Classified TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL, NYSSA, OREGON Advertising RATES: Two cents per word tor each Issue. Alter one month one cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. best companies at lowest ent the same with proper vouchers, duly verified, to the undersigned possible rates. Bernard Eastman. 14Ftic. at Nyssa, Oregon within six <8) months from the date of the first For Rent publication nereof. FOR R E N T — Polish your own Dated Nyssa, Oregon June 26, 1947. Olive Grace Robinson, Adminis­ floors. Rent our high-speed .p o l­ tratrix of the estate of William ishing equipment. Easily handled Ernest Robinson, deceased. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. 3Atfc. First pub. June 26, 1947 Last pub. July 24, 1947. In the W ANTED For Sale mile out. Unimproved. Several good 80-acre and larger farms. 3 acres for sale, close in, unim­ proved. Also have several houses listed. 5Jtfc. KEN RENSTROM Phone 172-J FOR SALE— Kenmore electric washer. Extra large tub. Washer and wringer in excellent condition. Does entirely satisfactory job. Pric­ ed $75. R. L. Patton farm. Phone 014-J4. Ten miles southwest of Nyssa, two miles west of Owyhee FOR SALE— Holstein bull, year corner. 24Jlxp. old, registered purebred. Carnation stock. Zack Walker, phone 282-W FO R SALE— Paper and cloth win­ 12Jtfc. dow shades cut to your measure­ ment. N o charge for cutting. Nys­ FOR SALE— $500 in Old Payette sa Furniture Co., One block west Lake club. Lot 2, block 9, district R. R. depot. « 24Jtfc. 49. 179 Lincoln Ave., Palo Alto, 19J6xp. F O R SALE— 350 feet frontage, 150 California. feet deep on highway. South of FOR SALE— Sewing machine sup­ Polar Cold Storage. $3500. Bernard plies. Wholesale and retail. Re­ Eastman. 24Jtfc. building, electrifying, repairing. F. FOR SALE— Good pool table. Con­ "Lete” Sackett, phone 247-M. 469 tact Ken Renstrom or Eagles lodge. west First street, south. Ontario, 19Jtfc. 17J2xc. Oregon. FOR SALE— One-row Oliver power take-off 26-inch potato digger. One Sishic beet loader. IiHiuire Owyhee Grocery. S. E. Flanagan, Rt. 2, Nyssa. 17J2xp. FOR SA LE Venetian blinds, free estimates given. Steel or alumin­ um slats. No Installation charge. Come in seve r# colors. Nyssa Fur­ niture Co. Phone 149-W. 19Jtfc. FOR SALE— 2-row John Deere potato uigger, 1947 model, $500; International tumblebug plow; In ­ ternational T D 9 crawler tractor, wide track and wide guage. Roy Hirar, three miles northwest of Adrian. 10J3xp. FOR SALE— Canvas paint, in white, red and light green colors, leaves fabric pliable and water­ proof. Nyssa Furniture Co. Phone 149-W. 19Jtfc. FOR SALE— California liquid fer- tiller. John Barnett, phone 123-R. « 3Jtfc j FOR SALE— Red cedar shingles, screen doors, windows, frames and screens complete, doors and frames complete, pipe, flooring, park tables, large size coal hot water heater, three coal ranges and one large cafe sink. L. J. Josephson and Son, Payette, Idaho. 3Jtfc. FOR SALE— One Oliver Grain Master combine, six-foot cut, with pick-up attachment. W. V. Rich­ mond, phone 023-R3, Ontario, Ore­ FOR SA LE — 1943 Ford Jeep with gon, second place north of game station wagon top. Five first-class farm. 10J3xp. tires, new battery, 16,000 miles, just painted. Price $900, half cash, $875, FOR SALE— Canning beans, wax all cash. New car guarantee for and green. Monday, Wednesday, 30 days. Powell Service garage. 15MUC. Friday. Fred Krataberg. Two miles south on Adrian highway. 10J3xp. FOR SA LE — Or trade 1940 Ford FO R SALE— 1 new Lindeman beet pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 283-W. 3Jtfc. loader. Inquire E. L. Palmer, route 1, Box 140, Vale, Oregon. 17J4xp. FO R SALE— 1947 Willys Jeep, 3UU FOR SALE— Pick-up box. Good miles to date. Below new price. shape. Nvssa Sanitation Service. 15Mtfc. Phone 03-R1. 