Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1947)
Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car terprise, Oregon, % Paradise, Ore and clyinder lock keys made. Wes gon. 22M3xc tern Auto Store. 250tfc. FOR SALE— Baby crib with inner- MISCELLANEOUS— bew’.ng macn- spring mattress, buggy, bassinet aies wantea. ueadies, portables aau bathinet. Mrs. Jean Fletcner. 15Mtf electrics, any condition. Will pay top prices. Phone 247M, P. O. Box FOR SALE— Good 40-acre dairy 808. 469 So. First St. F. "Lete ranch complete with equipment Sackett. Ontario. Rebuilding,- elec and stock. Immediate possession. 5Dtfc. FoQr miles from town. Bernard trifying, repairing. Eastman. 17Atfc. M is e E LLANEOUS — Electrolux FOR SALE— Business lots, 200 by cleaners sales and service. Price free demonstration 150. Priced right. Bernard East $69.75. For man. lOAtfc phone 567-J4 or write Ed A. An derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. 17Atfc. FOR SALE— 40 acres in Big Bend district, old water right, fair five- room house, Immediate possession. MISCELLANEOUS— White Swan 40 acres near Adrian, beets plant Help-ur-Self laundry. Free pick ed. Good five-room nouse out up and delivery. Ransom M. Sou buildings, Immediate possession. therland, phone 95-W. Nyssa. First 90 acres, all crops in, can be bought street, south Just off Main. 17Atfc. with some equipment. New three- CLEANING room house on Second street, Professional carpeting and up ready to move into. See or call holstery cleaning. Service in your Ken Renstroin. 3Atfc. home oy appointment only. Phone FOR SALE— All new fresh seeds, Roy Vawte> at the Keep-U-Neat 27Ftfc garden and field. Hollingsworths’, Cleaners. Phone 70. Inc. 27Mtfc CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stock received Monday. Tuesday, FOR SALE— Wallpaper, Vog-.e patterns, complete assortment. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. Nyssa Furniture company. 20Mtfc. to 8 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. No stock received on Sunday. FOR SALE— Be comfortable this Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery summer. Place your order now to Polar locker plant. for air-condltlonirig units. Nyssa One mile west on Alberta avenue Phone 05R1 Heating Co., Phone 169W. 20MtIo. JAKE FISCHER FOR SALE:— Allis Chalmers mod el M crawler with dozer, cab, pow Legal Advertising er take-off pulley with case, 2- bottom 2-way plow. Western Cor- NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION rugator company. . 13Mtfc. \ Upon Question of Increasing Tax Levy Over Amount Limited by F'OR SALE— Chicks. New Hatnp- Section 11, Article XI, State sliires, reds, white rocks, barred Constitution rocks. . buff minorcas, white leg- 1 Notice is hereby given that an horns, austra-whites, rock-Hamp- I election will be held in School shire cross. Available for immediate District No. 2G-C of Malheur Coun- and future delivery. $15 per hun- j ty state of Oregon, at Nyssa died. Vale Electric hatchery. 20Ftfc ] Grade School in said school dist- Advertising RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. After one month one cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, Is 30c. For Sale two inches. L. J. Josephson and Son, Payette, Idaho. 29Mtfc. ¡ FOR SALE— Thayer baby buggy, like new. Phone 161, Mrs. K. E. FOR SALE:—Four-room house with Kerby. 5Jtfc. bath,'basement, electric hot wat er heater, garage, two lots. 248 N. FOR SALE!— Fryers. Roy Holmes, 29M2xp. 3 miles west of Nyssa. 5J2xp. 5th street. FOR SALE— One electric oven and FOR SALE:— Air hydraulic cinder one two-burner hot plate in A-l block machine, suitable for fac j condition. Phone 177-J or call at tory, complete with mixer, convey 152 E. Third street, Nyssa. 29Mtfc. or. Will make 1,000 blocks daily, 8 by 8 by 16 inches. At a bargain. i FOR SALE:— Gorman-Rupp self- 923-11th Avenue south, Nampa, Id | priming pumps, gasoline or electric aho. 5J2xp. : driven, for lawns, gardens, etc. , Leo Fife, general repairing and 29M2xc. FOR SALE— Frank L. McGuire welding, phone 05-R11 lias for sale, located in Nyssa 1 three-room house, $2500; 1 four- HOMES FOR SALE— Good five- room, furnished, $3200, and a num- room house with bath, $4300. Some er of other homes and farms for terms. New four rooms and bath with sale or trade located near On tario. W. J. Graham, salesman, gas furnace. Can be financed FHA, 108 East Idaho St., Ontario, Ore., $6800. Close in. Modern three-room house with Phone 420-R. 5Jlxp. bath and full basement, large FOR SALE:—Three-bedroom house. chicken house. One acre ground, Double garage: 5 acres. One block $5500. from school. This is an excellent Five-room partly completed house, buy at $6000. Bernard Eastman, full basement, two lots. $3000. Several good lots for dwellings phone 64, Nyssa—Reaiestate—Ins urance. 