Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1947)
Social Notes 550 YO U T H HONORED AT BANQUET IN N YS SA G Y M Five hundred-fifty attended the banquet given Wednesday evening in the Nyssa gymnasium in honor of the L.D S. aaronic priesthood boys and girls committee of the Weiser Stake, which includes On tario, Vale, Parma, Fruitland, Le- tha. Emmett, Owyhee, Adrian, and Nyssa. Lee A. Palmer, church leader of Salt Lake City, representing the presiding bishopric, was a special feUest. He presented 23 standards RAYBAN CALOBAR GOGGLES SUNGLASSES These may be ground to Prescription from your present glasses FOR INFORMATION PHONE 720 DR. G. W. GRAVES OPTOMETRIST Caldwell, Idaho Oregon Drivers!! Oregon Drivers' Licenses ONLY if your driver'* li B e a r in g W ill E x p ir e N u m b ers T h e s e M o n th s 5R 1 to 5R 33000 _______J u n e 1947 5R 33001 t o 5R 66000 ........... . J u ly 1947 5R 66001 to 5R 90000 _________ A u g . 1947 5K 99001 t o 5 R 132000 _______ S ep t. 1947 5 K 132001 to 5 R 165000 ________ O ct. 1947 5 m 65001 to 5 R 198000 ________ N o v . 1947 5R198001 to 5R23IOOO _________ D ec. 1947 511231001 to 5R264000 ________ Jan. 1948 5R264001 t o 5R297000 .... ...... .. F e b . 1948 5R297001 to 5R330000 .... ....... M a r. 1948 5R330001 to 5R363000 _________ A p r . 1948 5R363001 to 5R396000 ________ M a y 1948 5R396001 to 5R429000 ............ J u n e 1948 5R429001 to 5R462000 ......... - J u ly 1948 5R462001 to 5R495000 _______ A u g . 1948 5R495001 to 5R528000 ........... S e p t. 1948 5R52800I to 5R561000 ________ O c t. 1948 5R561001 to 5R594000 _______ N o v . 1948 5R594001 to 5R627000 _________ D ec. 1948 5R627001 to 5R 660000 ________ J a n . 1949 5R660001 to 5R693000 ........ .... F e b . 1949 M a r. 1919 5R693001 to 5R726000 ______ 5R726001 to 5R759000 ............. A p r . 1949 5R759001 to 5R792000 o r o v e r M a y 1949 These cense is below 5R-33.000. Q : W h ere? A: A n y d r i v e r ’ s lic e n s e c le r k o r e x a m in e r in y o u r area. Q. Take an e x a m in a t io n ? A : N o! Q : W1 en d o y o u r e n e w if y o u r n u m b e r is O V E R 33.000? A : S e e t a b le T I P : i ut id e ren ew cen se. w ill a t r ig h t. I f y o u ’ r e d r iv in g O re g o n b e fo r e y o u your d r iv e r ’s l i th e t a b le a t r ig h t p ro te c t you. C lip clip the wires, between you and summer at 2:15 p.m. Books for all Fifteen friends were present. His barn. Now located at Nyssa. Ray farms. God, by profanity, unclean living ages, with picture books for the cake was light pink with a waxed Peterson, 7th street west of c ity ! 3 acres for sale, close in, unlm- SJtfc. proved. and questionable stories". pre-school children ana also adult rase in the center. He received ^ Preston Mortimer was master of oocks are available. Stories will be many fine gifts. Also have several houses listed. FOR SALE— Fine row - crop 40, -5 ceremonies, Elva Blacker, pianist, read or told, some particularly for 5Jtf_. Restoration Celebrateti— near Adrian, good water right, fair and Ray Weatherspoon, song lead- j the pre-school chilcfjren. KEN RENSTROM In celebration ol the Aaronic improvements. er. Mr. Mortimer introduced local Phone I72-J residents, among whom were Su Priesthood which was restored to > acres near Apple Valley school, CLUB E NTE R TAIN E D perintendent of schools and Mrs. Mrs. Nettie Knowles entertained the earth 118 years ago, the Nyssa immediate possession. Henry Hartley, Mildred Williams, the Chatterbox club at her home i ward conducted a meeting Sunday. 