANTED 12Jtfc. flock. Buv now for next year. night. Mrs. Gayle Martin and Dorothy Choice $2.50. C. H. Cassel, 1 mile FOR SALE— Sewing machine sup­ WNTED—Someone to refinance my Toomb visited Thursday and Friday east Owyhee store. 7A2xp. plies. Wholesale and retail. Re­ 160-acre farm. Sixty acres irrigable. with Mrs. A1 Nioholson at Owyhee Mr. and Mrs Delbert Cleaver FOR SALE— 1939 lMi ton GMC building, electrifying, repairing. Re­ Will pay 6 per cent interest. Write entertained at Sunday dinner Elsie dam. C /o Gate City Journal. 14Alxp. built machines for sale. F. "Lete” truck beet bed. Robert Runcorn, Mrs. Carol Mattthews was the Aiker and Leonard Cleaver route 2, Richland district, two miles Sackett, phone 247-M. 469 west WANTED— Will pay top price for Those attending the Nyssa-On- house guest of Dorothy Toornto over First street, south, Ontario, Ore­ west Desseret sheep ranch. 7A2xc. gon. 19Jtfc. your long hay. Paul Rea, route 2, tarto baseball game at Nyssa Sun­ the week-end. Carol Matthews arrived safely Nampa, Idaho. Phone Nampa, 593- day from this community were Ho­ FOR SALE— Chuck wagon In On­ JU. 31J4xc. ward Day, Jim Ritohie, George back in Alaska by plane after visit­ tario. Priced for quick sale; Im­ FOR SALE— Red cedar shingles, Cleaver, Willis Bertram and Mr. ing the past month with relatives mediate possession. Some terms. screen doors, windows, frames and WANTED— To buy anything in and friends here. Mrs. lva Goodell Don Wilkison, Ontario. 7A2xc. screens complete, doors and frames beef or veal. Also buy banger cows and Betty Jean Toomb was the din­ Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell called complete, pipe, flooring, park tables, or will handle for hide and affall. at the John Murphy home in Nys­ ner guest of Pete Timmerman Wed­ FOR SALE— Inlaid linoleum, In­ large size coal hot water heater, Phone 31M or 011J1. 22Atlc. nesday evening In the John Tim­ sa Sunday evening. cluding black marble pattern for three coal ranges and one large Mrs. Leslie Topliff entertained merman home in Newell Heights. cove work and feature stripping. cafe sink. L. J. Josephson and Son, MISCELLANEOUS Betty Jean Toomb and Pete Tim­ the Richland circle at her home 3Jtfc. Also wall linoleum for kitchens and Payette, Idaho. merman spent Thursday In Boise. Tuesday afternoon. bathrcgjms. Chrome metal to go WANTED— Poultry and eggs. Best FOR SALE— 1343 Ford Jeep with Mrs. Carol Matthews was honor Those attending the Caldwell ro­ with It. Nyssa Furniture Co., One 7A4xp. deo the past week were Mr and station wagon top. File first-class cash prices. Phone 192-J. block west of R. R. depot. 7Atfc. tires, new battery, 16,000 miles. Just MISCELLANEOUS— Help-Ur-Self, Mrs. Howard pay, Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE— 1937 Chevrolet truck, painted. Price $900, half cash, $875, custom and wet wash. White Swan Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Ray excellent condition. Eaten two- all cash. New car guarantee for laundry. R. M. Southerland, prop. Griffitts and family, Mr. and Mrs. speed, good rubber. Terms. Ed j 30 days. Powell Service garage. 7Atfc. Willis Bertram, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. 15Mtfc. Phone 13-J. Case’s Hi-Way Mdse. Mart. 31Jtic. | Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Alva MISCELLANEOUS— Available now, Goodell. FOR S A L E - Canning tomatoes at FOR S A L E - Or trade 1940 Ford ^ ‘^ „ , ^ ^eaners and air puri- Mrs. George Cleaver attended the Owyhee Grocery between Adrian ( pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 283-W. | ® r gales flnd servlce FM A An- Home Economis club' meeting at and Nyssa. Bring containers. Phone Merrick’s home derson, route 3, Weiser. Idaho. Mrs. Clarence 26Jtfo. Thursday. Phone 567-J4. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram spent MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and Sunday at the E. L. Jamison home tree pick-up of your dead, crlppied in Nyssa. or sick livestock. Calls received be­ fore 9 o'clock are picked up by noon. Efficient drivers. Call col­ ADRIAN CHAMBER lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys­ HOLDS MEETING sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products Company. 5Jtfc. ADRIAN (Special)—Shirley Sparks, MISCELLANEOUS— Floors Sand­ Raymond Thompson, Fern Camer­ er', old or new made perfect with on, Leona Kaudler, Loretta Van fc.rge commercial machine, experi­ De Water, Donna Steelman, Cath­ enced operators. Telephone Boise erine Hester and Marcelyn Mc­ 0234-R1 or 057-J13. 29Mtfft. Kinley were among the 4H mem­ MISCELLANEOUS—Ladles: If you bers from Adrian and surrounding PHYSICIANS are having trouble with your el­ vicinity who returned Wednesday DENTISTS ectric appliances, call 176W for re­ evening from the summer camp pair service. I repair washing ma­ held near McCall. s a r a z i n "CLINIC Joyce McGinnis and Barbara chines, vacuum cleaners, hot plates, . F. BODMER Dr. J. J. Sarazin ¡electric clocks, clean and oil toast- Hatch accompanied Elbert Hatch WHEN YOUR Tuesday morning to McCall when l ere, food mixers, waffle Irons, el- Dr. K E. Kerby Dentist ! ectric Irons. I also clean and repair he took the community church Physician and Surgeons | sewing machines. Lowe's Home Ap- young people to their summer con­ Ph. 187W I pllance Service shop, located In ference. They stayed overnight with L. A. Maulding. M. D. Wilson Bldg. I the east side of the Phillips build- the 4-H group and brought the 4-H | ing on south First street, 8Mtfc. members