5Jtfc. from $125 to $600. BERNARD EASTMAN FOR SALE— 75 Austra-whlte pul NYSSA PHONE 64 lets, 2\i months old. and 30 laying REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE white leghorn hens. Jesse Ditty, phone 010-R4. 5Jlxp. FOR SALE —Small size Gem seed potatoes or will put out to right FOR SALE— Singer model 78-3, parties one sack of seed for one heavy duty. Ebr leathercraft, uphol sack buck at digging time. Ekl stering, sacks and patching, tents, Jamison, phone 65-J. 29Mtfc. rugs, heavy canvas. New transmis sion and motor. New steel stand. FOR SALE— 1940 Indian Chief Laminated table top. Auxiliary mo motorcycle, model 74, new motor tor for ‘bobbin winder with knee and tires, sidecar Included. J. A. 29M4xc. control. Coose neck sew light. Com Russell, box 13, Nyssa. plete in every detail. F. “Lete” Sackett, Sewing machine supplies, FOR SALE— Modern 3-room furn Ontario, Oregon. 5J3xc. ished house with electric washer, $3500. J. S. Huntington, 459 North 22M4xp. FOR SALE— Good used bedroom 8th street. and living room furniture. May FOR SALE:— 200-acre farm, 65 ac be seen at White Swan laundry. Terms. 5J2xp. res under cultivation, 15 more irri gable, remainder in pasture. In 22M4xp. VACANCY— Local Rawleigh route quire Owyhee grocery. available. Good business opportuni i FOR SALE:— Pick-up box. Good ty. Start immediately. Car nec I shape. Nyssa Sanitation Service. essary. Write Rawleighs, Dept. 331, 15Mtfc. Oakland 7, California. 5J4xc. ! Phone 23-W. FOR SALE:— RCA cabinet radio. FOR SALE— 1939 Ford truck, long 151 North Third street. 22M3xp. wheel base, stock rack. Good rub ber and good condition. Elmer FOR SALE— 1030 acre stock ranch, Sparks, Adrian. 5J2xp. good winter and summer range, will run 100 head of cattle, 150 ac FOR SALE—5-room modern house, res farm land, balance good buifch garage, fruit room. Built in 1946. grass, plenty of spring water. Good G.I. loan on house. $1000 for pres siarroom plastered house with hot ent equity, 536 North’ ‘Slxth street. and cold running water and tele 2J3xp. phone, fair barns and other build Phone 011-J4. FOR SALE— One 6-row weeding ings, crop included, four head hor creeper. Priced to sell. Western ses and farm equipment. Priced at 29M2XC. j $10,000, half cash, balance 4% in Corrugator Co. terest. One and 14 miles from FOR SALE— Three restaurant school and five miles from Lewis ranges, two restaurant sinks, two ton highway at Paradise. Oregon. hardwood top cook's tables, 60 Owner selling because of ill health. screens, 15 park tables, pipe % to Write or see Bailey Sheldon, En- SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons ‘ DENTISTS F. F. BODMER Dentist Ph‘. 187W Wilson Bldg. J. R. CUNDALL Dentist L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Phone 58-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 Daily—lSxcept Sunday OPTOMETRISTS HAY BUYER DR. J. A. MCFALL W. F. JAHN Dealer in hay and grain Third at Good Ave. DR. JOHN EASLY JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a. 8 « :and FLOOR LAYING AND s X n d in g WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Re finished, Filled. Varnished Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Write N. J. Barnett Marsing, Idaho By Experienced Men pers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Har'.ey Wilson and sons and Mr. and Mrs. John Clark enjoyed a p.'^nlc Sunday at the riv er. Mr. and Mrs Grover Cooper were dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Clarence Castle of Kingman Kolony. Dinner guests Sunday In the Charles Ditty home were Mr and Mrs. Leslie Ditty and family of Ontario and T. H. Brewer of Owy hee. Mrs. John Reeves and Walter were callers in the same home. O. P. Council and daughter, Vera Faye were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bergam and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gregg attended the program Sunday evening at the Christian church in Nyssa, which was the closing feature of the two weeks Bible school held there. Over 100 children were en rolled. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Titland and children returned last week to their home here from Idaho Falls, where they visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Nlss Hatt o f Owy hee were callers Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Schwelzer. Kenneth and Jimmie Nicholson of Payette came Friday for a short stay in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Nicholson .' Mrs. Mildred Hite of Owyhee and Mrs. Threlma Elliot of Adrian were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodworth left Monday for their home In Na tional City, California after spend ing several days visiting In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fields. Mrs. Woodworth Is a daughter of Mrs. Fields. Darlene Stiner and Mrs. Cash Turner were among those who were ill last week. Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen Is still receiving medical treatment at St. Alphonsus hospital In Boise. Her condition Is unchanged. Kenneth Lorensen and father, H. C. Lorensen, were Boise bust- ess visitors Saturday. Chet Corfield and two sons, Jim and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corfield, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hann attended the boat race* at Lake Lowell near Nampa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Holmes and Mrs. Charles Myers and daughter, Barbara, of Nyssa were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cor field Sunday. FOR SALE— Several houses for j ? ct’ 1r° r, * * pu,rpose *Pb? 1ltft‘f ? sale. Attractive buys. See Frank I J? the “* al voftetrs 01 district T. Morgan. 16Jtfc i ,th* ^ s t l o n of ‘"«easing the tax levy for the year 1947 over the FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance. amount limited by section 11, ar Public Liability, Property Damage, tide XI, of the Constitution of Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed Oregon. The said election will be held In the best companies at lowest the 16th day of June, 1947, between possible rates. Bernard Eastman. the hours of 2 and 7 o'clock p.m. 14Ftfc. The reasons for increasing such levy are Increased enrollment has Found made it necessary to employ more FOUND— Mans billfold in resi teachers and other personnel and dential section. Owner may have to increase the number of class it by identifying it and paying for room units. Another factor is the general rise In costs of operation. this advertisement. 5Jlxp. The amount of tax in excess of the 6 % limitation, proposed to be LOST levied for said year is $21,969.00. Dated this 26th day of May, 1947. LOST— Wooden half section of a BIG BEND (Speciali— Mr. and Attest : truck tail gate, also 5-gallon oil Henry H. Hartley, District Clerk Mrs. Charles Witty and children bucket. Finder please return to O. E. Cheldelin, Chairman Board spent several days at Sterling, Kan Signal »Service station, Nyssa. of Directors. sas. They were accompanied home 5J2xp. by their daughters, Lorene and Ca First Pub. May 29. rol, who finished their sophomore Last Pub. June 12. LOST— Spool of barb wire between year of college there. Nyssa and Parma. Reward. Return Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach NOTICE TO CREDITORS to Eder Hardware. 5Jlxp. In the Matter of the Estate of have returned from Boise, where Flank A. Savage, Deceased they spent several days on busi For Rent NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ness. They left last week-end with FOR RENT— Polish your own That the undersigned has been Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty to floors. Rent our high-speed poi- duly appointed executrix of the ab- attend the State Grange conven ishing equipment. Easily handled ove entitled estate. All persons hav tlon. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. ing claims against said estate are Mr. Ketohum of Oregon Slope 3Atfc. hereby required to present the attended to Grange business In the same with proper vouchers, duly Bend last sveek. WANTED Walter Bishop took a load of cat verified, to the undersigned at Nyssa, Oregon within six ( 6 ) tle to McCall last week. HELP WANTED— Experienced, 1st months from the date of the first Mrs. Mary Brumbach, who has class mechanic. Herriman Motor publication hereof. been ill, is Improved and able to Company. Nyssa. 5Jlxc. Dated Nyssa, Oregon, May 29, be out. WANTED— Could use several steel 1947. Ada Connor Savage, Executrix RICHLAND WOMAN truck boxes, from G.I. Interna of the Estate of F’rank A. Sav tional 6 by 6 truck. Box 922. or ILL SEVERAL DAYS age, Deceased. phone 06-R1. lMtfc First pub. May 29, 1947. RICHLAND (Special) Mrs. PhUl WANTED— To buy anything in Last Pub. June 26, 1947. Harris has been ill for several days. b«*cf or °eal. Also buy banger cows Mrs. Adam Focht cared for her NOTICE TO CREDITORS or will handle for hide and offall Phone 31M or 011J1 22Atfc Publication In the Matter of the during her illness. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler and Estate of GEORGE L WING, daughters, Sharon and Dianne, Mr. Deceased MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Mrs. Ray Russell and daugh MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and That the undersigned has been ter, Loretta, and Mrs. Russell at free pick-up of your dead, crippled duly and regularly appointed Ad tended the boat races at Lake or sick livestock. Calls received be ministrator of the above entitled Lowell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Landreth fore 9 o'clock are picked up by estate. All persons having claims noon. Efficient drivers. Call col against said estate are hereby re were dinner guests of Mr. and lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys- quired to present the same ‘ w ith' Mrs. H. A. Dlven Sunday, jsa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products proper vouchers, duly verified, to I Mr and Mrs. Ralph Focht, Mr. Company. 