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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1947)
% VVStes^ ' r r p ‘ The NYSSA VOLUM E X X X X II NO. 31 JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, AU G U ST 14, 1947 Leseberg, Stoker 1™5MAN f i e r c y fJ? nyssa passes 10 Ontario Beats f, . . REPORTED TO HAVE Nyssa Chamber (.iven Contract CASE OF PARALYSIS Endorses Road ' a f t e r l o n g il l n e s s Nyssa Nine By For Street Job Thurman Piercy of Adrian, son Work in County! Mrs- Man?° M ,ver Hunting, wife Score o f 4 to 2 of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Piercy, be- v 1 of J. W. Hunting of Nyssa, died | Nyssa Men Bid Low ; iueVedp ia iiL 'Ufi i rlr^.M0,m !Meeting M ill Be TV Held , at at 3. her hon’e w~t11of N.V3sa,funJav Nyssa Gains Only Five paralysis, is receiving treat- n f, M p in. after a lingering illness. vJUn. \ Work W ill Be Started cue ment in a hospital, where ^ 01 I Urpose O t D lS - M Hits Against Pltch- Mrs. Hunting Hunting was was bom bom in in tier- Ger This Fall ing O f Henderson lie is reported to have been placed cussing Matter many 65 years ago and came to the T h e Ontario branch of the Unit ed States National bank of Port land have bought the city of Nys sa street intersection bonds atn- ounting to $35,000, and the water works Improvement bonds, amount ing to $90,000. The other bidder was the main branch of the First National bank of Portland. On the street intersection bonds the United States National offered an Inter) «¡t rate of 2 'a per cent and a premium o f $19.95 with ac crued Interest and the First Na tional bid par and accrued interest with an interest rate of 244 per cent for the first 10 years and 2 3/4 per cent Interest fo r the last 10 years. On the water works bonds the United States National bid par and accrued interest and $162.90 pre mium with interest at the rate of 214 per cent. The First National offered par and accrued interest, with a $71.10 premium and Interest rate the same as on the other bonds. CANNERY WORKERS MUST HAVE CARDS A ll persons applying for employ ment with the Idaho Canning com pany must have their social securi ty account number cards, according to F. M. Moss, manager of the com pany. "Unless a worker furnishes hts correct social security account number and name exactly as shown on his card, he will not receive credit under social security for this employment. This may result In serious loss to the worker or his fam ily of future social security benefits,” Mr. Moss explained. A worker will always keep the same number. I f there has been a change of name since getting his card, he should apply for a change on his wage record with the social security administration. Application blanks for original or duplicate cards may be secured at the time-keepers window at the cannery or at Idaho state employ ment oflices, located in Payette at 210 north 8th, or at any post o f fice. Convalescent— Dismissed from the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, where she was taken Saturday for medical atten tion, Mrs. Henry Hartley is recover ing at her home from a severe case of influenza. Daughter Born— Mr and Mrs. Bob Richardson are parents o f a daughter born Sunday, August 10 tn the Holy Ro sary hospital at Ontario. The baby weighing 8 pounds. 8 ounces, has been named Darlene. Picnic Planned— The Vale. Nyssa and Ontario Masonic lodges and auxiliaries have set their annual picnic for Sunday. August 24 at the railroad park in Ontario. A program of sports and entertainment has been planned by committees. Return to Home— Mrs. C. C. Hunt and her daugh ter, Mrs. Merritt C yc lin g , former Nyssa residents, left Tuesday for their home In Twin Palls after a three-day visit at the borne o f Mrs. Hilda Tensen. NYSSA SHIPS OVER HALF OF POTATOES DUG ON OWYHEE Crew O f 150 Is Canning Corn; Good Quality Is Indicated United States when she was one The Nv'sa baseball team, fresh The parent«, on a vacation in ' The Nyssa chamber of commerte year old. .She moved to this com j from a 4 to 2 loss to Ontario last The Idaho Canning company Montana, were notified of the ill-1 meeting at a luntheou Wednesday munity lo years _ _ ago __ She us surviv Sunday, will meet the top- notchers Figures recently compiled here plant, Nyssa’s newest Industrial neS n by Tbu™ an's brot“ " . Wayne. endon* d a tentative program i^ , b y ' h(.r b. drand’ and a daughter reveal that Nyssa is the biggest f the Idaho-Oregon league on the When he became suddenly ill (Tor improvement