TA oEtfbii R THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON COUSINS, SLICKERS PLAY AT SOTBALL ADRIAN (Special)— A large crowd attended the softball game between the Country Cousins and the City Slicker.; on the Adrian high ath letic field. After an evening of en ■ Joyment the ladies of the communi ty church served pie, cake, ice cream and cold drinks. A pie throwing contest was enjoyed by Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile j Insurance Rentals Bonds the young girls, tnrow'.ng at sev eral young and older men of the gathering. The proceeds will be used to help send the young peo ple's organhvtion of the community church to a Payette lakes confer ence. Rita Riddle returned home Fri day alter visiting relatives at R d - dle, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steelman of Council, Idaho were visitors Fri day evening in the Clyde Steelman home. Shirley Sparks, Raymond Thomp son. Donna Steelman, Fern Cam eron, and Loretta Van De Water were among the 4-H boys and girls who left Saturday morning to at tend the 4-H camp at Payette the Loyd Cleaver home last week, lakes from August 2 to August 6. Mrs. C. Glenn Brown was in Boise Wednesday attending to busi ness and shopping. Mrs. H. M. Korman and Kristine returned home Friday from Boise after spending a few days visiting Pianos Pianos Pianos Available now, Kimball Consolettes. Six models to choose from. Your present piano may be used as the down payment. Select yours now for present or future de livery. Pictures and literature on request. Appliance & Record Shop 213 North 10th Street Boise, Idaho Phone 432 friends and attending to business. Mike ElUot, Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown spent Saturday night and Sunday fishing at the Owy hee dam. Several from Adrian attended the boat races at Ontario Sunday. Mrs. Carroll Matthews was a dinner guest In the William Toomt home Tuesday evening. Ardyce Hurst was a Sunday din ner guest of Betty Jean Toomb. Mildren Sparks enjoyed a visit the past week with her friend, Bet ty Lewis of Wilder. Roy Ball of Los Ange'es visited several days in the homes of Mrs Ellen Sparks and the Elmer Sparks family. Mrs. Ellen Sparks and Mildred entertained Wjth a picnic Sunda> on their lawn for Betty Lewis ol Wilder, Bill Gowey of Adrian and Ernie Clark of Wilde-. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mull of Nyssa visited Sunday evening with Mrs. EUten Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Frick of Downey, California are visiting the L. E. Hester family. They are (ht parents of Mrs. Hester. SCH OO LH OU SEAT ARCADIA CLEANED LOOKING AHEAD GEORGE S. BENSON h tttir a t— Hatátaf CatUfa Starcif Jrtaataa What’s Wrong With Profit? Some folks have the idea that profit is something business take.- unfairly and harmfully out of buying and selling and manufacturing. This idea is that whatever a company earns, no matter if it is a fraction of a percent of the total sales, this money is extracted underhandedly from the public. If you have ever felt that way, I dare you to take a good, straight look at America's economic picture—and yourself. You are paid a salary or a wage each week, are you not? You have invested your time, your energy, your brain-power, your muscle-pow er, your special skills, your training and experience. Do you think each time you get your check, that you have done something harmful to your community? Do you feel that you have cheated America? Chances are that you do not feel that way at all Taking f'.rofits THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947 received many nice gifts. Games were played and Ice cream and cake were served later In the ev- ning. Mrs. Lappier left Monday for her home In Yakima after visiting several days at the Herschel Gregg home. John Berman of Harllng, Texas was a guest of Joe Dirksen Tuesday ind Wednesday. They hadn't seen ‘ach other In nine years. Mr. Ber man had spent 3V4 years in a Japanese camp. Mrs. L. D. Owen, Ivor Owen, Mrs. Homer Gray and son. Tommy, yt Portland and Marjorie Davis, mother, brother, sister and daugh ter of Mrs. Davis, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davis Sunday. Mrs. Clifford Nielsen and daugn- ter and Mrs. Emerson Bingaman end sons spent a week in the hills .rear Unity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Runcorn and ;on, Glen, of Salem visited Mr. ind Mrs. F. P. Runcorn. Mrs. Fred Runcorn Is Mr. Runcorn's aunt. Mrs. H. A. Diven and Margaret and Mrs. C. E. Landreth shopped in Caldwell Saturday. Mrs. Day Russell entertained the bridge foursome Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taggart of Nampa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hill of Jer vis were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Runcorn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dirksen