Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 PAGE THREE form scale. 2500 pound capacity. MISCELLANEOUS—Ladies: If you of the County Court for Malheur I nds and relatives In California. j and Mrs. Roy Thomas went to Dessert Seed Co. 3Jtfc. *u'e hawu, 1 lrouble Wlth your Oregon shall not make an Mr and Mrs. Dave Mitchell were Hood River to attend to business _____________________________ectric appliances, call 176W for re- County, order authorizing and directing dinner gueses of Mr. and Mrs. Milt last week. FOR SALE— Roller skates, child- pair service. I repair washing ma- Harold Henigson, adm.nistrator of NeLson In Ontario Tuesday. vacuum cleaners, hot plates, Mrs. Ray Jtrickland and Infant ren’s sizes *1.98. Nyssa Furniture chines, Mrs Emerson Blngaman daughter clock,, clean and oil toast the Estate of Armina Seraphine and Mr. Mr and and Co., block west railroad depot. electric returned home from the Mrs. Clifford Nielsen ers, food mixers, waffle irons, el- 26Jtfc. eciric irons. I also clean and repair Carnegie, deceased, to sell the fol spent the week-end In the hills. Brtttingham Nursing home last described real property, to- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sweaney and Thursday. FOR SALE— Red cedar shingles, sewing machines. Lowe’s Hq;ne Ap lowing RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. Alter one month one ] screen and Mrs. C. E. Sweaney spent A farewell party was given at doors, windows, frames and pliance Service shop, located In wlt:<a> Lots 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, and Mr days In the hills. < enf per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. screens complete, doors and frames the east side of the Phillips build 18 in Block 60 of Green's Addition "everal the Hall Wednesday evening for Ruth Russell Is spending several Mr. complete, pipe, flooring, park tables, ing on south F.rst street. 8Mtfc. <bi Seven-room Frame house sit days and Mrs. Reeder, former own at the Methodist League camp large size coal hot water heater, Wallowa lake. ers of the comer store. The even three coal ranges and one large MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? uated on Lots 13 and 14 in Block at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell and ing was spent socially. Ice cream on farms tor ref lnaivciiig. “ Addltiün to Uie C“y Friday. Fred Kratzberg. Two miles cafe sink. L. J. Josephson and Sun, Loans children and Mrs. Ann Russell and coke was served. The Reeder’s building, improvements, b u yin g . layette, Idaho. 3Jtfc. For Sale '[ south on Adrian highway. 10J3xp. Long term, low interest, see B-.- 1 - In accordance with the order of were In Ontario shopping Wed and Mr. and Mrs. Parson and baby this Court and as by law required FOR left Thursday morning for their FOR SALE— Good pool table. Con- : FOR SALE— Pickling cucumbers I rY“ . ®aPyas paüU’, 111 nard Eastman, phone 64, Nyssa. The Hon. Irwin Troxeil, nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Simmons were new 3Atfc. WITNESS: home In Los Angeles. tact Ken Renstrom or Eagles lodge w. S. W.smer, Rt. 1. 6 miles south leaves fabric a“d pliable “ght ^ and water COl°rS’ Judge of the County Court of the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy U. E. Parker went to Wallowa of Oregon for Malheur Barnes hTursday evening. 17J2xc. 1 of Nyssa, across from Florence proof. Nyssa Furniture Co. Phone MISCEIX.ANFOUS-- Duplicate car State over the week-end. County, with the seal of said Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mitchell and fishing 19Jttc and clyinder lock keys made. Wes Court FOR SALE— One-row Oliver power j Storey’s place. 10J2xp 149-W. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Finley are affixed this 1st day of sons have been visiting Mr. and parents tern Auto Store. 