Classified PA G E THREE TH U R SD A Y, A U G U S T 7, 1947 T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y JO U RN AL, NYSSA, OREGON members at their home after September 6 to Earnest Weeks Of ing; sprinkling; rumishing materi­ home Sunday. Myrtle Creek. Oregon at a lawn als for and constructing manholes, Mr and Mrs. Alva Goodell were church Sunday evening. wedding. catch basins and sewer pipe, and in Ontario Wednesday. LO ST— Billfold back of Farmers VISITORS ARRIVE Delons Auker left Tuesday with otherwise according to the plans Co-op store. Reward. I f finder does a crowd of young people for Pay­ IN KINGM AN AREA and specifications now on file in O W YH EE RESIDENTS not return all of contents at least ette lakes to attend presbyterlal want papers. Don Parker, route 2, the office of the City Recorder of LEAVE ON VISITS K rN G M AN K O LO N Y (Special i— to be held this week. Nyssa. 7Alxp. said City o f Nyssa, Oregon. Mrs. Sandy Patterson and fam i­ The proposals will be publicly op­ O W YH E E (Special)— Boo Rice and ly of Bums came Tuesday to spend RATES: Two cents per word tor each Issue. Alter one month one | For Rent ened and read aloud at 7:30 o’­ Lou FYatt are in Portland on busi­ a few days with her father and cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. Serving 5 Counties brothers. T. T. E3Uot, and family. ness. “ftiey went by plane. FOR R E NT— Three-room, unfurn­ clock P.M. on August 12, 1947. Prom the Largest Stock of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jones and ished apt. Bybet apts. 7A3xc. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and No proposal will be considered Genuine amlly of Midvale, Utah and Mrs. unless it is prepared and submitted Mrs. Mary Fletcher of Homedale were dinner guests In the Kenneth Harold E. Rigby of Boise visited | non-fading for three years. Good FOR R E N T - EYghty-acre farm, well improved, good soil. Want to on the attached form furnished by McDonald home Sunday. last week In the C. 3. Wright home. ■ For Sale ' stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com­ raise 40 acres of sugar beets next the City Manager, and unless the Mr and Mrs. Max Howard a n d 1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer sold 20Jtfc. year. Interested in first-class far­ PO R SALE— Oab-over-engine Che­ pany. bidder has submitted a prequail their car and bought a new truck Mrs G. H. Salter and family re­ Part* vrolet, two ton truck, 12-14 stock FOR S A L E — Used Fairbanks plat­ mer. Send inquiries to Box Q, Nys­ fication statement as required by in Portland last week. Darrell W il­ turned Monday from Salt Lake Orders Shipped Immediately sa, Oregon. 31J2xc. City, where they were called on I liams accompanied them. rack, 814 by 20 tires, 2600 miles. form scale. 2500 pound capacity. Section 98-103, O.CL.A., ten days H. B. Winter arrived last week account of the death of Mr. Ho­ Polish your own before the date of opening the bids. Dave Matthews. Adrian. 7Alxp. Dessert Seed Co. 3Jtfc. FO R RE34T - from Courtland, Kansas to visit his ward's sister-in-law. floors. Rent our high-speed pol­ Mrs. James Snead and two boys Each proposal shall be accom­ son, Wilson Winter, and family. FO R SA LE Toe-marked cockerels FOR SALE:— Fine row - crop 40, ishing equipment. Easily handled He plans to settle in Nyssa, where of Letha, Idaho and Mrs. Schultz Payette, Idaho with 300 to 355 egg breeding certi­ near Adrian, good water right, fair by women. Nyssa Lumber company. panied by a deposit of five per cent oi Emmett visited at the Guy 3Atfc. of the amount p f the bid either in he will work as janitor in the grade ficate. From blood tested flock. improvements. Moore home Thursday. bidder's bond or in cash or certified school. Mr and Mrs. EYank Cummins Buy now for next year. Choice Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Matthews check on some well-known solvent 40 acres on oiled highway. One W ANTED shopped in Ontario Monday. $2.50. C. H. Cassel. 1 mile east mile out. Unimproved. bank. The deposits will be returned have been visiting her parents. Mr Red Kreager had his alfalfa seed 8everal good 66-acre ana larger W A N T E D - W ill pay top price for following the signing o f the con­ and Mrs. Claude Smith, for the Owyhee store. 