1 40 acres on oiled highway. One girls' stake chairman, and her two | Friday afternoon. Seventeen mem- evening; with the young people m“ e out, unimproved counselors, Mrs. W ilford Bybee and' bers attended, with Mrs. Jones as haitng complete charge of the | 8 fY e f* 1 >ood *>-kcrc and larger Mrs. Doris Phillips. a guest. Roll call was answered meeting. “— The lighter and humorous sid e1 with ideas about interior decorat Reed Ray read the program and | of the program consisted of several ing. A gift was presented to Mrs announced the speakers. Mixed D o n M . G ra h a m impersonations of Frank Sinatra, Raymond Graham for her baby chorus of scouts and Beehive girls A i « r « positive Dinah Shore and the South Ameri • j son. Tw o food boxes were packed | sang "Days of Summer G lory” , treraion on icy can singer, Carma Leta, all done j for sending to foreign lands. A box j Stake authorities present were highways or tlip- Insurance Agency in brilliant costumes, by Lewis Bas- | will be packed the second m eeting, president of the girls committee, pory city stroot*. set of Emmett. A reading, " A Sol of every month. Require minimum i Mildred Williams, and her coun- dier Reminisces” , wa* given by maintenance. Con Mrs John Ridder was in charge j selor, Ruth Bybee and Fred Black- Fire ànd Automobile Mary Hansen of Vale, each sen of games, with Mrs. O. E. C held-' er, former stake chairman of the trolled by conven ient, dash tence bringing an uproar of laugh elin and Mrs. Jake Simmons win boys. Boys advanced in the priest ed switch. ter from the audience. A trumpet ning prices. hood were Cecil Bair, Lee Sher Insurance solo by Don Moss, accompanied by Refreshments were served. The man and Darrell Jones. A girls Mary Lou Schenk; dance specialty next meeting will 'be held with Mrs. quartet sang "Whispering Hope” Rentals Bonds by Garland Christensen of On Dallas Rogers June 13. and Norma Christoffer, recently tario, with a lady .dummy: a stunt. baptized into the L.D.S. church, Vale ward bishopric. “The Sack gave a talk on "W hat it Means to SH O W ER IS G IVEN Brothers” ; selections, male quartet, A pink and blue shower was Be a Latter Day Saint G irl". Talks Milo, Jacob and William Jensen given in honor of Mrs. Robert Dit- were given by Hellen Telford and and C liff Anderson; taps, played ty Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock Dean Hunter, Sixteen girls and 10 on the piano with a trumpet echo at the home of Mrs. Murle Mar- boys received awards for outstand- back-stage, and benediction by pre cum in Nyssa. Sixteen ladies were ing achievement during 1946. Elaine sident Phippin of Ontario. present for the occasion. Mrs. John Peterson gave the closing prayer. The L.D.S. Relief society of Nyssa Reeves was in charge of the en- j ---------------------- cooked the dinner and served it tertainment. Prizes were awarded Pi'-nic is Held— at six long tables extending from to Mrs. Howard Smith, Mrs. Henry The Nyssa Eagles baseball team FRUITS AN D VEGETABLES one end of the gymnasium to the Hintz and Mrs. Charles Ditty. The defeated the Caldwell Eagles 18 to other. Many bouquets of roses, peo honoree opened the many lovely 14 in a games played at the an- Sugar City breads and pastries. nies and other spring flowers ad gifts, after which refreshments nual picnic ol the local aerie Sun- orned the tables. The hostesses at were served. day, May 18. Races were held for the tables were Mrs. Arvel Child, —? — women and children and prizes Mrs. John Schenk, Mrs. Derlin Ha- T H U R SD A Y CLUB MEETS ; were given to the winners. The Highway 20, North of Nyssa mmon, Mrs. S. P. Bybee, Mrs. Hu Members of the Thursday after- lodge furnished ice cream, coffee bert Christensen. Mrs. Elwood Flin noon bridge club met at the home and punch. ders and Mrs. Myrtle Telford. of Mrs. R. O. Larson. The high I ------------------------ The banquet will be given each prize was won by Mrs. Artie Rob- School Man Employed— year in recognition of the achieve ertson and the traveling prize by G. Lowell Fuller of North Powder ments of the boys and girls be Mrs. J. L. Church. Guests of the has been employed as superinten- tween the ages of 12 and 21. luib were Mrs. A. C. Sallee and dent of the school at Adrian, suc- PACKAG E D E LIV E R Y M OVING JOBS Mrs. Church. eeeding Stanley Huffman, who will L IB R A R Y HOUR HELD __?