THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON COUNTY SERVICE OFFICER UPHELD BURCHI violation o f an edict Issued before the meeting that no photographs should be taken. The picture war : taken as Oraham was speaking (C u tlaacd from Page One) tbe meeting, said "Everybody was against the editorial. well satisfied with the committee's | Shouting, "Let's bust that cam­ report. Nothing more would have era," two of the men started toward j Robinson. been said If he hadn't followed It " I'll call a policeman", Ander- up with an editorial". | son interjected, rushing to the The meeting resulted In a vote door, and the men returned to FIRST M ISSIONARY BAPTIST TI1E CHURCH OF THE of confidence for Anderson and 'th eir seats. Anderson later, com­ CHURCH NAZARENE denunciation of Smith. mented that his purpose in starting E. J. Wilson. Pastor M. J. Duncan, pastor Possible violence was avoided ] to call the police was solely to pre­ 10 a.m., Sunday school. when Andeson shouted "I'll call a vent violence. M. J. Duncan, Elder policeman" as a group of the vet­ Vigorously defending the county 11 a.m., Song service sermon and Sunday school, 10 a. m. erans rushed the Eastern Oregon service office as a necessary aid to communion service. Morning devotional, 11 a. m. Observer photographer. W. C. Rob­ veterans, Oraham charged that 7:15 p.m., Young people, teen age Young people's services, 7 p. m. inson. who was talcing a picture in "Smith is not in a position to know and junior meetings. Evening services, 8 p. m. 8 p.m.. Evangelistic service. Thursday evening prayer ser­ Wednesdays. 8 p.m., Prayer and vice, 8 p. m. praise services. Tuesday evening cottage prayer service to announced each Sun­ FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH day (time and place). Roland G. Wuest, Pastor Tenth Sunday after Trinity. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 10 a.m., Sunday school. Classes Sterl D. Spies*. Pastor for all age groups. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. 11 a.m., Worship service. Sermon Worship, 11 a.m. theme. "A Mighty Warning A g­ Evangelistic service, 8 p.m, ainst Unbelief", based on St. M at­ Tuesday, Prayer meeting, 8 p.m. thew 23: 34-39. The church council will hold Its CHRISTIAN CHURCH monthly meeting Monday evening, 5th and Etims Sts August 11, at 8 o'clock at the par­ George Whlnple, Pastor sonage. Bible school, 10 a.m. On August 13. Wednesday ev­ n.MIN M.M III lim i III III Itlilll.lillitlil lililtl N U I II til III U lu lili UM I H ill III 1! » Morning worship, 11 a.m.. Includ­ ening, at 8 o'clock, the pastor will begin the first in a series of lec­ ing sermon and special music. Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p.m. tures on "Christian Palth and Evening service, 8 p.m. Life", which will be a course of in­ Daily devotional program, 8 a.m. struction for those desiring to join the Lutheran church. Those taking every morning exept Sunday over the course and desiring to Join KSRV, Ontario. Children's Booster club, 8:15 Sat­ will be received into membership through the holy rite of confirma­ urday morning over KSRV. Mid-week Bible study and pro­ tion Sunday. November 30. Any­ one interested is asked to call the gram service, 8 o'clock Thursday evening at the church. pastor at 39-J. Practice for special music W ed­ CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES nesday at 8 p.m. in the church. AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH I„ D. S. CHURCH PARISH HALL Sunday, s :lo a m., priesthood Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass at 8 a.m. until further meeting. Sunday, 10:30 a. m., Sunday notice. SEE Frank T. Morgan —ABOUT— Avoset Property If Interested Attention Eagles There will be an Eaglet picnic at Caldwell Sun., Aug. 10 school. Bring the family and a lunch. Caldwell is furnishing the ice cream and soft drinks M il nr m urn'll! >1 n !>i n n n srpi r 'i'if irfwntit'n w i "i m n n i ... % PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947 pense money. "W ith 3000 veterans of three wars living in the county, the cost is less than one per cent per vet­ eran," Anderson asserted. Six of the eight posts o f vet­ erans’ organizations in the county were represented at the meeting n-ludlng the Vale VFW. the Nys- a American Legion and v v w «m i the Ontario DAV, Legion and VFW. CORN AFFFCTFD BY TIME OF PICKING I Sweet corn picked during the 'ate morning or afternoon is sweet­ er than that harvested early In the Homing. That is a timely reminder frcm County Agent Harry Sand- mist. who explains that sugar i :tored in the corn during the day and changes to starch at night. A second pointer for getting top 'uallty in home grown garden pro- lucts is* to remove the tops from not crops very soon after digging. While in the ground, the plant feeds from the soil: but when the ntant Is dug, the tops draw upon ‘ he food stored in the root and hus reduce its value. 