of roads in the! j 0, ,i Hunting, establishment, started operation shipping point in Malheur coun iast week while trucking potatoes,I the county and authorized the) The body was sent to Portland Nyssa diamond Sunday. The locals this week canning corn, with ap ty. will open their last game of the .le ic y was taken to a doctor in | president to appoint i» u members Tuesday night for cremation. The proximately 150 employes at work. During July 1125 cars of po rarma and was then sent on to lo meet with representatives ol Nyssa Funeral home was in charge. season with Wilder at 2:30 p.m. tatoes raised on the Owyhee The cannery, located on the for Nyssa will play Payette in a , ' e . He “ J'ears °*d- cnarnbers of commerce and Urang- No services were held here project were shipped from Nys league game on the Payette dia I f the case is polio, it is the first es and with the county court m mer Felton farm northeast of Nys sa, Ontario and Homedale. mond Friday night, begining at developed in this county this year. an effort to solve the county s sa, was opened Saturday with a Nyssa shipped 610, Ontario 8:30. • oad luiancing problem. short run to give the management 312 and Homedale 213. The Ontario aggregation lost no Harold Henigson and Frank M or and employes an opportunity to Nyssa ships out and ships in time in whacking out three hits gan were appointed to attend the test the machinery and make ad more goods than all of the from the offerings o f Nyssa’s pltcS- meeting will be held in Vale justments. other towns in the county com r, Wohlcke, but he stayed the within the next two weeks. After the start of the regular bined. route without having much difficul T oe county court Is proposing a run Monday, Fred Moss, head of Mrs. Donald M. Graham, well- tax levy of 10 mills a year tor five known resident o f Nyssa for many ty. On their three hits in the first the Institution, said “The plant is inhing, the visitors scored one run Bonnie Krassly, daughter of Mrs consecutive years for tne purpose years, died in the Holy Rosary hos getting into full production with a and duplicated their feat in the of raising money tor road im Marion Chard of Nyssa. was seri pital in Ontario early Monday fol second. Ontario hit again In the nice quality of corn. The new em ously injured and her companion, provement and maintenance. The lowing an illness of several weeks. ployes are getting accustomed to third frame, but made no score, ievy would raise an estimated $1- Betty Byers, was bruised and their Jobs and the operations are Mrs. Graham ¿became 111 about and went hitless in the fourth and hocked when they were struck by JOO.OOO in five years. smoothing out. The company ex three months ago and complica County Commissioner John Cald tions arising from a major opera fifth. in automobile driven by Toki Kita- pected some Interruptions to begin In the meantime, P. Wilson and mura at the Hartley corner south- well of Vale, wlio outlined the ten tion extended and increased her with, but the main operation is Hartley, the only man to hit Hen vest of Nyssa Wednesday after- tative plans at tile chamber meet illness. very satisfactory. While the crop derson very successfully, banged out ing, said the cbuuty would probab loon. Jessie Christie, daughter of Mr. hits. Hartley a double and Wilson Nyssa School District Has acreage was less this year than Miss Kressly was taken to the ly spend about $187,OuO for road and Mrs. David Christie, was born a single. With these two men on desirable, the company hopes that Largest Malheur Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario machinery. all o f the growers do well, and from June 24, 1895 at Edinburgh, Scot- base and none out, Nyssa had a "'ilie county is virtually without and and grew to womanhood in Valuation for treatment. Miss Byers, daugh all appearances the farmers with dandy chance to score, but Bowen ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers, money tnat can be buugeteu lor that country. She was united in rood crops will be well pleased with struck out, H. Wilson went out on roads", Commissioner Cam-well said, was treated by a doctor. Miss Kita- marriage July 21, 1915 to Donald a throw to first base and McDon Partly through an Increase in the returns, which Indicate to the “because of the tax base remaining mura, suffering from shock, was M. Graham at Edinburgh. She ald filed out to centerfielder. the new valuation ratio and part company that this is going to be taken to the Nyssa Nursing home. „lano