Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1947)
mima TH E N Y S S A G A T E C ITY J O U R N A L , N Y S S A , OREGON rese u ♦ V i»* RBBEKAHS IN S T A L L Mrs. Merle Johnson and Mrs. Beulah Qann, acting as Installing officers, seated the new officers of the Rebekah lodge at ceremonies last Thursday evening in the Odd Fellows hall. The new officers are Mrs. Mae Bellon, noble grand; Mrs. Merle Johnson and Mrs. Minnie Lueck, supporters to noble grand; Mrs. Audrey Oregg, vice grand; Mrs. Nettie Bennett and Mrs. Beu lah Gann, supporters to vice grand; Mrs. Eleanor Smith, warder; Mrs. Birdie Kirkland, conductress; Mrs. Verna Bergman, secretary; Mrs. Sophie Root, treasurer; Mrs. Hat tie Warren, inner guard; Mrs. Dor othy Lanaster, outer guard; Mrs. Ann Kratzberg and Mrs. Lena Reeves, musicians, and Mrs. Ethel Mumford. chaplain. Mrs. Sylvia Fox served the or ganization as noble grand the pre ceding year. Under the direction of Mrs. Eleanor Smith and Mrs. Hattie Warren refreshments were served and a social hour arranged. C H A T TE R B O X MEETS Mrs. Mae Hiatt was hostess to the Chatter Box club at the Nettie Knowles home with 14 members answering roll call with current ev ents. Mrs. Jones was a guest for the afternoon. Mrs. Clifford Nielsen was in charge of the program, with Mrs. Grahm and Mrs. Goodell winning prizes. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the Nellie Bennett home July 25. — 9 — K E IT H BYBEE HONORED Keith Bybee, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee, was honored Saturday evening with a party in celebration of his 20th birthday, his first birth day at home in the past four years, having been overseas. Those win ning prizes in various contest games were Don Rundquist, Mrs. Dale Moss, Lois Bybee, Barbara Tuck er and K ay Christensen. Numerous low prizes were awarded. The cake was devilfood with chocolate frost ing trimmed with white letters, and various colored candles. Lunch was PAGE S E V ® i lstian church, met Thursday, July 10, at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Erwin, Mrs. EUsie Brewer led devo- j tions, Taken part In the Missio nary Program were Alice Hill, Marry Curry, Dorothy Bibbey, and Elsie Mosier. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Charles Marshall Thursday, July 24. I served cafeteria style to 23 guests, with the Misses Nannette Bybee Here from Salt Lake— and JoAnn Drown assisting. The Mr. and Mrs. Don Moss. S r, of Salt Lake City arrived in Nyssa honoree received many gifts. last week to visit their son, Don, -*— and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don J IM M Y MOSS HAS P A R T Y Mass, Jr., flew to Portland last Jimmy Moss, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Thursday on business. Don Moss, celebrated his sixth birthday with a party at his home Return from Trip— last Thursday, with 22 little, guests Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith return attending. Jimmy's grandmother ed on the streamliner Saturday ev from Salt Lake City was hostess, ening from their vacation, which with T. Carol Bybee assisting with they spent at Yellowstone park and the games. Each child received a Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Mr. and gift. Refreshments of punch, cook Mrs. Alton C. Paris o f Pocatello, ies and popsicles were served. Jim accompanied them on the trip. my received many fine gifts. ' - Si— I .awn Supper Served— C AR D CLUB DINES Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pike of Mrs. Joe Maughn was a dinner Adrian enjoyed a lawn supper at hostess last Wednesday at the Doll the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. House for the eight members of Bybee Thursday evening. her club who remained to play bridge duming the evening. Mrs. | B U ILD IN G PE RM ITS Alice Hightower of Colorado, a I Orien Moyes, construction, Sec guest player, won the score, and ond street, lots 4 and 5, block 65, Mrs. Sid Burbidge won the traveling Green’s addition, $800, 12 by 26, prize. Mrs. H. Miner will entertain frame. the group at their next meeting. Omer Dorman, alteration, two additions to house. 12 by 24 and - 5 - COUNC1L MEETS 10 by 8, Second street, block 3, The Women's council of the Chr- Taylor's addition, frame. GOOD T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 17, 1947 FEED At The NYSSA RODEO AND RACE MEET Wednesday And Thursday, July 23 And 24 BUY Before and after the night performance July 23 and the afternoon performance O ur C how m ix feed s are low in co st an d h ig h in qu ality . . . b e c a u se they a re m ade w ith L O C A L g ra in p lu s fam ous P u rin a C o n cen trates. July 24 enjoy your leisure time in the refreshing coolness of our recreation rooms. Have a C-O-O-L, delicious drink. Shoot the gab with the other boys and gals. O L Y M P IC C LU B SM O K E SHOP CH O W M IX FEEDS NYSSA TAVERN Al Thompson & Son R O S E B U D C LU B FIRST ANNUAL À RODEO and Race Meet Wed Arena Events Wed. Night, July 23 This will be one of the best rodeos in the Snake river valley this year. Participants will include some of the best ropers and riders in the business. 8 P.M. Saddle Bronc Riding Calf Roping Bareback Riding Bulldogging Brahma Bull Riding R. C. A. Approved Show If you want to see a good show he there. Drill Team Competition No Races Thursday Afternoon, July 24* 2 P.M. Bulldogging Brahma Bull Riding Saddle Bronc Riding Bareback Riding Horse Races Harley Tucker's Famous Rodeo String will be featured. It’s really good. Parades to grounds from Amalgamated Sugar Co. factory at Calf Roping Drill Team Competition 7 p.m. Wednesday and 1 p.m. Thursday. The queen and her attendants will Frankie Chitwood, famous clown and bull fighter, with appear at both shows. his famous mule, Whirley Gig, will be featured. Sponsored By Owyhee Riding Club and Nyssa Merchants