Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1947)
SGT. JAMES ATKESON VISITS IN NYSSA OWYHEE (Special)— On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jease Ditty were guests In the Atkeson home in Nyssa, where M/Sgt. James Atke son lately returned from Berlin, Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile Insurance - Rentals Bonds THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Germany, showed them several reels of motion pictures, which he had taken while stationed In Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Raymond and sons, Keith and Fred, Patty Raymond. Sam Bradley, and Her man King returned Saturday after a week of fishing in the Steens mountain country. They fished both the Big and Little Blitzen rivers, and report plenty of fish and plen ty of rattlesnakes. They also fished Strawberry lake for a nice catch of fish. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz went to McCall over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer are the parents of a son born Thursday at an Ontario hospital. The baby has been named Donald Raymond, Jr. Mrs. Lila Nicholson and daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Russell, who have been visiting in the Neil Nicholson home, ■eft Saturday evening for their GENERAL HAULING PACKAGE DELIVERY MOVING JOBS Nyssa Sanitation Service Office In Ken Renstrom’s Insurance Office Phones 23-W and 103-J Complete Line Of Plumbing Supplies Septic Tanks Cleaned and Repaired Brower’s Plumbing Shop Phone 196-J Nyssa, Oregon home in Coffeyville, Kansas. Alvin Crocker of Madras spent a few daysxla?t week visiting his cousin, Bobby Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder had as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newell and Kenny of Nampa. Mr. and Ms. Charles Culbertson were business visitors in Caldwell Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Harry Choat and daughter, Harriet Louise, of Van couver, Washington, arrived Sun day to visit in the Werner Peutz home. Mrs. Choat and Mrs. Peutz are sisters. Mrs. Claude Smith who under went surgery at an Ontario hos pital a week ago, is recuperating at the home of her son, Bob Rice. Claude Skinner attended an as sociated business men’s meeting at Ontario Thursday night. Mrs. Prank Raymond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weiner, ar rived Saturday from Tacoma, Wa shington for a visit. Jack Walters went to Boise S at urday, and was an overnight guest in the Rex Walters home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and son, Vernon, were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clar- ey of Parma. The dinner was in observance of little Sharron Clar- ey's first birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams and Mary Ellen, and Mr and Mrs. Homer Brewer and daughters went to Payette lakes Sunday and re turned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur of Glendale, California were week-end guests in the Lewis Skinner home Dianne and Joanne Sweitzer of Spokane are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder and other rela tives here. J. P. Prank’in of Parma spent a few days last week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Gerald Slippy. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Raymond and Keith and Fred, their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weiner of Yakima, and Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Shaw of Homedale spent Sun day fishing at Jordan Valley. Ruth Tallman visited last week at the home of her brother, Keith Tallman. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 Keith Tallman and son, Terry, a double header softball game at relatives in Myrtle Creek. ( hay Friday. took Ruth to her home in Caldwell Big Bend park Sunday afternoon. Kenneth Buck of Madras spent Guests in the Guy Moore home and spent the day with Mr. and The score in the first game was Wednesday for dinner were Mr. and the week-end at the Dick Ashcraft Mrs. J. O. Tollman and family. j Adrian 25 and Arena Valley 11. Mrs. Roy Lampshire and family home. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter and The second game was with the of Delta, Colorado. Mrs, Richard Mrs. Howard Hatch shopped in Ontario American Legion team, Schultz and daughter of Em Caldwell Saturday. Adrian winning by a score of 15 mett, Mr. and Mrs. James Snead I and two sons of Letha. Idaho and In Gresham— i to 2. Charles Schultz of Trona, Cali Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding left ADRIAN (Special)— George Schei- Mr. and Mrs C. Olenn Brown, fornia. Jimmie Snead and Charles I Saturday for Gresham to spend' a mer and Reverend H. E. Moore ac- Mr. and Mrs Rooeri Brown and ■t hultz are spending the summer week. Dr. Maulding plans to open 'ompanied about 20 Boy Scouts of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eastman of here. I