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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1947)
THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TWO The Gate City Journal Editor and Publisher •CLASS V. POWELL ADVERTISING BAToS SUBSCRIPTION KATHS One Year.,_____________ 18.00 Open rate, per Inch......... J5c National, per inch..............40c Six Months...... 7 ................ -...$1-36 Single Copies................................ JÛ6 ClassiLeds, per word..... ....ile Minimum..........30c (Strictly In Advancer . . Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postotflces at Ny.isa, Oregon (or transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act ot March 3, 187V. CO-OPERATION EXEMPLIFIED An outstanding example of loyalty and co operation has been demonstrated by the mem bers of the Owyhee Riding club, which will sponsor a rodeo and race meet on the Nyssa rodeo grounds on west King avenue Wednes day and Thursday of next week. The men of the club- have worked many Sundays and other spare time in the erection of chutes, corrals, grandstand and fences and have spent thousands of dollars in the improve ments. Wives of the men have worked hard on other phases of the project and are now assist ing with the rodeo plans. Nyssa business people have contributed liberally in money for the rodeo grounds and the first annual rodeo and have also given their moral support. The improvements erected on the grounds are well built and substantial and will last for many years. The thoroughness shown by the club members was a factor in the action of the Rodeo Cowboys association in givinj approval to the Nyssa rodeo. The club still has considerable work to do in completing the construction, but the main thing remaining to be done is packing the seats to capacity with local residents for the two performances. With the Harley Tucker string of rodeo stock on the grounds, the club officials promise a show that will be the equal of any held in the valley this year. Church Notes THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE E. J. Wilson. Pastor 10 a. m . Sunday school. 11 a. m , morning worship ser vice Rev Vern Martin, ex-pastor of this church, is to preach. We are planning on receiving a good class into the church Sun day morning. 7:15 p. m., young people, teen age and junior services. 8 p. m„ evengellstic service. 8 p. m„ Wednesdays, people's meeting. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Roland G. Wuest, Pastor 10 a. m , Sunday school. Classes for all age goups. 11 a. m., worship service. Ser- no theme: "Are You In the Klng- 'om of God?”, based in St. Mark 1: 26-29. There will be a very Important business meeting immediately after the morning service this Sunday to elect a building committee to plan and supervise the erection of our new church. All members are urged to be present for this important meeting. FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH M. J. Duncan, pastor M. J. Duncan, Elder Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning devotional, 11 a. m. Young people's services, 7 p. m. Evening services, 8 p. m. Thursday evening prayer ser vice, 8 p. m. Tuesday evening cottage prayer service to be announced each Sun day (time and place). In the absence oi Elder Dun can, Elder Noel Harvey of Boise will supply Sunday, July 20. We welcome everybody to .our services. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. II. J. Gernliardt, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. intermediate fellowship, 7 p.m. Youth fellowship, 7 p.m. Evening Bible study, 8 p.m. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. RANGE FEED NOT ESPECIALLY GOOD IN MALHEUR CO. some damage to the first crop from McCall. rams. The feed growth on higher ranges Is a little late but promisee Visit in Boise— Mrs. M. J. Duncan and daugh to be good. ter went to Boise Tuesday for a Sisters Leave— visit of a few days with Mrs. Dun Mrs. Edward Frost, accompanied can's sister. her two sisters, Mrs. Nellie High tower and Mrs. Alice Gilbert, who Legal Advertising have been visitors at the home of Mrs. Frost for the past month, to FOR BIDS their homes In Salida, Colorado. School NOTICE board of district 18 will Mrs. Frost plans to visit her rela meet July 28 at 8 p.m., to receive tives for a month. bids for painting the schoolhouse and staining the roof; for cleaning B o y S c o u t s V a c a tio n — and painting the inside of the Accompanied toy Scoutmaster Leo building and for sanding the desks. W Child, Boy Scout troops 58 and Material will be furnished by the 19 left Tuesday morning to spend school board and work must be a 10-day vacation at Camp Billy completed by August 25. Bids will Rice at the grounds near Cascade, be received by W L. Chapin, route Idaho. Included with the boys from 2. Nyssa. Darrell Williams will pro troop 19 were Allan Frost Paul vide admittance to the schoolhouse. Flanary, Tom Foster and Robert First pub. Juy 17, 1947. Keveren. From troop 58 were Val Last pub. July 24, 1947. Dee Child, Jerry Williams, Lynn Ray, Carl Bair and Fred Mitchell. Too Late To Classify LOST— Child’s red wagon on Main Librarian Coming— Mrs. W. H. Hofstetter of Mon street. Return to Journal office or 17J2xp. mouth will spend the week-end at to Robert Wilder. the home of her daughter. Mrs. Ed FO R SALE)— Fryers for quick sale, Boydell. Mrs. Hofstetter, chief li each. Also Fox terrier puppies, brarian at the college of education, $1 E. R. Norman, south of air has timed her visit here between $10. port. 17Jlxp. sessions of summer school. FOR SALE;— 1 new Lindeman beet Visit Lakes— loader. Inquire E. L. Palmer, route Mrs. G. Ward Wieneke and son, with her sister-in-law, Margaret 1, Box 140, Vale, Oregon. 