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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1947)
PAGE EIGHT THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Social News THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 ed lace and oranje bio soms She carried a basket of sweetpeas and in the* Paulson cabin at Payette vacation spent at Firth, Idaho and lunch, which those attending will old ,is showing some improvement held a txuquet of red roses tied baby breath. The ceremony was lakes. nearby places. provide. | with a larye white satin bow. Dili- held in front of a Isree mirror Return Home— MABOENE TALBOT BRIDE ¡mg the double ring ceremony the ¡ ¡ J tall can le5 on gold brTckeJ Reurns to Nyssa— Picnic. Boy Operated On— OF GLENN E. WEEKS groom wore a dark blue suit " tttl1 cantUes ljn *ola »racket« Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson To xhe Hold Mr. and Mrs. Boy Darnes re catholics of Nyssa and vic- Mr. and Mrs. John Telisak have turned Miss T alb o t dausrhter satln and white buttonier. on eath about slde’ the and rooms. many spring home Tuesday from a two- Miss Maraene Margene Talbot, daughter of of He ( u stripe attended by John Va„ flowers and son, Gale, returned Monday lnity wt]1 hold a plcnic July 2 0 at '„fumed home from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Waynard Talbot. Zelf and I5err.ild Stelnke. The In charge of the gift room were from Toppenish, where they have ^ o’clock at the city park. A short { where their son. Mark, underwent weeks vacation spent in Yellow became the brida of Olenn E. bride's attendants were Miss Mar- th* Misses Mary Lou Schenk and spent six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mo- business meeting of St. Anne's Al- j a major operation in the Doern- stone National park and * Twin Weeks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- ian Grace Brown, who wore a Nancy Kesler. Those serving were werson planned to make their hqme ^ar SOciety will be held after the 1 echer hospital The boy, 17 month! Falls, Idaho. as Weeks, at a pretty home wedding shed p.nk pawn trimmed in lace. Beta Glover, Lorraine Farr, Luc- in m e W a s h i n g U n City, but l a i d - _________________________________________________________J _______________ ' Friday evening at 6 o’clock, with and Lola Weeks, sister of the ille Ceci and Mrs. Burnall Brown. lug the climate not to their liking, Bishop Arvel Child officiating. groom, who chose a pastel blue, Buth Chadd was in charge of the returned this week to Nyssa to The bride, given in marriage by Each maid carried a bouquet of ffift boot. The wedding live. cake, a her father, wore a white satin | pink and white carnations circled front the bride’s uncle, Bur- gown with train and long sleeves; i with tiny white flowers. Gerald nad Brown, was a three-tier cake Guests Visit— a net yoke and finger-tip veil Ta'bot was ring bearer and Nancy , miniature bride and groom, i Mr. and Mrs. B. W Miner and trimmed with wide lace, which was Skeen was flower girl. Nancy wore Approximately 150 persons att- | «¡on, James, and Mr. and Mrs. Ot- held in place by a coronet of sheer- |a blue formal with net skirt and , ended the reception. The couple t0 Buiki and son of Pierre, South plan to make their home in Nyssa. I Dakota were Sunday visitors at — H— title Harry Miner home. Mr. Miner's NYSSA COUPLE WED niece, Miss Lola Miner of Shasta Gladys. Lorraine Long of Nyssa City, California, arrived Friday for and Clarence Leo Mull of Nyssa a week’s visit here. were married by the Bev, H. J. Gernhardt in the Methodist par At Lakes— sonage Saturday, July 12 at 8 p m Marion Grace Brown and Mary The couple, who were attended Lou Schenk are vacationing at —JUST ARRIVED— by Mrs. Ellen Sparks, mother of McCall. the bride, an,d Miss Mildred Sparks, Another Good Shipment Of the bride's sister, will make their Pienick— home in Nyssa, where Mr. Mull Is Relatives A group of relatives spent last employed by Al Thompson and Sunday at the R. T. Sager ranch Son. near Harper in honor of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Foster, who are visitors MARRIED IN BOISE here from North Hollywood, Cali 4 by 8 sheets, only 5V2C Per foot Mrs. Mertle Comer, and Arnold C. fornia. Included were Mr. and Mrs. Garren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fran