5Jtfc. | the undersigned at Nyssa, Oregon and Mrs. Adam Focht, Mr. and — ! within six (6) months from the Mrs. John Lane, Mr. and Mrs. F. MISCELLANEOUS— Learn about date of the first publication here- P. Runcorn. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pillsbury’s best feeds. One bag to of. Runcorn and the H. L. Sisson a customer at reduced prices. An- j Dated Nyssa, Oregon, May 15, children went on a fishing trip and person Grain and Feed, 399 So. 1947. picnic Sunday. First street, phone 17-J. 29M3xr. I Lon E. Fry, Administrator of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell were the FState of GEORGE L. guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. By MISCELLANEOUS— Strayed, a bee at Ontario Friday. WING. Deceased. red white-faced bull calf, weight Juanita Morris Is visiting several First publication May 15, 1947 450 pounds, branded N.B. on hip. days with her sister, Mrs. Les Last publication June 12, 1947 Please notify Lei? McCoy, route 2. Woody. 29M2xp. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure were din WORK IS STARTED ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave MISCELLANEOUS— Floors sand ON SUNSET HOUSE Mitchell Sunday. Later, they at ed, old or new made perfect with tended the ball game in Home- large commercial machine, experi enced operators. Telephone Boise SUNSET VALLEY (Special)— Ed dale. Mrs. Adam Focht presented 0234-R1 or 057-J13. 29Mtfc. Mortensen has started working on the new house which is being er group of children on the Booster program Saturday morning to pro MISCELLANEOUS— I have dis ected for Oscar Muilenberg. solved partnership with L. J. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams and mote going to Sunday school and Intire and will not be responsible Janice and LeRoy of Wilder were church. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davis and for any debts other than contract visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. son, Stanley visited Mr. Davis' folks ed by myself J. A. Russell. 22M4xp. Oeorge Wilson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gregg were In Nampa Friday. MISCELLANEOUS—Ladles: H you dinner guests Sunday o f her fath Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler and are having trouble with your el er, Taylor Sandy of Nyssa. daughters attended the Payette ectric appliances, call 176W for re Mr. and Mrs. Eldon McOarvin Camera club picnic at Garden Val pair service. I repair washing ma and sons of Hood River were rec ley Sunday. chines. vacuum cleaners, hot plates, ent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dave Mitchell and Mrs. Dale electric clocks, clean and oil toast Kkl Stiner. Oarrison shopped In Payette Thurs ers, food mixers, waffle irons, el Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard and day. ectric irons. I also clean and repair children of Bates came Thursday Mrs. Ray Russell and daughters. sewing machines. Lowe's Home Ap to the home of her parents. Mr. Ruth and Loretta, Mrs. Russell and pliance Service shop, located in and Mrs. Cash Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orider shopped In the east side of the Phillips build Mrs. Howard left Friday for their Boise Saturday. ing on south First street. 8Mtfc. home while Patty and Jerry re Mrs. Nell Blackabee. Mrs E C. Van Petten, Mrs Charles Tuller, MISCELLANEOUS— Ask satisfied mained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bergam Mrs. D. M. Tuggart and Mrs. Vine customers, then call Roy Barnes, 148-J. to do your house painting, and family moved last week from Smith of Ontario were guest* of roof spraying and Kemtoning. Work the Rob Thompson house into the Mrs. Albert Pfeiler Thursday af done on hour basis on Job con new house recently built on the ternoon. Mrs. Dave Mitchell attended the tract. lM8xp. Marie Black property. Bergam lx farming the land owned by Mrs. Happy Eight Pinochle club meeting MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Black this year. The Edwin Bergam j which was held at the home of Loans on farms for refinancing, family will occupy the house va- Mrs. 8. P. Bybee Wednesday af- building, improvements, b u y i n g . cated by the Herbert Bergam fami- 1 temoon. < Mary Ann Focht U visiting a few Long term, low Interest, see Ber ly. Mrs. Ted Pomeroy and Mrs j days at the Bert Haney home nard Eastman, phone 64. Nyssa. Mr and Mrs BUI Gregg