250tfc. of a son born at Britting- July, 1947. take-off 2S-inch potato digger. One FOR SALE— Lovely 5 ext a-] urge FOR SALE Venetian blinds, free Dave Mitchell the past week. ham Nursing given. Steel or alumin MISCELLANEOUS— White Swan ATTEST: H. S. Sackett, Clerk Mrs. Sishic beet loader. Inquire Owyhee ! rooms and bath on first floor, fire- estimates Edward Nielsen was an ovenlght day, July 7. home at Ontario Mon BY : K. Barclay, Deputy. um slats. No installation charge. Help-ur-Sell laundry. Free pick- Grocery. S. E. Flanagan, Rt. 2, 1 P*ace- Beautiful hardwood floors Come in severul colors. Nyssa Fur- u'l anil delivery. Ransom M. Sou of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Niel Mr. and Mrs. Walt Raffington First publication July 3. 1947. guest | throughout. Nice built-in bookcase. uilure Co. Piione 149-W. 19Jtfc. Sunday. Frank Parker went to Wal Last publication July 31, 1947. sen Robert therland, phone 95-W, Nyssa. Fir«l wyssa'________ ___________ I FuU ba-sement, automatic heating, Runcorn spent a week In and lowa for a few days’ visit. street, south just off Main. 17Atfc. Monarch electric i rt>°hl tar 2 large bedrooms and bath Salem and returned home Thurs- j Mrs. Friday FOR SALE— Ora Price of Nebraska came FOR SALE— Sewing machine sup NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING | upstairs. Can be financed F.H.A. (lay with his wife and children. I to the Ira Price home last week to range, three burners and cooker plies. Wholesale and retail. Re CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING OF THE Jean Snader and Mrs. Carl Hun- visit her brother-in-law and faml- building, 'electrifying, repairing. F. Stock received Monday, Tuesday NYSSA-ARCADIA pot, with double element in oven, Ed Jamison, Real Estate. lOJtfc. "Leie” DRAINAGE ter and son of Ontario were the jy and also her son, Jess Price, Sackett, phone 247-M. 46t Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m DISTRICT and broiler. Freeman’s, Machine j model, SALE— Holt combine, 1938 west First street, south. Ontario, to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 TO THE LAND OWNERS OF guests of Mrs. Jake Simmons Fri- i Mr and Mrs. Roy Rooks tool and 8 foot cut, in good condi Oregon. shop. lOJtfc. tion. *300 I children and Mr. and Mrs. Ira 19Jtfc. No stock received on Sunday. cash. C. A. Ross, cabin NYSSA-ARCADIA DRAINAGE <tey- Mrs E. H. Brandt entertained a price and family and Mr. and Mrs. ___ ____ __ . Beef, sheep and pork. Free deliver! 10J2xp. FOR DISTRICT: FOR SALE— New modem, two- 11. labor camp. foursome at bridge Thursday after- Price and family spent Sunday SALE *500 in Old Payette | to polar locker plant. Notice is hereby given that pur noon. Mrs. Ray Russell won high at Ed the bedroom house, with three-room FOR SALE- Lake club. Lot 2, block 9, district one mile west on Alberta avenue suant to the by-laws of the cor irhe. Other guests were Mrs. Louis parg Nebraska picnic at Big Bend 49. 179 Lincoln Ave„ Palo Aito, apartment and shower In rear. Nice 3740 acre stock ranch. Good build California. Phone 05R1 poration, the annual meeting of the and Mrs. Charles Grider. 19J6xp. spring water piped in house, JAKE FISCHER yard, fenced. See at 603 N. 2nd, ings, land owners of Nyssa-Arcadia Dral- Pfeiler Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sweaney vis Here from Parma— all fenced and cross fenced, 400 FOR SALE— Holstein bull, year priced $7500, *3500 for Immediate acres nane Dlctrlct will be held at City Mrs Sweaney’s folks, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Young and farm land on place. This place old, registered purebred, Carnation l e g a l Advertising Hall in the City of Nyssa, Oregon ited possession. 