7A2xp. past few weeks. Mr. Matthews will dusted by airplane Wednesday. your long hay. Paul Rea, route 2, tract by the successful bidder. farms. Mrs. L. L. Kreager and Mrs. Guy FO R SALE!— Two-wheel box trail­ 3 acres for sale, close In, unim­ Nampa, Idaho. Phone Nampa, 593- The right is reserved to reject return to Alaska on Monday, leav­ Glenn were in Caldwell on busi­ ing Mrs. Matthews for a longer J ll. 31J4xc proved any or all proposals or to accept er. Oood tires, 6.00-16. A real bar­ ness Wednesday. such proposal or proposals as are stay. Also have several houses listed. gain. George Dohner, route 2, P ar­ Dale and Dick Ashcraft shopped W A N TE D — Home laundry, also to the best interest of the City. Mr and Mrs. Claude Skinner and • 5Jtfc. ma, Idaho. 7Alxp. plain sewing. Beatrice Niccum, Lo­ children left last week for Can­ In Caldwell Monday. KEN RENSTROM B Y ORDER OF T H E C IT Y Ardls Hurst was a dinner guest cust avenue, end of north 6th on City, Colorado to visit Mrs. Phone 172-J COUNCIL FO R SALE— 1939 1H ton GMC street. 24J3xp. “ kinners parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Betty Jean Toomb Sunday. E. K. Burton, City Manager. truck beet bed. Robert Runcorn, Delora Hurst will be married FOR SALE— Holstein bull, year ____ Barragree. While Mr. and Mrs. route 2, Richland district, two miles old, registered purebred, Carnation W A N TE D T° anything in Skinner are away. Miss Elols Crock­ NO TICE FO R BIDS west Desseret sheep ranch. 7A2xc. stock. Zack Walker, phone 282-W. ^ ,?,r J “ 1: , * * 0 ^ Barney Wilson of Nyssa, Oregon er is helping Mr. and Mrs. Louis . I|f(, or will handle for hide and offall FO R SALE:— Chuck wagon In On­ __ _______________________ 22Atfc., w111 receive bids for construction Skinner in the store. Phone 31M or 011J1. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy are tario. Priced for quick sale; Im ­ 'o f commercial building. Plans and the parents of a son born M on­ mediate possession. Some terms. FX>R S A I F — Sewing machine sup­ specifications are available at W il­ MISCELLANEOUS Don Wilkison, Ontario. 7A2xc. plies. Wholesale and retail. R e­ son’s Grocery. Deadline for receipt day at the Nursing home in On­ building, electrifying, repairing. R e­ of bids will be August 8, 1947. tario. W ANTE D — Poultry and eggs. Best FO R SALE:— Inlaid linoleum, In­ built machines for sale. F. "L ete” Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osburn and Owner reserves the right to reject cash prices. Phone 192-J. 7A4xp. cluding black marble pattern for Sackett, phone 247-M. 469 west Dwellings And all bids. Bids will be accepted by family of Sunnyside, Washington First street, south, Ontario, Ore­ cove work and feature stripping. M ISCELLANEOUS— Help-Ur-Self, Barney or Houston Wilson. were guests in the Charles Culbert­ Other Structures gon. 19Jtfc. Also wall linoleum for kitchens and custom and wet wash. White Swan First publication July 31, 1947. son home over the week-end. Brush or Spray bathrooms. Ohrome metal to go laundry. R. M Southerland, prop. Mrs. Raleigh Chamberlain and FOR SALE— Red cedar shingles, Last publication. August 7, 1947. with It. Nyssa Furniture Co., One 7Atfc. son, Jimmy, left Sunday morning Latest DeVilbiss equip­ and warm weather means frequent screen doors, windows, frames and Phone 13-J. block west of R. R. depot. 7Atfc. for Culver, Oregon to see her screens complete, doors and frames M ISCELLANEOUS— Available now, N O TICE TO CONTRACTORS ment for fine laquer changes. Insure your comfort and FOR SALE:— 1937 Chevrolet truck, complete, pipe, flooring, park tables, E3ectrolux cleaners and air puri­ W A TE R W O RKS IMPROVEM ENT daughter, Mrs. “ Doc" Douglas, who is ill. Mrs. Douglas recently under­ and enamel work. large size coal hot water heater, Sealed proposals will be received excellent condition. Ekiten two- fiers. Sales and service. Eki A. An­ appettrance through dry cleaning speed, good rubber. Terms. E d ! three coal ranges and one large derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. at the office of the City Manager went surgery and Is reported to Experienced Workmen have had a relapse. Case’s Hi-Way Mdse. Mart. 31Jtfc. cafe sink. L. J. Juseplison and Son, Phone 567-J4. that removes soil and adds longer 26Jtfc. of the City of Nyssa, Oregon until Satisfaction Mr. and Mrs. Louis Green and Payette, Idaho. 