THURSDAY, - JULY 24, 1947 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TWO will supply Sunday, July 20. I Vfeits Daughter— I Buchner Billy and John Pasley of We welcome everybody to our I Rev E P Lawrene of Caldwell | Caldwell also were guests at the services. | is visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. W. ' Buchner home this week. Ihe Gate City Journal THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH CONSTRUCTION - - Editor and Publisher (CLASS V. POWELL - - CONCRETE Rev. H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. SIDEWALKS Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. BUILDINGS Intermediate fellowship. 7 p.m. ADVERTISING RATt-A SUBSCRIPTION RATES Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. REPAIRING DRIVEWAYS ....... $2.00 Open rate, per Inch.... 35c Evening Bible study, 8 p.m. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 $1.25 National, per inch........ 40c p.m. Clussifieds, per word ... __ Single Copies............... Minimum....... 30c (StrIcily In Advance) CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH General Contractor PARISH HALL Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon Rev. P. J. Gaire, .Pastor Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Phone 09-J3 Nyssa Mass at 8 a.m. until further through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under notice. the act o. March 3, 1879 aid and children were dinner guests said as. he outlined plans for the ASSEMBLY OF GOD of Mrs. Mary Fletcher in Home- show. Sterl D. Spiesz, Pastor Special events will include the dale Saturday evening. N O T IC E O F B O N D SALE appearance of Tex Ritter, well- Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. The Owyhee softball team defeat known MORMANS CELEBRATING western singing star and Worship, 11 a.m. ed Adrian 10 to 4 in a game at rodeo NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until Evangelistic service, 8 t> m. performer, Wright said. Monday. The Mormans who are making such import Adrian hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, the 12tJh day of August, Meanwhile, the "three-pieces-of- Tuesday, Prayer meeting, 8 pm. the The O.KJC. club met at the 1947, and Immediately thereafter publicly opened by the City Council ant religious and business contributions to the home of Mrs. Lem Wilson in Nys Caldwell regalta” rule went into effect in of the City of Nyssa, Oregon, at the Council Chambers In said City, and the vigilantes 'n Idaho— sa. with Mrs. Blanche Hite as co- secured a Monday Nyssa section are this week celebrating the hostess. the purchase of The City of Nyssa Water Works Bonds, Series A, tub in which to deposit Miss Margaret Sarazin spent the for Prize winners in the game being general obligation bonds, in the sum of Ninety Thousand ($9ifP lOUth anniversary of the arrival of their fore that was played were Mrs. Ken the violators of the rodeo-regalia- week-end visiting at the home of 000.00) Dollars, said bonds being In denominations of $1.000.00 each, her sister, Mrs. R. W. Larsen, In all bearing rules. neth McDonald and Mrs. Charht wearing fathers into Salt Lake valley, Utah. date of August 1, 1947, and maturing serially in numerical Hansen, Idaho. The boys who didn't want to— Culbertson. Refreshments were ser These L.D.S. people, who have come to this ved’ to nine guests. order as follows: or couldn't—grow a beard were al the alternative of wearing Mrs. Lee Householder lowed MATURITY DATE community in large numbers from Utah and had Mr. as and dinner AMOUNT I BOND NUMBERS a highly colored shirt, but all were guests Friday ev advised E.W. PRUYN Idaho, carry with them the pioneer spirit that ening August 1, 1948 either beards or bright $4000.00 1-4 Inc. (4 bonds at $1000.00) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweltzer August 1, 1949 $4000.00 ¡ 5-8 Inc. (4 bonds at $1000.00) and children, Jim and Barbara, of shirts were in order. prompted the early-day Mormans to seek new Grants August 1, 1950 $4000 00 I 9-12 Inc. )4 bonds at $1000.00) Auto Repairing homes in the west. Along with the people of A picnic Pass. was held Sunday at the August 1. 1951 I 13-16 Inc. (4 bonds at $1000.00) $4000.00 August 1, 1952 other religious faiths, the Mormans are pion George 17-20 Inc. (4 bonds at $1000.00) $4000.00 Sweitzer home in 'honor of Reboring, Valve Grind August 1, 1953 $4000.00 21-24 Inc. (4 bonds at $1000.00) the Earl Sweitzer family. Those eering in the field of agriculture in a new- present were Mrs. Charlie Sweitzer. August 1, 1954 $4000.00 25-28 Inc. )4 bonds at $1000.00) ing, Lathe work. Parts 29-32 Inc. (4 bonds at $1000.00) $4000.00 THE CHURCH OF THE August 1. 