10J2xp. puts up Mrs. Ralph Curry, and aunt and daughter, 200 tons hay. Will carry stock. Zack Walker, phone 282-W. of Parma were on August 5, 1947 at 7:00 P.M. for uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan of guests in Charline TO CREDITORS the W. J. Bales home purpose of electing one or more Goodland, FOR SALE~Fiye”rooms of furnl- j »J»“ cop- 12Jtfc. In NOTICE Kansas Monday evening. siuerea «*« one of the best This money 15 mak- the Matter of the Estate of the supervisors and for the transaction Jake Simmons and Bill Rinehart Tuesday evening. ture. Phone 41-M, Nyssa. Bud Van- | tng ranches in that district. Pric FOR SALE— Fine row - crop 40, ANNA LARSON, Deceased of such other business as may were in Caldwell Friday. Sc°y- 10J2xc. i ecj at $31,500. Easy terms. near Adrian, good water right, fair Mr. and Mrs. Christ Van ZeU Fine level 80 acres. 37 acres beets, FOR SALE— Peed barley. F. J. E.W. PRUYN and sons of Scotia. California were hay and pasture. Good 5- Improvements. appointed executor of the above By order of the Board of Super dinner 40 acres on oiled highway. One Cahill, four miles west of Nyssa on balance guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe room house. Telephone. Warm entitled estate. All persons having Alberta avenue. 10J2xp. spring water on place. Under good mile out. Unimproved. Wednesday. Mr. Van Zelf against said estate are here visors. Several good 80-acre and larger claims Dated at Nyssa, Oregon this 10th is Dirksen Mrs. Dirksen's brother. Auto Repairing with all the water you want, farms. by required to present the same day FOR SALE— 2-row John Deere ditch of July, 1947. Everett Seigfred and family of terms. with proper vouchers, duly verif potato digger, 1947 model, *500; *18.000, 3 acres for sale, close In, unim Harold Henigson, Secretary. Sioux Falls, South Dakota were rec Rehoring, Valve Grind 30 acres. 2 miles from town, good proved. ied, to the undersigned at Nysra, International tumblebug plow; In crop First pub. July 10, 1947. ent visitors at the H. L. Sisson on place. Good land, poor Also have several houses listed. Oregon within six (6) months from ternational TD 9 crawler tractor,. Last pub. July 24, 1947. home. wide track and wide guage. Roy buildings, but priced so cheap that 1 the date of the first publication 5Jtfc. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell and ing, Lathe work. Parte hereof. Hirar, three miles northwest of y°u 0311 afford to build, $5,000. KEN RENSTROM NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Loretta. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler Adrian. 10J3xp. Dandy new 4 rooms, utility and Dated Nyssa, Oregon, June 19, Please .take notice that on July and Dianne and accessories Phone 172-J and Sharon, Mr. and t bath. This place is easily worth the 1947. 1, 1947, Melvin F. Engstrom re Mrs. Charles Grider and Nan and FOR SALE— Fairly modem up price, *1600. TOR SALE— 1943 Ford Jeep with Hugh V. Glenn, Executor of the tired from the co-partnership of Joanne Garrison were in Caldwell right piano, excellent condition and Stucco house, 4 nice neat rooms station Phone 56w top. Five first-class Estate of Anna Larson, Deceased. Don R. Engstrom and Melvin F on a picnic Sunday. tone quality. Price *200. Mrs. Olaf and bath, large lot in fine loca tires, new wagon battery, 16,000 miles, just First publication June 19, 1947 Engstrom doing business under the Fyllingness, Rt. 2. Nys6a, Oregon. tion, *1500. Price $500, half cash, *875, Last Publication July 17, 1947 name and style of the CLOVER 10J2xp. Three large rooms, new. This is painted. all cash. New car guarantee for LAWN DAIRY at Nyssa, Oregon, FAREWELL PARTY --------------------- • ---------- a cute place for small family. *4200. 