. .yWteaaa^ -y-'»-'— - ^ 1^ 0 . TTieNYSSA VOLUME XXXXII NO. 30 N yssa Loses To Burns Nine By 15 to 6 Score HORSES THAT RAN IN NYSSA RODEO WIN AT PAYETTE JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947 Nyssa Boatmen ^ ry f^ rR E lL W S S o ftb a llers W in First H alf Race in Carnival ADRIAN (Special)— The residence REV. WILSON OF NYSSA INJURED IN AUTO MISHAP County Service Officer Upheld In Controversy The L DJ3. team won the cham­ Rev. E. J Wilson of Nyssa sus­ Members of the Nyssa Boat club of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Olsen staged a water carnival In co­ of Adrian was destroyed by fire last pionship of the first half season of tained a cut on the back of his operation with the Ontario Lions Sunday morning while the owners the fnter-elty softball league last head and Mrs. Max Weinstein af Elmo Smith Is Denounced Ontario Will Play O n club in Snake river near Ontario attendl,lg the Utah centennial wepk in competition with five other Lodi. California was cut and bruis­ Nyssa Field Sunday, For Editorial Published teams. last Sunday. Practically all of the ^ ^ N a tio n - ed when automobiles In wnlch they League Standings August 10 In Paper were riding collided Saturday after­ participants were from Nyssa. | The L J\S . priesthood members Team W L Pet. noon five miles north of Parma on Jelmer Schoen, Jimmy Savage carried most of the furniture from The Nyssa town team, defeated An editorial published In the and Dale Garrison won the three the house, but all of the canned p * ,," O r e g o n Produce 3 0 1000 highway 30. by Burns in a hard-hitting Idaho- inboard races. Schoen defeated B fruit was lost. The fire was re- 5?.'.,*™ Oregon Produce 4 1 800 The Injured persons were given Eastern Oregon Observer of On­ 3 2 .600 medical attention. Lienkaemper and EM Pruyn in the ported to have been caused by a i »» I A Oregon league game on the Burns 2 3 400 Canyon county officers reported tario relative to the county service first contest. In the race against faulty chimney. Mr and Mrs. Olsen P-... i-'ers 1 4 .200 that the accident occured when officer created such a furore that diamond last Sunday, hopes to Savage, Ted Berreth took second, are now living in a tent. Eagles o 5 .000 Rev. Wilson started to turn left ex-servicemen of Malheur county defeat the Ontario aggregation on Murle Marcum third, Leo F ife, _______________ ! The second half was started onto a county road and his car fourth, Schoen fifth and Herman the Nyssa field Sunday, August 10. Tuesday evening with the MI.A. was struck by the car driven by held a meeting In Ontario Friday Towne sixth. In the third race The lights have been erected foi trouncing the Ramblers by a score Weinstein. Wilson, who was fol­ night to consider what action to Garrison defeated Savage alter Dr. the Nyssa field, but transformers of 12 to 5 on the field west of the lowing a truck, said he looked but take In the matter. Cundall, Pruvn and Berreth drop­ high school building, where all of did not see the Welnsein car com­ The wsr veterans, affirming the are not available so that the club ped out of the race. 'he games will be played during expects to piay the remainder of its ing when he started to make the need of a county service officer, Gilbert of Ontario won the 22 H P. decided to ask Elmo Smith, m ana­ the second half. The games, which turn. home games on Sunday. The On­ outboard race, with R. Bybee of The city of Nyssa Is advertising are started at 7:15 p.m., are open ger of the paper and mayor of tario game will be called at 2:30. Nyssa and B. Webster of Adrian Ontario, to issue a public apology ________ f°r bids on the proposed water to the public free of charge. Any­ Wohlcke. pitching up to the last taking __ second and third -places. and retraction of his statements, Dale Garrison and his daughter, 1 'vor*cs Improvement, including the one Interested In playing during of the sixth inning in