and -hildren visited at t)he home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oroot Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison spent he week-end in Enterprise. Rev. and Mrs. K. A. Ecklebarger and sons were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fleshman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell Sunday evening. B. B. Burroughs vs. Emery E. Egger Damages. $700. H. O. Musgrave vs. Ada J. Shear er, et .al. To quiet title. Anna Gentry vs. Dale Gentry. Divorce. Ida B. Dolan vs. James R. Dolan. Divorce. Elizabeth J. Garren vs. George Garren. Separate maintenance. Harold M. Olson vs. Myrtle M. Olson. Divorce. United Credit Men’s association, Inc. vs. Frank Williams. Recovery on account. $282.13. DR. EDWIN W. OLDHAM, D. C. Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapy Electrotherapy Nyssa, Oregon Over Dime Store GENERAL HAULING PACKAGE DELIVERY MOVING JOBS Nyssa Sanitation Service Office In Ken Renstrom’s Insurance Office Phones 23-W and 103-J Complete Line Of Plumbing ARCADIA (Special)— Those lea’li You may be able, after paying all ng Monday morning for Quaker Supplies hill at McCall from Arcadia Sun your expenses, to put a little into day school for a week’s conference the bank or insurance. You may were Tommy Bates, Betty and Don be interested in investing a part of ald Bullard, Rose and Alice Warn your savings in stocks or bonds. If Septic Tanks er and Katherine, Henry and Vir you are like most Americans, you find you can invest in some luxury Cleaned and Repaired ginia Corn. Jim Wright of Boise was a guest goods. That is, you put some mon speaker after classes Sunday at ey into a car, an electric refrigera tor, or perhaps a good collection of Sunday school. Ellis Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Ashing tackle. You find that these Harry Hull fished at the dam Sun- and other things you can put your Phone 196-J Nyssa, Oregon profit into will help you continue to lay. Mr. and Mrs. George Roper, who live and to work. (ive on Gem avenue, left last week Business corporations are pretty Tor Lakeview, »«here he has em much like this picture of yourself. ployment. Whether General Motors, the corner Mr. and Mrs. Louie Pryor, who delicatessen, or yourself—profit is pent two months in Missouri and what is left over after all the bills 'owa, visited friends here Satur- are paid. Profit results from good NEWS OF RECORD lay on their way to Pendleton, management, thrift, imagination, where Mr. Pryor Is employed at and hard work. The big corpora Quentin Deane Clarkson of Eu he Seattle game farm. tion turns some profits back into gene and Eunice Ann Brady of The Arcadia schoolhouse is being We can save you money on the following: the company for new plants and Nyssa. leaned and kalsomined this week. new tools. The rest goes to the RED CLOVERS ALFALFA Mrs. Louise Behymer and son ¡topped overnight last week at the folks whose buildings, tools, ma WHITE CLOVER PASTURE GRASSES >tis Bullard home. They were on chinery, and money the company L.ADINO CLOVER PASTURE MIXES E.W. PRUYN has been using.- .heir way from Boston, Massachu Way to More Wages setts to Portland. Mr. Behymer, BEANS FOR EATING •who is with the U. S. army, is This profit is usually none too Auto Repairing Rationed in Boston. much. Compensation of employees We are now in the market and are cash buyers The young people held choir in 1945, as estimated by the Depart of new crop seeds. Reboring, Valve Grind praciice Thursday evening at the ment of Commerce, would have home of Wilma and Betty Bul- gone up only 7.9 per cent if the en ing, Lathe work. Parts ard. tire corporation income of the coun Mr. and Mrs. Miles Canada of try had been turned into wages. Yet, Jerome. Idaho visited in the Otis if this were done, it would mean and accessories Bullard home last week. They went that millions of people, perhaps in Phone 144-J Nyssa, Oregon to Baker, where they will visit Mrs. cluding yourself, would fail to re Phone 74 Parma, Idaho Phone 56w Canada’s brothers, A1 and Jess ceive dividends. Corporations would Thompsons and families. They were soon become bankrupt. Jobs would iccompanied by Mrs. Canada's sis- become scarce. • er. Mrs. Anna Dail. The most important thing Is that Those visiting in the Ellis Warn er home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. good profits and good wages go •larry Hull of Vale, Mrs. Lily De along together. The success of an ment and Mrs. Hill of Ontario, enterprise, as well as the well-being of everyone who gets income, de ind Mrs Pay Corn*anfl girls. Donnie Bowers went to McCall pends upon profits. When corpora Saturday with the 4-H group for tions have to accept losses, or even meager profits, wages for every .ive days. body go down and jobs become hard to find. It is not just