in the face of rapid growth continued to reside there while Mr. Russell singled In the fifth, but ly through an increase in property a high quality, good producing area m population and development of for sweet corn. Although it Is too The two girls, who attended the Graham continued his service in the other batters were retired one, assessments, Malheur county’s as- early to check, the results indicate matinee at the Nyssa theater, de new lands. the British army. In May, 1922 the two, three. • “ We want the people to know family came to the United States cided to rest after they had ridden Nyssa's second rally of the game, sed valuation Jumped this year to that these hopes will be realized". The plant is well organized, giv their bicycles as far as the Hartley that a delimte program will be and located in Malheur county, liv headed by Hartley's triple and H. $22.227,861.15, an Increase of $8,581- outlined. We want to give them ing extreme cleanliness and sim- corner. They sat down near a ing at Juntura, Ontario, Vale and Wilson's single, gave the locals two 213.65 over that of 1946. me cost per mile and other data power pole close to the highway Nyssa. Assessor John Koopman said that nlicity of operation. A chlorination runs, which were made by P. W il and while they were resting the uelore an election is hem” . Mrs. Graham, who was associated son and Hartley. Henderson held 50 per cent of the Increase was due plant that purifies the water keeps Mr. Culuweil said the county now new Kitamura car approached The with her husband in the Nyssa the Nyssa boys hitless during the to a boost in the ratio of assessed the machinery and floors clean. When the com ripens sufficiently, car failed to negotiate the curve nas 20,tluo miles ol county loads Realty company, was active in sev last three innings. value to true value from 39 to 60 and crashed against the pole and and will nave many more as new ers fraternal organizations. She was per cent. The Malheur county in the company will probably start a Ontario made two hits in the the girls and their bicycles. Ap aims are opened. treasurer of the Methodist church crease In ratio came as a result second shift. There is some indica The county court proposes to at Nyssa for several years and held sixth and one in the seventh in of a program of equalization laun tion that some raw produce will parently Betty started to fun and ning, but it was not until the fatal was therefore not badly hurt, but -ioiU a special election ill November, offices in several fraternal organi ninth that the visitors won the ball ched by assessors of the state. Des be transfered from the Payette Bonnie said she “ froze and started mmetime alter tne 7th lor a vote zations, including the Order ot the game. Starting at the top of the pite the Increase In ration, indivi section to give the Nyssa plant an of the people on the road pro Eastern Star, Rebekah lodge, Royal opportuhlty for heavier production. ^creaming". batting order, Baird and Parrot dual taxes will remain about the “Open house” will be held at the Neighbors, American Legion auxili singled and L. Echunts went out on same as the higher valuation tends Bonnie is reported to have been posal. plant Saturday, August 23 in or ary, Veterans of Foreign wars aux a throw from the pticher to first to reduce levies. thrown several feet and her bicycle iliary and Disabled American vet baseman. W. Keele drove out a was tossed into an adorning field. Koopman said that 8.60 per cent der to give the residents of this community an opportunity to in erans auxiliary. Both bicycles were badly damaged. dojibW. that scored Baird and Par of the Increase in assessed valua Survivors are her MsfeahJ; two tion was due to a natural increase spect the factory. The company The automobile was only slightly rot. and the Nyssa chamber of com daughters, Mrs. Doris Lawrence and damaged. Henderson proved himself to De in valuations and new property. Mrs. Ethel Lawrence; a son, Ray a strike-out artist, whiffing 15 of The girls, living in the Oregon Among the Incorporated towns merce will serve lunch at the fac mond, all of Nyssa; six grand the Nyssa batters. He allowed three in the county, Nyssa's valuation ol tory at noon and guests will then Trail district, were en route home McDonald, Nyssa first baseman, children, and two sisters, Christ when the accident occurred. Miss $1,093,094.35 was second highest, be be taken through the factory. The walks. Kressly had been living with her is leading his team in the lieldmg ine Christie and Agnes King of Nyssa AB R H PO A E ing exceeded only by Ontario with general public is invited to attend sister, Mrs. Roy Holmes, but was department with a perfect record Edinburgh, Scotland. 