30 days. Powell Service garage. DEPARTMENT OF THE and that as of such date Don R. GIVEN FOR REEDERS FOR SALE— Good used lumber, lOJtfc 15M»fc. INTERIOR Engstrom will continue the con doors and windows, complete with ED JAMISON Bureau of Land Management duct of such business individually. UPPER SUNSET (Special)— Mr. casings and screens. 100 2 by 6 TOR SALE— Thaver baby buggy, REAL ESTATE BROKER at The Dalles, Oregon Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, July 1, truss, 25 metal ventilators, furnaces 252 S. 4th St.. Phone 65-J like new. Phone 161, Mrs. K. E. June 19, 1947 1947. with blowers, lawn or picnic tables, Kerby. 5JtIc. NOTICE is hereby given that “An u n Iron Arm” Don R. Engstrom electric wiring and fixtures, lava TOR SALE— 1917 Willys jeep, 300 FOR SALE— Or trade 1940 Ford J“Iian Mendiola of Adrian, Oregon, VETERINARIAN i Melvin F. Engstrom tories, toilets, sinks, pipe 'fittings, miles to date. Below new price. First publication July 17, 1947. electric water heaters, oil heaters. Phone 03-R1. 3Jtfc. pick-up. Zack Walker, phone 283-W. |* ho’ on duly 14’ 1941, made ° ri!!' , , c iHomestead Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. Last publication July 24, 1947. Ed Case’s Hi-Way Mdse. Mart. TOR SALE!— Registered herefora ________________________ ' 3 j 1 031754, file Box D Phone 135J for Farm Unit ”D’’ or the lOJtfc. bull. Phone Zack Walker, 282-W. TOR SAI E— Pick-up box. Good ] EMjSE'iSEV, Sec. 13, E1,. NE'„NE >4 NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT C. C. PATTERSON FOR SALE— Modem cement brick 3Jtfc. shape. Nyssa Sanitation Service. Sec. 24, T. 21 S., R. 45 E. and the SALE Nyssa. Oregon 15Mtfc. SMiSE'lSW'4 Sec. 18, Lot 1, NEV« NOTICE BOND house with two small houses. 633 TOR SALE— New army cots, hard Phone 23-W. IS HEREBY GIVEN North First street. 10J2xp. wood frames, heavily reinforced. TOR SALE— Be comfortable this NW'4, WVfcNW'iNE'/i, Section 19, that School District No. 26C of FIRST AND EHRGOOD Township 21 S„ Range 46 E., Wil County, Oregon, offers for NYSSA, OREGON FOR SALE— California liquid fer- strong canvas. *4.89. Ideal for cam- | summer. Place your order now lamette Meridian, has filed notice Malheur Forty Thousand Dollars (*40- tilier. John Barnett, phone 123-R. ping. Nyssa Furniture Co., 1 block for air-conditioning units. Nyssa of intention to make final Proof, sale 0001 in general indebtedness bonds 3Jtfc. W. of depot. 26Jtfc., Hearing Co., Phone 169W. 20Mtto. to establish claim to the land ab of the said School District dated described. Before Frank T. Mor August 1, 1947, numbered consec CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE FOR SALE— Fir derrick booms, 114 TOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. I. FOR SALE— Allis Chalmers mod- ove Notary Public, at Nyssa, Ore utively from 1 to 40 inclusive, in miles west of Owyhee comer. D. E. Guaranteed to be washable and el M crawler with dozer, cab, pow- gan, gon, on the 4th day of August, denominations of One Thousand SIDEWALKS Hite. 3J3xc. non-fading for three years. Good er t ike-off pulley with case, 2- 1947. BUILDINGS Dollars ($1,000.00) each, maturing hott< m 2-way pfow. Western Cor stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com Claimant names as witnesses: TOR SALE— One Oliver Grain pany. serially in numerical order at the. 26Jtfc. ruga tor company. 