1955 country that laid comparatively dormant until Ruth McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. August 1, 1956 NAZAKENE Share, Mr. and Mrs. Oce 33-36 Inc. (4 bonds at $1000.00) $4000.00 the establishment of the now famous Owyhee Ohuck and accessories August 1. 1957 Sweitzer, Virginia Troutner, Dell 37-40 Inc. (4 bonds at $1000.00) $4000.00 E. J. Wilson, Pastor August 1, 1958 $5000.00 Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Byer 41-45 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000.00) NAZ Gregg, and Miss Lillian Gregg of and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bud 10 a.m., Sunday school. Roger August 1, 1959 46-50 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000 00) $5000.00 Phone 56w August 1, 1960 Vanscoy and children, Mr. and Tucker, superintendent. 51-55 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000.00) $5000.00 OWYHEE NINE WINS I Portland. August 1, 1961 Kenneth Parker and children, 11 a.m., Song service and sermon. 56-60 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000.00) $5000.00 and Maxlna, Mrs. and OVER ADRIAN 10-4 I and Mrs. Mrs. Lynn Don Kygar August 1, 1962 Mrs. Lee Householder and 7:15 p.m., young people, teen age, 61-65 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000.00) $5000.00 Franklin of Nyssa Mr. August 1, 1963 and Jeanne Sweitzer. 66-70 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000.00) $5000.00 and junior meetings. OWYHEE (Special)— The Inter were callers in the Donald Brewer Dianne August 1, 1964 $5000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Asa Vandeburgh 8 p.m., Evangelistic service. 71-75 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000.00) HOP PICKERS mediate class of the Owyhee Sun home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. of Beaver, Colorado visited in the August 1, 1965 76-80 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000 00) $5000.00 day school enjoyed a welner roast Brewer and Infant son returned Lewis Skinner home several days FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH August 1. 1966 $5000.00 81-85 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000.00) and swim at Snlvley’s 'hot springs home from the 'hospital in Ontario last week. Mrs. Vandeburgh and August 1, 1967 WANTED $5000.00 86-90 Inc. (5 bonds at $1000.00) Roland G. Wuest, Pastor Monday night. The class was ac Friday. Mr. Skinner are brother and sis FAITH LUTH Said bonds will be sold to the highest and best bidder and for the companied by Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon- ter. Register Now Sunday after Trinity highest price obtainable, but shall not be sold for less than par and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner were Eighth 10 a.m., Sunday school. Classes Boise business visitors Thursday. groups. Tents and trailer space accumulated interest. They spent the night with Mr. and for 1 all a.m., age worship service. Sermon All of said bonds bearing interest at a rate not to exceed five (5)" GENERAL HAULING Mrs. G. L. McMillan and returned theme: 'Proper Spiritual Relation available. Electricity, per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, both principal and in Friday. PACKAGE DELIVERY MOVING JOBS home wood and water ships Are the Most Important”, test payable at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Green of Oregon. All bids must be unconditional and be accompanied by a furnished to Redmond, Washington arrived Fri based on St. Matthew 12: 46-50. certified check in the sum of $2000.00 to become the property of the day for a visit in the Oral Hite FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST pickers. City of Nyssa if the successful bidder fails to comply with the con home. Saturday morning Mr. and CHURCH tract of sale awarding said bonds to the bidder. Robert Runcorn Mrs. Green. Mr. and Mrs. o ftl M. J. Duncan, pastor Hite and boys, and Mr. and Mrs. Rt. 2, Nyssa M. J. Duncan, Elder Werner Peutz went to Owyhee dam E. K. BURTON school, 10 a. m. Richland District and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Morning devotional, 11 a. m. Green have been on an extensive Office In Ken Renstrom’s Insurance Office trip through Canada and the east- Young people's services, 7 p. m. CITY RECORDER Phones 23-W and 103-J j ern states. They returned to their Evening services, 8 p. m. Thursday evening prayer ser home Monday. 