3Jtfc. Phone 23-W. FOR SALE— Registered herefora FOR SALE— Be comfortable this Place your order now bull. Phone Zack Walker, 282-W. summer. Nvssa 3Jtfc. for air-conditioning units. Heating Co., Phone 169W. 20Mtfc. FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. Guaranteed to be washable and FOR SALE— Allis Chalmers mod­ non-fading for three years. Good el M crawler with dozer, cab, pow­ stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com­ er take-off pullev with case, 2- pany. 26Jtfc. bottcm 2-way plow. Western Cor- ruga tor company. 13Mtfc. FOR SALE— Used Fairbanks plat­ FOR SALE— Several houses for form scale. 2500 pound capacity. Dessert Seed Co. 3Jtfc. sale. Attractive buys. See Frank T. Morgan. 16Jtfc FOR SALE— Fine row - crop 40, near Adrian, good water right, fair FOR SALE— Automobile Insurance. Public Liability. Property Damage. improvements. 40 acres on oiled highway. One Fire, T h eft and Collision. Placed Professional And Business Directory PH YSIC IAN S DENTISTS S A R A Z IN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons F. F. BODM ER Dentist L. A. Maulding. M. D. Ph. 187W Wilson Bldg. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 Daily—Except Sunday J. R. C U N D A LL H AY BUYER Dentist W. F. JAH N Dealer in hay and grain Third at Good Ave. Phone 58-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA ORBQON LODGES Gate City Lodge No. 214 I.O.O.F. fleets every Monday light, 8:30. South First Street O PTO M ETRISTS DR. J. A. M C F A LL DR. JOHN E A S LY JEW ELRY STORES PAULUS EW ELR Y STORE Phone 21, Ontario, Ore ilon Pacific Time Inspector EWELRY - DIAMONDS WATCHES FLOOR L A Y IN G A N D Main Street a. Second S A N D IN G W YCKOFF JE W E LR Y STORE Official Time Inspector for Reflnlshed, Filled, Varnished Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON By Experienced Men Write N. J. Barnett Marsing, Idaho PAG E THREE TH U R SD A Y, J U L Y 24, 1947 par, and must be filed with the Clerk of said School District No. 26C in the Nyssa Hight School in the City o f Nyssa, Oregon, on or before 5:00 o’clck P.M. on the 1st day of August, 1947. Bids will be opened at the office of the Clerk of said School District No. 26C ,n the Nyssa High School, Nyssa, Ore­ gon. at 8:30 o ’clock P.M. on the 1st day o f August, 1947. Each bid must be accompanied by a certi­ fied check in the amount of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) as a deposit to insure fulfillment of said bid. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Winfree, McCulloch. Shuler and Sayie will be furnished the successful bidder. The District School ooard of School District No. 26C, Malheur County. Oregon, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Loyd Adams, Chairman School District No. 2UC. Attest: Henry H. Hartley, Dis­ trict Clerk. First Publication July 17, 1947. Last Publication July 31, 1947. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON W ANTED — Home laundry, also FOR MALHEUR C O UNTY plain sewing. Beatrice Niccum, Lo­ In the Matter of til Estate of cust avenue, end of north 6th street. 24J3xp. A R M IN A SERAPH INE CARNEX3IE, Deceased. W ANTED— T o buy from owner C IT A T IO N 40-80 acres with good buidings. T o: AD A M. HOLGATE Give location and cash price. Write TH E S T A T E LAND BOARD OF P. O. Box 19, Nyssa, Oregon. 24J2p. TH E S TATE OF OREGON A L L UNKNO W N H EIRS O F W ANTED — T o put up hay on A R M IN A SERAPH INE CARNEGIE, shares. Bill Ratigan, Nyssa route 1. DECEASED 17J2xp. IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE W ANTED — T o harvest potatoes, OF OREGON: You are hereby cit­ complete service, digging, picking ed and required to appear at the and hauling. A. B. Hann or Chet County Court Room at the County Corfield, 5 miles northeast of Nys­ Court House at Vale, Malheur sa. 19J5xp. County, Oregon on the 5th day of N O TICE FOR BIDS August, 1947, at the hour of 10:00 W ANTED— T o buy anything in am . o f said day, and then and School board o f district 18 will h“ e f or "eal. Also buy banger cows there show cause, if any