THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX MARRIED IN NEVADA Mr. and Mrs. Prank Sorensen of Parma have announced the marriage of their daughter Loretta, to Dr J. R. Cundall of Nyssa. The marriage was performed in Nevada in February. Dr. Cundail, son of Mrs. W. J. Cundall of South Bend. Washington, has been prac ticing dentistry in Nyssa for sev eral years. Mrs. Cundall has been employed In his office as nurse. —s— DOUBLE WEDDINO PLANNED Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Johannessen of Homedale have announced the Warm air can ba diractad an driver’! faat Dafroitnr clear, wlnddiiald of maw, lea, «laal and candnmation. • r~- OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. ixemplified the work nicely. Mrs. Hall during her brief talk, compli mented Mrs. Rigney on the pro- tress of the girls in the work and .aid that she would recommend hat a charter be given to Nyssa lethel, U.D. * A group of mothers served a unch buffet style. The table wa:- centered with a large bowl of pink •oses and coral pink poppies. The mothers were Mrs. O. E. Cheldel- in, chairman; Mrs Clayton Jen sen, Mrs. Virgil McGee, Mrs. James Malloy, Mrs. Ed Henderson and Mrs. Harlan Diven. ^igagement of their daughter. Dor- | othy Aster, to Dean Larkin of Nyssa and Art Holter of Monroe, I Oregon has announced the betroth-' al of his daughter, Norma Jeanne, to Ernie Larkin of Nyssa. The boy» are sons of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Larkin of Nyssa. The two couples have set June 16 as the date tor their double wedding. Social News CHARTER RECOMMENDED FOR JOB'S DAUGHTERS At a special meeting of the Nys sa bethel of Job's Daughters Thurs day, May 29, Mrs. Gladys Hall of Portland, grand guardian of the International Order of Job's Daugh ters of Oregon, inspected the local bethel to recommend that a chat- ter be given and to install the guardian council for the coming year. The council was installed as fol lows: Mrs. Josephine Rigney, guar dian; Jacob Simmons, associate guardian; Mrs. Katherine Simmons, guardian secretary; Mrs. Rae Tru- bert, guardian treasurer; Mrs. Alma Lee Diven, guardian of music; Mrs. Otilla Boydell, guardian o. sociability, Mrs. Mildred Renstrom guardian of paraphernalia; Mrs. Mary Thomas, guardian of finance; Mrs. O. H. Pelrsol, guardian ol hospitality, and Mrs. Bert Lien- kaemper, guardian of publicity. Patricia Grunke and Jane Parr were init‘ated into the order. Visitors. Mrs. Dorothy Tyson, guardian of bethel No. 27 of Par- Mrs. David W. Hall, Jr., the former Ilea May Kreager of King- man Kofony, was married May 2- n Winnemucca, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Hall will make their home ii Kingman Kolony. ma, and Mildred Findall, past queen if No. 27, Parma, spoke briefly. The girls, wearing new robes, BE HER LEADING MAN Prescriptions RECITAL PLANNED A program of music is being pre pared by piano pupils of Miss Wil- lehnma Hoffman. A recital of pi ano solos and ensemble numbers Aill be presented to the public Fri day evening, June 13, at 8:15 in he Methodist church. Persons in- erested are invited to attend. A number of the students taking >art in tlie recital will present se- eetions which they will play in .he national piano auditions in 3oise next Saturday. William O’ Toole, noted musician, author and lecturer of New York City, wid officiate as Judge at the auditions EASTERN STARS MEET Mrs. Marie Black was initiated into the Order of the Eastern Si a. at a meeting of the Nyssa chaptci in the Masonic hall Monday night The members discussed the grand chapter session, which will be held June 9 to 12 in Portland. Dele gates from the Nyssa chapter will be Mrs. Basil Rogers, worthy ma tron; Mrs. Bernard Frost. Mrs. Ken Renstrom, Mrs. Jean Fletcher and PRESICION FILLED Owyhee Drug Co. Phone 2S G. H. Peirsol Firing Of F irecrack ers TH U R SD AY, JUNE 5, 1917 Mrs. Herbert Fisher. Mrs. Fisher has been chosen as one c f the grand pages. Guests of the 'chapter were Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie, who recently moved to Nyssa. Refreshments were served by 3ert Lienkaemper, Bernard Frost, Ken Renstrom and Ed Frost. - » WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETS Ladies of the Wednesday ev- •mng bridge club were guests of Mrs. Ed Frost. Mrs. Herbert Fish er held high score and Mrs. Sid Burbidge received the traveling >rize. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Mr. and Mrs. Jack Galloway en tertained Monday evening in honor of their daughter, Phyllis, on her 5th birthday. A barbecue dinner was served on the lawn to mem bers of the immediate family, and to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee and family and Miss Angela Peterson. —I — CLUB been visiting here for two weeks during Mr. Brady's leave from the navy. They made the trip home by train, but their car, ordered more than a year ago, arrived and they returned to California by automo bile, leaving Friday evening. Monday evening to meet Mrs. George Gerlinger of Portland, na tional committeewoman from Ore gon. Following a buffet supper served to 25 persons. Mrs. Gerlinger gave an informal talk and answered questions. Among the out-of-town guests REPUBLICAN WOMEN MEET A group of republican women and were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Staples of their husbands gathered at the Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Frank Morgan home near Nyssa Gallagher of Ontario. Stop Grasshoppers For What To Use And E N T E R T A IN E D Members of the Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening bridge club played ’ aids at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Henneman. High scores were made by Ron Whitaker and •Mrs. Harry Miner. K_ WOMEN'S COUNCIL MEETS The women's council of the Christian church met Thursday, May 22 at the Bob Dewey home. Mrs. Chet Mosier was in charge of devotions. Tea towels were fin ished for the church kitchen and olans were made to send clothing to Indians at Toppenish, Washing ton. The next meeting will be held Thursday, June 12 at the home of Mrs. Harold Robbins. —3— ENTERTAIN FOR GUEST Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Brady enter tained at a dinner last Friday for their family and house-guest, Deane Clarkson of Eugene, Oregon. Places were laid for 10. Those Present were Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Brady and daughter, Barbara Lou ise of Oakland, California, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Brady and daughter, Peggy of Emmett, and MLss Ann Brady, who was home for the week-end from ¡me University of Oregon. The E. B. Brady family had When To Use It CALL Simplot Soil Builders Ontario Phone 108 Nyssa Phone 3 Caldwell Phone 22 «'in in m i in in unii in iii hi in ti limi i i in in in in in limimi in in m in nun in in 11 n in in in in in in in in in in m m m w Donkey .Softball J aywalker ; " |' m O r O IN O r ' To C o s t S o m e o n e A LOT OF MONEY-" Is In V iolation O f CITY ORDINANCES cAuTO INSURE tmMrifid Jjtrr man. Y o u r s e l f a g a i n s t T h is f e l l o w - / complete line of shaving needs This is a warning and if the practice and grooming accessories . • • SOLO ONLY A T I iDRUO STORES is not stopped arrests will be made. NYSSA PHARMACY Renstrom Ins. Agency Longer lasting beauty for your clothes can be discovered at KEEP- U-NEAT Cleaners. Modern methods coupled with experienced labor and a desire to be of service to you assure you of satisfaction. We ask the cooperation of parents. , , . for greater By Order Of Farn£ Profits REFINANCE • BUILD IMPROVE with A FRIENDLY Chief of Police LAND BANK LOAN NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE SATURDAY, JUNE 7 f o r 3 0 yearn the I.and Dank ha« exten ded ron p e-T - tive cred it to progressive farm ers. Y O U ran have the things N OW that v-ill i e « r •*'**•'* y ou r in c o m e and m ake life fo r you and y ou r fa m ily m ore e n joy a b le. • V oice in M anagem ent • 10 to 4 0 Years to • I,ow" Interest K hi * m • L iberal Prepaym ent Pr**4!**»•«« Write or See Herbert J. Davis Sec.-Treas. Payette, Idaho KEEP-U-NEAT N.SEC0ND ST. • PHON&70 Friday; June 6 Nyssa Field 8 P. M. Proceeds for benefit of V .F .W . post of Nyssa. Watch Your Friends Perforin on the Donkeys. Admission: Adults 75c; children 30c. m i i m m m m ill run ii in in in in in in m in i m in in n in mm in m in m w mm m in m m mm mini in in wnnnnin Herriman One He battled Men for the rule of a domain “ KING OF THE WILD HORSES” Preston Foster and Bill Sheffield Cartoon and Comedy Mat., Sat., 2:30 .tom. 25c-9c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 4uc-»c, Including l a s Stop Service The Original Sealed Insulation SUNDAY & MONDAY, JUNE 8-9 Ida Lupino, Robert Alda, Bruce Bennett, Andra King, Martha Vickers and Alan Hale in COMPLETE MECHANICAL SERVICE ON “ THE MAN I LOVE” ALL MAKES CARS AND TRUCKS Bugs Bunny Cartoon “ Acrobatty Bunny” Mat., son., 2:30 Aotn., JOo-Jc, Inc. rai Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax GATES TIRES TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10-11 A love as Bold, as Beautiful, as Wild as the Hills that hid their story! A story filled with the fears and wild fury of the West. Teresa Wright, Robert Mitchum, Judith Anderson and Dean Jagger in “ PURSUED” COMPLETE LUBRICATION SERVICE TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 'P&USi&e.. STEAM CLEANING 1. It is m oisture probi 2. It is wind proof 3. It is firs resistant CAR WASHING AND POLISHING 4 . It is m ost efficient TIRE REPAIRING 5. It is perm anent RADIATOR POWER FLUSHING Color Cartoon Admission Evenings 25c-9c, Including Tax. THURSDAY & FRIDAY, JUNE 12-13 Here at Last— Is the Picture you’ve always hoped would come to the screen with the Magic of Disney’s Touch. Ruth Warrick and Bobby Driscoll in QUICK, COURTEOUS SERVICE “ SONG OF THE SOUTH” In Tychncolor Flicker Flashback Sports PLEASE NOTE— Matinee Thursday 2:80. Mat. Adm. 3tc->e, Inc. Tax. Adm. Evenings, M e-fc, Including Tax O. L. GALLOWAY MGR. L U M B E R i Ì Y c OMPANY "T h e r e 's a Yard Near Y ou' NYSSA. OREGON Herriman Motor Co,