the Burns which Included the contention that game, and his successor on the Joan, and Warren Parmer of Nys- ng new water mains and the second half Is asked to contact further employment of such an sa thrilled the crowd with their pxtension of U»e present water sys- Manager R. M. Herren. mound, Iseri, allowed 15 hits. Nys­ officer is no longer necessary. Games for the coming week are sa drove out 13 hits off Terry, who ski-ridlng antics. Joan rode on h e r. te!P;. .... , Smith said “Today the post is su­ fathers shoulders and Parmer gave I Bids will be received in the of- as follows: August 8, Eagles vs. went the route for the home team. perfluous and certainly a luxury the ^*ce ^he c' t'1 manager until 7:30 L.D.S.; August 12, M.I.A. vs. L.D.S.; The game was much more closely Bids will be received in the city a ski demonstration of riding on one i pm. Ram Hartley of Nyssa boasted his August 22. August 14, Eagles vs. Eastern Ore­ batting average in the Idaho-Ore- taxpayers of the county can no contested than the score would hall at 8 p.m. August 12 for the Don Pitts of Emmett emerged In I The / otal of 'va" 'r gon Produce, and August 15, Out gon league to .514 since the last longer afford. At present there is indicate, with Nyssa having a good proposed street Improvement pro­ a full time veterans administration chance to win until the fatal sixth ject, which will Include paving be­ first place in the 33 horsepower main to be installed is approxi- laws vs. Ramblers. office established in Ontario, an The league titleholder will be report. anc* l*ie total linear frame. Iseri, the first man at bat tween three and four miles of outboard class. P. Ray took second ¡na, L>^ Averages for Conference Games feet of service pipe is approximately determined in a play-off series to office far better,manned and equip­ and R. Bybee third. in the game, knocked out a triple. streets. After Burns August 4, 1947 ped to aid the veteran than the be played by the winners of the In the 50 horsepower outboard 4000. C. Wilson flied out to the first In addition to the paving, the Batting A complete set of plans and spe­ first and second halves. county post could be. In addition baseman, but Dale Willson singled oroiect will include installation of class, Pitts won first place and B cifications, RBI BB AB R H AV. together with bidder’s training service officers are as­ to bring in Iseri. Graham was curbs and gutters. If a satisfactory Gilliam second. Hartley 6 4 37 10 19 .514 signed to the area and the em­ Proceeds of the carnival amount­ pre-qualification statement may be thrown out from third to first, bid is received the work will be D Willson 4 1 21 4 9 .429 ployment service maintains special ed to $279. whicli was divided be­ ins|>ected at the office of the con­ advancing Wilson to second. Hart­ started this fall. F Wilson 1 4 36 10 12 333 advisors for the veteran". engineer, C. E. Stockman Indications reveal that at least tween the Ontario Lions and the sulting ley singled, scoring Wilson. Burns Oraharn 5 24 4 8 .333 Rand building, Baker, and at the The controversy, brewing for two then retired the side. Bums evened three or four bids will toe received Nyssa bc/.t club. Holman 27 2 8 .298 or three weeks, developed from 3 offices of Nie Associated General Two bids received last month .286 the count in the last half of the Tobler 7 0 2 1 Contractors in Portland and Boise negotiations between the city of were considered too high toy the first Inning. 1 18 2 4 .222 Ontario and the veterans over the Jsarl The United States National bank. Wohlcke In the first of the fourth frame. city council and were rejected. 