exists, meet July 28 at 8 p.m., to receive or will handle for hide and offall why the Hon. Irwin Troxell, Judge bids for painting the schoolhouse Phone 31M or 011J1 22Atfc o f the County Court for Malheur and staining the roof; for cleaning County, Oregon shall not make an and painting the inside o f the order authorizing and directing building and for sanding the desks. M ISC E LLA N E O U S Harold Henigson, administrator of Material will be furnished by the M ISCELLANEOUS— $500 reward the Estate of Armina Seraphine school board and work must be to parties who can give in fo rm a - , Carnegie, deceased, to sell the fol- completed by August 25. Bids will tion leading to the arrest and con- lowing described real property, to- be received by W. L. Chapin, route 2, Nyssa. Darrell Williams will pro­ viction of the party or parties who 1 w it: stole a safe containing $1500 in | (a ) Lots 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, and vide admittance to the schoolhouse. First pub. Juy 17, 1947. cash from the apple orchard west 118 in Block 60 of Green’s Addition Last pub. July 24, 1947. of Sherwood place on Saturday | Seven-room Frame house sit- night between 8 and 10 p.m. I. C. | uated on Lots 13 and 14 in Block NOTI CE TO CONTRACTO RS Storey, Nyssa. 10J3xc.' 60 of Green's Addition to the City STREET INTE R SE CTIO N ---------------------------I of Nyssa MISCELLANEOUS— Tailoring and ¡n accordance with the order of IM PRO VEM EN T alterations, Mildred Phillips, Green yns Court and as by law required Sealed proposals will be received avenue between First and Second W ITN E S S: The Hon. Irwin Troxell,! at the office of the City Manager 10J3xp. Judge of the County Court of the of the City o f Nyssa. Malheur State of Oregon for Malheur County, Oregon until 7:30 o’clock MISCELLANEOUS Avail.(Me now, County, with the seal of said P.M., August 12, 1947 for street in­ Electrolux cleaners and air puri­ Court affixed this 1st day of tersection improvements including fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. A n­ grading; furnishing and placing Jul/, 1947. derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. rock base; furnishing and placing Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfc. A T T E S T : H. S. Sackett, Clerk crushed aggregate, cutback asphalt, B Y : K. Barclay, Deputy. First publication July 3, 1947. bituminus cement, concrete curb­ M ISCELLANEOUS— Why worry n- Last publication July 31, 1947. ing; sprinkling; furnishing materi­ about getting your grain taken care als for and constructing manholes, of when we have a binder and combine with reasonale rates? N O TIC E OF ANNUAL M EETING catch basins and sewer pipe, and otherwise according to the plans Write or see Gene Honey or George OF TIIE and specifications now on file in N YS SA-AR C AD IA D RAINAG E Griffin, 2 miles east Nyssa on Ida­ t)he office of the City Recorder of D ISTR IC T ho side. 26J5xp. said City o f Nyssa, Oregon. T O TH E LAN D OWNERS OF M ISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and The proposals will be publicly op­ N YS SA-AR C AD IA D R AIN AG E free pick-up of your dead, crippied ened and read aloud at 7:30 o'­ D ISTR IC T: or sick livestocx. Calls received be­ Notice is hereby given that pur­ clock P.M. on August 12, 1947. fore 9 o’clock are picked up by suant to the by-laws of the cor­ No proposal will be considered noon. Efficient drivers. Call col­ poration, the annual meeting of the unless It is prepared and submitted lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys­ land owners of Nyssa-Arcadia Drai­ on the attached form furnished by sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products nage Dictrict will be held at City the City Manager, and unless tiie Company. 5Jtfc. Hall In the City of Nyssa, Oregon bidder has submitted a prequali­ fication statement as required by MISCELLANEOUS— Floors Sand­ on August 5, 1947 at 7:00 P.M. for Section 98-103, O.C.L.A., ten days the purpose of electing one or more er',, old or new made perfect with supervisors and for the transaction before the date of opening the bids. 