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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1947)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE FOUR Estimation of Tax Levy Notice O f School Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters i t School District No. 26C, of Malheur County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of the said district will be held at the Grade School on the 16th day of June, 1947, at o oclock, P. M., for the purpose of discussing tne oudget for the fiscal school year,, beginning July 1, and ending June 30, 1948, hei einafter set forth. Schedule I BUDGET Estimated Receipt« and Available Cash Balances General Bond Int. Construction Special Fund & Sinking Fund (from) I Fund bond sales) Fund (3) ( 6 ) (5) (4) 00.00 00.00 00.00 $ 3.00000 00.00 00.00 00.00 15,500.00 1,300.00 9,000.00 31.000.0C 40.000.00 400.00 75,000.00 31,000.00 00.00 40,000.00 $104,200.00 Total All ITEM Funds (2) 1 Estimated Receipts from •I. Delinquent Taxes .................t 3,000.00 •2. County School Fund ........ - 15,500.00 •3. State Irreducible Sch. Fund . 1,300.00 4. Vocational Education ...... 9,000,00 5. From Speoial Improve. Fund 31,000.00 6. From Bond Sales .................. 40,000.00 7. Rentals ..................................... 400.00 8. State School Support Fund.. 75,000.00 •9 Estimated Total Receipts .$175,200.00 •10 Estimated Available Cash Balance or Deficit Add Cash Balance— De- _____ duct Deficit) ........... 00.00 •11. Estimated Total Receipts and Available Cash Bal ance or Deficit .................. $175,200.00 Schedule II—General Fund 00.00 00 00 $104,200.00 00 00 00.00 40,000.00 31,000.00 Estimated Expenditures The present district has been in existence for only one year. There is no prior history. Elementary " High Estimated Estimated Budget ITEM Schools Schools Expendi Elxpendl- Allowance tures for tures for for the Ensuing Ensuing Current School Year School Year School Year In Detail by Totals in Detail I. GENERAL CONTROL 1. Personal service: (1) Superintendent ....................( 2,642.50 00 00 •(2) Clerk ............................. (3) Stenographers and other 840.00 office assistants .................. •(4) Compulsory education and census ......... ........................... 300.00 00.00 (5) Other services 50.00 2. Supplies ........................................ 65.00 3. Elections and publicity *4. Legal service (clerk's 'bond, 75.00 audit, etc.) ................................... •5. Other expense of general con trol: 255.00 ( ) ................................................................................ •6. Total Expense of General Control 4.227.50 IT. INSTKTJCTION— Supervision 1. Personal service: • ( 1 ) Principals 1,705.00 (2) Stenographers and other 00.00 office assistants .................. 2. Supplies, principals and supervisors ................................. 200 00 3. Other expense of supervision .. 115.00 •5. Total Exprnsr of Supervision 2,020 III. INSTRUCTION—Teaching • 1. Personal service: • ( 1 ) Teachers ............................. 64,520.00 (2) Veterans Program 00.00 (3) Steno. Vet Pr. 00.00 •2. Library supplies, repairs 75.00 •3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) 3,075.00 •4. Textbooks 2,000 00 5. Other expense of teaching 275.00 *6. Total F.xpense of Teaching $ 69,945.00 IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1. Personal service: % •(1) Janitors and other employees ......................... 5,920 00 •2. Janitors' supplies 750 00 •3. Fuel 1,650.00 •4. Light and power 1,400 00 •5. Water 21000 •6. Telephone 125.00 7. Other expense of operation 50.00 •8. Total Expense of Operation .. 10,105.00 V. MAINTENANCE A REPAIRS *1, Repair and maintenance of furniture and equipment ....... 700.00 •2. Repair and maintenance of: (1) Buildings and Grounds 2,500.00 3. Other expense of maintenance and repairs ............................ 250 00 •4. Total Expense of Maintenanee and repairs 3.450.00 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Health service: *1. Supplies and other expenses ...... 50.00 2. Transportation of pupils: •(I) Personal service 4,738.00 ' •(2) Supplies and other expenses 2.100.00 •(3) Repair and replacement of busses ..................................... 7.500.00 •4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies 14.388 00 VII. FIXED CHARGES •1. Insurance 1,000 00 Other fixed charges: ( 11 Retirement ......... 