were JAtfc. Oeorge Wilson were Payette ahop- Professional And Business Directory PHYSICIANS THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 PAGE THREE dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. lace Gregg Thursday evening. . George Gregg. Mrs. Morgan and daughter, Mrs. Mr. huu Mrs. Robert Toyne and Ballah oi Denver, and Mrs. Gallo son. Jim, of La Grande were call way made little sugar sack aouven- ers in the Kenneth McDonald home Wednesday. iers for the Garden club conven Kay McDonald fell from her tion at the home of Mrs. Albert swing Wednesday afternoon and sprained her left elbow quite badly, Pfeiler Monday. Mr and Mrs. Dave Mitchell en requiring a trip to a doctor to tertained Mr and Mrs. E. H. Flesh- make sure there was no fracture. man and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Beck lead at a dinner at the coun NEWS OF RECORD try club Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. MARRIAGE LICENSES Russell of California are visiting James A. Lackey of Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell and fami and Maribelle Plttard of Ontario. ly for several days. Albert Pfeiler after surveying the COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Loyal C. Stoaks vs. Will Nordeen damage of Sunday’s hall and ram storm, says this is only one of a et. al. Damages. Neoda Crummitt vs. Alfred Cru- number of things than can and do happen to farmers every year, mmitt. Divorce. George R. Miller, Portland and He says, Who can know better than the farmer himself the am Helen L. Ellison of Boise. Clyde Jasper Carpenter and E3- ount of construction charges these ! dora Gertrude Silence, both of risks permit? Ontario. nPAI U IT C m i D M c n ' Eugene Wesley Hensley of On- vJrv/AL. r i l 1 t , n U K l N L U tarlo, and Floy Waneta Martin of IN SPRAY ACCIDENT,vale ___ ___ Allen Lee Anderson of Nyssa OWYHEE (S p ecia l)- Mr. and Mrs. a" i L ? l 0I “ HDe> Barnes of Ontario. Frank Campbell of Caldwell were | I‘ KT,T,, .ON^' PB? B.£ T ? . f ° A ,RT week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Guardianship of Delbert Hollo way. Werner Peutz. Estate of A. W. Conover, deceas Maxine Kygar returned home ed. Monday after spending a week Guardianship of David L. Beck. visiting at the home of her sis Guardianship of Capltola Beck. ter, Mrs. Dick Brown, in Boise. Estate of F’rank A. Savage, de Mrs. A. L. Atkeson and daughter, Bonnie, Mrs. John Reeves and son, ceased. Walter, and William Martin of BUILDING PERMITS Nyssa were dinner guests Sunday W. L. Parker, construction. First of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty. Mrs. Mildred Hite and Mrs. Wer street, block 63, Green addition, ner Peutz were business visitors in *6000, 26 toy 32, frame. Finley Shuster, enlargement. 5th Caldwell Wednesday. Oral Hite received medical care street, lot 11. block 27, Teutsch's $300, 24 by 18, frame. _ Thursday afternoon for facial burns addition, . received when the sprayer with' A Ch‘ >?' construction, which he was spraying his dhlcken forag e tanks on O n tarlo highway, coop blew up. I »10.000, three 12,000 gallon tanks. Saturday guests In the home of stee‘ oh concrete base.___________ T. H. Brewer were Mr. and Mrs. I John Westfall and children of Sen Serving 5 Counties eca, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westfall Prom the Largest Stock of and children of Portland, and the Westfall brothers' mother, Mrs. Genuine Daisy Mullins, and daughter, Mary Jane, of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John Westfall and ' children and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Part* Tallman and son were dinner, Orders Shipped Immediately guests In the Darrell Williams home Sunday. Mrs. Lila Nicholson arrived Mon day from Coffevllle, Kansas to vis it her son and daughter-in-law, Payette, Idaho Phone 49 Mr. and Mrs. Nell Nicholson. Fred Kllngback .was a Sunday Manser, Inc. Big Bend Build A Home You.Can Afford (now and five or 10 years from now) Materials used only long enough to be well seasoned. Complete buildings only. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHEETROCK, MASONITE, TOILETS, LAVATORIES, PIPE, ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES. MONDAYS, TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS ONLY * Ed Case’s Hi-Way Mdse. Mari. Nyssa Phone 74-J "NOTICE” For the fast removal of Dead or Worthless Animals Idaho-Oregon Rendering Company now has a direct telephone line to the plant. CALL COLLECT— Anytime NYSSA 100 , This locally owned plant is located at Arcadia Siding three miles north of Nyssa, Oregon. If possible to determine the cause of your animals' death we will do so at your request. IDAH OOREGON RENDERING COM PANY Manufacturers of Nugget Brand Meat Scraps “WE HAUL THE DAY YOU CALL” NYSSA 100