19 1 4 .211 Ontario housing project. Vale branch, offered one and three Russell BIG INCREASE IN 2 H. Wilson was scored from second 30 1 6 .200 In support of the service offi­ per cent for the entire Hartloo 0 base on Toiler’s single, making CAUTION AGAINST 10 2 2 .200 cer, H. A. Anderson, the Veterans G. I. LOANS NOTED quarters issue of bonds authorized by voters 2 C. Wilson the count 3 to 2 for Nyssa, 36 4 6 .167 Federation decided Friday night to of the Nyssa school district at a POLIO IS URGED Vaughn 24 4 4 .187 publish a statement in all county 3 Burns took a 4 to 3 lead in the I.owered real estate prices, re 0 6 0 1 1C7 papers. Members of the committee last half of the fifth on two more Malheur county is to receive $41- fleeting to the benefit of buying special election held the latter part Bowen runs. Dr. L. A. Maulding of Ny3sa, 238,11 from the state road fund veterans, figured largely in a mark of May. The issue amounted to $40- H. Wilson 2 32 4 6 .160 Don M. Graham of Nyssa, Virgil 2 McDonald 7 l 1 .143 Glaves of Ontario and EM Hendrix With the score still standing at Malheur county health officer, stat­ available for apportionment to ed increase for O T. loans in Oregon 000. The bank will pay par value for Heldt 3 1 0 000 of Vale, were unable to mAt In 0 4 to 3 In favor of Burns going in­ ed this week that “This is the counties, according to Secretary of during June, William M. Black, the bonds, plus a total premium Rambaud 1 1 0 .000 time to issue a statement for this to the last half of the sixth. Burns polio season and we should do all State Robert S. Farrell. 0 Jr., veterans administration con­ of $116.80. Team 41 26 351 53 scored five tallies on four hits and within our power to keep down The sum is a big increase over tact reoresentative in this area, re­ week’s papers, but will probably The highest other bid was for Fielding an error, making the score 9 to 3 infectiort”. the amount formerly received by marked. do so by next week. two per cent, paying of $100.27, of­ Dr. Maulding advises discourag­ the county because the legislature AV. PO The five scores were made after A E Quoting VA regional reports. An Investigation was ordered by ing group gatherings among child­ passed a law at its last session In­ Black said that 475 Oregon veterans fered by the main office of the McDonald 0 0 1 000 the city after Anderson appeared 14 two runners had been tagged. 8 0 1.000 at a meeting of the city council Nyssa scored three more runs In ren. including sutpmer camps, pic­ creasing counties' shares from 15.2 pained approval last month for O.I. First National Bank of Portland. D. Willson 3 Attorney Harold Henigson said Bowen 0 1.000 July 7. charging Robert W. But- 1 0 the game, but Burns maintained a ture shows, and picnics. He especi­ to 19 per cent. loans amounting to *7.567.994 20. 983 son. manager of the housing pro­ 57 1 1 big lead. Nvssa’s playing in the ally advises against gathering chil­ Vaughn July payment to Malheur coun­ which was nearly one-third higher the bonds are now being printed. .968 ject. with mismanagement and par­ F Wilson 58 12 2 last few innings was featured by dren from different localities. He ty last year was only $12,525.17. than during April-Mav 941 tiality and recommending his re- 1 15 1 Hartley’s triple, which preceded H. mentioned swimming pools as a The mid-year apportionment is Home loans predominated with POTATO COMMITTEE Wohlcke possible source of infectution. »33 •noval. The six-man committee ap- 10 1 Lserl 4 made from registration fees, motor 406 for tlie month, a Jump of 90 TO HOLD MEETING Infection may be widespread, but fuel taxes, motor carrier fees and over May. Business loans totaled 18 2 Holman • |pointed by Mayor Smith reported AB R H O A E due to the fact that only occasi­ receits from motor vehicle law viol­ 52, against 40 for May, while farm Russell 23 4 Nyssa 18 ^ I that complaints against the man­ Boise, Idaho, Aug. 6— The next .900 agement were generally rumor and 4 1 2 2 « 1 onally a person becomes 'a victim ation fines. It is in addition to loans showed almost no gain, go­ meeting of the Idaho potato in­ Hartley • 0 1 Iseri, 2b 5 1 1 0 2 1 of paralysis the prevalence of the payments of money