'ge commercial machine, experi­ Each proposal shall be accom­ o f such other business as may enced operators. Telephone Boise properly come before the meeting panied by a deposit o f five per cent 0234-R1 or 057-J13. 29Mtfc. of the amount of the bid either in or any adjournment thereof. By order of the Board of Super- I bidder's bond or in cash or certified MISCELLANEOUS— Ladies: I f you check on some well-known solvent visors. are having trouble with your el­ Dated at Nyssa. Oregon this 10th bank. The deposits will be returned ectric appliances, call 176W for re­ following the signing o f the con­ day of July, 1947. pair service. I repair washing ma­ tract by the successful bidder. Harold Henigson, Secretary. chines, vacuum cleaners, hot plates, The right is reserved to reject First pub. July 10, 1947. electric clocks, clean and oil toast­ any or all proposals or to accept Last pub. July 24, 1947. ers, food mixers, w affle irons, el­ such proposal or proposals as are ectric irons. I also clean and repair to the best interest of the City. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION sewing machines. Lowe’s Home Ap­ B Y ORDER OF T H E C IT Y Please take notice that on July pliance Service shop, located in CO UNCIL the east side of the Phillips build­ 1, 1947. Melvin F. Engstrom re­ E. K. Burton, City Manager. ing on south First street. 8Mtfc. tired from the co-partnership of Don R. Engstrom and Melvin F. NO TICE OF DISSOLUTION M ISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Engstrom doing business under the Please take notice that on May Loans on farms for refinancing, name and style of the CLOVER building. Improvements, b u y i n g . LAW N D A IR Y at Nyssa, Oregon, 1. 1947 H. F. Terhune and W. D. Long term, low interest, see Ber­ and that as of such date Don R. Rinehart dissolved the co-partner­ Fligstrom will continue the con­ ship doing business .under the name nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. 3Atfc. duct of such business individually. and style of TERHUNE and R IN E ­ Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, July 1. H A R T engaged in the business ol M ISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car 1947. land leveling and farming at Nyssa, Oregon and that as of such date and clyinder lock keys made. Wes­ Don R. Engstrom tern Auto Store. 250tfc. H. F. Terhune will continue the Melvin F. Engstrom conduct of the land leveling busi­ First publication July* 17, 1947. M ISCELLANEOUS— White Swan ness and W. D. Rinehart will con­ Last publication July 24, 1947. Help-ur-Self laundry. Free pick­ tinue the conduct of the farming up and delivery. Ransom M. Sou­ NOTICE OF SCHOOL D IS T R IC T business respectively. therland. phone 95-W, Nyssa. First Dated at Nyssa, Oregon May 1, BOND SALE street, south just o ff Main. 17Atfc. NOTICE IS H EREBY G IVEN 1947. H. J. Terhune that School District No. 26C of CUSTOM SLAU G H TERING W. D. Rinehart Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Malh»ur County, Oregon, offers for First pub. July 24, 1947. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. sale Forty Thousand Dollars ($40- Last pub. July 31, 1947. to 6 p. m. and FYiday 8 a. m. to 12. 