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner and vice, Tuesday evening cottage prayer their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. service to be announced each Sun Vandeburgh. were dinner guests in and place). the Neil Nicholson home Sunday. day In (time the absence of Elder Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clarey and an, Eldej, Noel Harvey of Boise daughter of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and son went iidhing at Owyhee dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tallman and O ur C h o w m ix feed s son were dinner guests Sunday in a re lo w in co st and the Darrell Williams home. h igh in q u ality . . . b e Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters had as week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. c a u s e th ey a re m ade S. I.amborn of Boise. w ith L O C A L g r a in Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald p lu s fa m o u s Purina' and children went to the Werner C o n ce n tra te s. Peutz home Wedneday to watch .notion pictures of the Portland Rose festival taken and shown by C H O W M IX FEEDS Harry Choat of Vancouver, Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. Choat and duughter were visiting in the Peutz >ZO ! home but left for Vancouver Sat urday. Rex Waters of Boise brought his daughter, Brenda, to Owyhee- to spend a few weeks with her grand IN I t s P M C 5 : parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wal ters. Mr. and Mrs. Mattie McKim and So is fire, but when children of Spokane are visiting rt is out of place in the Earl Crocker home. irrigation project. The Mormans in this community are largely engaged in farming, although some of them are engaged in other types of business. They are recognized as good farmers and are ap parently adept at the row crop type of farming. Along with being good farmers they are good citizens and constitute an asset to any com munity. We feel that we bespeak the wish of the peo ples of other faiths that the Mormans may have many more centuries in which to celebrate their anniversaries. Leslie W, Stoker Church Notes Nyssa Sanitation Service > FEED B U Y Al Thompson & Son ORDER NOW Pres^torlogs ............ the “Magic Fuel" for Heaters Ranges Fireplaces - Make sure you have economical heat this winter. Easy to store, clean to use. the finest year 'round fuel known. Use “Pres-to-logs” for all heating purposes in the winter. . . quick heating on ch'illy fall days. Pres-to-logs burn longer, smoother. . . .emit no smoke or odor. Less than a shovel full of ashes to a ton! 100 Only L . 40 f $5.00 at yard Place your order TODAY at . . LUMBER COMPANY "There'« a Yard Noat You“ O. L. Galloway, Manager Nyssa, Oregon \S AV.'R/GWT CALDWELL RODEO TO then comes the need BE .OPENED AUG. 5 for fire insurance. CALDWELE~(Special>— Top wad- We write it right. dies of the nation will assemble at Caldwell August 5 for the first night session of the annual five- night rodeo, in which cowboys will pit their skill against the stock of J. C. "Doc” Sorenson. "The best riders of the nation are coming". Telpher E. Wright, secretary of the rodeo association *R ii n in m hi m i ii h i i i:i hi i i rh n 11 it m hi hi i i hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi huh hi hi hi hi m in mm hi m hi hi w_ Frank T. Morgan Oil Heaters Will be plenty hard to get this fall. We have ju»t a few. Secure yours now. $ 5 .0 0 Down And $ 5 .0 0 Per Month until delivery date “Furniture you will be proud to own at prices you can afford to pay” Ed Case’s Hi-Way Mdse. Mart. Nyssa Phone 74-J Except for the fact that an electric range can't talk and tell you when dinner Is ready. It does about everything else to make meal preparation a simple ¡ob. It relieves you of most of the cooking chores, and just as a perfect servant an electric range helps keep your kitchen clean. should, Even with guests comlnq for dinner vou can still plan to take the afternoon off, with assurance that your automatic oven or thrift cooker the meal to per fection. will cook A (fool, clean kitchen . . . economical cooking . . . less "cle an -u p " time . . . all these are yours with an electric range. Th e electric range combines the newest In work-saving features with the beauty of smart streamlined design. And Idaho Power's low electric rates mean real econ om y of operation. Your electrical dealer is receiving new electric ran9es— *nd selling them rapidly— but he can show you a sample. I D A H O V POWE R U + . t 'm u Ù s Do«« V) MUCH-Cost» So UT TLt! '