to the coun­ ing up only to 17 from a previous dustry coordinating committee has Hartloo 1 .900 ill-founded. The editorial appeared C. Wilson, 2b • (1 D. Willson, cf 4 1 2 3 0 0 disease is not known and can only ties in December and January. .879 two days later. Graham 26 1 4 16. been called for August 20, at Bur­ be determined by laboratory tests 0 1 Oraharn, lb 4 0 1 13 10 • 818 James D. Willis of Nyssa. fed­ , M Since the G.I. loan program be­ ley. Lee H. Wagner, Boise, the com­ H. Wilson 3 1 2 0 0 0 of all sick people, which, due to Hartley, rf 12 13 8 806 eration president who presided at gan in Oregon in the fall of 1945, mittee chairman, announced at his C Wilson BREEDING PROGRAM limited personnel, would be im­ 1 4 3 1 2 3 Rambaud .000 H. Wilson, ss 0 2 0 VA has approved 8,762 loans headquarters here Wednesday. (Continued on Page Five) STARTED IN COUNTY the 4 0 1 1 0 0 possible. Dr. Maulding said. Bowen, If 0 .000 0 1 for world war II veterans, amount­ Sessions, he said, will convene at Heldt 1 2 3 1 Team 4 0 Toblar, c 259 117 37 .910 ing to $41,965.131.57. Among these 10 a m. that day at the Burley COW SHED, STRAW 3 1 1 0 2 0 STATE HELPS PAY Wohlcke, p The Malheur Dairy Breeder’s as­ are 7.026 on home. 1.247 on busi­ affices of John D. Snow, member 0 2 0 0 1 0 sociation, meeting last Thursday Rambaud, 2b LOST IN FLAMES nesses and 489 on farms. of the committee, as well as of the EARLY POTATO DEAL SERVICE OFFICERS evening In Nyssa. decided to start Thus far, 403 veterans have paid Idaho state advertising commission. 35 6 13 24 17 7 Totals ABOUT COMPLETED AB B II O A E operation of the artificial insemi­ off their G.I. loans, including 218 on Burns Wagner stressed the importance Nyssa firemen were called on 5 1 1 4 1 0 County veterans' service officers nation program August 1. Ramerlz, c businesses. 142 on homes and 43 af the session In view of the fact tarn occasions this week to extin­ 5 1 0 1 0 0 will be "subsidized” on a one-to- The Malheur unit, affiliated with on farms. Some home borrowers, it will precede the start of the The peak season for early po­ guish fires. Roy Pynes, cf 5 2 2 0 3 0 three ration by the Oregon depart­ the Oregon Dairy Breeder's associa­ VA officials believe, have found ex­ state's fall potato deal, during tatoes is Just closing, according to The E'arrell Ransom cow shed on Tiller, 3b 5 2 3 6 2 0 ment of veterans' affairs and the tion, was recently organized by 100 penses too high and have resold which the committee hopes to ac­ E. H. StanSbery, federal shipping north Second street was destroyed Crane, 2b 4 2 1 U 0 U county courts have 'been so ad­ dairy men of this county for the their property while prices remain­ complish many of Its objectives. point inspector for Malheur coun­ by fire Wednesday morning. Lum­ Flay Pynes, lb 4 1 1 2 4 1 vised, Veterans' affairs director purpose of improving dairy stock. ed high, then cleared up their loans. ty. end to date 1154 cars have been ber and other materials in the Mason, ss Wagner also reported that mem­ 4 2 2 3 1 0 William P. Gaarenstroom disclosed. Eugene Peterson of Ontario has Bennett, If Veterans desiring to obtain G.I. bers of the Idaho averttslng com­ shipped to eastern markets since building were valued at $100. The 4 3 3 0 3 0 In a letter to the county courts, been retained as technician by the loans should apply to a bank, sav­ mission, and representatives of the July 4. The largest amount shipped cow was in the lot at the time Terry, p 1 0 1 0 0 0 Gaarenstroom explained that the board of directors. Hendricks, s ings and loan association or other Idaho-Oregon Shippers association for one day was 98 cars from the of the blaze. 