chance 4-H MEMBERS GO that brings these two things, small TO MCCALL CAMP profits and low wages, in the very same years. They belong together. Thirty-two members from Mal All of us want profits. Why then, heur county and 22 from the ad all the hullaballoo about wanting 1946 Farmall “ A ” tractor With combination beet and potato joining counties in Idaho left Sat business enterprise to hand over cultivator, hang-on 16-inch two-way plow and 4-row fertilizer urday for McCall, where, under any profit it makes to employees? attachment— Like new— all or $1560. the Joint leadership of E. M. Hau To do this would be to cut our own ser, Frank Hackler and Erling throats. What we really need is Farmall F-14 tractor with combination cultivator and mower. Johannessen, county 4-H leaders more folks with the idea of going Excellent condition $1150. of Malheur, Washington and Gem into business, making money, and counties respectively, a summer employing people. Tractor and horse potato diggers— Good conditional. The need is conference of the organization will not more bankrupt corporations, but One and three standard subsoilers— Will go 24 inches deep. be held. On Sunday the boys and girls were taken to Brundage more profit, more wages, and better McCormiek-Deering No. 42 combine— 4-foot cut— Good condi mountain to the lookout station, living for everybody. MARRIAGE LICENSES Brower’s Plumbing Shop SEEDS For Fall Planting COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT NORGE HOME HEATER Solid Comfort ¿ m h h Liquid Fuel More Heating Surface with the L-Shaped Heat Exchanger Because o f the greater heating surface o f the exclusive N orge L-shaped heat exchanger, the N orge delivers more heat faster. The greater amount o f air heated by the exchanger is passed into the air circulating throughout the space to be heated; less heat escapes up the chimney. f ~ Hot-Flame"Whirlator"Tube f|The exclusive N orge down- draft "W hirlator” tube carries more air for perfect combus tion directly into the heart o f the flame. T he whirling m o tion o f the air results in a per fect vapor mixture, and more heat from less fuel. r Mod.l FH55 ------ a $109« Holl mgsworths’, Inc SEE N O R G E p BEFORE YOU BUY Watts Seed Company FOR SALE U SED EQ U IPM EN T where they were instructed in the duties connected with the forest service and fire control work. Crafts will be taught each morning under the leadership of Miss Margaret Mindy, home demonstration agent from Boise. Each afternoon will be devoted to supervised recreation such as boating and swimming un der the direction of Miss Miriam Black. Malheur home demonstra tion agent. Mi«s Threlma Elliot of Owyhee will supervise the camp fire program each evening. The conference closed Wednesday. General Paint , * tion with hew pickup attachment $590. JOHN FOCHT’S LEG BROKEN BY HORSE RICHLAND (Special)—John Fochi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Focht, is in the Nyssa Nursing home with a broken leg caused by a horse tail ing on him. He was riding in Rob ert Runcorn's hop field Friday morning wlien the accident occur red. Lorretta Russell entertained sev eral guests at a weiner roast and a swimming party to celebrate her birthday Monday evening. Lorretta UNKLE H A N K SEZ i W MAN <HAT NEVU? M ADE A MISTAKE CERTÄINLV COULDNÌT B E E N VERY INDUSTRIOUS will protect your house and your pocketbook 100 Per Cent Pure Paint for exteriors available in quantity Stunz Lumber Co, r- - “ Your General Paint Store” Make no mistake about it... .there Is no better body, fender and auto painting servire than that offered by the NYSSA AI TO BODY SHOP We arc trained in our chosen field —and will do everything within our power to please you. [Y55AAjfoBodqSho|i l L COMPLETE BODY t PAINT SHOP W PECKCB JCBVICC CLASS DC P T . -g , oSyaO M NEW EQUIPMENT We have the following new McCormick-Deering farm machinery on hand for immediate delivery Six and eight-inch feed grinders. Milkers and cream separators. One-row ensilage harvesters. Combination ensilage and hay chopper. “ BN” beet pullers— one row. “ BN” buck rake— also horse bucks. Manure loaders for “ H” and “ M” Farmall tractors. Fertilizer broadcasters— See this new type that spreads 20 feet. Horse manure spreader. Also many other McCormick-Deering machines and attachments. We also have on hand for immediate delivery: Jumbo heavy-duty scrapers— all sizes. 10 and 15-foot Western type cultipackers. Towner offsett plow disc harrows— Oil bath and plain bearing type. Martin ditchers. Valley Mound tractor and horse corrugators. One-row potato sacker. Jaeuzri deep and shallow well pumps. Marquette farm welders. Super-Flame oil heaters. Crosley radio and electrical appliances. COME IN NOW AND SEE US FOR YOUR FARM MACHINERY NEEDS OWYHEE TRUCK & IMP. CO. MCCORMICK-DEERING SALES AND SERVICE NYSSA, OREGON