6.500 00 •4. Total Fixed Charges 7,500.00 VIII. CAPITAL OCTLAYS 1. New building ..................... •2 New furniture, equipment and replacements i ......... 2,125.00 •3. Other capital outlays: •(1) Library books 450.00 •4. Total CapRal Outlays 2.575.00 IX. DEBT SER VICE-NON- BONDEI» •1. Interest on warrants .............. •2. Total Oebt Service, Non- bonded X. EMERGENCY Total Schedule 11—General Fund-Total estimated ex penses for the year—sum Qf Items 1-6, II-5, HI-7, IV-8. V-4. VI-4. VH-t, VIII-7. IX-3, X 1 2,642.50 00.00 840.00 00.00 50.00 65.00 75.00 5285.00 00.00 1,680 00 300.00 3,986.00 130.00 150.00 100 00 100.00 100.00 150.00 335.00 4,007.50 590.00 8,235.00 8,235.00 330 00 5,731.00 1,845.00 1,740.00 32500 100.00 4,010.00 3,550.00 1,740.00 525.00 215.00 6.030.00 6,030.00 3,090.00 800.00 450.00 200.00 4,540.00 38,200.00 3,600.00 480.00 150.00 2,300.00 50 00 1,850.00 $ 46,630.00 (F rom 800.00 265.00 102,720.00 3,600.00 480.00 225.00 5,375.00 2.050 00 2,125.00 $116.575.00 $116,575.00 3,420.00 600.00 950 00 1,320.00 21000 150.00 50.00 6,700.00 9,340.00 1,350 00 2,600.00 2,720.00 420.00 275.00 100.00 16,805.00 500.00 1,000 00 150.00 1,650.00 1.200.00 3,500.00 400.00 5,100 00 50.00 3,162.00 1,400.00 5,000.00 9,612.00 450.00 4,400 00 4,850.00 100 00 7,900 00 3.500.00 12.500.00 24.000.00 1.450.00 10.900.00 12.350 00 16.805.00 * 5.100.00 24,000.00 12,350 00 71,557.00 175.00 J,575.00 1,400 00 575.00 $77,282.00 7,278,00 1,300.00 1,850.00 2,050.00 400 00 275.00 100.00 13,253 00 1,425.00 4,400 00 225.00 6,050 CO 50.00 6,848.00 2,900.00 9.750.00 19,548 00 1,070.00 1,070.00 10 . 000.00 1,050.00 400.00 1,45000 00.00 7,144.37 40,000.00 0.00 31,000.00 20,000.00 00.00 7,144.37 00.00 00.00 00.00 20.000.00 3,000 00 95.095.00 73.126.00 21.969.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 GIRLS OF ADRIAN The WIN 4-H HONORS Happy Farmer 7,144.37 20,000.00 were dinner guests In the Ray Elliot home, Kingman Kolony Sun day. Dorothy and Betty Jean Toomb were dinner guests Wednesday in the C. W. Wilson home In On tario. The Adrian Community cannery will be started Friday. June 13. The doors will be open at 8 o’clock In the morning, and all produce must be In by noon. The cannery will be in the Adrian hglh school agri culture building again this year. MITCHELL BUTTE GIRLS WIN AWARDS MITCHELL BUTTE (Special)— At the annual 4-H spring style revue held Wednesday, May 28 In On tario, a number of the Mitchell Butte Busy Bees* won awards for their sewing. The following ribbons were aw arded: First year sewing girls were Jacqueline Smith, who won a red ribbon for second prize and Geneva Connaughy a green ribbon for third place. Bonita Langlols, a second year student, won a red ribbon for sew ing and also a blue for first prize in the style show and Maxine Ky- gar, a green ribbon for her sew ing. Third year students winning green ribbons were Georgia Ward, Molly Connaughy, Darlene Haney. Darlene Smith and Vivian Hoke. Darlene Haney won a blue rib bon for styling her dress. Darlene Smith and Bonita Lang lols won a first award in demon strating “How to Iron a Shirt”. This award entitles the girls to represent Malheur county at the state fair in Portland this fall. The following girls have won scholarships to the 4-H summer school in Corvallis June 17 to 27: Darlene Smith and Vivian Hoke are sponsored by their own club and Betty Culbertson by the Owy hee P.T.A. The girls will be accompanied oy their leader, Mrs. Frank Knotting- ham, who will be one of the chap erones from the county. of church affiliation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown were in Boise Sunday for the wedding ADRIAN (S pecial)- Mrs. L. W. of Miss J °yce Currie- frlend ot Mra Dierklng and Norma Jean. Mary Brown- ^ r m the evening they Lou Jensen, Marjorie Bowers and attended the Boise Junior college Mrs. Clyde Steelman were In On- baccalaureate services, tario Tuesday shopping and at- i Mr. and Mrs. Dick Case of By Clarence Nircum tending the 4-H show. Norma Jean Springfield, Oregon visited Mrs. was In the bread-making contest, r Ellen Sparks Saturday. Lieutenant Cloninger’s health is Mary competed In the dollar j Joe Beach of Madras and Don going bad on him again. His many dinner Lou and Marjorie in the health ■ Moore of Portland were callers, years in the army has left its m irk contest. Norma Jean and Mary Sunday, In the home of Mrs. Ellen on him and any way none of us Lou won in their contests and will Sparks. Mildred Sparks was an overnight old “Has beens” are not so young