2 1 1 0 0 1 advisory committee to the state Georges, s lending agency, rather than to the and the Idaho Potato and Onion district, which has warehouses In A load of straw that had over­ 1 0 0 0 0 Ci veterans' agency recently adopted Go to Portland— Bowers, rf VA, Black stated. Shippers association are invited to Vale, Nyssa, Ontario and Oregon turned on highway 20 caught fire 14 2 40 15 15 27 a policy whereby each county em­ Slop* ' Mrs. Sid Burbidge and daughter, Totals take part in discussions. about 5:30 p.m. Tuesday. Fire Chief ploying a service officer to coun­ Marllu left Wednesday evening for Attend Retreat— The crop of early potatoes Is Vern Parson expressed the opinion The Idaho potato industry co­ sel and aid ex-servicemen will be Portland. Mr. Burbidge and daugh­ A group of members of the W.S. ordinating committee, representing being merged with the late crop that someone threw a cigarette or Visits Sister— Ross Macpherson of Portand, eligible to receive one dollar from ter, Betty Jean, will leave Satur­ C.S. of the Methodist church. In­ til phases of the industry, was now making an appearance. match into the straw. brother of Mrs. William Beam, the state for each three dollars day to Join Mrs. Burbidge and Ma­ cluding Mrs. W W. Paster, Mrs formed at the suggestion of Gov­ Ten cam started the movement spent the week-end In Nyssa on spent by the county, up to a $1000 rlin and Mrs. Burbldge's parents, C. H Bennett, Mrs Oscar Ander­ ernor C. A. Robins for the purpose of onions which will last for the Dakotans Will M e et- maximum. About half the counties Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hoover* of Port­ son, Mrs. A. Bratton and Mrs. of coordinating the efforts of all remainder of the summer business. All former residents of South now employ service officers. land, for a vacation at Netarts, Mary Pruyn, are attending a wo­ existing agencies for the purpose Shipments of com, which Is a Dakota and North Dakota are In­ The letter states: “We are now «Here from Utah— Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Burbidge will men's retreat conducted at Wallowa af bettering the potato Industry. new project, have totaled 22 cars, vited to attend a picnic to be held The Misses Nadine and Lora in th e process of working out plans be accompanied home by their lake this week toy the western di­ with a big crop moving out to in Lakeview park in Nampa Sun­ Gaye Carver, sisters of Mrs. Vern to put this policy into operation. daughter, Beverley, who has been vision. Idaho conference of the or­ Picnic Scheduled— eastern markets. day. August 17. All adults attending Beasley, have been visiting here. These plans are being discussed visiting at tire home of Mr. and ganization. A regular religious edu­ The annual Nebraska picnic will are asked to be prepared with a Their brother, Thair, will remain with the budget director and should Mrs. Hoover. cational program as well as recrea­ be held at the Lakeview park in From Bremerton— story. Joke, song or dance reminis­ for a month's visit at the Prank be completed by the end of the tional and handicraft classes has Nampa Sunday, August 10. All . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blbbey and cent of former days In their home month. Skeen home. been planned for the institute, former residents of Nebraska are Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Gilbert made state. Ice cream and coffee will be Scout Troop Has Hike— ■•If your county Is desirous of \ trip last week to Bremerton, served free. Those attending are Members of L.D.S. Boy Scout which will close Friday. W. W invited .to attend. participating In this program we troop 38 of Adrian spent several Poster and C. H. Bennett trans­ Washington. Mr and Mrs. Richard to provide a basket lunch, dishes Visit Relatives— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins of would greatly appreciate receiving days camping in the mountains ported the ladies in their cars and Moves Office— Mason and son. Dennis returned and drinking cups for their own Worthing, South Dakota visited at word from you. As soon as we hear about two miles above the Owyhee remained at the lake for the re­ Kenneth Renstrom, Insurance and to Nyssa with them and plan to group. the H. E. Collins home during the from the various counties and the dam. They enjoyed swimming and turn trip. real estate agent, has moved his make their home here Mr Mason budget department approves of our doing their own cooking, with week. The men are cousins. office from the Atkeson building to recently received his discharge Golf Course Ready— plan of operation, we will Immedi­ Scoutmaster Frank J. Pike in Rrturn Home— » from the army at Port Lewis Townes garage. Members of the Ontario KlwnnLs ately start to enter Into agreements charge. The boys made the trip Mr. and Mrs. Joe Be Hon spent Parents of Girl— club, who have continued their Mr and Mrs. LaVer Montgomery with the counties." toy horseback, returning Saturday. last week vacationing at McCall. Masons to Hold Picnic— Californians Arrive— municipal golf course project by Funds for the program are from Those going were Vern Mecham, Mr and Mrs Bellon left Wednes­ The annual district picnic of the are parents of a girl born Sunday Mr and Mrs. Charles R. Peterson, working on greens and fairways In the Holy Rosary hospital. The an appropriation made to the vet­ Ricks Oale, Jack Hemmingway and day for Pocatello to meet their son Masonic lodge will be held Sun­ whose wedding was solemnized July since early spring, broadcast an girl weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. erans' department by the 1947 legis­ Vernon Ricks. Jerry, who has Just completed a day. August 24 in the railroad park 8 In Sacramento, arrived In Nyssa Invitation Tuesday to all golfers Mrs. Montgomery is the former lature. to expand counseling ser­ course at summer school and will in Ontario. The lodges of Vale, last week-end to make their home In the lower Snake river valley to vices to veterans in their home Picnic Scheduled— return to Nyssa to spend a month. Ontario and Nyssa will participate Mr Peterson, a brother of Olen and play a round on the course. All Miss Norma Jensen. communities. The annual Iowa picnic will be Jerry plans to enroll at the Uni­ Ice cream, coffee and cold drinks James Peterson, recently was dis­ greens are In grass and thertr many charged from the army, in which hours of work of the members In held August 17 in the city park in versity of Idaho, southern branch, will be furnished by the lodge. Attend Conference— Mr. and Mrs. Bumall Brown Go lo California— he served in the air force with the leveling greens and mowing fair­ Eknmett, with a basket lunch at for the fall term, where he will Mr and Mrs. Ray C. Lewis, ac­ rank of major. He will be employed ways have borne fruit, Kiwlans spent a few days this week in 1 p.m. Ice cream and coffee will major in pharmacy Gene Bellon Attend Picnic— plans to enter the University of Mr and Mrs. H. E. Oolllns at­ in the mechanical department ol declare As It stands today, they Twin Palls, were Mr. Brown at­ companied by their three children, be furnished. Amy. Tony and Louis, left Mon­ Oregon at Ehigene in October. tended a Minnesota picnic held in the Waggoner Motor company with state, the Ontario municipal course tended a conference of sugar fac­ day for a two-weeks visit in Sacra­ Go to California— Lakeview park at Nampa last Sun­ his brother, J A. Peterson tory executives. Is one of the best In the tower mento with their daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Bernard Eastman and son. To Portland— day. Snake river valley. Play will begin Richard Lewis, and family. They Mr and Mrs. Ward Wieneks plan Michael Accompanied and Mrs. On Visit»— Sunday. August 3 a t 8 p.m. The From Utah— Jolene. Dean and Belva Hunter development of the Ontario course Mr and Mrs. B. H. Telford and will also visit another daughter, Lawson Gardner of Los Angeles to leave Sunday morning to spend Here from Michigan— Mrs. C. Ashby, who lives in Los home last Wednesday for a visit. their two-week* vacation