4 0 1 3 2 0 a valuation o f $2,883,501.21. Vale's the open house party. Details for Russell, ss Funeral services were held in the staying temporarily at the home dl 1.000. D. Willson with 8 put- 2 0 0 2 4 1 valuation was set at $655.647.17 and the event will be carried in the C. WUson, 2b of another sister, Mrs Phil M itch ->uts and three assists and Bowen Methodist church Wednesday mor D. Willson, f 2 0 0 0 0 0 Jordan Valley at $69.735.20. Person Qate City Journal next week. wiui one putout also have averages ning at 10 o'clock, with Rev. H. J. ell. 3 1 1 8 0 0 al property valuations amount to F. Wilson, c Gernhardt officiating. The Nyssa if 1.000. 4 1 2 3 0 0 $6,914,310 and public utilities at CONTRACTOR ABOUT Hartley, rf Hartley dropped two points to Funeral home had charge o l inter 2 0 0 0 0 0 $15,313,551.15. Railroad property Is Bowen, If READY TO FINISH .512 in Sunday s game with On ment in the Nyssa cemetery. 4 0 1 1 4 1 valued at $2,646,482.21 and the Ida H. Wilson, 3b tario but he is still leading the MAIN STREET WORK 3 0 0 10 0 0 ho Power company holdings at $843- McDonald, lb team by a big margin. 3 0 0 1 5 0 391 98. NYSSA MAN HELD Wohlcke, p Averages for Conference Games The Nyssa school district, No. 6, 1 Contractors laid a leveling course 1 0 0 1 0 Iseri, s IN ASSAULT CASE A lter Ontario August 10, 1947 2 0 0 0 0 0 has the largest valuation In the of crashed rock and oil on Main Hartloo, s Batting Averages county, $4,317,777.58. Other dis 0 Dusting of Nyssa as a precaution 0 street Wednesday, so that comple FREED BY OFFICERS Heldt. s 2 0 0 0 K ill UH AB K II AV. against flies was discussed at a 1 0 0 0 0 0 trict figures are Vale union high tion of the surfacing project is not Tobler, s school district one, $4.083969 78 and 4 41 11 21 .512 6 3 meeting of the city council Tuesday Hartley 5 27 15 far distant. 33 t The Nyssa man held by state Totals 1 23 4 9 .391 and county officers in connection 4 D. Willson night. The contractors, working under AB R H PO A E Ontario $3,712235.33. Ontario 5 39 ¡1 13 .333 with the case involving an attack 9 Cook and Johnson of Parma said F. Wilson state contract, told city officials 4 1 2 1 0 0 Baird, cf 0 24 4 8 .333 on a 10-year-old Ontario girl was 5 the cast would be about $6 an acre Graham that they will start laying the fin 5 2 3 0 0 0 NAVY PERSONNEL Parrott, rf 0 27 2 H .296 released last Friday night because 3 al course of asphaltic concrete Sat to dust from the air. The Idaho- Holman 4 0 1 14 2 0 L. Echanis, c TO GET MEDALS 0 8 0 2 .250 officials said they did not have 1 Oregon Chemical company of P ar l'obler urday. Under this plan the eatlre 5 0 2 0 3 0 W. Keeel, 2b 1 0 19 2 4 .211 sufficient evidence to file charges. surfacing project should be com ma submitted a bid of approxi iseri AT MEETING HERE 5 0 1 0 i 1 B. Keele, ss 2 2 34 1 7 .206 pleted by the first of next week. mately $600 for spraying the town Russell 5 0 0 1 0 0 District Attorney Charles Swan Conner, 3b 4 ü 36 4 7 .194 said “The description given by the Completion o f the work will give against flies. Bob Muir of WeLser H. Wilson 3 0 1 9 0 0 A representative of the navy re- A. Echanis, lb 1 22 1 .182 1 4 desires to offer a bid on spraynlg. Wohlcke girl was vague and not much to Betts, If 4 1 0 2 0 0 rulting office in Boise will be in Nyssa’s Main street a smooth sur 4 Vaughn 3 3 24 4 .167 W. C. Brown of Nyssa asked the go on, but we are redoubling our Henderson, p 4 c 2 0 3 0 Nyssa Thursday, August 21 to give face for the first time since last 3 12 2 2 .167 efforts to locate the guilty man". 0 city to extend the sewer line to Hartloo 40 4 12 27 8 1 victory medals and American de- fall. Under It are a new water main Totals C. Wilson .158 2 5 38 4 6 Ninth street and Alberta avenue, The assault ocurred near Ontario sonnet. A meeting will be held and storm sewer. .125 Bowen 1 8 0 1 0 wjiere he expects to build a $60- last week after the man forced two Spends Week-end— fense medals to former navy per- .100 0 10 1 1 McDonald 2 000 motel. The council took the girls, 9 and 10 years old, into his Dr. J. J. Sarazin spent the week at 8 p.m. in the home economics House Guests— .000 0 2 1 1 0 RambauJ matter under advisement. Mrs. P. M. McNeil, Mrs. Max automobile as they were en route end In Portland vLsltlng his new