A. Bratton, Mr and Mrs. Beil ces Garrcn of Arcadia, were mar- A. McConnell and baby. Mr. and Mrs. tied Tuesday. July 15 at Boise. The Melvin Spitze and children, Mr. and ceremony was performed by Rev. Mrs. W. W. Poster and Tom and Harry Stong of the Methodist Francis Faster. Pittsburg Paints Phone 118-W church in the parsonage. The cou It is no secret that new automobiles have been resold by pur ple were attended by Mrs. Comer, From Meridian— chasers at profits ranging from $300 to $800. and son, Claude Ray, and Mrs. Gar iviiss Erma Trainman of Meridian ren. The bride wore a white dress is a guest at the home of Miss Despite the fact that new-ear dealers are doing everything maker suit with black accessories. Margaret Sarazin. Both Mr. and Mrs. Comer attended within their power to keep new automobiles within legitimate Nyssa high school. The newlyweds Visits Son— trade channels this practice continues in this territory. left on a trip tef Potland and Rich Mrs. Mabel Hartley arrived Wed land, Washington. They will make nesday irom Olympia, Washington In order to protect the public and get new ears in the hands their home on a ranch in the Ar to visit her son, Henry Hartley, and cadia district. of buyers who need cars and are entitled to receive them at stan his family. dard prices, we have adopted a "New Selling Plan.” HONOR DR. AND MRS. BODMER Here from California— Dr. and Mrs. F. F Bodmer were Guests at the Albert Pfeiler home Weekly Market Report for July 15, 1947 THE NEW “PROTECTIVE” PLAN guests of honor last Saturday ev this week were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Receipts: Cattle 1076, Hogs 165. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glsler, Miss Ann Gisler, Mrs. Grace Cattle: Fed steers $23 to *25.50, Fed hellers $19 to $21.80, Good ening Under this new plan purchasers of new cars will be required Robert McCurdy in Ontario. The Hardy, Mrs. Evelyn Darr of Ox cows $16 to $18, Beef bulls $14.50 to $17.60, Veal calves $14 to affair was planned as a farewell nard. Mrs. Emma Callens, Miss $22.50, Fleshy Stocker and feeder steers $19 to $22.50, Fat hogs party to sign a binding agreement NOT TO RESELL, baiter, trade or the Nyssa residents, who Minnie Callens of Ventura and Mr. $27.30, Packing sows $18 to $20, Feeder pigs $26 to $28, Lambs plan to for leave assign the car he is about to purchase for a period of six months. here In August to and Mrs. Joe Callens of Santa An $18 to $22.50. Sheep head count 543. make their home in Salem. Dr. na. According to the terms of the agreement, if he desires to sell will practice dentistry in For our sale July 22 we will have two out Bodmer the automobile within the six months’period the dealer has the a clinic now being constructed Have Work Day— standing consignments of registered Hereford which will house a drug store and Tne L.DS. ladies of the Relief sole right to buy the car at 10 per cent less than the purchase provide office room for four phys society did sewing Wednesday be cattle. One consists of 16 registered yearling icians. price during the first month and at an additional reduction of furnished the ev ginning at 10 a.m., and served a heifers,.the other 11 head of registered yearling ening’s Bridge diversion and prizes were covered 2 per cent for each of the remaining six months. dish luncheon at noon. awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boy- bulls. These cattle have lots of quality. was done and various ar dell and Alvin Kuehn. The guest Quilting This new selling plan has been adopted for one purpose only— for the fall bazaar. prize consisted of a box of sta ticles sewed and a layette for welfare ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. to protect the public against so-called black market operations tionery, stamped and addressed to Pajamas friends whom the doctor and his are being made. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” and get new cars in the hands of legitimate buyers at regular wife are leaving behind in eastern Entertains Class— Ellis White, Manager 413-M standard prices. Oregon. Guests from Nyssa were O. P. Williams took his Sunday Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kuehn, Mr. and school class to a swmiming party No buyer who wants a new car for his own business or personal Eldon Ulmer, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell last week. The boys and ONTARIO—413-M FRUITLAND—522 Boydell, and the honor guests and at use will object to signing the agreement because it is j girls enjoyed a picnic afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. William Blackaby of designed for his protection. Ontario. | Minister-Son Visits— 5 Bev. and Mrs. H. J. Gernhardt, LOIS BYBEE HONORED and children, Joan and Henry Miss Lois Bybee, daughter of Jr., and Gary oi Oakes, North Da Mr. and Mrs. Wlford O. Bybee III, kota are visiting Bev. Gernhardt’s was honored at a surprise party parents. PROGRAM Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Gern given Tuesday evening in celebra hardt, Sr. The junior Mr. Gern tion of her 17th birthday. Refresh hardt will preach the morning ser YOUR FORD DEALER ments were served to 22 guests. Sunday, July 20 in the Metho Those winning prizes were Elaine mon Don’t Pay More Than Standard Price for Any New Car! Peterson and Udell Paulson. Lots dist church. Phone lOfi received many lovely gifts. Return from Trip— Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sherwood ENTERTAINS GUILD Miss Eva Boydell entertained returned Saturday from a week’s members of the Episcopal guild last Wednesday evening at her home. After a brief business meeting, re freshments were served. GUESTS AT DINNER 2:30 P.M. Mr and Mrs. Joe Sutherland were “LITTLE MISS MARKER” dinner guests Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Starring Shirley Temple— Adolph Menjou This is another picture selected by the P.T.A. Davenport in Caldwell. of America. Don’t fail to see this favorite of a At Mr. Lakes— and Mrs. Helmer Ostrom, Mr. few years back. The kiddies will enjoy it. and Mrs. Ed Ostrom, Mr. and Mrs. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 2:30 P.M. John Ostrom, Mr. and Mrs. Bartel Ostrom and their house guests, Mr. Color Cartoon and Mrs. F. G. McKenzie of Port Adm. 9c-30c, Inc. Tax land, Jimmy Ostrom, Joan Kuehn, and Mr. and Mrs. John Sterner of Klamath Falls spent the week-end FRIDAY & SATURDAY. JULY 18-19 Announcing A A New Selling Plan Bairgam To Protect Public Against Profiteering On New Automobiles 1-2 Inch Wailboard Nyssa Lumber Company ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY - — Herri man Motor Co. NYSSA THEATRE SP E C IA L M A T IN EE Wednesday, July 23 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Noreen Nash—Darryl Hickman in “THE DEVIL ON WHEELS” A thrilling story of hi-jinks on the highways. Eddie Dean—Roscoe Ates in “DRIFTIN’ RIVER” “D o n 't 'l/cUue A grand experience and a walloping good time is in store for every member of the family who makes the M at, Sat., 2:30 P. M., Adm. 5c-25c Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax NYSSA RODEO And Race Meet SUNDAY & MONDAY, JULY 20-21 Claudette Colbert, Walter Pidgeon, June Allison, Lionel Barrymore, Robert Sterling and Marshall Thompson in “THE SECRET HEART” A Daring Drama which reveals the intimate secrets of an amazing love affair! Wed.&Thurs., July 23 & 24 Mat.. Son., t:U Adm.. Mc-Jc, Inc. Tai Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c, Includine Tax TUESDAY, JULY 22 BARGAIN NIGHT Paul Kelly—Kav Scott in “FEAR IN THÈ NIGHT” 2-reel special “Gems of The Ocean” Color Cartoon Admission Evening« 25c-9c. Including Tax. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 23-24 Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyman, Janis Paige and Bruce Bennett in “CHEYENNE” He called himself “The Poet” and signed his name in lead. A powerful and lusty story of those lawless days when frontier Wyoming roared! Adm. I n iilir . «Or-Or. Including Taa zrr-t l zeros? VICTROIA RADIO-PHONOGRAPH Take* up to 12 record». Powerful amplification. "G olden Throat" tone system. "Silent Sapphire" pickup, no needles to change, no hiss, records last longer. ‘VKtrata — I M I * U 1 f it 0 1 EDER HARDWARE COMPANY AUTNOIIZIO IC a V i CTOI DIA1I* Sponsored by the Owyhee Riding club and Nyssa merchants, this event promises a circus of interesting entertainment. It will be an action-packed show, with something doing every minute. Save time and effort on rodeo days by “eating out”. We know you’ll appreciate the convenience. NYSSA COFFEE SHOP BROWNIE’S CAFE THE GINGHAM INN GEORGE’S SWEET SHOP S AND C CAFE Formerly Davis Cafe CARL’S DOLL HOUSE