13Mtfc. Donald McGinnis of Adrian, Ore rate of Five Thousand Dollars (*5- REPAIRING DRIVEWAYS Master combine, six-foot cut, with Houston Dunaway and Howard 000.00) on the 1st day of February. pick-up attachment. W. V. Rich TOR SALE— Model BN, John FOR SALE— Several houses for gon, Connaughy both of Rt. 2 Nyssa, ln each of the years 1949 to i956 mond, phone 023-R3, Ontario, Ore Deere, with starter, lights and In sale. Attractive buys. See Frank Oregon, Gien McGinnis of Rt. 1, lncluslve. The interest on said bonds 16Jtfc Nyssa, Oregon. gon, second place north of game trigai plows. Bought In spring cf T. Morgan. farm. 10J3xp. '43. Just overhauled. Box 935, Nys FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance Grace Gavin Lewis, Acting Man shall not exceed three per cent | 3J3xp. Public Liability, Property Damage, ager. (3%) per annum payable semi TOR SALE— Canning beans, wax sa. Oregon. General Contractor annually on the 1st day of August and green. Monday, Wednesday, TOR SALE— Used Fairbanks plat- fire. Theft and Collision. Placed First Publication June 26. and the 1st day of February. Both Phone 09-J3 Nyssa in the best companies at lowest Last publication July 24. principal and Interest of said bonds possible rates. Bernard Eastman. NOTICE TO c r e d i t o r s | sha11 be Payable at the office of TO (RLUiroRS (the County Treasurer of Malheur 14Ftfc. In NOTICE the matter of the estate Oregon, or at the Fiscal William Ernest Robinson, deceased ! county, Agency of State of Oregon at For Rent Notice is hereby given that the New York the City Gorman-Rupp undersigned has been duly and the purchaser. at the option of TOR RENT— Polish your own regularly appointed administratrix Bids for said bonds must be in floors. Rent our high-speed pol of the above estate. All and sealed, and must speci ishing equipment. Easily handled persons having entitled claims against said writing by women. Nyssa Lumber company. estate fy the rate at which the hereby required to pres bidder will of take interest said bonds at 3Atfc. ent the are same with proper vouchers, par, and must be the filed with« the duly verified, to the undersigned Clerk of said School District WANTED at Nyssa, Oregon within six <3) 26C ln the Nyssa Hlght School No. Gasoline or Electric Driven ln WANTED— To put up hay on months from the date of the first the City of Nyssa, Oregon, on or shares. Bill Ratigan, Nyssa route 1. publication hereof. For Lawns, Gardens, Etc. before 5:00 otlck P.M. on the 1st 17J2xp. Dated Nyssa, Oregon June 26, 1947. day of August, 1947. Bids will be PHYSICIANS Olive Grace Robinson, Adminis at the office of the Clerk DENTISTS WANTED— To harvest potatoes, tratrix of the estate of William opened of said School District No. 26C in complete service, digging, picking Ernest Robinson, deceased. the Nyssa High School, Nyssa, Ore SARAZIN CLINIC and hauling. A. B. Hann or Chet pub. June 26, 1947 gon, at 8:30 o'clock P.M. on the Corfield, 5 miles northeast of Nys First Last pub. July 24, 1947. F. F. BODMER Dr. J. J. Sarazin 1st day of August, 1947. Each bid sa. 19J5xp. must be accompanied by a certi Dr. K E. Kerby Dentist IN THE COUNTY COURT OF fied Check in the amount of Three WANTED— To buy anything In General Repairing and Welding STATE OF OREGON Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) as a Physician and Surgeons N*ef or "eal. Also buy banger cows THE Ph. 187W FOR MALHEUR COUNTY deposit to insure fulfillment of said or will handle for hide and offall In the Matter of til Estate of bid. Alberta Avenue Phone 05-R11 L. A. Maulding. M. D. Wilson Bldg. Phone 31M or 011J1 22Atfc ARMINA SERAPHINE CARNEGIE, The approving legal opinion of Physician and Surgeon Deceased. Messrs. Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler Phone 37 CITATION MISCELLANEOUS and Sayre will be furnished the Hours' 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 To: ADA M. HOLGATE successful bidder. J. R. CUNDALL MISCELLANEOUS— *500 reward Daily—Except Sunday STATE LAND BOARD OF The District School ooard of to parties who can give informa THE THE STATE OF OREGON School District No. 26C, Malheur tion leading to the arrest and con ALL UNKNOWN OF County, Oregon, reserves the right Dentist “ hay - bu y er " viction of the party or parties who ARMINA SERAPHINE HEIRS CARNEGIE, to reject any and all bids. stole a safe containing $1500 In DECEASED Loyd Adams, Chairman School Phone 56-J W. F. JAHN cash from the apple orchard west IN THE NAME OF THE STATE District No. 26C. of Sherwood place on Saturday OF OREGON: You are hereby cit Henry H. Hartley, Dis Dealer in hay and grain Sarazin Clinic night between 8 and 10 p.m. I. C ed and required to appear at the trict Attest: Clerk. Storey, Nyssa. 10J3xc. c oumy Court Room at the County NYSSA ORBOON First Publication July 17, 1947. Third at Good Ave. Court House at Vale. Malheui Last Publication July 31, 1947. MISCELLANEOUS— Tailoring and County, Oregon on the 5th day ol LODGES alterations, Mildred Phillips, Green August, 1947, at the hour of 10:00 avenue between First and Second.> of said day, and then and RICHLAND FOLK OPTOMETRISTS 10J3xp. there show cause, if any exists, Gate City Lodge GO ON VACATIONS No. 214 MISCELLANEOUS- Available now. why the Hon. Irwin Troxeil, Judge in connection with our filling cleaners and air puri- RICHLAND (Speical)— Mr. and I)R. J. A. MCFALL ] I Electrolux I.O.O.F. tiers. Sales and service Ed A. An Mrs. Louis Pfeiler entertained Mr. Meets every Monday DR. JOHN EASLY derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt, Mr. and station and cottage camp on highway 20. Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfo. Mrs. Charles Grider and Mr. and night, 8:30. Free Pick Up Mrs. Ray Russell at a bridge party MISCELLANEOUS- Why worry a- South First Street We will buy and sell berries, fruits Friday evening, Mrs. Grider won Of Your about getting your grain taken care high prize for women and Mr. Ori- of when we have a binder and for men. Mr. Russell won low JEWELRY STORES combine with reasonale ratei? Dead and Worthless der and vegetables prize for men and Mrs. Brandt foi Write or see Gene Honey or George women. Ice cream and cake were PAULUS Griffin, 2 miles east Nyssa on Ida aerved. Animals Open seven day* a week 26J5xp. JEWELRY STORE Phone 21, Ontario, Ore ho side. Mr and Mrs. R. E. WlllLs and family of Caldwell were the guests Union Pacific Time Inspector Call Collect MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Thursday JEWELRY — DIAMONDS free pick-up of your cead, crippied There Is a Phone Near You of evening. FLOOR LAYING AND or sick livestock Calls received be- WATCHES Mr. and Mrs H. J. Terhumc and : Tore 9 o’clock are picked up by Parma 25 daughter, Main Street Second Mary Lee. spent several SANDING | noon. Efficient drivers. Call col- Nyssa 100 days at Payette lake. Ontario 53 | lect Pavette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Reflnlshed, Filled, Varnished "WYCKOFF Grace Brandt of Boise and sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products ”We Haul the Day You Call’ Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larson of Ari By Experienced Men Company. 5Jtfc. JEWELRY STORE zona were the guests of Mr and Official Time Inspector for MISCELLANEOUS— Floors sand Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Mrs E H Brandt Wednesday Mrs Write N. J. Barnett Larson is Mr Brandt's sister. Union Pacific ed. old or new made perfect with Mrs. Bill Russell and ehlldem ONTARIO OREGON Marsing, Idaho large commercial machine, expert- i Nyssa, Oregon Bill and Mary returned home Sun. enced operators. Telephone Bol e ; after visiting two weeks with frie- 0234-R1 or 067-J 13. 29Mtfe.l Advertising Dr.J.H. Berger F ile « with mechanic^ pradilon. They cut dean* er. truer, faster. You'll Like this new fllln# •err- > toe. Let u* your M W !. Leslie W. Stoker Professional And Business Directory Self-Priming Pumps Leo Fife We Have Opened A Fruit Stand Red Herren’s Service I /