000) in general indebtedness bonds of the said School District dated No stock received on Sunday. Beef, sheep and pork. FYee delivery August 1, 1947, numbered consec­ B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y utively from 1 to 40 inclusive, in to Polar locker plant. H E LD A T R IC H L A N D One mile west on Alberta avenue. denominations of One Thousand Dollars ($1.000.00) each, maturing Phone 05R1 serially in numerical order at the R IC H LAN D (Special)— Mr. and JAKE FISCHER rate of Five Thousand Dollars ($5- Mrs. Adam Focht gave a birthday 000.00) on the 1st day of February, party in honor of Robert Runcorn Legal Advertising In each of the years 1949 to 1956 and Phlll HarrLs Saturday evening. inclusive. The interest on said bonds The guests were Mr and Mrs. H. L. DEPAR TM E N T OF TIIE shall not exceed three per cent Slssion, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fooht, IN T E R IO R (3% ) per annum payable semi­ Mr. and Mrs. Fern Runcorn, Mr. Bureau of Land Management annually on the 1st day of August and Mrs John Lane, and Mr. and at The Dalles, Oregon and the 1st day of February. Both Mrs. Charley Wemick. Mr. Run­ June 19, 1947 N O TIC E Is hereby given that principal and Interest of said bonds corn and Mr Harris received gifts. Julian Mendiola. of Adrian, Oregon, shall be payable at the office of Rook was played. Mr. and Mrs. who, on July 14, 1941, made Orig. the County Treasurer of Malheur Ralph Focht won high prizes. Tom Russell of St. Anthony and Homestead Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. County, Oregon, or at the Fiscal 031754. for Farm Unit ‘’D’’ or the Agency of the State of Oregon at FHmer Barrett of Boise were the New York City at the option of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell E 'iS E '.S E 1, Sec. 13, E 'iN E 'iN E li FYiday eevening. Sec. 24. T. 21 S., R. 45 E. and the the purchaser. Bids for said bonds must be In Mrs. Joe Dlrksen and daughter, S'.,SE',SW>/« Sec. 18, Lot 1. N E 'i N W ',. W 'iiN W S N E 'i, Section 19, writing and sealed, and must speci­ Rena, were dinner guests of Mrs. Township 21 S . Range 46 E., W il­ fy the rate of interest at which the Van Zelf and Mrs. Vanderwlnkle lamette Meridian, has filed notice bidder will take the said bonds at of Nyssa Tursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brandt and of intention to make final Proof, fam ily and Mrs. Grace Brondt of to establish claim to the land ab­ Nampa were dinner guests of Mr. ove described, before FYank T. Mor­ and Mrs. E. H Brandt Sunday. gan, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Ore­ Free Pick Up Mrs. Lucille Zimmerman and son gon, on the 4th day of August, Lucky, of Portland are visiting 1947. O f Your Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nielsen, Mrs Claimant names as witnesses: Zimmerman and Mrs. Nielsen are Donald McGinnis of Adrian. Ore­ Dead and Worthless sisters. gon, Houston Dunaway and Howard Mrs. Oilbert Henry and daughter, Connaughy, both of Rt. 2. Nyssa, Gloria Sue. of Portland were week­ Oregon, Glen McGinnis of Rt. 1, Animals end guests of Mr. and Mrs C. E. Nyssa, Oregon. Grace Gavin Lewis, Acting Man­ Sweaney. Call Collect Phyllis Cheldelln was a guest of ager. Marilyn Brooke of Ontario for sev­ There is a Phone Near You First Publication June 26. Last publication July 24. eral days Nyssa 100 Parma 25 Mr and Mrs. Wallace Gregg and children were in Willow Creek on NOTICE TO { ’R E D ITffR S Ontario 53 In the matter of the estate of business Saturday. William Ernest Robinson, deceased Mr and Mrs Emerson Bingaman "W e Haul the Day You Call" were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C lif­ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly and Ida-Ore Rendering Co. ford Nielsen Friday. Lillian Gregg arrived at the regularly appointed administratrix Herscbel Gregg home Tuesday from of the above entitled estate. All Nyssa, Oregon persons having claims against said Portland. Mr and Mrs. Chris Van Zelf have estate are hereby required to pres- left for their home in Scotia, Cali­ fornia after a two-weeks visit here with friends and relatives. The Brownies and leaders, Mrs. Hammon, Mrs. B. Standerfor and Mrs. C. Fox, held a picnic at the home of Mrs. H. Sisson Games were played and a picnic lunch was enjoyed by the girls. The meetings of the Brownies will be discon­ tinued until September. SEVERAL V ISIT IN G IN A R C A D IA A R E A ARCADTA (.Special)— Mr. and Mrs. Perry Richmond and family of Colville, Washington visited friends here last