room of the .high school building 0 1 5 1 0 .000 to a swimming pool. After he is grandson, whose parents are Dr. Rev. Roland Wuest was granted Heldt The only requirement o f the men Miner and two daughters of Mt. r cam 43 29 384 55 t o o .261 approval for construction of a Lu alleged to have attacked the older and Mrs. C. O. Peterson. will be that they furnish their dis Shasta, California and Mr. and Fielding theran church at Fifth street and girl, the man drove back toward charge papers or form 553. The Mrs. Rudolph Steiner and daugh E AV. PO A Ontario and released the girls on Visit Here — Park avenue. discharge can be the original or ter of Corona, California visited at logo 0 0 24 The council ordered some small McDonald the edge of town. Mr and Mrs. Albert Coleman large photostatic copy, but not the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0 1 J00 8 3 D. Willson Miner. Mrs. McNeil is Mr. Miner's buildings on the Devers property and brother. Billy, of Drewsey spent small pocket copy. 1.000 From Idaho— 0 0 1 on East Second street vacated and Bowen The American Legion and VFW sister. the week-end with relatives. .983 1 1 57 removed because they do not con Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Swearington will hold a joint social that night. .974 and Mr. and Mrs. John Summers 12 2 64 form to the city building code. The F Wilson A ll veterans of all branches of the Attend Reunion— .931 of Boise were week-end. visitors of Meet in Nyssa— 20 1 2 buildings, erected without a permit, Wohlcke Mrs. Parley Felk and daughter, Mrs. A. O. Sheldon o f Salt Lake service are Invited to attend. R e .931 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kipp. 18 2 Holman 9 must be removed by August 23. City and her two grandchildren, freshments will be served by the June. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Pelk .923 0 1 12 and Mrs. Mary James, mother of Police Chief Orville Maze report Hartley who have been visiting her, came auxiliaries. .922 At C lin ic - 22 25 4 Mrs. Parley Pelk, attended the ed that 26 arrests, mostly for Russell to Nyssa this week as guests at the .900 1 8 1 James family reunion at Lava Hot drunkeness, were made during July. Hartloo Miss Adrienne Peterson under home of Mr. and Mrs. A C. Sallee. Visits Daughter— 8 8 *J 10 2 5 Iseri went a tonsilectomy at the Sara- The children's father, Calvert Shel Mrs. A. Haugen o f Sllverton vis Springs, Idaho recently. Jessie and 879 zin clinic this week. 4 3 26 Graham don, came to Nyssa to take them ited over the week-end with her Prank James were in attendance. Sprains Foot— .857 1 3 . 3 Mrs C. S. Pulton of Payette Is Tobler daughter. Mrs. John Burton, and to their home in Seattle. 838 17 6 14 Here from California— visiting at the home of her daugh C. Wilson family. Transacts Business— .821 14 7 18 Mr and Mrs. Ralph Pfeiler and ter. Mrs. Tom Eldrtdge, who Is H. Wilson Mrs. M M Greeling of Twin From Overseas— O C O 2 0 0 son of Long Beach, California are Porz Ostrom of Stockholm, Swe Visit Friends— suffering from a severly sprained Rambaud Falls spent Sunday at Adrian and .000 0 1 0 foot, which was injured recently Heldt Kingman Kolony, where she at den visited this week at the home Mr. and Mrs W. E. Schlreman visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. .913 286 132 40 Team tended to property interests. She of his uncle, John Ostrom. Enroll- and Mrs. E. Klnser visited Mr. Albert Pfeiler. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. in a fall at her home. also visited at the home of Mrs. [ ed at one of the leading colleges In and Mrs. Joe Fenwick of Jordan DeBuxschere of Oxnard, California From Enterprise— are also visiting for a few days Hilda Tensen and returned to Ida- hts country where he studied the Valley Sunday. VIsKs Grandparents— Ronnie Thompson of Enterprise at the Pfeiler home ho Tuesday. English language, the young man Miss Ellen Sager of Harper is is visiting his friend, Dick Herri- -------------------- — plans to remain In the United Cattlemen to Meet— visiting her grandparents, Mr. and man. Pioneers to Meet— " States for several months to devel- Mrs. W. W Poster. H ie Malheur County Jersey Cat Livestock Sale Starting— A new livestock bam has been Arrangements have been com- op his study and pronunciation tle club will meet Friday night. Will Move— pleted by the executive committee --------------- — —— August 15 at 8 o'clock In "the city constructed at Cambridge, Idaho. Easterners Visit— • ■ ■ —» . t . m -« * . ■ m il