__ ! go to Huntington to take a similar The Kngman Kolony P.T.A. held SONGS DISCUSSED i position. Mr. Huffman has been at its first library meeting Saturday, Mrs. Hprtense Zobell was host- Adrian for one year. Mr. Fuller May 24 at the Adrian grade school. ess to the Junior Women's Amity has been basketball and track Twenty-seven children attended club of Nyssa Friday evening. Mrs coach at North Powder for She the first story hour and checked Thelma Bybee, Nyssa poet and last five years. books to take home. song writer, was the speaker for Miss Daisy Secoy, children’s li the evening. She read a few of Hull Purclia-rd— Office In Ken Renstrom’s Insurance Office brarian in Malheur county library, her poems, of which she has writ E, J. Hobson, Nyssa, recently ac Phones 23-W and 103-J •‘tar'-s. nnd explained the ten nearly 500. She then conducted quired a registered Holsteln-Frles- summer reading program. Ail of an amateur contest and gave a lan bull from the herd of Edmund the children are reading for the prize to the winner. Mrs. Bybee L. Palmer, Vale. Change of owner certificates which the P.T.A. will sang and played some of her songs, ship for this animal, De K ol Inka awuru in the fall. played some o f the recordings of Burke Boy 938932. has been offlcl These library meetings will be uci o, and showed _______ _____ her ou.,B songs, how _____ music ally recorded by the Holsteln-Frle- held every Saturday during the rould be written using th« letters1 sian association of America, Brat- In one's name. Business of the club tleiboro, Vermont. was discussed and refreshments were served by the hostess to nine members and two visitors. The j _____ _ * next meeting will be held at t h e W A N T E D ^ Donations of clean, Insurance Real Estate home of Mrs. Nelda Schenk F r i - ' white rugs, any size, any amount, Weekly Market Report for June 3, 1947 day, June 13 at 8:30. The program Nyssa Nursing home. 5J3xp Receipts: Cattle 554, Hogs 155. will be arranged by Mrs. Ann Beus LOST_ Biack toy bulldog with and Mrs. Mabel Skeen. Cattle: Fed steers $20 to $23, Fed heifers $18 to $20, Good Phone 61 one eye, and white stripe on chest. cows $14 to $16, Beef bulls $15 to $16, Veal calves $14 to $23. Weight, about 8 pounds. Answers N' ssa, Oregon V IS IT O R IS GUEST Fleshy stocker and feeder steers, $17 to $20, Fat hogs, $25.70 top, to the name of Mickey. Belongs to Mrs. Gladys Hall of Portland, a two-year-old girl. Reward for Parking sows $18 to $21, Feeder pigs $24 to $25.50, Lamlbs $18 to $20.10. grand guardian of Job's Daughters, i ¡n( ormation for his return. Grant was a luncheon guest of Mrs. Jack p eterson c/0 Thompson Oil or Pet- Galloway prior to a meeting ol erson-s Blacksmith shop. 5Jtfc. Due to conflicting dates the horse sale sched Nvssa bethel U.D. last Thursday. I n ________________________________ the evening Mrs. Hall was the j FO R SALE— Gem seed potatoes. uled for June 7 will be postponed to Sunday, guest of Mrs. Josephine Rigney, W. O. Bailey, 6th and Maple. 5J3xp. puard'an. and Jacob Simmons, as June 22. sociate guardian, and other mem FO R SALE— New 4-room house bers of the council of the local with bath, utility room, inlaid lin- bethel at a supper served in the , , n i, n n u . . . i oleum, lawn, sidewalks. $4500. 671 dining room of Carls Doll House. Park Avenue. 