his offiec again on Monday mom- H. M. “haw and two sons, Samu | tng. the Adrian troop to Caldwell for Caldwell attended the Boise Pilot el and Silas, of Jamison helped a swimming party Monday evening. baseball game Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright their son and brother. James, baie Mrs. A. C. Henderson and Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Wayne were in and Clyde Cartwright spent Sat Ontario and Caldwell attending to urday night and Sunday in the ADD New B ern ard E a stm a n business and visiting Wednesday. hills near Unity. Betty Lou Jarvis is visiting her Several Adrian ladies attended the Mary and Martha meeting sister, Mrs. Elbert Hacth in the Real Estate Insuranoe Thursday afternoon held in the RidgeView community. Hurst home in Kingman Kolony. Several cars took the Adrian Boy The Adrian town softball team Scout troop to Caldwell for swim played the Nyssa L.D.S. team Tues ming instruction Monday night. Phone 64 day evening winning by a score 1 to 3. On Thursday evening they Nyssa, Oregon played* Nyssa M.I.A. team, losing 15 to 12. A good attendance of members I)R. EDWIN W. WITH. . . . was present at the Adrian chamber KINGMAN KOLONY (Special)— of commerce meeting held Thurs Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and fami ly visited Mrs. Sparks' brother, day evening. OLDHAM, D. C. George W. Bain, assistant county and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stack- agent, talked on control of noxi- am, at the Owyhee dam Friday. Chiropractic Physician Clark W McCormick left Sunday jus weeds. Some information was .. .the Modern, Miracle given on spraying for fly control. for San Francisco to join his ship Physiotherapy Refreshments were served at Cafe after spending a few days here Wall Finish with his wife and daughter. Riddle. Electrotherapy One coat covers most Bill Meyers of Myrtle Creek vis Forty young people of the Chris tian Endeavor group, Boy Scouts ited at the D. L. Hurst home Sun any inside surface like Nyssa, Oregon uid Girl Scouts were taken to day. He is looking for a farm to magic. Dries in an hour. Nampa in the Kurtz truck Fri- either buy or rent. Over Dime Store Miss Ardyce Hurst returned Sun iay evening. They met groups from No fuss! No muss! No other towns at the Nampa park. day from a few days’ visit with bother! Just add water \ picnic was enjoyed and swim to paste form and apply ming Inter in the evening. Mrs. James Atteberry and daugh with brush or roller. ter, Judy, of Ontario are visiting Egsy to clean. Avail in the C. Glenn Brown home and with other friends, able in 13 of the new Connie Richards is visiting her est, smartest pastel col grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Save depreciation by building with Ashcraft. ors. Economical, too..... Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bicandi, Cinder Blocks one gallon does an av Audrey Gossard, and the Schei- mer family left Saturday on a visit erage room. to Yellowstone park. Headgates in three sizes The Brownie Scout troop and Girl Scout troop met on the lawn of the high school Saturday after noon. The. Brownies had six members present. Vanae Stoker, a visitor may join the troop. Donna Reuter, Claudia Peterson, and little Connie Richards were also visitors. After several games were played the girls were dismissed to attend story hour at the grade school. Nine Girl Scouts and their leader, Mrs. Charles Newbill, checked badge work. Big sisters helped the little sisters. Plans were made for an overnight party to be held at Sniv- ‘ T h W s • Yard Now You"! ely's hot spring Friday. Betty Anne Deffer is visiting O L. GALLOWAY relatives in Vancouver, Washington. MANAGER Rita Riddle is spening a few NYSSA. OREGON weeks with an uncle and family at Riddle, Idaho. The Adrian town team played NOXIOUS WEEDS IS TOPIC AT ADRIAN Beauty To Your Rooms VISITORS STOP AT KINGMAN KOLONY Kem- Tone No Extra Cost. NYSSA TILE AND PIPE CO. RAYBAN GOGGLES CALOBAR . $3.49 Per. Gal. SUNGLASSES These may be ground to Prescription from your present glasses FOR INFORMATION PHONE 720 LUMBER v fc J lü COMPANY1 DR. G. W. GRAVES OPTOMETRIST For Tbought Caldwell, Idaho % We Congratulate The Farmers And Their Wives Of Nyssa WHO ARE LARGELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE Owyhee Riding Club SPONSOR OF THE WE SUGGEST YOU SEND THE ENTIRE FAMILY TO THE Nyssa Rodeo and Race Meet JULY 23 AND 24 DURING THESE SWELTERING DAYS THEY WOULD APPRECIATE A COLD LUNCH. WE HAVE THE MATERIALS NYSSA PACKING CO. WILSON’S GROCERY EDER HARDWARE CO. FOOD MART POUNDS GROCERY WILSON HI-WAY MARKET GORDON’S DRIVE IN NYSSA FOOD CENTER ' N Y S S A RODEO And Race Meet TO BE HELD * Wed.&Thurs., July 23 & 24 WAGGONER MOTOR CO. DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. WESTERN CORRUGATOR CO. OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMP. CO. HOLLINGSWORTHS’, INC.