home on Wednesday. Physician and Surgeon ________________________________ A regular meeting of bhe Adrian Phone 37 MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? chamber of commerce was held In Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 i Loans on farms for refinancing, the Legion hall Thursday evening. J. R. CUNDALL Daily—Except Sunday 1 building, improvements, b u y i n g . Members and their families were Long term, low Interest, see Ber­ present. A short business meeting Dentist was held and later In the evening nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. HAY BUYER 3Atfc. a technicolor film was presented by the Idaho Power company. Re­ Phone 58-J W. F. JAHN MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car freshments of dixie sherbet cups and clylnder lock keys made. Wes­ were served by the chamber of Sarazin Clinic Dealer in hay and grain tern Auto Store. 250tfc. commerce. NYSSA OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas, Third at Good Ave. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Mr and Mrs William Ashcraft, Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs Clyde Steelman and RIAL (STATI AND INSURANCE LODGES NYSSA. OREGON Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. Donna Lee were among those from PHONE 47J OPTOMETRISTS to 8 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Gate City Lodge No stock received on Sunday. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery No. 214 Advertising PAGE THREE guest Sunday, when Mrs. Dave Mat­ thews entertained with a picnic dinner on the high school lawn. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Case of Arena Valley, Bill Hamilton, Dorothy Toomb, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. W W. Smith, Mr and Mrs .Alvin McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Ce­ ll Smith and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis and chlldreen. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. PhUbruck and ■on, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phllbrlck and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Phllbrlck. all of Lin­ coln. Kansas, are visiting In the Bob Webster home. The men are uncles of Bob Webster The Intermediate Girl Scouts met Saturday afternoon on the high chool lawn. The leader. Mrs. Char­ les NewblU checked badge work for the girls. The next meeting will be held at the home of Betty Hall :n Kingman Kolony. Members of the community church who attended the 'hurch confer­ ence at Payette lakes returned home Monday afternoon. On Trip— Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beus and family left Tuesday to spend their FOR SALE 1 1938 Ply. Cpe. Dlxe. 1 1937 Stdbkr. Fordor. 1 1940 Buick Fordor. 1 ’37 Hdsn. Vs> tn. pekp. 1 ’37 Hvy. dty V /¿ Chv. See these on our used car lot east o f Post Office a will .// come lim e — Hay C a n Burn. Insure N o w KEN RENSTROM I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY Free Pick Up Of Your JEWELRY STORES Dead and Worthless PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a. Second FLOOR LAYING AND SANDING — * wYcKopr JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ■ Animals Call Collect There Is a Phone Near You Nyssa 100 Parma 25 Reftnished, Filled. VamMied Ontario 53 By Experienced Men "We Haul the Day You Call’ Write N. J. Barnett Marsing, Idaho Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Nyssa, Oregon SEEDS For Fall Planting We can save you money on the following: ALFALFA RED CLOVERS PASTURE GRASSES WHITE CLOVER PASTURE MIXES LADINO CLOVER BEANS FOR EATING We are now in the market and are cash buyers of new crop seeds. Watts Seed Company Phone 144-J Phone 74 Nyssa, Oregon Parma, Idaho NEWS OF RECORD MARRIAGE LICENSES Elmon W. Jones of Ontario and Betty Lou Ckjre of MUwaukle. James Brewster Randall of Bak­ er and Marjorie Lee Baird of Port­ land. Joseph C. Barroetabena of Em­ mett and Margaret Ellen Taylor of Ontario. William Vaughn Hill and Bar­ bara Lou Stoner, both of Vale. COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Mary M Glenn, administratrix, vs. Otto M. Schmidt, et. al. To quiet title. Betty F McKnlght vs. Melvel M c- Knlght. Divorce. Dorothy Fay Griffith vs. Dale Russell Griffith. Divorce. Frances Olson vs. Oscar Olson. Divorce. William N. Davis vs. Careen P. Niles. Damages. $150. PA IN TIN G D E C O R A T IN G Dwellings And Other Structures Brush or Spray Latest DeVilbiss equip­ ment for fine laquer and enamel work. Experienced Workmen Satisfaction Guaranteed Watts Motor Co. 10 Years in Nyssa Phone 144-J Nyssa, Oregon R. C. KELLER Phone 68-M Complete Line Of Plumbing Buenn Vista Professional And Business Directory vacation In Ogden and Salt Lake City, where they will to* Joined later In the week by Miss Adrienne Peterson and Spencer Bens, who plan to take a plane to Utah. Supplies Septic Tanks Cleaned and Repaired Brower’s Plumbing Shop Phone 196-J Nyssa, Oregon Announcing the opening o f .............. INTERSTATE P L U M B IN G CO. I am returning to the plumbing business, having previously been employed for 7 years by George J. Kinzer Plumbing and Heating of which a 5 year apprenticeship was served for an Oregon State Plumbing license. • If my services are desired please call 145-L2 or write Box 174, Parma, Idaho. IRVIN J. ZIMMERMAN We Have Opened A Fruit Stand in connection with our filling station and cottage camp on .highway 20. We will buy and sell berries, fruits and vegetables Open seven days a week Red Herren’s Service