5J2xP. Mrs. Hall was presented with a 1 corsage. FOR SALE— Wide mouth Mason fruit Jars, quarts and pints at half - 8 - CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y price. Also white enamel coal and Vernon Pond, son ol Mr. and wood range like new. Priced to Mrs. Kenneth Pond, was honored seil. 172, East Fourth street, Nyssa O N T A R IO — 413-M F R U IT L A N D — 522 on his 8th birthday with a party. FO R SALE— 1946 8-foot Co-op. combine with pick-up attachments, large rubber tires, 40 bu. grain bln. seed re-cleaner, seed screens. Has cut only 200 acres. $1700. J. 8. Trummell, box 455, Nyssa. 5J2xp. ELECTRIC SANDERS f° *S a ¿ e DRIVING OWYHEE TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. Tuttle’s Fresh Produce Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day. YOUR DRIVER S LICENSE EXPIRES THIS MONTH ONLY IF NUMBERED BETWEEN 5R-1 AND 5R-33,000. Apply NOW lor renewal it. ROBERT S. FARRELL. Jr„ Sec y of State GENERAL HAULING Nyssa Sanitation Service j Too Late To Classify Bernard Eastman KILL IESW W E W e have the famous Purina Fly and W eed Killers and we know how to use them for best results. It will pay you to check with us before buying any spray. S. . , s Mi « % s 'V - Dr.J.H. Berger V E T E R IN A R IA N HAND SPRAYER sMf-- ' PRESSURE SPRAYERS Several sizes. Built strong. 3»/2 Gallon Capacity. Box D Phone 135J Nyssa. Oregon $8.75 65c ^Two or three sprayings with P u rin a D D T II YOUR control flies in farm : . ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. “Where Buyers and Sellers Meet” Elli* White, Manager 413-M Ellis White & Clayt Tschirgi (Shirge) Aucts. KILLS FLIES FOR W EEKS * PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y JO U RN AL, NYSSA, OREGON quorum awards (framed in glass) to those groups who qualified for outstanding achievements In the aaronic priesthood, for the year 194« Mr Palmer said, "Weiser stake is one of the first stakes to quali fy for these fine awards." Among the girls, Ontario received one award, Letha, two and Nyssa 100 per cent in receiving three awards. Mr. Palmer's talk was on "How Many of You Are Getting Tuned to The Lord” ? He related faith pro moting stories of the pioneer Ja cob Hamblin, then said "You can get through to God, if there are not too many cobwebs of disobedi ence cluttering up the wires. Don't buildings all season. REPELLENT / ’W : PURINA DDT SPRAY PURINA FOR FARM B U I L D I N G S A N D S T O CK CATTLE DAIRY SPRAY h J * FOR SALE— 1943 Ford Jeep with station wagon top. Five first-class tires, new battery, 16,000 miles, Just painted. Price $900, half cash, $875, all cash. New car guarantee for 30 days. Powell Service garage. 15MtfC. FO R SALE— Quonset hut, 40 feet by 100 feet, all metal building, ex cellent machine shed, warehouse or ROOF ALUMI-SHIELD Keeps flies off cows 1 s PURINA DDT r v . v_ . FOR THE HOME Its killing effect on flie s, mosquitoes, roaches, ants, etc., lasts for days. viTiS PURINA WEED KILLER Kills all common broad le a f weeds in lawns, pa stu res, fence rows# CONTAINS 5# DDT com rows. Pint 40c Gallon $7.50 Al Thompson 6* Son Phone 26, Nyssa, O re g o n PURINA I N S EC T O I L Use once a year in poultry houses, hog farrowing housss, dairy bams, stc. y KILLS GERMS l MITES PRESERVES W000 ' Gallon $1.50 HEADQUARTERS PURINACH0WS and 0 Ä V A W sV W vyw i FARM SUPPLIES . . . the m odern roof coating that SÜMI-SNlIfJ Beautifies as it Protects This is the time to apply life-giving Asbestos Aluminum Roof Coating to those old asphalt or tar roofs, foo tu o jobs at one time... revit alize and beautify with Alum !-Shield . . . the metallic coating that protects your roof from destructive sun rays. Easily applied with brush or spray. AT T H E I R B E S T - F O R B O T H ARE STUNZ LUMBER CO. Nyssa, Oregon MORNING