visiting Mrs. T. J Purklss and grandson returned Saturday from Oakley, has been a major project of the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baer of Mr and Mrs. Oardner were house relatives in Portland. They will of Flint. Michigan arrived here Idaho, where they spent a 10-day Kiawants club here over a period Lewiston. Utah returned Tuesday Angeles. guests of Mr. and Mrs. E&stirian spend a few days at the Oregon Saturday evening to spend a month vacation at the home of their of several years. . to their homes after spending the for a week. visiting Mr and Mrs Dean Smith grandparents, Mr and Mrs. C. R week-end at the home of Mr. Baers Go on Vacation— beaches. Mrs Ed Pruyn and two sons left Hunter. Their parents. Mr and Completes Course— brother. Campbell Baer. Wednesday for a visit at Depot Stamps Available— Mrs Rose I Hunter are spending the Girls at Lake— Business Man Here— Cadet John S. Mar-hall of route Bay. Oregon. Mr Pruyn will Join Mr and Mrs Wayne Barker of Utah centennial commemorative Mardl Sallee. June Savage. Bon­ week at Klamath Palls, where they 1, Nyssa, a student at Oregon State Picnic is Set— them next week and return home are attending a conference stamps are available at the Nyssa Ogden left Wednesday after spend­ nie Fife and Phyllis Oalioway left college, has successfully compeltcd An Eagles picnic will be held at post office. Postmaster Lloyd Lewis ing three days visiting at the home today for a week's outing at Pay­ a six-weeks course of Instruction Caldwell Sunday. August 10. The with them a week later. of Mrs Barker's sister. Mrs 8. P stated. They are three cent stamps. ette lakes. Return from Visit— at the ROTC summer ramp. Port Caldwell lodge will furnish the ice Bybee Mr and Mrs Barker are Guild to Meet— Mr and Msr Murle Marcum and Lewis. Washington The first post­ cream and soft drinks. St. Paul's Episcopal guild will Parents of Son— co-owners of the Owyhee ice cream Son Born— family have returned from a week's war summer camp, which was also meet Wednesday evening. August Mr. and Mrs. J Kenneth Van- plant In Ontario, and have recently Mr and Mrs. J. A. Collins are visit on the coast. the first since 1941. consisted of Goests Here— six weeks Intensive and specialized Mrs. Catherine Reberger of Cald­ 13 at the home of Mrs G rant Rine­ derpool are parents of a boy born opened the Mount Lomond motel, parents of a son bom August 2. training In preparation for a com­ well and Mr. and Mrs D H Sher­ hart. The meeting will be held at at the home of his grandmother. with 26 apartments, at Ogden Mrs The baby, who weighed 6 pounds. Visit la Mr and Mrs Carroll Tucker mission in the organized reserve wood and son of Hermlston were 8 o'clock and the usual routine of Mrs. Margaret Payne at Ontario, H E Chamberlain, mother of Mrs 8 ounces, has been named Joseph week-end guests at the H. R. Sher­ business will be transacted, followed The baby, who arrived August 1, Bybee and Mrs Barker, was with Macpherson. Mrs Collins is the spent last Wednesday in Boise on corps. The course started June 23, former Reta Blodgett. by a social hour , I weighed 8 pounds. business them. and ended August 2. wood home Several of the horses winning places in the race meet held at the Speedacres track at Payette Sunday participated in the racing program held as a part of the Nys­ sa rodeo last month. Wee Susy, owned by H. Guyer of Ontario, won the $1000 wlnner- talce-all feature race, toy nosing out Midnight Star, owned by Jim Car­ ter of Sheavllle. In a mile matched race for $1000, Easter Joy, owned by Harry Tal­ bot of Star, defeated Bromb Bomb­ er, owned by Carl Platt of Cald­ well. Rose Crusader, owned by Talbot, and Slam, owned by Kirkpatrick, ran a dead heat in a half-mile matched race for a purse of $100. City Seeks Bids On W ater WTorks Bids Expected On Street Work Hartley Boosts Batting: to .514 Bond Issue Of $40,000 is Sold County to Get Big Road Fund