3Jtfc. 7:30 o’clock P.M. August 22, 1947 for FO R SALE— Canning tomatoes at wear to clothing. M ISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and excavation and backfill of trenches, daughter, Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs Guaranteed Owyhee Grocery between Adrian TOR SALE:— 1943 Ford Jeep with free pick-up of your dead, crippled hauling and distributing materials Leo Reed, and Caryl Schweizer, all and Nyssa. Bring containers. Phone station wagon top. Five first-class or sick livestock. Calls received be­ laying pipe, placing gate valor, and of Seattle, were overnight guests 010-R, Aired Brim 31Jtfe. tires, new battery, 16,000 miles, Just fore 9 o’clock are picked up by fittings, installing fire hydrants, in­ In the Oral Hite home Saturday. painted. Price $900, half cash, $875, stalling lead and copper service T h two girls staved to spend the F O R SALE— Table model radio- all cash. New car guarantee for noon. Efficient drivers. Call col­ pipes and all incidental and ap- next two weeks. The others went lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys­ Inquire or Phone phonograph combmauon. Almost 30 days. Powell Service garage. sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products purentant work in connection with bark to Seattle Sunday. new. Call 36-J. Gene Bellon. 15M'fc. Company. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson Help-Ur-Self Laundry the Water Works Improvement for 5Jtfc. 31J2xp. were among those from this com­ the City. N.SF.COND ST. • PWONE70 Phone 13-J FOR SALE— O r trade 1940 Ford munity to attend the drill prac­ The total linear feet of water - FO R SALE— 1000 used burlap bags. pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 283-W. ,lh main to be installed is approxi­ tice at Caldwell in (preparation for er’„ old or new made perfect wi Eo Case’s Hi-W ay Mdse. Mart. 3Jtfc. mge commercial machine, experi­ mately 8500. The total linear feet the rodeo, to be held this week in 24Jtfc. TOR SALE— Pick-up box. Good enced operators. Telephone Boise of service pipe to be installed is Caldwell. Mr. and Mr. Rex Walters of 29Mtfo. approximately 4000. The City will FO R SALE— Paper and cloth win­ shape. Nyssa Sanitation Service. 0234-R1 or 057-J13. dow Shades cut to your measure­ Phone 23-W. 15Mtfc. MISCELLANEOUS—Ladles; I f you furnish all pipe, gate valves, fit­ Boise were week-end guests in the Ellis Walters home. Thev took tings, etc. ment. No cnarge for cutting. Nys­ are having trouble with your el­ The proposals will be publicly their daughter, Brenda, back with sa Furniture Co., One block west TOR SA LE - Be comfortable this Place your order now ectric appliances, call 176W for re­ opened and read aloud at 7:30 o'­ them to Boise. Brenda had spent R. R. depot. 24Jtfc. summer. the past three weeks here with for air-conditioning units. Nyssa pair service. I repair washing ma­ clock P.M. on August 22, 1947. Save depreciation by building with FO R SALE:— 1 new Llndeman beet Hearing Co., Phone 169W. 20MtIc. chines, vacuum cleaners, hot plates, No proposal will be considered her grandparents. electric clocks, clean and oil toast­ loader. Inquire E. L. Palmer, route Mrs. Lee Householder and Mrs. unless it is prepared and submitted Cinder Blocks Allis Chalmers mod­ ers, food mixers, waffle irons, el­ on the attached form furnished by Ruth McConnell and Joanne and 1, Box 140, Vale, Oregon. 17J4xp. FOR SALEy el M crawler with dozer, cab, pow­ ectric irons. I also clean and repair the City Manager. Dianne Schweizer visited Mrs. Dor­ FO R SALE— California liquid fer- er take-off pulley with case, 2- sewing machines. Lowe's Home Ap­ Elach proposal shall be accom­ othy Taylor in EYnmett FYiday. Headgates in three sizes tiller. John Burnett, phone 123-R. bottem 2-way plow. Western Cor- pliance Service shop, located in panied by a deposit of five per cent Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ekanger and 3JtfC. ruga tor company. _ _ at the bid either in sons visited in the Oral Hite home 13Mtfc. the east side of the Phillips build of the amount NYSSA TILE A N D PIPE CO. ing on south First street. 