THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL. N YSSA, O KEG ON IN O M A N K O LO N Y (S p e c ia l.- day with nine mCTnbers and iive is. Lynn Hurst and Ardis shopped i Caldwell and Nampa Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Kreager and m ily attended Che rodeo in Nam- i Thursday evening. Mrs. Art Sparks and Shirley and iek shopped and also visited rela- ves in Caldwell Tuesday. The Grange will meet next Mon- ly night. The master and Mrs. >e Brumbach will report on the ate Grange meeting. Richard Cruse, who lives on the Greeting place, lost his first crop of hay by fire Saturday night. The ^ d L s Hurst Ronald Lane and' Thuran Piercy attended a farew ell1 party at Caldwell park Sunday night for Floresteen Wilson, who will leave soon for Alaska. Mr and Mrs. Calvin Martensen and daughter and Mrs. Albert Goodrich o f Marsing were dinner guests in the L. L. Kreager home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall and James Shaw attended the rodeo in Nampa Thursday evening. Mrs. W Willard illard Hall and family visited Mr. Hall's sister, Mrs. H. E. Self-Priming Pumps Gasoline or Electric Driven For Lawns, Gardens, Etc. General Repairing and W elding Alberta Avenue Phone 05-Rll McGinnis & Brown CO NTRACTO RS Spray and Brush Painting Interior and Exterior Decorating Phone 163-W MKKfŸaod WS MA fir voo MERNi V don 'T \* h r t a re know want vjoOU '5. SORRY? --------- t h e p u n ts Avoset Property If Interested Drain Ditch A N D C A N A L C L E A N IN G 24J2xc. Sewer and basement excavating, Also land leveling and ripping FOR SALE— 1000 used burlap bags. So Case's H i-W ay Mdse. Mart. * 24Jtfc. C. E. Leseberg FOR SALE—Golden Jubilee peach ’s are ready at Pox farm, 3/4 mile outh of Apple Valley schoolhouse. 24Jlxp. Phone 154J FOR SALE— Double laundry tub, galvanized steel, with rack. Call Owyhee Drug Co. 24J1XC. FOR SALE— Good used Hotpoint “lectric range. Call Idaho Power Co. 24J1XC. M ISCELLANEOUS— T w o success ful raids have been made on my hen-house in the past. This is a nice quiet warning to whoever is N E W S OF RECORD "oncemed that if there is a third attempt and anyone is found ar M A R R IA G E LICENSES ound my hen-house after dark, I Noboru Hironaka and Marjorie will not be responsible for what Ito, both of Payette. Paul Ray Fleming of Woodland, California and Wilma Consuello Thompson of Vale. Gus Ben Bartley of Reno and In su ra n ce June Olive Collins of John Day, C O M PLAIN TS , C IR C U IT COURT J. E. Holly, et ux. vs. Marvin E. Folkestad, et. al. To quiet title. Phone 64 Lou M erritt vs, George J. M er ritt. Determination of amount to Nyssa, Oregon be paid for support and mainten ance. J. P. Farrell vs. Woodrow Bre DR. ED W IN W. wer. Recovery on aoocunt. $263.92. P E TIT IO N S , PROBATE COURT Estate of Steven Kralik, deceased. O LD H AM , D. C. ’ Bernard Eastm an Chiropractic These new type buggies are just like mama uses for baby brother. A li met al construction. Also stock of teeter-babes, children’s chairs, bicycles and tricycles. Physician Nyssa Furniture Co Physiotherapy Electrotherapy A PP LE V A L L E Y FOLK A T T E N D INSTITUTE I t— —,----------- — ABOUT— FOR SALE— Two used washing machines, l Tlior and 1 Meadows. Lowe's Home Appliance shop. W ill V is it - Bob Eidridge plans to leave next Sunday for Camas, Washington, where he will visit for a week with nis brother, Don Eidridge. you ' re vjerr \ n ' w \ de OUTft ? UPPER SUNSET (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. "Doe" Raffington and Mrs. U. E. Parker returned home last Monday from Wallowa, where they had spent several days visit ing. U. E. Parker and Frank Par ker remained for a few more days of fishing. Mrs. Elmer Cloninger attended an Episcopal picnic at the Cald well park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Bowns of Wasington came Saturday to the Wayne Berrett home. On Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Bowns, accomp anied by Mr. Bown's sister, Mrs. Wayne Berrett, and children left for Utah to visit their parents and attend the annual picnic July 24. Miss Shirley Price was stricken with appendicitis while attending the rodeo at Nampa and was taken to the hospital at Ontario, where she was operated on last week. She was able to return home Monday evening. Mrs. Vada Morton and Mrs. Nao mi Parker were hostesses to their club last Thursday, with nine mem bers present. The afternoon was spent socially after which lunch was served. The next meeting will be held with Sadie Parker and Betty Wixon as hostess. The place of the meeting will be announced later. Sunday evening folowing the Young People's league meeting the group of young people attended a lawn party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price. The ' ’arty was given by t)he losing side in the Young People’s Sunday school con test. Mr. ar\t Mrs. Ira Price and fam i ly and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Price and family picnicked at the dam Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee and Henry returned home from Utah Tuesday. Their daughter. Gertrude 24J2 Frank T. Morgan FOR SALE— 24-foot 1942 Airfloat trailer ouse. Butane equipped. $1- 600. At Hank Simianer’s, one mile south post office. 