V i« v v a A im lln n a o e .tn o n a fffli1 r i* Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Burton plan of the Malheur County Pioneer Attend P ic n ic - M r and Mrs P. A. Rider of hall in Nyssa to plan for floats and Bill Lane, auctioneer-manager of Gettysburg. Pennslyvania arrived to move this week-end to the association for the annual pioneer j Mr. and Mrs Eldon Ulmer and booths and exhibits at the Mal- the Nyssa Livestock company, has Dicnlc. attended a family here Monday to spend two weeks Sherwood residence. — to be held at Riverside . park j children ________ _____ . . picnic heur county fair, to be held Aug- been employed as auctioneer. Sales are held at the new yards every 29 and 30 and September 1. in Vale August 29. according to | last Sunday near Boise. Six adults ^ visiting Mrs Riders parents, Rev Returns to Nyssa— Friday The first was held last Mrs. Nellie T. Carroll, association and three children were present I-cave for Camp— and Mrs H. J. Oemhardt. Returning Monday ‘ o make their secretary. Otrl Scouts from Nyssa, Ontario week. home In Nyssa were Mr. and Mrs and Jamison will leave August 18 ------------------------T o Burn: Parents of F.lmer Sparks and W L Lane f or a 10-day outing at Pilgrim cove, Leave Hospital— A son weighing 8 pounds, 14 J. C. Smith, who have lived In sisters Visit— Mrs. Robert Child returned home Mrs William Plughoff of Port- 1 made a business /trip to Bums near Payette lakes. Mrs Fred Lee ounces was born August 13 to Mr Homedale for over a year. of Ontario will be camp director. Saturday with her Infant daugh- land and Mrs Zena Keys of Sacra- j Tuesday, and Mrs E. L McCrady of Nyssa Returns— mento arrived this week to spend The Nyssa girls will be accompanied ter from St Luke's hospital in in the Nyssa Nursing home. Mrs Jean Fletcher returned Sun a month visiting their sister, Mrs. Mother Visits— by Mrs W E. Schlreman and Mrs Boise The girl, weighing 7 pounds. day from Vaughn, Mon'ana. where W H. Beam. Mrs. Edna Stoddard of Boise E K Burton Those planning to 7 ounces, will be named Laura Return Home— spent one day last week visiting attend are Bonnie Ward, Dolor js Lynn. Robert Child is co-owner M r and Mrs. D D Hyer returned she was called because of the ill Coffman, Vivian Earnest, Margaret of the Eagle Oil company here. her daughter, Mrs Ed Ostrom. Returns From Trip — Tuesday by plane to their home in ness and death of her uncle. Dlven, Joan Narragon, Mary Sue M r and Mrs. V. W. Du us and Lewiston. Utah after a brief visit Parson. Colleen Bybee. Phyllis Had- Taken to Nursing Hon family returned last week from a Boys at Lake— at the homes of Mr and Mrs Move into New Residence— Mrs. A. H. Willson of Nyssa was Mr and Mrs Vem Parson and vacation trip that took them to Allen and Chester Council and ley, Patsy Settles, Patricia Orunke Campbell Baer and Mr and Mrs Bumali Brown. Mrs. Brown, Mrs family moved Tuesday into their Calgary. Lake Louise and other I Lyle Miner spent the week-end at Betty Weeks. Sylvia Dolan, and taken to the Nyssa Nursing home Avon Peterson 1 the first of the week. points of interest tn Canada. Payette lakes new residence Baer and Mrs Hyer are sisters. K. Lese berg and George W. Nyssa were awarded a e 1 Imnrovement contract st an adiourned meeting o f the city council Wednesday night. Tn competition with four other hiddi'rs. the Nyssa men bid $36,014. 29 for street intersections and $90- 641.67 on the streets, making a total of 126,855.96. The city's esti mate of the work, $106,617.70, was made about six months ago. Other bidders and their total bids were as follows: Morrlson- Knud en company, $156.362.90; Quinn and Robbins, $140.635.55; Triangle Construction company. $148 925. 45. and Stanley and Ehlen $137,620.25. In the first step in the improve ment project, the city will make assessments on property under the Bancroft act. Property owners will pay the cost of the improvements between the Intersections, amount ing to $90,841.67. The $36,014129 item for intersections will be paid for Irons the city's share of the state gasoline tax. The project includes approxi mately three and one-half miles of paving and seven miles of curb ing. Much of the work will be done this fall. City Manager E. K. Bur ton said. U.S. Bank Buys Nyssa Bonds n an iron lung. Idaho Canning Company Starts Operation of Plant at Nyssa Mrs. Don Graham Taken by Death 2 Girls Struck By Car Injured Valuations In County Increase By ^ M illio n s JVTDonald Leads Ball Handlers Dusting Against Flies Discussed