17J4xp. Wieneke, left Monday to spend a FOR SALE— We have a client for a large high class farm close to week’s vacation at McCall. town. ALso need a good 40 to 60 acre farm for a G. I. Return from Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans re ELxtra nice acre tracts near town turned home Saturday from a four- on highway. One of these tracts lay trip. They spent some time at has a new basement house on Salmon river and at Poverty flat it, $2700. md Warm lake and then went to $1725 8V4 acre tract real close In. For sale for $7350. one of the oleum In kitchen and utility room place must be seen to be ap finest two-bedroom homes In town. Thta preciated. lTJtfe. This house Is really built well. ED JAMISON REAL ESTATE Lovely wardrobes, automatic oil 252 So. Fourth St. heat, hardwood floors, Inlaid lin- « H «H f HC » . 1 ! POULTRY —ABOUT— Avoset Property If Interested YOUR GRAIN ¿W Your own grain can make good poultry mashes. Just bring it in and we grind and mix it with P u r i n a - s Concentrates A CUSTOM MIXINO SERVICE >* AI Thompson and Son HI. r 11 II | I I 1111111111111111 III 111111111! I I HI I'l 11I I III til HUH III III III HHHI III HI M lll.lll HI III Ill HI III Hf.HHIIIillH We Like The Co-operative Spirit that has been exemplified by the Owyhee Riding club in plans for presentation of the Nyssa Rodeo * July 23 And 2U We are glad to be a part of a community that shows such a fine spirit. NYSSA HEATING COMPANY I Mill I I I ! M ill.1.1.1 Mill III lll.lll lll.lll III IIMII.IIMII III III Mill III III III lililí III III IIH H I M M I M i H M IIMM IIM NYSSA RODEO TO NAMPA DEFEATS Stockmen report that cattle and BE ONE OF BEST sheep In Oregon are making good NYSSA 11 TO 10 gains, according to the bureau of agriculture economics In Portland. (Contihurd from Page One) (Continued from Page One) June rains have brought a remark and stake race. that the teams entered the fatal race Chitwood will appear in able Improvement tn the condition ninth with the count standing at the Frankie rodeo as clown and Brahma of range feed over the state as a 9 to 8 for Nampa. bull fighter. He will be accompani whole. Bonham, the second man at bat, by his famous mule "Whirley However, range feed conditions singled and B. DeCoursey drove ed have not been particularly good in out a home run that accounted for Gig". The Nyssa rodeo has been ap Malheur county, Assistant County two tallies, making the score 11 to proved as a Rodeo Cowboy associa Agent Leeds Bailey said. The rains 8 tion show so that professionals may were helpful In the higher eleva Nyssa made a valiant effort In draw for their performances tions of the county but at lower the ninth to win, but fell one short with points the association. Some out elevations much of the grass was of a tie. D. Willson made a double, standing rodeo performers ex burned up by dry weather before his third hit oi the game and pccted In Nyssa for the event. are They the June rains started. Prank Wilson, with two strikes on will Include Oren Pore of Walla According to the department of him, drove a grounder deep Into Walla, who took the world's cham agriculture's livestock and range left field for a home run. Holman, pionshlp for the best all-around report the supply of feed on west who replaced H Wilson, singled, but two years ago. He will also ern ranges shows the highest July Nyssa failed to score again before cowboy be one of the pick-up men for condition since 1942, with very the side was retired. favorable feed and moisture con Harley Tucker. Iserl relieved Graham on the Marion Osborn will be the an ditions east of the Rockies and in the great plains. Range and pas mound In the eighth inning with nouncer. two on base and none down. Business people of Nyssa are ask ture feed conditions are very good Nyssa AB R H O A E ed to wear some article of western to excellent, with good soil moisture Russell, ss 5 0 1 5 3 0 garb from now until after the supplies In Montana, the Dakotas C. Wilson, 2b Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kan show. The request was made at a sas. D. Willson, cf Oklahoma and norther Texas. meeting of the Nyssa chamber of P. Wilson, c Generally the feed growth on much commerce Wednesday noon. Hartley, rf of the range country was late and The chutes and corrals have been June Hartloo, If rains have delayed early cur completed and the grandstand will ing and maturing of range feed H. Wilson, 3b be finished and painted this week. Wild hay prospects are good, but McDonald, lb The arena and the space in front some northern alfalfa is short with Vaughan, s ub of the grandstand are enclosed with Holman, sub a wire mesh fence stretched on Iserl. sub Iron posts set in concrete. The Totals 39 10 15 27 14 2 pole fence around the race track Nampa AB R H O A K has also been completed. Club Basey, 3b members are now erecting lights E. DeCoursey. of for the arena. The track and Gibson, ss grounds will be sprinkled and prob Moad, c able sawdust will be placed in Bonham, lb front of the grandstand. Kuroda, 3b Members have been working on Chase, rf the grounds all of their spare time B. DeCoursey, If since the weather broke this spring Rogers, p A carnival will be conducted on Metzger, sub the grounds by a private com ToUls 42 11 18 27 13 4 pany. l-u 1 PURINA SEE Frank T. Morgan RATIONS COME TO THE RODEO C ’MON FOLKS , V fi . I’M READY •mnmmim.iiiiiii mhuh . hi imi ii ii hi hi hi hi , hi uhi , hhmmhi , m immi hi . hi m im i im i w hi hi n m u h i unii July 23-24 SUN TAN OILS SUMMER COLOGNES Refresh Yourvelf at Our Fountain Owyhee Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS PRESICION FILLED G. H. Peiraol, Owner Phone 29-W I HI 1112 HM HI M ItMWHUI M H t t H R M ’M M HI H I I I 1111111 II! I Attend The First Annual NYSSA RODEO And Race Meet Wednesday And Thursday July 23 And 24 Welcome To Ny« Rodeo While You’re Not Hauling Potatoes For the Calf Roping At The Nyisa Rodeo to be held July 23-24 COME ON, YOU COW WADDIES, TRY ME! Nyssa Elevator Nyssa Rodeo Grounds CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Owyhee Riding Club SPONSOR OF THE EVENT HARTLEY PRODUCE CO. OWYHEE PRODUCE EASTERN OREGON PRODUCE CO. J. C. WATSON CO. S1MPLOT WESTERN IDAHO PRODUCE i