24Jlxp. S E V E R A L V ISIT IN U PPE R SUNSET Gorman-Rupp Mrs. men and women were in attend-1 mond, Utah ence at the camp during the week, | Duus home, besides t lu v large gathering over Saturday and Sunday. Several ladies met at the school house different days last week to can apricots for the hot lunch pro gram. Those who helped Mrs. Charles McFarlin. chairman, were Mrs. Roy Pilcher, Mrs. Irvin Rider, Mrs. Jack Wilson. Mrs. S. M. Fox, Mrs. Glover, Mrs. ] Too Late To Classity Tom Ferguson, Mrs. IO R SALE— Fryers. David Beers, 3 miles west on Columbia avenue. 1 . 24J2xp RICHARD CRUSE H A Y cause of the fire Is unknoown. t o * r v n x IK ! r i a H i r e The Home Econoomics club met IS LOST IN FLA M E S wl(Ji Ura prank Cummlns ^ PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1947 Nyssa, Oregon One Block West of R. R. Depot Over Dime Store R e tu rn s to W a s h in g to n — APPLE V ALLE Y (Special)— Sev eral girls from Apple Valley and Nyssa communities, with their haperone, had a dormitory room together at the Nazarene Young People’s camp and institute at Pay ette lakes this year. Over 400 young Don M. Graham It’s too bad when tire problems become dis tracting and annoying. Avo;d unnecessary tire worrits by seeing O K. RUBBER W E L DERS for extra mileage rea sonable prices. I iV - r J P® O.K. RUBBER WELDERS N FILT " CAB, TRU CK— TRA CTO R Fire and Automobile Insurance TIRES R E C A P P IN G & REPAIRING PHONE 5 M Insurance Agency = 0NVSSft. OREGON Rentals Bonds Mrs. Mabel Hartley Tuesday to her home in Washington after visiting weeks at the home of Henry Hartley. returned Olympia, for two her son, Living tin Vacation— Mrs. Barney Wilson left last week for Corvallis to spend a short vacation. From Seattle— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Le Clair of Seattle are exec ted to arrive in Nyssa this week to visit for sev eral days at the home of Mrs. Le Clair's sister, Mrs. W. E. Schire- man. Spend Vacations— Mr. and Mrs. Vern Duus arc spending a two-week vacation in Portland. During their absence, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of Rich- 1912 FORD “ I use th is 1912 M o d e l T T r u c k in m y used ca r business, an d it s till ro lls a lo n g a t 35 m ph . A f t e r i t w as id le fo r s e v e ra l y e a rs , I fille d iff w i t h gas a n d o il, c ra n k e d i t u p, an d i t s ta rte d a t o n c e ! T w o o r ig in a l ■park plu gs, d a te d 1905, s till p e r fo r m ! T h e o r ig in a l h orn an d th e lig h ta s t ill w o rk fin e. A f t e r 35 yea rs, th e rea r d o o r d o e s n ’ t e v e n r a tU e l Y o u b e t F o r d T r u c k s la st lo n g e r l” P A T CANE, f’m m ovtm n, N. X There’s Nothing Like BETWEEN C H IC A G O • P O R T L A N D and "in-between" points on the "CITY OF PO RTLAND" Convenient arrivals at Portland and Chicago. Ideal service for scheduled stops in Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon for outsidt protection and Im idt'llM vtnionayand worry by Intittinj on Pittsburgh Paints, in many ways batter than pre- war quality. R e ne w s Fu rn ltu ro Waterspa- Enamel la juet the mm | i- y T ; thing to renew fu m é Sf inlTl tu r e o r w o o d w o r k . ■ Adda beauty and Ide. Driee in a hurry. Re- lista marring. „ Uted E v e ry D a y Sintm 19181 “ S in c e 1918, I ’ v e d r iv e n th is t r u c k a b o u t 25 m iles, 6 d a y s a w e e k . . . o n S u n d a y s I o ft e n d r iv e it 70 m ile «. I ’ v e g r o w n v e r y m u ch a tta c h e d t o m y tru ck . I d o n 't th in k I w ill e v e r p a r t w ith i t ! ” LORENZO BA RATTIN I, New O r h a * L e R eal AND NO EXTRA FARE Horn* P r o t e c tio n fr| | f G«Hott$ 5.5; ssa road o f tm £ D aily Streamliners Lum ber Com pany < 2 9 Y ears of " I ’ v e been u sin g th is 1917 F o r d T r u c k sin ce I w as 83 . . . I 'm 63 n o w . T h e e n g in e has been rep la c ed o n ly on c e . . . m oa t o f th e o r ig in a l e q u ip m e n t is e till in uaat I'U e a y F o r d T r u e k s l u t lo n g e r l” Sun-Proof House Paints ara en- , r ic h e d w it h P i t t a - b u rg h 's “ V i t o l i i e d 4 E ^ £ ^ : O i l » " . T h e y reaiat heat and cold without I cracking or peeling. For reservations and information consult your local ticket agent. T Reliable Se rvice I Streamlined Pullmans and Coaches. Smart Dining and Club Cars, II going strong! JCSSR TURNER. Kmlrmnra, fcdhsto Herriman Motor Company ssa, Orego