17113 applies 'o all root crops, Including beets, -arrots, turnips and parsnips for ' xample. I f ground is available in good hape for planting, th's Is a good time to plant soma- fall spinach, mustard, turnips, radishes and let­ tuce, Mr. Banduist adds These are nutritious foods that will be help­ ful to the family budget later on. A letter received by Sandulst from R. Ralph Clark, extension horticulturist at OSC, comments that gardens are looking very good now in most sections of Oregon. "The gardens which were planted following the wet period In the spring have grown exceptionally fast and are giving good returns for the time and expense involved” , Clark says. Returns Home— After a visit of 10 dsys in Ogden and Salt Lake City, where they attended the L.D.S. centennial, Mrs Campbell Baer and Mrs. Burnall Brown returned home Sunday. Miss Marian Grace Brown, who accom­ panied them to Utah, remained In Twin Falls to visit her aunt, Mrs. Solon Lewis. T1IE METHODIST COM M UNITY Sunday, 7:30 p. m„ sacrament CHURCH meeting. Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor Tuesday, 2 p. m „ Relief society Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. meeting. Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. First Tuesday of each month ai Intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. p. m. Prim ary for children be- Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. ween ages of 4 and 12. Evening Bible study. 8 p.m. Gather Berries— Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 Ices beginning Sunday. September Mrs. Barney WiLson. Mrs. C. H. 2. p.m. Bennett, Mrs. H. H. Kingery, Mrs. Andrew McGinnis and Mr. and what he Is talking about” , concern­ was made of the fact that Ontario Mrs. Charles McConnell returned has the only V A office in the • 'unday from a three-day trip to ing veterans affairs. the mountains near Tamarack, Denying that the post is super­ county and has no funds for travel, where they picked huckleberries. fluous, Graham held that there while the county officer maintains offices in Nyssa and Vale. are advisory tasks which the vet­ "Everyone in this room is a po­ Visitors leave— Mrs. W. E. Bothamley and her erans administration cannot per­ tential customer of the county ser­ form, such as appeals from V A vice officer", Arthur Rouse of Nys­ two children, who have spent the rulings on disability claims. sa said, holding that there will be past six weeks visiting at the home Another supporting contention a continuing need for the office of Mrs. Bothamley’s mother, Mrs. Commenting on the editorial’s Hilda Tensen, and her sister, Mrs. contention that his office was an Grant Rinehart, returned this week unnecessary burden to taxpayers, to their home in San Fernando. Anderson stated that his salary is $200 a month, plus $200 a year ex­ M/CKiYand WS MA A g B Br ° rubber welders w a s OUT r o t h e r W I T H R C H IF F O N IE R « L H S T N .& H T , H V « B o m ; F e e w e e ? h C h if f o n ie r _ S W E L \ » PSE55ER/ ^ m » T J |L , BIGBROTHER SEZl- Calm down bark seat drivers by having de­ pendable quality reca ps on your tires. They add thousands of safe extra miles . .. . See O K. RUBBER W ELDERS... today! O K. RUBBER WELDERS NEW C A R , T R U C K -T R A C T O R PHONE 5 M = = = = = NYSSA. OREGON MO RUM AWAY EXPENSES WHEN YOU USE THIS STAY-PUT O IL!" RPM Heavy Duty M otor Oil gets in there and stays on those sizzling hot upper cylinder walls. Ordinary oils curl away, leaving hot spots bare — and your motor wide open for a repair bill. Compounded R PM Heavy Duty Motor O il holds expenses way down . . . gradually cleans out carbon, stops ring-sticking, sludge and corrosion. Stick to R P M Heavy Duty Motor O il — it sticks to hot spots 1 W. E. SCHIREMAN PHONE 61 ¿ »o A S T A N D A R D OF C A L IF O R N IA PRO D U C T JUST ARRIVED W HEN YOUR HAYING HARVESTING I t Z 4* '0 IS HANDLED BY Th is fellow is living proof that "the way to man's heart is through his stomach." But he can worry less about his future wife's ability to cook if he will furnish her with an electric range. a Electric cooking is so simple and fast that even a novice can be a good cook. Automatic timers and thermo­ static controls on the oven make recipe results turn out uniformly, while the kitchen remains cool and clean. Homemakers like the idea of put­ ting dinner in the oven of an electric range, setting the controls end then forgetting about it until mealtime . . . the leisure time is real pleasure dividend. a HYDRAULIC FARMHAND'S E l e c t r i c i t y can serve you better if y o u provide more circuits and outlets. Insist on adequate wiring when you build or remodel. V per day, alone. Picki up hey from wind- j rows at 15-30 M P H : build« 21 ft. tall ' «lack« with Vi ton load« under ea«y finger j tip control. IN WESTERN SLEEPMASTER Looks Like a Davenport by Day, Extra Bed by Night. of 5 field pitcher«; keep« rig bu«y by hauling direct, or load« bundle rack in S minute«. F A R M H A N D pay« lor itjell in extra wage« »eved in few month«. M f j. by Superior Separator Company Hopkins, Minnesota p o w e r Now is the time to think about that Platform Rocker H ARVESTIN G i O ne men doe« work SEE US T O D A Y : Learn how F A R M ­ H A N D S do the work of 5 extra men; how ra c ia l feature« «eve work ell year 'round; handle 42 farm job«. Ask your dealer to show you the new models . . . you'll be convinced that an electric range provides better living. i d a h o Special Values Davenos $59.00 Up MOBILE POWER HAYIN G « O n e man can alack 20 acre« Sold byi B & M EQUIPMENT COMPANY Caldwell, Idaho TIRES R E C A P P I N G it R E P A I R I N G See our famous BILTWELL Zephyrs and regular platform rockers. Uke ffyte of Huatitk Jbeae/u/aA NEWSOM FURNITURE