Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON PAGE SIX GRANGERS DISCUSS I camp. Jake Smit HELL’S CANYON DAM I as a truck who has been working driver at Stlbnlte (or ! the past year, spent a week at NU-ACRES (Special)— The regu home visiting relatives and friends. lar Farmerette club meeting will Mrs. Mary Palmer spent a day be held In the Nu-Acres Communi 1 visiting her sister, Mrs. Florence ty hall. Ethel Durrington. Ravena i Holton. Martin and Pearl Samuels will be Ms. La von a Orasmlok now has the hostesses. "Why I'm Olad To 1 the picture of the wedding fashion Be An American" will be roll call. 1 show presented at the Farmerette A club song contest Is being spon club meeting. They are on sale sored and the winning song writer either in groups of two or the en- Is to be awarded a prize. 1 tire group picture. The Grange meeting will be held The 4-H meeting was held in In the hall on Thursday. Serving as the Nu-Acres hall Tuesday. Paul and Merle Thomson, Tom hostes. es will be Nora Wood. Olive Thomson. Myrtle Blanchard and Neclbalek, Cecil Evans, Curtis Fry Ruth Palmer. | and Roger, Richard and Larry A 9 pound, 3 ounce boy was born Jenkins all spent a day painting In the Nyasa Nursing home to Mrs. the outside of the Nu-Acres hall Jean Blakesley. He was named Ter Lillian and Marian Johnson led Monday for Colorado after visiting ry. John Palmer made a trip to Nam Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson. Other guests arriving at the F. A. John pa Friday. Mrs. Madge Thomson Is spending son home Monday were Bessie and some time at her church summer Freeman Beasley and their two McGinnis & Brown CONTRACTORS Spray and Brush Painting Interior and Exterior Decorating Phone 163-W Attention!! Seed Growers SEVERAL ATTEND RIDERS PICNIC We Still Have A Limited Acreage Of Turnip And Rutabaga To Contract Phone Us Or See Us At Your Earliest Convenience Dessert Seed Company Nyssa, Oregon sons. After their stay at the John- ton home they visited a sister at Creenleaf and then went fishing. Margaret, Cecil and Phyllis Ev ans, Roger, Richard and Mary Jo Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Fry, and Mr and Mrs. Curtis attended a Pom ona Grange meeting at Waahan. A talk was given on the possibil. ties and merits of social security for farmers and faim labor. Mr. Demont and Mr. Higgins, state grange officers, conducted a discus sion on the llklihood of a dam site at Hell's canyon. Representatives o) several different occupations anc industries were there to discuss the possibilities of interference of the dam with their businesses. The Oregon granges were repre sented by several visitors at tht session. The entertainment from Nu-Acrc.- grange was supplied by a plans solo by Phyllis Evans and an ac- cordlan solo by Mrs. Curtis. A March of Time of song and danct comprised the lecturer's program depicting the sequence of danclnf from old-time dances to moden jitterbug. Eighty-one were In attendance Nine members took the obligation of the fifth degree. The Harley Sager family are en tertaining guests. Mrs. Alvis Trent Is entertaining a nephew from the navy at he. home. A Judging tour sponsored by the Do-More 4-H club was attended by Wayne Durrington, Roger and Ri chard Jenkins, Lowell Cuddeyback end their leader, Paul Thomson Holstein Jersey and guernsey cows were judged throughout the county and at prominent dairies. A Judg ing team is to be selected to Judge at New Plymouth. The team wllj then go to Boise and on to Port land for the International Live stock exposlton. The Seuell family and their vis iting relatives are on a fishing trip In the Idaho hills The local ditch rider, Sid Boren, has been indisposed by an old back ailment. Mr. and Mrs. Carlo6 Randolph and Melvin of Oregon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek Mon day. Phone 132 THURSDAY, JULY_17, 1947 AIN’T NO SUCH ANIM AL! By C O L L I E R Recovery United Inc. vs. account. on account. $288.38. Credit Men’s association, Ed E. Ott. Recovery on $508.92. Spend W eek -en d in B aker— Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Children, with Mrs. Robert Holman and her children, spent the week-end In Baker. Serving 5 Counties From the renuli re Largest Stock NEWS OF RECORD MARRIAGE l ic e n s e s Part Glen Evan Weeks and Margene Orders Shipped Immediatelj Talbot, both of Nyssa. Clarence Leo Mull and Gladys Lorraine Long, both of Nv-. a C O M P L A IN T S, CIRCUIT COURT | Catherine Hansen vs Walter Han- j Phone 49 Payette, Ida' en. Divorce. J. P. Farrell vs. Kenneth Anders.' M anser, Inc. Clean.........Efficient Economical H E A T were reeived. Mrs. Glen Hoffman was In charge of the program, with Mrs. Goodell and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver winning prizes. Refreshments of ice cream and cookies were served. The next meeting will be held at the Alva Cleaver home August 14. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and family, David Highland, Alvin Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and family attended tne Nebraska pic nic at the Big Bend park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Glendia were dinner guests at the Alvle Pomphin home Wednesday evening. About 25 friends gathered at the Lester Cleaver home Sunday ev ening for a charivari and shower for Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver, who were married July 3 at Nampa. Mrs. Cleaver was formerly lone Zesiger. The bride received many lovely gifts. Mrs. Glen Hoffman spent Satur day with her brother, Alvie Pom- plun, who is in the Holy Rosary hospital recovering from an ap pendix operation. hack in force came to $37,331,500. Since the VA's intensive informa- ^ tion program began five montlis ago, 8570 Oregon veterans have re-instated $59,157,500 worth of na tional service life insurance. In the .. . . the “ Magic Fuel” for Furnaces...... Ranges Fireplaces r £ vnU BUENA VISTA (Special)— Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver were Sunday dinner guests at the John Cleaver home in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were in Ontario Tuesday. David Highland has returned from Nebraska, where he spent sev- 1 eral weeks visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attend ed the Owyhee Riding club picnic Sunday. The men worked on the VETERANS REVIVING rodeo grounds. SERVICE INSURANCE Mrs. Glenn Hoffman entertained the Out Our Way club at her home As the August 1 deadline draws Thursday afternoon with 11 mem bers attending. A pink and blue near for revival by veterans of their shower was given in honor of Mrs. apsed G.I. insurance without a Mansell Bishop. Many lovely gifts physical examination, new thous ands of Oregon reinstatements arc pouring into the veterans admini stration’s northwest insurance cen ter at Seattle, William M. Black, Jr., VA representative for this area, reported. For the two-week period ending June 25, 5082 Oregon re-instate-. REAL. ESTATE AND INSURANCE ments went on VA records, Black NYSSA, OREGON said. Value of this insurance put PHONE 4 7t All Set northwest, more than 32,000 have revived their policies amounting to nore than $225,000,000. Under present VA regulations veterans have until August 1 to re-instate their G.I. insurance sim ply and easily. All that is required, Black explained, ts the payment of^ two monthly premiums and the .lgning o f a statement by the /eteran that his health is as good low as it was when his policy apsed. In most oases ,no physical xamination will be required. KEN RENSTROM Made by compressing clean, dry sawdust under enormous pressure, Pres-to-logs are five times as dense as wood, therefore they burn longer, smoother, emitting no smoke or odor. Less than a shovel o f ashes to a ton. Because of their composition, Pres-to-logs are one of the cleanest, most efficient solid fuels on the market. Economical, too................ I 00 Onfy $5.00 ORDER NOW A T ........ mms w LUM BER s b COMPANY "There's a Yard Neat You" O. L. Galloway, Manager Nyssa, Oregon For The NYSSA RODEO and RACE MEET w e ’re p a y in g fo r ou r m o d e rn iz e d k itc h e n w ith a First N a tio n a l B a n k L o w -C o st July 23 And 24 NYSSA RODEO GROUNDS 7 P. M. WEDNESDAY 2 P. M. THURSDAY W e have a complete wardrobe corailed for your favorite maverick in pood time for the rodeo. Plan now to attend the rodeo with your family. « P 4fr..,ond under FHA regulations, home improvements may be paid for over a 3-year period —with no down payment WILSON’S DRY GOODS GOLDEN RULE STORE required. See your nearest branch of the FIRST N A T IO N A L BA N K about a BRACKEN’S STORE at yard Thrifty Pay Loan, to improve your home. f P Ili fJ 1 1 A