go to Salem in the fall to compete | guest Saturday of Pat Clark In as we used to be. Mr. Cloninger for Mr. the and state Mrs. awards. C. Glenn Brown, Wilder. about fizzled out last summer be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. Ora Thomas and Doris Cearley fore thet summer was out. He and Mrs. H. M. Korman Brown. and Kris of Parma spent Thursday afternoon DR. EDWIN W. “passed-out" a couple of times tine and Mr. and Mrs. Bob visiting Mrs. Ellen Sparks. while a t work. He spent most of man of Caldwell fished and East Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright pic OLDHAM, D. C. the winter “convelsting” (that spel near Beulah dam Decora ling again) in a Portland Hospital. nicked day. He came back this spring stepping tion Chiropractic Physician Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas Rheumatism high feeling fine again. Now the spent and Arthritis Decoration day with their summer Is just getting started and daughter, Physiotherapy R. E. Dllle, and Doctors differ as to the merits of he asks himself. Where did it go? family near Mrs. Weiser. Jean Dille, NUE-OVO. Many users say it has The spring in my step and all of their Electrotherapy returned to brought them relief. If you suffer from my Pep? I am telling you anyone Adrian granddaughter, with them to spend a week. Rheumatism or Arthritis why not who thinks the farmers are getting Mr. and Nyssa, Oregon Howard Hatch, write for literature on NUE-OVO rich and liveing a life of ease. Well Barbara and Mrs. McGinnis, Bet from Research Laboratories, Inc, they better thoroughly investigate ty Lou Jarvis, Joyce Over Dime Store the Robert Webster 403 N. W. 9th, Portland, Oregon. it before they try It. family and Mr. and M r» Clyde Pd. Adv. Well I found a name for those and Donna Lee were little jiggers the thinners set 'down' Steelman among the Adrian families who at on while they thin beets. “Field the boat races at Lake Lo Creeper" quite simple isnt It? but tended Sunday. I was looking for some majestic well Clyde Steelman attended name. Boy they sure win a place the Mrs. bridal shower given for Joyce in a beet thinner’s hart. Higgins. Saturday afternoon, in the The gravel trucks that have Big Bend community at the home been gravelin that two mile of Mrs. Leroy Bennett. The bride- road still left on the old CCC of to-be received many lovely and camp road finished that job and useful gifts. The hostesses, Mrs. before they left they graveled some Verl Bishop, Leroy Bennett ^ driveways for some of us Oow Hol- and Mrs. Dyre Mrs. served re Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of lowites. With their machines to freshments of ice Roberts, cream, cake, and load and dump trucks to scatter coffee. School District No. 26-C of Malheur County, we can hire it hauled much cheap Dorothy Toomb returned to her ! er T than i we could haul It T our “ selves | home In Reuben, Idaho Saturday State of Oregon, that the annual election of and shovel it both ways by hand. ^ spending the past week vls_ It cost me $1.40 per load “4cu. yds." her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ’ said district will be held at the elementary To do that by hand it would take iting William Toomb. She plans to go a lot of "Elbo-grease”. to summer school for the next . T hat was a rather peculiar crack six school between the hours of 2 :00 p.m. and 7 :00 that I made the last time about Mr. weeks. Mrs. L. W. Dierklng and ( Preachers. It did read like I was Norma and Jean shopped in N am pa: p.m. on the third Monday of June, being the lnsunwatlng. (Oh I wish I had studied spelling more while i was Saturday. Hester and Donna Ma 16th day of June, A.D. 1947. In school). When the man. that ria Catherine spent Tuesday with he had thought was his best friend, Donna Peterson Lee Steelman. This election is called for the purpose of smote him with a sword Caeser Mrs. Laurence and daugh said; “Thou too Brutus” and then ter, Lorraine, are Hester visiting in Cali electing one director for a term of five years. added "That was the most unkind cut of them all”. Wouldent it be fornia. Dally vacation Bible school will fine if "Brutus" was the last of be held from June 9 to 20, inclu- 1 Dated this 5th day of June, 1947. the _ Brutes. . .. M „ s y J ^ found ____, sive, in g the Adrian high The weekending Registration lee of school 50 c most all of Cow Hollow’s beet pays for supplies, treats, and some Attest: thinning done. Don Parker still softballs for the boys and girls has a few and the man on the for play during recreation period. 