week. Joe Kita of Chicago is visiting his brother and sister. Fired and Sara Kita. on the Ira Ure ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Shilling of Sterl­ ing Colorado are visiting their son. Fled Shilling, and family, and oth­ er relatives here. Several ladies from here attended the bridal shower given for Mrs. George Roper at the home of Mrs. Elmer Hill last week. Mr and Mrs. Harry Thurman of Corvallis and Mr. Thursman’s fa ­ ther and mother o f Medford are visiting in the John Zittercob home. Don Bowers, Donald Bullard and Russell Sareson left Monday in a group of 4-H boys for a few days’ outing at Union, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and son of Coquille, Oregon visited in the El­ lis Warner home last week. R. G. Chandler of Caldwell and Bill Stratton of Whittier. California visited in the George Moeller home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Vern Butler and children left last week for the coast for a week’s visit. Mrs. Faucis Bates and Margaret and Mrs. Bernice Taylor and Alta returned Friday from La Grande, where Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Taylor attended school for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ira King, mission­ aries representing “ The Voice of The Andes" in South America, were at Arcadia Fliday evening, July 18 wit)h colored motion pictures of the work of the missionaries of Equa- dor. Mrs. Clyde Bowers and her 4-H sewing class, met at her home July 18 for a swimming party. Five members and six visitors were pres- “ An Iron Arm” B U E N A V IS T A F O L K V IS IT IN V A L L E Y BUENA V IS T A (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day attended a party at the Claude Day home Saturday evening. Willis Bertram and Alva Gooodell ell were in Vale FYlday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Mr. and Mri. Delbert Cleaver, La Vern and Alvin Cleaver and Bemiece Bowen were in Nampa Saturday evening. Howard Day. Jim Ritchie. Oeorge Cleaver and Olen H offm an were among those who attended the Nyssa-Homedale ball game at Nys­ sa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hersohel Helley and family of Hayburn, Idaho were dinner guests at the W illis Ber­ tram home. They are cousins of Mrs. Bertram. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver entertained the Y.G.A. Fliday ev­ ening with a weiner roast. Fifteen members attended. Mrs. Willis Bertram was in O n­ tario Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. E. L. Jamison, who is in the Holy Rosary hospital. Mr. and Mre. Glen Hoffm an were in Ontario Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and fam i­ ly, LaVern and Alvin Cleaver, Ber- niece Bowen and David Highland. Mr. and Mrs. Ray G rlffitts and fam ily attended the rodeo at Nam ­ pa Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray O riffltts and family called at the James Stephen home In Kingman Kolony Sunday evening. Visits Home— W. L. McPartland, principal of tiie Nyssa grade school, who Is enrolled In summer school at the Eastern Oregon College of Edu­ cation In La Grande, spent the week-end visiting at his home. Dr.J.H. Berger V E T E R IN A R IA N > Files u w i with mechanical precision. They cut dean« er. truer, faater. You'll Ilka tliia new filing serv­ ice. Let u* file you* un. » ent. jack Zittercob and Tom m y Bates are sconcing on the combine for Otis Budard. Box I) C. Oi PATTERSON Phone 135J Nyssa. Oregon F IR ST AND EHRGOOD NYSSA, OREGON Complete Line O f Plumbing Supplies Septic Tanks Cleaned and Repaired Brower’s Plumbing Shop Phone 196-J Nyssa, Oregon POULTRY RATIONS ¿tow YOUR GRAIN Your own grain can make good poultry mashes. Just bring it in and we grind and mix it with Purina-vConcentrates? Al Thompson and Son We Have Opened A Fruit Stand in connection with our filling station and cottage camp on highway 20. W e will buy and sell berries, fruits and vegetables Open seven days a week Red Herren’s Service