8Mtfc. bidder's bond or In cash or certi Sunday. FO R SALE— 350 feet frontage, 150 TOR SALE:— Several houses for Mrs. Byrd Walters spent Sunday- feet deep on highway. South of sale. Attractive buys. See Frank M ISCELLANEOUS— Need money? flf^ ohec1'- The returned following the signing of night in Boise with her parents, Polar Cold Storage. $3500. Bernard T. Morgan. 16Jtfc Loans on farms for refinancing, the contract by the successful bid­ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones. Eastman. 24Jtfc. building, Improvements, b u y i n g . Mr. and Mfs. Lee Householder FOR SAI.F— Automobile Insurance Long term, low interest, see Ber­ der. A complete set of plans and spe­ spent Saturday evening at the TOR SALE— Registered herefori Public Liability, Property Damage. nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. CO NSTRU CTIO N CONCRETE cifications together with Bidder's Guy Glenn home. bull. Phone Zack Wulker, 282-W Eire, T h eft and Collision. Placeo 3Atfc. prequalification statement may be 3Jtfc In the best companies at lowest S ID E W A LK S BUILDINGS M ISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car inspected at the office of the con­ COUPLE CELEBRATE FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper possible rates. Bernard Eastman. sulting engineer, C. E. Stockman, and clyinder lock keys made. Wes­ 14Ftfc Guaranteed to be washable ano , 2CTH ANNVERSARY R E PA IR IN G D R IV E W A Y S tern Auto Store. 250tfc. Rand Bldg. Baker, Oregon and at the offices of the Associated Gen­ eral Contractors in Portland, Ore­ UPPER SU NSET (Special)— Mr. CUSTOM SLA U G H TE R IN G and Mrs. Don Parker and son re­ Stock received Monday, Tuesday, gon and Boise, Idaho. The right is reserved to reject turned home Sunday of last week Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. to 6 p m and EYiday 8 a m. to 12. any and/or all proposals or to ac­ from the west coast. EYi route they cept the proposal deemed best for visited Mr. Parker's cousin, Jack N o stock received on Sunday. General Contractor Parker and family at Granite. Ore­ Beef, sheep and pork. FYee delivery the City. Dated this 5th day of August. gon. to Polar locker plant. Nyssa Phone 09-J3 Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and One mile west on Alberta avenue 1947 at Nyssa, Malheur County, family spent Wednesday evening Oregon. Phone 05R1 By Order of The C ity Council with Mrs. Parker’s parents, Mr. JAK E FISCHER E. K. Burton, City Manager and Mrs. Lorensen. The occasion First publication, August 7. 1947. marked the 26th wedding anniver­ Legal Advertising R A YB A N CALO BAR Last publication, August 21, 1947 sary of Mr. and Mrs. Lorensen and NOTICE TO C O NTRACTORS the birthday of their granddaugh­ STREET IM PR O VE M EN T ter. Diane Whitman. Other guests MRS. JAMISON TO included Mrs. Jean Whitman and Sealed proposals will be received PH YSIC IAN S LEAVE HOSPITAL family and Mr. and Mrs. Max at the office of the City Manager These may be ground to Prescription from your DENTISTS Moore of Ontario and EYank P ar­ o f the C ity o f Nyssa, Malheur BUENA V IS T A (Special)— Mr. and ker, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur County, Oregon until 7:30 o’clock present glasses S A R A Z IN CLINIC P.M., August 12. 1947 for street Mrs. M. Simpson and Freeman Chapin find Charles. FOR INFORM ATION PHONE 720 F. F. BODMER Dr. J. J. Sarazin A doctor was called to the U. E. Improvements including grading; Simpson o f California visited at the Loyd Cleaver home last week. Parker home last week to see Mrs. furnishing and placing rock base, Dr. K E. Kerby Dentist furnishing and placing crushed ag­ They are grandparents and brother Parker, who has been quite 111 the Physician and Surgeons past week. She Is somewhat Im­ gregate. cutback asphalt, bttumlnus of Mrs. Cleaver. Ph. 187W Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day en­ proved. cement, concrete curbing; sprink­ Mr. and Mrs. Clonlnger accom­ ling and otherwise according to the tertained at their home Saturday L. A. Maulding, M. D. Wilson Bldg. OPTOMETRIST Caldwell, Idaho plans and specifications now on file evening. Those who enjoyed the panied Mr. and Mrs Albert Noth- Physician and Surgeon in the office of the City Recorder evening were Mr. and Mrs. Claude els and daughter and their house ♦ Phone 37 Day, M r and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. guests to Snlvely Springs for a pic­ of said City of Nyssa, Oregon. Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 The proposals will be publicly Mr and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and nic supper Wednesday evening J. R. C U N D A LL D ally—Except Sunday Mrs. Notheis Is enjoying a visit opened and read aloud at 7:30 o’­ Leland Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram vis­ from her brother and children from clock P M on August 12, 1947 ited Mrs. E. L. Jamison at the the coast. H A Y BUYER No proposals will be considered * Dentist Mr and Mrs. Orval Hickman and unless It Is prepared and submitted hospital In Ontario Saturday. Mrs Jamison is much improved and will children were Sunday dinner guests on the attached form furnished by Phone 56-J W. F. JAH N in the Roy Rookstool home. the City Manager and unless the be able to go home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and John Reffett returned to Yellow­ bidder has submitted a prequalifi­ Dealer in hay and grain Sarazin Clinic cation statement as required by Mr and Mrs. Alva Goodell at­ stone park this week for a few N YSSA ORBOON Third at Good Ave. Section 98-103. O.CL.A.. ten days tended a buckaroo feed at CaldweU days outing. Mrs. Clonlnger received word before the date of opening the bids. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff were that her son, Paul, has been trans­ Each proposal shall be accom- LODGES paied by a deposit o f five per cent Sunday dinner guests at Mrs. EYhel ferred to lllnols for further school­ O PTO M ETRISTS of the amount of the bid In bid­ Goodell’s home near Val Sunday ing. Gate City Lodge M r and Mrs. John Cleaver of Mary and Henry Kollen enter­ der's bond or in cash or certified No. 214 check on some well-known solvent Nyssa called at the George Cleaver tained the Young People's league in connection with our filling bank The deposits will be returned I)R. J. A. M C FALL I.O.O.F. following the signing of the con­ DR. JOHN E A S LY Meets every M on day tract by the succeessful bidder. station and cottage camp on highway 20. The right is reserved to reject FOR SALE night, 8:30. Free Pick Up any or all proposals or to accept South First Street such proposal or proposals as are O f Your 1 1938 Ply. Cpe. Dlxe. W e will buy and sell berries, fruits to the best Interest of the City. 1 1937 Stdbkr. Fordor. J E W E L R Y STORES BY O R D E R O F TH E Dead and Worthless C IT Y C O UNCIL 1 1940 Buick Fordor. and vegetables E K. Burton. City Manager PA U LU S 1 ’37 Hdsn. V° tn. pekp. First publication July 24. 1947 Animals JEW ELR Y STORE Last publication August 7. 1947. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Open seven days a week |1 ’37 Hvy. dtÿ 1V2 Chv. Union Pacific Tim e inspector Call Collect NOTICE T O C O N TR AC TO R S JE W E L R Y — DIAM ONDS See these on our used STREET INTE R SE CTIO N There Is a Phone Near You FLOOR LA YIN G AND W ATC H E S car lot east of Post IM PR O VE M EN T Nyssa 100 Parma 25 Main Street a. Second Sealed proposals will be received SANDING O ffice at the office of the City Manager Ontario 53 Reftntahed, Filled, Varnished of the C ity o f Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon until 7:30 o'clock "W e Haul the Day You Call" By Experienced Men JE W E LR Y STORE P M . August 12. 1947 for street in­ Official Time Inspector for tersection improvements Including W rite N. J. Barnett Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Phone 144-J grading; furnishing and placing Union Pacific Nyssa, Oregon rock base; furnishing and placing Mareing, Idaho O N T A R IO OREGON Nyssa, Oregon crushed aggregate, cutback asphalt. bitunur.’K cement, concrete curb- LOST Advertising j Manser, Inc. PAINTING DECORATING R. C. KELLER KÉEP-U-NEAT 4 No Extra Cost. Leslie W. Stoker Protessi lonal And Business Direcioru GOGGLES SUNGLASSES DR. G. W. GRAVES We Have Opened A Fruit Stand " WYckUr Watts Motor Co. Red Herren’s Service