1 Henry H. Hartley 0. E. Cheldelin Sage place, jotnes me on the east Games be held for smaller \ but I still cant remember his name. children. will Reverend H. E. Moore , Any way he isn't quite done thin should be contacted by those hav- | District Clerk Chairman, Board of Directors ning beets either. lng children who expect to attend. The other day a passer by sat In his truck and pointed over here Any child is welcome regardless and ask, “Is that tall house over yonder on the bench, and no trees around it, where the "Happy P ar mer” lives”? “Yes.” "Well why dont you neighbors go together and set out some trees Order Your around It for him?” The soft harted man replied, "Well we are afraid we might wake up some morning and find that some of his readers had hanged him on one of them”. Its a heck of a life. Every time I open my big mouth I get my foot into it.” Notice Of Annual School Election 175.00 3.000 00 196.295 00 142.924 00 5.500 00 1,644.37 7.144 37 7,144 37 14.500.00 2.133 63 v16.633.63 BUY A New Jeep 40.000 00 40.000 00 40.000 00 00 00 We allow highest trade-in val ues for used ears traded in on Jeeps and New ears. Write us today for further de tails and information. We carry in stock Wiliys parts for Wiliys cars and Jeeps. Phone or mall your order. Bond Issues) 104,200.00 92,095.00 « 00.00 92,095.00 negotiable Interest-bearing warrants Issued under $40,450.00 section 111-1016, O.C.L.A.) 2. Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants 00.00 Issued and endorsed “not paid for want of funds”. 00.00 3. Amount of other Indebtedness ................................. $40.450.00 Total Indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2, 3) Dated this May 14, 1947. Signed: HENRY HARTLEY, District Clerk. O. E. CHELDELIN, Chairman Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee May 12, 1947. Signed: LOU HE1RRIMAN, Secretary Budget Committee. DALE GARRISON, Chairman Budget Committee. •Indicates principal items used in Third Class districts. 175.00 175.00 3,000.00 Schedule V—Special Improvement Fund (S erial Levy, Etc.) 00 00 36.820 00 00 00 17.825 00 \ 00 oo «355 00 00 00 »1.000 00 51.000 00 Schedule VI—Summary of Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts sind Av- ailable Cash Balances, and Tax Levies. SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT FUND- •1. New buildings .......... 36.820 00 *2. Alteration of buildings (not repairs) ................................. 17,825 00 •3. New furniture, equipment and replacements ............. - 6355 00 •4. Total Schedule V—Special Im- Improvement Fund 61.000 00 _____________________Indebtedness 4.025 00 175.00 175.00 3,000 00 General fund Bond Int. Si Construction Special Sink, fund Fund Tot. Improve. Total Total Schedule IV Fund Tot. Schedule II Schedule V Schedule III 51,000 00 40,000.00 196395.00 7,144.37 Total All Funds 294,439.37 DEDUCT: Total estimated receipts and avail able cash balances (Schedule I) 175300.00 Amount necessary to balance the 119339.37 DEDUCT: Deficit forwarded to next fiscal > 00.00 year Balance to be raised by taxation 119,239.37 ADD: Estimated amount of taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal year for which this budget Is made _______ ___________________ 3,000 00 Total estimated tax levies for en suing fiscal year .............................. 122,239.37 Analysis of estimated tax levies: Amount inside 6% limitation — Amount outside 6% limitation .... 1,525.00 750.00 12,275.00 3.175 00 850 00 4.025 00 Schedule 111—Bond Interest and Sinking Fund DFBT SERVICE-ROND INTER EST AND SINKING FUND *1. Principal ou bonds (include negotiable Interest - bearing warrants Issued under section 111-1016. O. C. L A.) ............... •2. Interest on bonds ..................... •3. Total Schedule III—Debt Ser vice-Bond* and Interest Schedule IV — Construction Fund CONSTRICTION FI ND— 1. New buildings _ ___ ___ 40.000 00 •2. Total Schedule IV—Construc tion Fund 40,000.00 00 00 THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 Watts Motor Company Nyssa, Ore.. Ph. 144J Hay Growers Attention Hydraulic Farm Hand And Olson Hi-Lift Buck Rake NOW New models now on hand. Installation made at your farm. We have 10-pound T-type fence posts. Buy 1 or a carload. Call Or Write B AND N EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. Phone 330 CALDWELL or Call Leslie Burbank, phone 015-R1 Nyssa, Oregon IDAHO 4